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4779167 No.4779167 [Reply] [Original]

>BS chemistry
>no jobs
>tfw no discernible job skills
>tfw lots of trade jobs available in my province
>tfw no trade skills

>tfw tradesmen with highschool education, driving $50k trucks making $100k/yr

how do you get a career?

>> No.4779181

I don't understand why you don't work in a chemical company.

>> No.4779178

>tfw 2 years into a linguistics major until realizing it's useless
>tfw decide to drop out entirely
>tfw go to CC to start engineering pre-reqs
>tfw entering state's public flagship as junior aerospace engineering major this fall

everything went better than expected

but i still gotta explain to friends why i'm going into my junior year just as they're all graduating

>> No.4779187


make them

>> No.4779190


lol because its chemistry not chemical engineering, i have no idea how to do 99% of the things relevant to a chem company.

chem companies don't care about chemistry undegrads they want pure Chem Phds, or they want Chem engineers.

also there aren't any chem companies in my area...nothing major anyway, just some minor ones with a couple phds and a couple engineers

>> No.4779246

even not as an assistant?

>> No.4779252

you mad OP?


>> No.4779272


i would work in the oil patch but I have food allergies that prevent me from working in camps away from civilization

they eat shit my stomach can't handle
>celiac sucks

>> No.4779285

If you want science, you better head to grad school.

Hell, the ACS will take away your license after I think two years of working if you dont acquire a graduate degree in chem.

Hell, get a masters in ChemE

>> No.4779286

Go to pharmacy school

>> No.4779288
File: 460 KB, 1945x1024, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil patch

do all you little school boys talk like faggots?

>> No.4779293

>gets a useless degree no one pays for
>bitches when there are no jobs for it
>Doesn't continue education to get highly valued degrees
>Took chemistry instead of Physics (chem is for losers)
>A physics major can still be an engineer
>OP is an idiot who fell for the college scam

>> No.4779296

Chem can transition pretty easily into chemE/biochemE, or pharmacy.

>> No.4780292

OP why didnt you study Che Eng? A BS in Chemestry is for people going for the Phd.

>> No.4780302

Sup OP you in Alberta?

Why are you not making meth you stupid fuck. You be Walt i'll be Jessie, bitch.

>> No.4780319

B.Sc. Chem grads are still employed. In the industry chem majors do things like lab analyses for Chemical Engineers and pretty much anything else that would cost too much time for a engineer to do. PhD's are hired primarily for R&D. The competition for these jobs are tough though, because there so many Chem bsc's out there, you'd be better of with a graduate degree.

>>4779293idiot physics undergrad
>A physics major can still be an engineer
No, unless you think doing a Pr.Eng.-less technicians work is equivalent to being an engineer. A b.sc. in Physics will get you about as far as a b.sc. in Chemistry.

>Chem can transition pretty easily into chemE/biochemE, or pharmacy.
Yes, but >chemE: no.
It's a completely different field, most of chemE has very little to do with chemistry.
A biochemE is a ChemE with a specialization.

>> No.4780350

Fucker ate my post. tl;dr version:

Apply for jobs using these websites (in order):

careerbuilder, indeed, simplyhired, monster, jobfox, university job system, niche job boards (like nature.com/naturejobs), local ads, craigslist/backpage, linkedin.com

Apply outside of your locality or country if you must.

>> No.4780885

OP, make MDMA (ecstasy) and sell it.