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4788272 No.4788272 [Reply] [Original]

if numbers are from 0-9, is the 10th number? 9? or 10?

>> No.4788279

tenth number doesn't equal ten

documentary about how to make an action film doesn't equal action film

so on and so on...

>> No.4788283

What if the documentary contained the ingredients that make up an action movie?

>> No.4788286

What if it's an action movie about documentaries?

>> No.4788288

not mutually exclusive, in anycase >>4788279 doesnt make sense

>> No.4788292
File: 132 KB, 250x250, listen bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then idk, figure it out yourselves

>> No.4788298
File: 37 KB, 498x363, ...the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What doesn't make sense?

>> No.4788300


>> No.4788337

> if numbers are from 0-9, is the 10th number? 9? or 10?

It's your choice.

If you want to be clean and elegant about it, then you'll say that the 0th number is 0, the 1st number is 1, the 2nd number is 2, and so forth.

If you have some kind of weird discrimination against counting from 0 and you don't mind an inelegant system, then you can say the 1st number is 0, the 2nd number is 1, the 3rd number is 2, etc.

I deal with this issue all the time when I write software. In my code, everything gets numbered starting from 0. No exceptions. The result is very clean and elegant.

>> No.4788344

The tenth whole number is 9.

The tenth natural number is 10.

>> No.4788350

No OP's statement didnt say natural/whole numbers.It just states numbers 0-9. In which case, there is no 10th number because OP strictly states that numbers are only from 0-9. 0 is the 0th number. 1 is the 1st, etc. 10 is the 10th number.

>> No.4788353

Actually, mathematically speaking, the 0 is the first number, not the 0th number. 0 is the "neutral" element of a group, lets say the (R,+).

But when you count the numbers, you need to assign 1 (first number) to 0, 'cause you're talking about an element, an entity.

0th number cannot be defined.

>> No.4788365


Well if he's talking about 0-9, then obviously 0 is the 1st and 9 is the 10th. 10 isn't part of the group so it isn't anything.

>> No.4788370

No, because OP specially stated the numbers run from 0-9, not 1-10. So we must use his standards, not the normal 1-10 standards.

>> No.4788381

> 0th number cannot be defined.

Oh, that's just silly. Of course it can be defined. All I need to do is to say "the 0th number is 0", and I can make it so for my purposes.

I've written software for years and years, and I get to define how things are numbered in my code. If I number starting from 0 (which I always do), then I get to call the initial element "the 0th element". None of your nonsensical blather can change that.

>> No.4788388

> But when you count the numbers, you need to assign 1 (first number) to 0

False. Nobody is forcing you to start numbering from 1. That's an artificial restriction that you put on yourself. If you lift that restriction, you can still have a completely self-consistent system.

>> No.4788396



>> No.4788399


But that's what the number 1 means. I mean, sure, you could use a different symbol to represent it, but that's all you'd be doing.