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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 347 KB, 644x430, a1fe951c2e19bdbecd20af9f11abf5d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4781711 No.4781711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do super-cute nerd girls actually exist? Or do they just live in our imaginations?

Having won the genetic lottery of cuteness does not lend very well to a /sci/ inclination, I am sadfrog to admit.

>> No.4781721

No they just act that way to land jobs on G4 or whatever

>> No.4781734

Yes they exist
but they already got boyfriends.

>> No.4781742

>No they just act that way to land jobs on G4 or whatever

This. Those women are just phonies who want fame and money. Olivia Munn for example.

You can find /sci/ women who are pretty, but they're not really nerds. Just women who are pretty and happen to be scientists.

>> No.4781762

There's a ton of cute girls in biology...but would I call most of them nerds? Probably not.

>> No.4781774

this, all fields, forever

>> No.4781788

Women are like rooms. They good looking ones are taken. The ones that are left are usually the untended, but even they will be taken given time.

>> No.4781795

women are like rooms

you have to put down a deposit and pay when you're done, and if you take anything, you're charged extra

>> No.4781800

women are like rooms
sometimes you can go inside them and sometimes you cant
shit's deep yo

>> No.4781798

Yes, but it's hard to find them.

>> No.4781807

This is false.
No woman is born with a boyfriend.

I would suggest to you that 'the early bird gets the worm'
You should be more proactive and outgoing, or else other men will already have asked us, and you do not have anybody to blame for your own procrastination.

>> No.4781808

women are like rooms

you don't know who was in it last, and there may be bugs

>> No.4781810

Please stop with these stupid 'women are like rooms' analogies.

>> No.4781813

A tip: search for asian and indian girls. Maybe you might find something you find attractive but others don't. After all, we all have different tastes.

>> No.4781814

>nerd girl
>choose one
and then regardless which you've chosen; get out.

>> No.4781820
File: 22 KB, 484x477, 1335406595970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're rare and far from easy.

>> No.4781817

>No woman is born with a boyfriend.
false statement. No women are born. Babies are born. They evolve into little girls, then by puberty, girls. After sex, they're women

>> No.4781822

problem faggort

it is clearly science meets art and therefore full of relevence

>> No.4781823

They exist, but it puts them in a much higher social class than any 4chan nerd, and they're being fucked by an alpha male, whether you like it or mot.

>> No.4781827
File: 64 KB, 593x601, Susan_Boyle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having sex does not make one a woman.

Susan Boyle is a virgin, does that make her 'a little girl' in your eyes?

>> No.4781828

Compatibility isn't necessarily hand in hand with shared interest as much as shared emotional IQ's.

That said "nerd girl" is a fetish of consumer typing. If you want to be happy, don't shop for styles, connect on relational qualities and affects.

>> No.4781832

Women are like rooms. I need them for practical things like to cook, to do my laundry to sleep etc.. but I don't feel any real affections towards them and they're easily interchangable.

but really thought:
Women for me are nothing like rooms.
I have never been in one of them and never outside of the other.

>> No.4781836

how is a women like a writing desk?

there's an e in both and an n in neither

>> No.4781843

in essence she's a girl, but for convention's sake shes a woman

>> No.4781867

women are like rooms

if you ignore the smells and close your eyes you can sleep with any one

>> No.4781877

"Nerd Girls"
"Women are like rooms"

Objectification and commodity-- You've mixed human values with market values. These view points are synonymous with buying a car. What an awful way to see the world.

>> No.4781881

> implying women have intrinsic value

>> No.4781886

> buying a car
relationships with women are like buying a car, it's always more fun on the test drive then when you take it home for keeps

>> No.4781888

>implying anything have intrinsic value - buddha

>> No.4781891

women are like cars

good ones are expensive, cheap ones are unreliable

>> No.4781892

women are like a zen koan, have fun with more than one at a time and you'll understand the sound of one hand clapping

>> No.4781894
File: 23 KB, 317x450, gautama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.

>> No.4781908

I really hate that men think like this.

>> No.4781913

>no one wants to do anything to improve their condition, only want to bitch, moan, and throw blame elsewhere

>> No.4781916

women are like publishing in a peer-reviewed journal

by the time you get to show off your work in public many others have gone over it

>> No.4781919

I know, it's funny to joke as if you're an emotional psychotic. Troll9ing as an anon, but you know you've deep issues with your mother/female archetype to work out if it were true. Your projections are your own. How's your family?

>> No.4781920

I am sure women feel the same way, partner.

>> No.4781938

It's what women want dude..

I hate that women pretend that they are looking for a nice guy, but they are really no different from us.
They only have the benefit of not having to be the ones to go after it, all they have to do whether they are looking for a relationship or just a one-night-stand is just look pretty and make eye contact, they guys do all the work

Then the girl gets to simply reject the nice guys, hook up with the OBVIOUSLY douche-baggy-just-wanna-screw-you-and-never-see-you-again-jock type guys
they have their fun, they knew exactly what they were getting into, but because it was the guy who initiated, when the next morning comes around and they feel dirty about what they did, they can cry and say
"why can't I find a nice guy"
then when they are feeling horny again they just do the same thing.

They just get to hide their true nature because they don't have to go out and get it, it comes to them. But they would be the exact same way if the roles were reversed, don't kid yourself.

>> No.4781942
File: 31 KB, 206x181, 1337480799037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you submit your application and find out someone else already did it
literally just happened to me (the journal thing. i didn't actually talk to a girl.)

>> No.4781947

women are like consumers. they dont know what they want, you have to tell them what to buy and they will buy it

>> No.4781950

sorry to hear that bro

>> No.4781958

Right resentment and broad generalizations. Search your feelings Lord Vader, you know it to be true

>> No.4781974

I am a woman

>> No.4781978

and are you in a long term relationship?

>> No.4781981

enjoy your ban.

>> No.4781984

This may surprise you, but I've known a few women over the years. Many do joke about men just like this. It's ok to be frustrated with human relationships, they're hard.

Deal with it, bitch.

>> No.4781985

>I hate that women pretend that they are looking for a nice guy, but they are really no different from us.

Are you not looking for a nice girl?
Why not?

>all they have to do whether they are looking for a relationship or just a one-night-stand is just look pretty and make eye contact, they guys do all the work
You think that other than taking pride in our appearance we do not put effort into a relationship?
You are wrong.
Very wrong.

>> No.4781990



>> No.4781995


I presume you are the person who posts that list of fake rules, saying that women are not allowed here, and that we can not enjoy pop science or be in a relationship to be here.
As I have said before, those are not the real rules.

>> No.4781999 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Sagan

You should be talking, we all know you're a tranny

>> No.4782005
File: 230 KB, 500x371, 1332225821661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well let us know when you are and you can tell us how it's just as exciting every single day as it was when you first started dating.
hint: it's not. i'm not saying there's anything wrong with relationships but the car analogy about the test drive being more exciting is true for men and women. after a while it loses the initial excitement and then you have to deal with maintenance and just getting to work every day etc...
Good luck sis

>> No.4782014

I was in relationship.
It did not work out as I had hoped.

>after a while it loses the initial excitement and then you have to deal with maintenance and just getting to work every day etc...
With the right guy, I do not think that it would lose its excitement.

>> No.4782018 [DELETED] 


>> No.4782017

protip, you will never find the right guy

Try making realistic standards. Even bestest of best friends fight sometimes, and they don't even live together.

>> No.4782021

>protip, you will never find the right guy
You are wrong.

>> No.4782020
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It will. Always. That's not a bad thing, it just means your relationship isn't based purely around your amped up hormones and desire for sex. And I'm not saying there is NO excitement or fun in a long term relationship, I'm just saying eventually you have to work at it and you will have fights and ups and downs.

>mfw i realize im trying to give serious relationship advice on /sci/

>> No.4782022
File: 14 KB, 335x266, 3768-le-monkey-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have your johnnies been rumbled?

>> No.4782026

I am not. There is only one thing you can do every day for the rest of your life and never get tired of it, and that is "eat." Everything else gets stale, eventually, and you have to find a way to push through it. Some of the most rewarding experiences do come after this struggle, but it is like a fractal, continuously reappearing in a self-similar fashion to the last time.

Chatting all night gets old. Sex gets old. Going out to eat gets old. Going out to parties gets old. Seeing movies gets old. Finding a way through this is actually hard work.

(IMO it is not worth it, either. For either gender.)

>> No.4782031
File: 134 KB, 500x333, 1336216120990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post: confessions of a jilted neckbeard

>> No.4782032 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 602x419, 1326646123090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone posts "I'm a woman"
>thread degenerates into a attention-whoring shower
Seriously, what the fuck happened to /sci/ when I was away?

>> No.4782034

>Chatting all night gets old. Sex gets old. Going out to eat gets old. Going out to parties gets old. Seeing movies gets old. Finding a way through this is actually hard work.
I do not think that they do.
There is always new music to hear.
New films to see.
New things to chat about.

I always find something new to do every day.
I am never bored for long.
I would not allow it.

>> No.4782042

Why? Why would you do that? Why would you put your dick in a meat grinder?

>> No.4782045

>dat pic

That's what every man should do to his disgusting penis. Society would improve.

>> No.4782044

People are disgusting.
Just report the image.

>> No.4782050

yes, new, something NEW, like people, which is why

> protip, you will never find the right guy

>> No.4782055 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Harriet

>> No.4782056

What about my close friends?
I have known them for many years, and they do not bore me.
I always find them interesting and fun to be around.

This would also be true of the perfect boyfriend.

>> No.4782062

How did you know that it was me?
Gore is not appropriate on /sci/.
I am sure that many people here find that image disgusting and inappropriate.

>> No.4782068

I would have fucked her, if she let me, for sure. But, she'd never have let me. :(

>> No.4782065

>that feel when Harriet gave up her trip

I miss her. ;_;

>> No.4782078

Because you're autistic

I can recognize autists from miles away

>> No.4782082

I am not autistic.
People have posted that before, and it does not offend me, I just know that it is false.

Some people genuinely are autistic, and it is insensitive of you to use that as an insult.

>> No.4782080

How dare you having such inappropriate thoughts on our queen?

>> No.4782085

Why did you give up your tripcode? Can you get a new one?

>> No.4782086

There is no queen.
Pretending that a board needs a queen is just silly.
EK was never the queen either.

>> No.4782095

lel newfag

>> No.4782103

Harriet was the best tripfag. Now that she's gone the board is dead.

>> No.4782099

There's no need, it's easy to see her posts

She's okay most of the time though, EK is the real shit poster

>> No.4782100 [DELETED] 

A moderator posted and told me that EK and I were both banned.
I attempted to post, to make sure, and it did not work, but a ban did not appear, I was just redirected to the 4chan homepage.

The next day I was able to post again, but I had seen what the moderator had written.

I had not intended to break any rules, but if they did not want me here, then that is their decision to make.

I had hoped that if I just did not use a tripcode, I would be able to participate in the conversations and he moderator would not mind.
I did not expect to be recognised.

>> No.4782104

EK can be quite rude and insensitive sometimes, but I have also seen her be quite helpful on some occasions.

>> No.4782108

A moderator posted and told me that EK and I were both banned.
I attempted to post, to make sure, and it did not work, but a ban did not appear, I was just redirected to the 4chan homepage.

The next day I was able to post again, but I had seen what the moderator had written.

I had not intended to break any rules, but if they did not want me here, then that is their decision to make.

I had hoped that if I just did not use a tripcode, I would be able to participate in the conversations and the moderator would not mind.
I did not expect to be recognised.

>> No.4782109 [DELETED] 

Nice dubs.

You should delete that post. For sure some anon reported you by now.

>> No.4782117
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, 1338888575022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sagan thinks he's an oldfag
>hasn't even been here since the imageboard opened

>> No.4782120 [DELETED] 

Please, stop.

>> No.4782123

How do you know?

>> No.4782127

Sorry, I reposted due to a spelling error.

And perhaps you are correct, but the moderators appear to be quite inconsistent.

I was only actually ever banned once, and when I appealed that ban, the appeal was granted and I was able to post the very next day.

When the moderator posted and said that we were both banned, a ban did not appear, and I was still able to post the very next day.

I think perhaps there are multiple moderators on this board, and some of them alter the actions of the previous moderators if they believe that they were made in error.

>> No.4782131
File: 7 KB, 200x200, me-gusta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem?

>> No.4782135

No, it's because you have a dynamic IP that likely resets every 24 hours, so you never see a ban.

Either than, or EK is resetting your WAN IP.

It's irrelevant, anyway. I think you'll be respected much more here if you post anonymously. EK will not.

>> No.4782139

I have not seen her post recently.
She is quite busy.

She knows that the moderator spoke of both of us.
If I am not supposed to post, then she is not supposed to post either.

>> No.4782159

generally irrational, emotionally immature and unstable, manipulative, vapid, immoral, boring cunts that are only truly passionate about gossip and drama.

find a woman that doesnt meet most of the above criteria. keeping in mind that some women hide it well behind a mask of bullshit you wont uncover till you're already in love with her and then hormones conspire to blind you to her faults...

finding such a woman, let alone such a woman that is also attractive and passionate about science... well there are very few and you're statistically unlikely to be able to find let alone attract one.

so give up the dream and enjoy a series of fleeting romances with emotional ups and extreme downs like a rollercoaster circus of female drama. or better yet learn to be happy on your own and not needy for someone. those are your two options.

>> No.4782188

Why so anally frustrated?

>> No.4782191

the truth sounds frustrating because there's no way to sugarcoat it. i'm no longer frustrated as i have come to terms with it some time ago. just educating people as a public service

>> No.4782205

Cute nerdy girls? Sure, but they may not live up to your expectations. They may actually have self-confidence, friends, lives, etc. Of course you'll interpret that as not being a "true nerd".

>> No.4782338

Been living with a biophysicist and I'm just a programmer. Not sure how I landed it, but I've been living happy for a while; plus, she's pretty f'ing cute.

Short and slim with glasses, small perky breasts, nomnom lips and no fucked up traits.

This man here won at relationship but failed at career. No big deal.

>> No.4782349

When you say 'nerd girls', what exactly do you mean? Are you looking for girls with aspergers? Not likely to be attractive given the correlation between aspergers and early testosterone, and early testosterone and ugly.

If you just want a smart, attractive, science inclined woman, there're plenty

>> No.4782357
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I've only ever heard of one.

>> No.4782395

and she's a massive attention whore desperate for as much male attention as possible.

>> No.4782401

>a science

>> No.4782406
File: 293 KB, 683x1024, 1337949920380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of women are smarter than men. Women go after what they want and take it. If she can sense your dick, then she will probably try to find a way to get it.

>> No.4782407

sure is /r9k/ in here

>> No.4782422

Ya because you would have to be a fucking genius to get a guy's dick with a body like that

>> No.4782431
File: 230 KB, 960x1280, 1336312762202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they exist, but they, together with shy and short girls go get alpha males. Instead of nerdy, shy or short guys.

See this nerdy girl here? Would you date her even if she is a Nigger? Well sorry, she wouldn't date you. "Back to reality."

>> No.4782438

>nerdy girl
Wearing glasses does not make one a nerd.

>> No.4782517


Look at this one sided playing field. Lucky women, you are socialized to sit and wait. No risk taking for you.

>> No.4782518

there isn't even glass in those lenses and tattoos are for dumb trashy girls

i'd fuck her don;t get me wrong. i would so fuck that. but wouldn't even consider a serious romantic relationship (i even prefer black women, the ones that act white anyways)

>> No.4782522

>there isn't even glass in those lenses
i herped so hard i derped
you know what i meant