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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4785633 No.4785633 [Reply] [Original]

science jobs are decreasing and being outsourced, how will you handle the economic shift that promotes skilled trades?

>> No.4785640
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>> No.4785646

by whining, complaining, and supporting the occupy movements.

>> No.4785647 [DELETED] 
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I'm becoming a plumber

you may have seen the thread I made earlier

>> No.4785655


I did see that thread.

And I must also remark that your taste in women is very impressive.

>> No.4785668


>> No.4785674

>science jobs are decreasing and being outsourced
[citation needed]

And let me guess you're the guy from the plumbing thread.

>> No.4785683
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>your taste in women is very impressive

>> No.4785681

>ITT brazen trolling
I hear there lots of excellent opportunities for skilled construction work in the UAE. It's very easy for foreigners to find exciting jobs.

>> No.4785687

>shit tier
da fuq? A job that requires high skill and pays extremely well is shit?

>> No.4785698


opportunity cost is too high, you have to spend 8 years in school, another 2 being a newb doctor, and then another 5 to specialize....and then you make around 200-300k?

after 15 years? and hundreds of thousands in debt...factor in lost wages of 8 years in school....

not worth it, plus the hospital culture is uptight and pretentious, not a fun work environment

>> No.4785710

no, even if you become a plumber or welder or some shit you need to spend a couple years in education and a few years getting work experience before you get anywhere near the 80-100k that successful tradesmen make at their peak, you arent going to make more than that unless you start your own business and an MD too old to keep doing surgery is going to be on much better footing to do so than you, because you are not going to make up for the fact that the surgeon is being paid 3 times as much as you for the 15 or so years he is an active surgeon, the only way a trade is a better option is if you think it is worth making significantly less money (but still a good living) to do an incomparably easier job

>> No.4785719 [DELETED] 


pretty obvious you dont know anything about the field, pay, or requirements.

when you do, lets talk.

>> No.4785722


>as a tradesmen, you need to spend a couple years in education and a few years getting work experience

you start as an apprentice, you work making like 15/hour
you go to school a bit while you work, you don't lose wages.

after 3 years experience you can make like 60-70k depending where you work

after 4, you can get your red seal and make 80k.+ depending how good you are, hard you work, where you work etc....

the college med student would have racked up student loan/tuition dept, and lost wages cause he can't work full time. This only in undergrad, once you are done undergrad you have to go to med school 3-4 years.

At this point the plumber/tradesman is making 80k a year while you are still losing wages and acquiring debt through tuition.

After you grad med-school you gotta intern or whatever for a year or two, Then you have to specialize for 5 years before you can be a surgeon. So you're going to be 35, Few Hundred Thousand in debt, and lost another 8 solid years of wages.

Its a long grueling process, and heres the risk, you don't even know if at the end of it you like the job or want to be a doctor, its high-stress, low reward environment...Its a big investment to make on something you might actually HATE.

The plumber knows how much he likes the work right away as an apprentice, and can switch to welding or something else he might enjoy

>> No.4785730

enjoy being an alcoholic and beating your wife and kids!

>> No.4785742

You're the same lame ass, who made the other thread.

You dropped out, stop trying to justify it and live with it. It's not better it's different.

>> No.4785743
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>> No.4785738 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4785751

Christian Shepard says high

>> No.4785752

>hodge 4
Hey, post the rest. I would love to save some hodge twin reactions.

>> No.4785759
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>> No.4785767

>Bachelors in Engineering
>50k minimum starting
>Salary will increase over plumbers max salary
>Cushier job where you don't inhale shit and fuck up your neck.

>> No.4785772 [DELETED] 


really depends on the field

some engineering fields are harder to find a job/career in than something asking for an english degree and every useless arts student applying

>> No.4785774


my Chem Engineer teacher breathes through a respirator box, and needs a microphone to teach even small classes

Engineers work in plants and can get fucked up just like tradesman.

most engineers don't make much more than trades, top out around 120k, most these days are going into finance, business and getting MBAs...

an inferior path and more useless.

if you really like money so much, trades are the best, can make over a million if u have a decent business

>> No.4785775

>thinks there's a minimum starting wage associated with a certain degree

the minimum starting wage is $0
almost half of grads will be making that 6 months after getting their degree.

>> No.4785780


How is the money in Finance?

>> No.4785783


This and how about Comp sci or math and compsci together too?

>> No.4785789

Fuck you OP now i'm skeptical about going to university again

>> No.4785792


uhh it varies a lot,

if you have a Masters in Engineering or Phd, you can make 300k starting in Finance.

You can get an MBA and manage some sort of engineering related company, 200k

you can get into Operations Research (google it) and make a lot of money

money is good if you are willing to get engineering degree + post grad training / mba / etc...

but JUST an engineering degree isn't really much better than having a trade skill in terms of $$

I know an underwater weldor who make $750k a year.

>> No.4785800


I mean Underwater Welder*

>> No.4785809


What do people usually do?

Get a Masters in Finance after having a bachelors in Engineering or do they get a bachelors and then a masters in finance?

>> No.4785828


depends what kind of role you want to have.

Quants usually go for masters in engineering/math/comp sci or physics. Then they go do prop trading for some sort of hedge fund or finance firm, making black box programs, testing algorithms and making new models to price derivatives, the money is insane, but you need to be very skilled in programming, math, and modeling (you can learn the finance aspect on your own)


good forum for quants

theres a whole ton of fields in finance that benefit from quantitative nerd types

you can also go the MBA route and do business related shit for engineering companies, they all need guys proficient in the science aspects as well as business...

you can also go BS engineering, MS Operations Research.
ORs basically figure out ways to make businesses run at maximum efficiency, but they also do Finance work too---

The french dude at Goldman sachs, the "Fabulous Fab" Fabrice Tourre, got his BA in Math and then did Masters in OR from standford? And now he basically figures out ways to trick clients into making stupid decisions by hiding risk using mathematical models only he understands...

he gets paid a lot tho

>> No.4785826

>skill trades
Wait, the jobs robots and Chinese are doing?

>> No.4785836


>outsource plumbing
>automated heavy duty mechanics
>outsource welding
>automate electricians

lol, good luck making AI able to do trades

and good luck outsourcing things like welding and plumbing...that makes a lot of sense (no it doesn't)

the time when plumbers and mechanics are automated will be around the time when doctors and lawyers are automated

>> No.4785843 [DELETED] 
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>300K starting

not unless it's a PHD in mathematics

>> No.4785851

OP I still haven't gone to University. Trades was seriously something I was considering but then I thought about how I hate physical labor sometimes...

What do you recommend someone who is young to help them find out what career they would excel in?

I was thinking about taking 101 classes in quantitative fields like engineering comp sci and math so I could see what university is like in those classes. Also it seems like there is no point in going into a lot of majors like art etc so engineering, math and comp sci etc would be better for employment I think. Would it?

>> No.4785857 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 349x471, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>comp sci

not unless you live in fucking pakistan or india and are willing to work for $15K a year in roopies or some shit currency

>> No.4785873



Comp sci isn't a career?

Explain please

>> No.4785878

Planning on being an engineer here. Fix complex engines yo.

>> No.4785881

Oh for god's sake stop it. YOU DROPPED OUT OF UNIVERSITY. Big fucking deal. Stop trying to paint a picture that degree=unemployment. You decided it wasn't for you, that was your choice. Some people don't agree and making shit up won't change that. You have been called out numerous times in this thread on bullshit claim and you never respond with actual figures.

Go be a plumber and stop trying to shit on everyone who has more perseverance and conviction than you. What's actually happening in this thread (like the last one you started an hour earlier) is you are expressing guilt about dropping out. You're ashamed to be called a drop out so need to make it look like the only viable option, it isn't. It dosen't make you a bad person, it just means it wasn't for you. Now stop shitting up the board even more.

>> No.4785884


Lol, have you ever seen the video of the guy with 2 masters in engineering, who is homeless and unemployed?

Hes a black guy. Someone must have it. Post it.

Yes degrees are that useless.

>> No.4785885
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>itt, plumbers mad that they were too dumb to be engineers or get into medical school

>> No.4785887

wait, this isn't /pl/umbing and welding?

>> No.4785889



Masters Plasma Physics
Masters in Engineering


Trade-skills, always employed, $120k/yr
hard hats and fun lunch boxes.

>> No.4785891


>the time when plumbers and mechanics are automated will be around the time when doctors and lawyers are automated

LOL, you have no idea what the hell you are on about. Doctors and lawyers have already started becoming automated in some areas.

Lawyers are currently being automated. Source:


IBM's Watson is also now being used in healthcare as an AI.

As to blue collar workers being automated. Here in Australia they already are, at least in the mining sector. Many jobs are being replaced wholesale by machines. And if defence robotics are anything to go by, the human operators of the robots will eventually be replaced by AI as well.

>> No.4785904

yes u can be a plumber. but the bitches be flockin when u say ur in med school ;)

>> No.4785907 [DELETED] 


and you get to put stickers on your hard hat

how awesome is that !

>> No.4785908


>lawyers learn to use computers efficiently

>hurr durr lawyers are now obsolete and robots

>trades automated, Here in Australia they already are, at least in the mining sector

minors using better technology doesn't mean they are automated, welders here are using automatic welders but they still need people to run them lol, it makes their job quicker/safer, but they're stiill doing it

and if you look at salaries nothing has changed, trades are still going up, if automation was a problem their salaries would be going down--meaning companies would be saving on labor costs, they really aren't

>> No.4785911


I'm sorry, I've been nice but you're pathetic. Stop wallowing in your own insecurities.

>> No.4785915 [DELETED] 


i'm not OP, just a passerby
and there are no jobs in comp sci unless you're a paki like I said

>> No.4785927


>homeless and unemployed

More like a series of unfortunate events literally.

Also did you not watch the video anon, him being unemployed came mostly from being too selfless about taking care of his parents. The economy going to shit and most likely losing out on jobs opportunities because he's older.

That doesn't sound like something you should blame the degree on itself.

>> No.4785936


>hurr durr lawyers are now obsolete and robots

Holy shit, you suck at reading comprehension and logic. I said there exist areas of law that are being replaced ("some"). I never universally quantified over all of them. An entire area of law work (document discovery) is being replaced by automation. That's an example of this happening and is an indicator of future trends.

>but they still need people to run them lol, it makes their job quicker/safer, but they're stiill doing it

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. Entire trade sections in the mining industry are being replaced. 24-hour driver-less vehicles being the one in the last year. In the military, drone operators are also being replaced by humans. This means both the mechanics and the actual pilots. There are US drone technology operating out there that are fully autonomous, being re-fueled and fixed by robots and being coordinated by basic AI. Eventually, this same 24/7 everything-automated mindset will cross over into mining.

Also, "minors" and lack of punctuation and shitty run-on sentences. You sure are educated bro. Please indulge us with more of your bro-science and folk-economics.

>> No.4785966


>24-hour driver-less vehicles being the one in the last year.

oh, so robots are getting trucking licenses and driving mining trucks on roads?

wait, but that's wrong

>> No.4785968


the roads that mining, gas and oil truckers have to negotiate are much too complicated and risky to let our current driverless vehicles attempt

maybe in 150 years from now they'll be able to, but until then literally not 1 Truck is being driven by a robot

>> No.4785976

scientists are also being automated
and no im not making it up like the guy who said trucks are being driven by robots

they actually have robots running thousands of biology experiments,


this isn't the exact one i read a year ago, but its similar, automated science