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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4792806 No.4792806 [Reply] [Original]

I want to hear some theories regarding collapsing wave functions to benefit ones self. Eg: How could you use the ability of known quantum theory to to benefit yourself by eliminating undetermined progressions via collapsing the wave function.

Lets have some fun with this one..

>> No.4792912

Born rule here, I'm gonna fuck up all your ideas.

>> No.4792934

>benefit yourself
quantum mechanics does not run on your soul. infact your soul is nothing but a concept to describe the process in which our body evolves to take on a personality(responses to stimuli/etc) to deal with the world.

>> No.4792974

Let's just leave it at the double slit experiment for now, my goal here is to keep it simple. The double slit experiment works well for this because it is very easy for anybody to understand, and that is conducive to what I would like to accomplish here.
The soul was never mentioned, this is intended to apply to yourself and everything around you, choices you make while interacting with your surroundings. And at that, We are simply biological robots, operated by chemical spasms and electrical firings, we are made of the same particles that build the world around us. There is no need to disqualify the discussion on this basis because theoretically our bodies are governed by the same laws that govern our reality.

>> No.4793025 [DELETED] 

wavefunction collapse does not "work" on a macroscopic level because we dont have a measurement equipment nor do we have a theory that shows how to measure on a macroscopic level. The only reason we could collapse wavefunction on a microscopic level is due to being able to localize particles due to lab equipments. You cannot collapse the wavefunction by yourself because we cannot localize ourselves.

>> No.4793032 [DELETED] 

remove all the collapse and replace it with wavefunction.

>> No.4793059

The mysterious disappearing posts.

I imagine some people with more... colorful ideas will come around as the day goes on and into the night.

I'll be waiting.

>> No.4793088

Replace "observer" with "measuring equipment" and you won't be talking gibberish with anyone when that ole quantum stuff comes up.
"eliminating undetermined progressions" - would you like to try again?

>> No.4793140

rewrite it however you would like so it make sense to you. perhaps I chose my words wrongly, infact I am confident I did, you seem to think so anyways, But to anybody with even moderate intelligence and understanding of quantum mechanics, the question should be clear.

Infact, go ahead, how should "eliminating undetermined progressions" be phrased?

>> No.4793965

Bump for the eyes of the night owls

>> No.4793974

Well, if one could create a wavefunction describing the probability of my dick currently existing in each and every hot chick out there, for each given moment in time. By collapsing the wavefunction, and finding out that yes indeed, I am inside a different hot chick every single moment of existence. Some of your moms are probably in that line-up.

>> No.4793981

>Let's just leave it at the double slit experiment for now
Pretty sure you need the Born rule to analyze the double slit experiment. Perhaps you meant "let's just leave it at the new-age cult recruitment cartoon I watched, no math plz."

>> No.4793985

naw, more like I have been learning about this shit for years and still barely understand it so lets keep it simple so everybody can contribute, because it will invariably fly right over the heads of most everyone if you open the floodgates.
hah this made me laugh

>> No.4794007

You're mixing classical understanding of universe with quantum mechanic understandings. It just doesn't work.

>> No.4794024
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Good. Goooooooooooooooodddddddddddd

>> No.4794021

That's precisely the reason I find it fascinating, somebody has to try, I know for a fact that I am not the first, but this point is null. I am not expecting someone to say here, i have the answer, I am simply looking for ideas.

>> No.4794022

So this is a no-math-allowed thread then?

Alright, this doesn't involve wavefunctions, but I think I've figured out how to fly. Whenever I jump up I stay in the air for a short time before I come down. So if I jump harder, I'll stay in the air for a long time. It will be basically the same thing as flying.

>> No.4794033

Bust out the math if you please.
Sounds like an interesting attempt at flight.

>> No.4794036

oh you

>> No.4794070

>mfw you know the maths behind quantum wavefunction

>> No.4794089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4794096 [DELETED] 

Did you just learn basic QM? Hate to burst your bubble, but you won't be able to apply that shit to anything but toy systems. For real world shit you will need QFT.

There are no wave functions in QFT, and all your kiddy QM is proven to be bullshit.


>> No.4794115 [DELETED] 
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Why are you using very outdated physics?

>> No.4794134

Thank you, this is why I like /sci/

Guys that are telling me to get out and calling me retarded, thats expected, look i get it, I like to throw foreign and abstract ideas around with no concern for reason, sometimes I like to toy with ideas that are just completely absurd and/or completely above my knowledge level. But what many of you seem to miss is that I do this for the end result, some people call me retarded, others point me in new directions opening new avenues for thought and that is precisely what I am going for.

Carry on guys, if you would like. seems I have some reading to do.

>> No.4794142 [DELETED] 
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>seems I have some reading do to

>> No.4794146 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4794151
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>> No.4794162

There are state vectors in QFT, the same as in the quantum mechanics of non-relativistic particles. They're not called wavefunctions because they aren't just functions of position (although that dies even in non-relativistic QM the moment you have to deal with more than one particle) and people wouldn't be sure whether you were talking about the state vector or some field observable.

>> No.4794164

QM has many applications, in quantum dots for example which can be treated as a particle in a box problem.

QM can also be applied to theoretical systems that may be too expensive, impractical, or time consuming to do experimentally, so you find if it's a feasible system to work with. Hartree-Fock and Moller-Plesset are the bread and butter of a theoretical organic and physical chemist.

>> No.4794169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4794266

well I'm digging intro QFT and string theory now, thanks.

I would still love to here some wild and out there suggestions to my original post.

And whats with people deleting posts on this board? some common practice here?

>> No.4794280

String theory is not science

>> No.4794286
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>> No.4794287
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QFT = science, used by actual physicist when studying shit in the field

String theory = hypothesis, nice idea, but still unconfirmed, not used by physicists in the field.

>> No.4794288

>not using gradient functional theory
I shiggy your diggies

>> No.4794292

It's probably a shitty mod who overuses the "Delete all posts by IP" option when he bans people.

>> No.4794310

Oh I See, that would be interesting considering the posts that were deleted. If so I wonder what it was for.

>> No.4794318

Probably for the threads that just got deleted: