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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4791824 No.4791824 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get totally infuriated at people that think they are really smart and claim shitty grades are because they don't try?

If they were ACTUALLY 'really smart' then they would apply themselves and not get shitty grades.

>> No.4791836

I actually know a guy like that and he really annoys me.

>> No.4791838
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>implying you are not just a jealous faggot

>> No.4791851

I was like that in high school and even got a cumulative gpa to a low of 2.4 whilst taking algebra one senior year. but then i decided to try worked my butt off at cc(4.0) and got accepted to Berkeley where i am now.
-I am native speaker of English(im Russian raised for the most part here)
-and Russian(family is Russian)
-Tested for German(fluent)
-getting ready for Japanese test soon.
-also and im an applied math major(im pretty proud of that considering i finished high school with only a little algebra under my belt)

>> No.4791859

I am like that except I never thought I was smart. Decided to actually hand my work in in high school and got principal's honours.

>> No.4791861

I am that guy.

>> No.4791860
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>that feel when you're like this and only motivated by very challenging work
>that feel when trivial piss-easy courses and you procrastinate, don't show up for exams, and fail every one

>> No.4791880

I am also that guy and O get shitty grades but all my professors know that I know my shit.

I got into an top ranked grad program with a 2.7 GPA. All I needed was to nail the GRE, which I did, and get some ridiculously good recommendations from my professors. I was among the very few in my grad program to get an RA position as soon as I entered.

Grades are for faggots. You just need to know your shit and show that you know it. Homework is for try hards.

>> No.4791881

How can you claim it was piss easy if you still failed or how can you claim to be smart if you can't bother to show up for only 4 classes out of the whole year?

I had many classes I never bothered to show up for until test time, but I never actually failed because I was smart enough to only show up for tests.

>> No.4791883

I used to get shitty grades in middle school and high school but I was able to let a college accept me as a 3rd year math major when I was 15 through a test. I failed many math classes before that as well as any other classes with homework.

I'm not going to be implicitly arrogant through modesty. My interactions with others and my experience with learning mathematics help convince me that I am in fact smart, and nobody has told me otherwise. I love it when people challenge me and criticize what I value. Those are the people who give me the reality check that motivates me to keep learning. I'll try to get over myself now and directly reply to what you're actually asking.

I think I know the sort of psuedosmart assholes you're talking about that /sci/ and I resent. They advertise themselves loudly but when you go to the counter to order some intellectual product, they're always out of stock. If they have to be confronted before coming up with the "I don't try" excuse, then they're more like me. I've had a very tough time finding motivation for anything. I get bored of video games within an hour or two of playing and never finish (the last game I beat was SMG in 2007). I even have to drag myself through my math texts. Only novel insights stir up motivation in me, which are easier to find and verify in math than the sciences (I guess I'm not over myself yet). Needless to say, I prefer dealing with this 2nd category. I'd probably regret sounding like a faggot if I said this in real life but I'm anonymous here.

>> No.4791888

I know dat feel bro... Try going way over the prof's head with your answers. Just to keep it interesting. Tell them when their questions are not well posed or give a ridiculously complex answer that is still correct.

That's what I had to do to keep me from chopping my dick off during intro chem/calc/phys etc...

Also, tell your classmates the wrong answers. Unless it's a hot girl, then try to milk that situation to your advantage.

Just play with it. Don't take the class seriously and it becomes fun.

I also got random try hards to do my homework for me on the condition that I help them study for the tests.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.4791890

>don't know anyone in the class (be autist)
>prof doesn't give out test schedule
>miss 5 exams throughout semester
>show up on final day
>ace final
>still fail because shitty retarded general ed faggot fuck shit piss cunt humanities class where final is 5% of total grade

>> No.4791892

This is how stupid people lie to themselves, in an attempt to convince themselves that they're smart: "I don't try, you only do well because you have no life and study all day"; or, "Doing well in school has nothing to do with how smart you are, only how hard you work"; and, my favorite, "I'm 'street smart', not 'book smart'."

I was one of very few kids in my dumbfuck, baseball-obsessed suburb who cared about math and science.

>> No.4791911

Its easy for the asians and curry niggers to look smart when the .01% that are both smart and willing to apply it actually come to white countries.

I blame the baby boomers for allowing them to bypass their shithole countries.

>> No.4791912
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Oh god this sounds fucking hilarious

I have a scholarship for another class, I wonder if I should take undergrad Physics I for life science majors and troll all the biologists with deriving Hamilton's equations for geodesic flow from Moyal brackets on every free body diagram and use SO(n) generators for angular momentum problems

>> No.4791932

>>claim that course work is trivial
>>proceed to "not try" because it's "too easy"
>>fail and brag to your friends that you would've got A+ if you tried

This is what retards actually do.

>> No.4791949

If only we lived in an age where you could electronically communicate with the professor at any time of any day to get the test schedule or if universities had electronic calendars for classes where professors post this type of information along with a syllabus and class notes.

>> No.4791971

How well did you do in community college? Its pretty much my dream to go to berkeley and I didn't do so well in high school(even though I passed my AP's and such, just average GPA like you) and I'd like to know what other people in my sitaution had it like.

>> No.4791987
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>"That's all well and fine, but see I graduated from the school of hard knocks."

>> No.4791988


>>Greentext like this
>Instead of like this

This is what retards actually do.

>> No.4791989

Godtier: people who get good grades and don't try

aka me

>> No.4791999

and homework just does itself then...

>> No.4792005

>Does anyone else get totally infuriated at people that think they are really smart and claim shitty grades are because they don't try?

But that's me. The proof is in high school. Straight A's when I worked hard and studied, pulled a 3.8. I gave up and stopped trying in college, mostly F's now. A few D's C's and the occasional B break up the failure though, GPA is something like 0.6.

>> No.4792011
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>GPA is something like 0.6.

>> No.4792013

Mostly because I've stopped caring entirely. Like I said I used to have a 3.8.

>> No.4792015


No this is faggot logic, you have done nothing to prove you are smart AFTER you started failing out of college.

Consider my alternate example:

> me
> 3.6 GPA in highschool
> become physics major in college
> terrible GPA in undergrad: 2.4
> cuz i didn't give a fuck, partied ass off 5 of 7 days a week, also physics is hard
> somehow got into top 20 graduate school for my physics Ph.D.
> now 3.75 GPA after 2 years towards Ph.D.

That's how you get bad grades and still be smart. Enjoy your butthurt jelly/dumb fags.

>> No.4792019

>you have done nothing to prove you are smart AFTER you started failing out of college

"Smartness" doesn't just go away. I don't need to continuously prove it.

>> No.4792021

>smartness doesn't go away

You think you stay just as sharp if you don't use your brain? You must not be very smart

>> No.4792033

>You think you stay just as sharp if you don't use your brain?

Not even what I was implying. You think I don't use my brain? I study at home and try to keep up with science and math to the best of my ability. I do it out of sheer interest though, not for a grade. I find it to be more fun and more enlightening than it is when studied in a college environment.

>> No.4792032
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Sure if you are in high school, shitty college or just
studying some ridiculously easy field.
Just where fuck do you think you will be working after graduating? MacDonald's? Burger King? To be succesful you need hard work and natural talent to some extent and you obviously don't have them.

If I study moderate amounts and get good grades, I'll feel suspicious about my skills and study some more after exams or whatever. If I don't study at all, which hasn't happened after junior high, and get good grades I'll think there's something wrong about the test or course overall.

TL;DR You guys have serious problems with your attitudes and you'll never be succesful in science.

>> No.4792038

>The proof is in high school.
No it's not. Highschools are vastly different in how hard they are.

I knew a guy who translated his Highschool GPA to like a 4.7/8 or some shit while I got like a 4.0/4.8 in mine(weighted GPA's).

He's currently got a 3.0 in an easy major(plus he dropped out of a few classes) whereas I have 3.93 in a hard major.

>> No.4792040

Are you implying I can't major in Physics?

>> No.4792049

I'm implying that your grade that somehow proves how smart you are doesn't matter for shit without context.

>> No.4792066

it might as well since it only takes up about 30 minutes out of my week (sometimes I just finish it in between classes when I have two classes back to back in the same building) which is less time than I spend doing pushups each day

>> No.4792075
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This usually coincides with being an idiot savant, which does not in turn make you intelligent, just capable of regurgitating information seen in books. A person of true intellect can identify a situation in which they are lacking and find ways to strengthen or compensate for their own shortcomings, while using the knowledge base they currently have to expand themselves further. No one is born with mass knowledge, just the abilities to acquire it.


That said, acquiring bad grades in school and being an intelligent person are not linked and is not something new. This subject could go on and on, in short it is many times the case that the person in question is bored with the current school work due to a lack of challenge and therefore does not bother participating.

Do not think that every one of you lazy neck beards is a genius in the shadows of your own boredom. There are key signs to spotting a high level of intellect that can be seen without a school test. Most of you likely lack these attributes and are no more intelligent then an average person, despite the fact you may know how to slap some pc hardware together or write some simple code.

So, sorry to build your hopes and dreams up just to tear you down.

> who am I kidding, no I'm not

>> No.4792081

How can that even gauge your intelligence if you aren't checking for the coherency of the information you are processing with peers or using that information to create and innovate?

Just because you can look at paper and read new information everyday, you think that makes you smart when you are incapable of applying that information to anything useful?

>> No.4792109

I confer with my internet peers. I care about enhancing my own knowledge over creation and innovations.

Not that creating and innovating isn't cool too, built my own 120kV CW voltage multiplier at home for fun. You don't need to be in Uni to do science stuff.

>> No.4792142

but the internet is full of idiots with a good front and the appearance of intelligence without the ability to coherently do anything, how can you ensure that the people you are calling peers are intelligent and correct and how can you call that knowledge you are acquiring good and valid if you are not validating it through well regarded officially sanctioned sources and the knowledge can not be used to create things and make a better life for yourself and everyone you know?

Do you think intelligence is about being about to come up with a billion impressive wordy metaphors to explain Schrodinger's cat or Time Travel Paradoxes when you can't even cook a proper meal from scratch?

Can you give me an example of when conferring with internet peers has made you more intelligent and increased your quality of life?

>> No.4792154

I've exchanged emails with various professors and Physicists on topics in Physics as I desire to better understand them. In addition I read research papers published online, watch lectures I'm interested in from Universities on iTunes or youtube, and I read books on various topics or work out math problems. I do all of this at my own pace and don't have to deal with the pressure of exams or any ridiculous prerequisite course.

>> No.4792175

I do that too, but I also go to school, so I will have a certificate that I can present to employers that actually acknowledges the knowledge that I have acquired instead of only being able to tell job prospects of all the vague knowledge that I have skimmed over and mostly forgotten like the, uh like, professors and lectures and stuff I met on the internet without any pressure or stress or the prior knowledge to actually understand what I was looking at.

>> No.4792185

Don't even need any of that stuff. NEET masterrace here. I'm content with merely having my knowledge and a government to pay me to have autism.

>> No.4792198

Just hopping in here.
So here's what I see so far,
1) people who are jelous of people who are considered "smart" or "intelligent"
2) people who have decent mental capacity but simply lack the motivation to apply it.
3) idiots who lie and say that they could make good grades but are too lazy to apply themselves.

Here's where I stand,
I'm a two. While I may be making a C in math and B's in everything else, I go home play some video games, and after dinner pick a random subject. (Ranging from computer coding to physiology to quantum physics.(minute physics on YouTube. :D)) And I'm only a sophomore. Does that matter to me? NO. IMO people overreact to things like intelligence because they feel a need to feel accepted and/or superior to others. Now could we stop being "angery" at people who study and learn more outside of school than in it? Because honestly I don't want to hear you whine. I'm not smart everyone else is/are (not really sure which to use) (a) idiot(s).


>> No.4792200

>totally dependent on others
enjoy a lifetime of other people making small arbitrary decisions that have severe repercussions on your quality of life and not being able to do anything about it because you have no skills or usable knowledge

>> No.4792202


>> No.4792451

I don't try too hard and get decent grades, it's good enough for me.

Other people people who don't do good aren't really planning on going somewhere where really good grades or education is essential

>> No.4792466

I am that guy too. I took the ACT and SAT before entering high school, with a 28 on the ACT (32 was the max at the time) and something like 1700 on the SAT. Was in advanced high school/college classes 8th grade. Went to an invite only meeting with reps from Yale, Stanford, etc. Decided if life was that easy, why even bother trying. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Dropped out, lived a life of crime. Dumbest mistake of my life.
If you're that guy, you need to pull your head out of your ass before the opportunities your intelligence warrants vanish. I've had to bust my ass through college with no scholarships to be able to graduate next year with honors, have advanced research experience, and get into competitive programs.
TL;DR: I was that guy. Don't be that guy. You're future self will be grateful.

>> No.4792475

The difference between people who really are smart but don't try and people who just claim to be smart is when you challenge/dare them to get a perfect score, the smart ones will do it just to prove their point and piss you off.

>> No.4792491 [DELETED] 

Will & Self Discipline:

>> No.4792499

Not really man. There are people out there with enormous IQs that are cripplingly lazy.

>> No.4792502

Grades don't mean shit. School teaches what they want you to learn, which is mostly arbitrary bullshit. Everything that is interesting is watered down to exercise, memorization, and application. There is no learning. If you question the terrible 'learning process' these assholes impose on you, you usually fail their class. I did essays for money at my school and graduated nearly half of my class. I graduated with a 1.3 GPA. Not because I'm dumb, but literally because what was 109% for one person was automatically 80% if my name was written on it. If you piss of authority, they become very bias. Teachers determine your grade, not merit.

>> No.4792525

You where obviously enrolled in some sort of shit tier humanities course. You fucking lose.

>> No.4792541

Maybe you were discriminated against for your avante-garde learning style. I'm guessing it's more likely that your an aspie-fuck. You don't piss into the wind, and expect not to get pissed on. Almost all successful intellects knew how to work within the existing authoritarian structures. Not all of them. But even the "radicals" knew how to work with people. Sounds to me like you're just lazy, dumb, and lack interpersonal skills. Not too smart sounding to me.

>> No.4792615

I was forced to take applied math in my final year of canadian high school because my previous buttfuckery of doing nothing disqualified me from every university level course save for european history, shitty humanities courses, and physics of all things (interesting as hell).

I was mad as fuck at myself, as the university level courses I was capable of taking my final year were amazing; great teachers, great classmates, curriculum that actually interested me for the first time in my life

the applied level math and english courses consisted of dumb as hell kids trying to comprehend statistics and "draw your own tee shirt design!". I slept right through 75% of the classes and none of the teachers gave a shit because I was passing with a 98 from the course work being so easy it was kind of depressing.

>> No.4792650

>OP complains about certain type of people
>Half of posters in thread are those types of people

Am I wrong in thinking that someone who is genuinely intelligent but doesn't apply themselves to anything is just as useless as a retard?

You don't need to be brilliant to be able to understand the majority of concepts easily throughout high school and undergrad without putting in copious amounts of effort; being able to do so doesn't make your mind some incredible gift to mankind.

Do you see yourself meeting someone important that will think that line of reasoning will justify any failure?

>> No.4792652


I've heard this much more frequently in the last few years or so, when I'm back in my hometown for holidays or birthdays or whatever. I'm just finishing my second year of grad school, in a different part of the country. When I tell people what I'm doing, they come back with the "school of hard knocks" line to justify their job or schooling. What they don't seem to realize is that I don't give a shit; I'm not trying to get into a dick-measuring contest.

>> No.4792656 [DELETED] 

I'm kind of like what OP described.
I don't do homework, don't show up to a lot of classes, don't do the lab reports, don't study except the day of a final or midterm. This

I had a 3.7 gpa last semester, now at 3.4.
I know I'm smart though because I explain shit to everyone in my class really well when they have questions.

I got diagnosed with adhd recently... which actually explains a lot of my behavior. I got adderall but it hasn't helped immensely yet (5 mg dose atm).

The problem with me is I don't like the way things are taught. I'm in Electrical Engineering, and the teachers rush towards "problem-solving". Classes revolve around memorizing procedures to be able to solve questions on a mid-term or final. I know there's so much more depth to all of it, and giving in to this pseudo-engineering/science would be the ultimate act of stupidity imo.

So for me, the kind of people I hate are the ones who work hard by solving problems over and over, to the point where they can answer any type of question on a final. The education system here is geared towards that, it seems. Hard-working isn't the problem though, it's when they actually think they're smart that pisses me off.

People like me are usually smart, usually smarter than average, even though not necessarily by a large margin. I've noticed that the less-intelligent people in Engineering usually know it, and they rely on cheating to get the grades they need from assignments or whatever else. The smart-lazy people don't even bother with that stupidity because they realize grades don't mean shit.

>> No.4792662

shit, I'm one of those people. but when my GPA dropped to 2.5 I said to myself "you know what, i'm gonna put in some effort", and I've been getting straight As since. Just gotta remember that college, more than anything, is about jumping through hoops. just do your work, get good grades, and get out

>> No.4792683

I used to be in a math class through high school and we all were forced to take biology, psychology, 4 classes of english weekly, history and p.e.
Our class was full of people like that. The truth is that most of them actually were smart, but why waste time memorizing for bullshit subjects?

>> No.4792682

Good on ya! That's akin to where I'm at. 3.2 GPA going into my senior year as a physics major. Being a try-hard this Summer, and last year. Shooting for straight A's to go from Cum Laude to Magna Cum Laude. Idk if I can hit 3.5, but, I'd just be happy to say "Yeah, straight A's beotch".

>> No.4792709

Try doing college (almost full schedule), holding a job (not being a spoiled little babby) being in a serious relationship (pretty much engaged), having a social life with 20+ friends, and not having weekends free becuase you have to travel over 100miles to see people, oh yeah and numerous hospital visits, hurrr durr some people have a life/commitments besides getting full marks on tests.

>> No.4792725

Hurr durr you can't multitask. And no part time job fully pays for college. I was doing the same, and doing advanced research, and could get a 3.0 gpa in physics junior year classes, ee and chemistry sophomore classes. You're just making up an excuse to fail.
You either have student loans, or your parents help pay for school. But, your priority should be school. Nobody's fault but your own for sucking so hard.

>> No.4792729

>chink friend at work
>both his kids went to college
>tell him how I go to CC and that I'm getting A's in my Calculus classes
>playing with binomial theroem problems at lunch
>he looks at it and says 'that's easy,man, that's high school stuff' in a very condensending way
>he claims that it's impossibru to transfer to a good university
>he thinks only chinks and whites are smart enough go to college

people who hate on community college students make me fucking rage. Newsflash you faggots, not everyone at CC is stupid and most that aren't stupid are there because they didn't go to high school period not because they went and barely passed like everyone else.

>> No.4792733

>Implying parents have paid for anything past the age of 17
>Implying student loan does'nt just cover rent/bills
>Implying I suck

>> No.4792740

>tfw shitty grades in high school
>tfw learn math in Junior year and try to turn it around
>tfw only get into RPI
>tfw get in off waitlist to McGill
>tfw trying to publish a research paper in math
>tfw accepted for transfer at Caltech
u mirin' brah?

>> No.4792743

Binomial theorem is babby's first algebra, you casual.

>> No.4792747

I wasn't implying you suck. I was outright saying such. No wonder you're a fail-hard, you can't even tell the difference between an implied and direct statement.

>> No.4792757

Most of school is busy work, you're better off studying on your own time. Why waste your brains developmental years on doing the multiplication table 50 times.

>> No.4792782

>Implying failure
>Does not compute

>> No.4792797

Throughout all of middle and high school I ditched classes to read outside of class. Mainly read course textbooks. I also started taking community college classes before I started middle school so I did homework for that. The way it worked in my state was that a university didn't care what your highschool gpa was if you'd done community college. I always tried to be modest about it towards others, I mean unlike some people I didn't have an innate desire to not have friends. I also was always placed in AP classes or jumped ahead because of my standardized test scores which were always around 99 (started high school in pre-calculus). It's not for everyone, lots of people have trouble sitting down and reading a textbook on their own. Many won't even do it if the class assigns pages to read.

In my opinion though it's well worth it. The textbooks are generally fairly straightforward and rely on clear explanations with analogies instead of shifty "simplified" explanations with busy work. If you get a good momentum going you can finish a textbook in 2-3 days. Of course, if it's a math textbook or something similar then you should work some of the really difficult problem sets after each chapter and not become overconfident on your knowledge. You'll often times hit unexpected bumps that will challenge you to really think about the issue at a deeper level than anyone in your classes ever would have.

One thing that I think people get carried away with is the idea that they're smarter than most of other people. At some point you have to come to terms with the fact that if someone is teaching you something then it means that hundreds of millions or more people have learned it before you. It's always an uphill struggle and you are the only person who you can truly rely on.

>> No.4792828


I was doing binomial expansion to find the square rutt of 2. It's an extremely inefficient method compared newton's. I know you're a troll so I won't be responding to chinks like you.

>> No.4792831

>that guy who's always the last to finish and always gets the worse grade in the class

>> No.4792846

I'm smart, I was the first person in the history of my school to score perfectly on the placement exam. I slept through my classes and still passed them before eventually dropping out to take on personal studies. Are you going to call me stupid?

>> No.4792920

Grades are a joke, and they have nothing to do with whether a person is smart or not. I slept through most of my classes or just skipped entirely though high school, and did virtually no work. I never did homework because I felt I shouldn't work once I left work, but I learned the material and would ace tests, and my high grades on tests made up for the zeroes I got for all the homework, passed every class and graduated on time doing a fraction of the work most of my peers did. If you ask me, it takes a smarter person to make it to the same goal through a fraction of the work, applying yourself doesn't equal intelligence.

>> No.4795164
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>>Does anyone else get totally infuriated at people that think they are really smart and claim shitty grades are because they don't try?

Good grades have nothing to do with intelligence, and lots more with motivation and good memory.
Take someone who has very high functional IQ, but very poor memory, and zero motivation and they will fail basic tests, since YOU CANT ACE A TEST IF YOU DONT STUDY AT ALL, EVER.

OTOH, take a borderline retarded person, with excellent memory and good motivation and they ace every test, EXCEPT IQ TEST.

This is why Asians get such good grades, its not like they are much smarter than whites and blacks, its because they study and memorize, and repeat every thing over and over until their eyes bleed.

This is also why niggers fail at almost every level of learning: even if you had a genius nigger with sky high IQ, their culture is so demotivating, and dismissive towards learning and science, they stand no chance.

>> No.4795673

IQ has nothing to do with intelligence.

those with genius level IQ are not geniuses.

>> No.4795684

I feel like our education system is working against smart people. Education system works against lesser intellects that want to learn, but those that are smart feel its useless