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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4772524 No.4772524 [Reply] [Original]

-no stds/aids
-must suck a 100 before payment
-random dick size
-suck til they cum
-unlimited time
-if you decline offer, it goes to the person you hate most

>> No.4772528

can I pay in installments?

>> No.4772530

For a million?


>> No.4772531

Yes. 1e6 USD is a lot of money.

Also, presumably no hidden troubles becus they can't cum becus they are on drugs or whatever. Better if they are gay men so that they actually like it.

>> No.4772536

Are these decent looking guys? Because I might go bi to give a million dollars to charity.

>> No.4772542


The only person i hate is this african girl, i hate her so much.

>> No.4772544

Fucking this.

I only have to pay a million dollars. That sounds great.

>> No.4772547

only if no one will record it or know about it

>> No.4772553

i c wat u did thar

>> No.4772555

Yes, no question.

I would go even say that I don't respect anyone who wouldn't.

>> No.4772558

>I would go even say that I don't respect anyone who wouldn't.
Why is that?

>> No.4772559

ITT: faggots deplete of dignity or women

>> No.4773163


Either: faggots, men deplete of dignity, women, or men who feel morally obligated to suck dicks to give a million dollars to charity

>> No.4773166

I think I would pay $1,000,000 to NOT have to suck 100 dicks.

>> No.4773172

If you wouldn't, you're basically saying that you wouldn't endure a tiny bit of unpleasantness in order to gain several years worth of freedom.

The only excuse not to do it would be that you really don't care about money.

>> No.4773176

A penny saved is a penny urned.

>> No.4773179

A penny saved is a penny earned is 1/1000000 of a dick you would otherwise have to suck.

>> No.4773181

But the IRS would be all over me. You can't just deposit a million dollars without some questions being asked.

>> No.4773184

You win this thread. How this has gone unnoticed is beyond me.

>> No.4773185

Sure, if I could donate all the money to charity / environmental conservation. That's a respectable thing to do, and won't tarnish your character at all.

I'd do it for 1/10 of that amount.

>> No.4773186

Bisexual master race reporting in.

>> No.4773187

Time is money. My time is better served not sucking dicks.

>> No.4773190

>implying you make $1,000,000 in the time it takes to get 100 dudes off

>> No.4773189

Frankly, I'd be a dick not to do it, no pun intended.

>> No.4773192

You sure are a pragmatic bunch, /sci/.

>> No.4773515

That's ten thousand bucks per dick.

A hooker usually gets 30 to 50 dollars for a blow job so I consider this a good deal.

>> No.4773520

I don't accept a shitty currency. Come back when you get Euros.

>> No.4773523


That wasn't subtle at all, try harder.

>> No.4773532

Fuck yes. I would sanitize for days afterwards though.

>> No.4773534

Principles. I have them.
Inb4 "what is this 1895?"

>> No.4773542

no one has to know I sucked them?
also do I have to drink their cum?
If so yes, ill give you 1 million dollars to suck 100 cock

>> No.4773554
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>implying engineers don't suck mutiple dicks daily

>> No.4773568
File: 13 KB, 250x404, sad_guy-855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I do this for free as an engineering major

>> No.4773570

Would you be know as the guy who sucked 100 dicks for money?
If no, +2Mil and I would.
If yes, +5mil and I would.

>> No.4773574


You value yourself too highly.

>> No.4773575

Definitely, why the fuck not

>> No.4773580

I'd do it for $100,000 let alone a million

>> No.4773584

Yes. I'd do it for around 1, 000.
And I'd suck one for free.

>> No.4773656

You just like sucking dick, don't you?

Fuck this, I wouldn't do it. Not for a million, not for a billion, nothing. I wouldn't do it. Fuck that.

>> No.4774794

Yes. As long as I don't have to swallow.

>> No.4774802

1 million isn't that much money
maybe 2 million

>> No.4774816
File: 644 KB, 250x245, he will never be your son.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you suck this boy's penis for 100 $, /sci/?

>> No.4774837


I would collect and swallow all of them at once.

>> No.4774839

Are they clean? Like no aids or herpes, right?

>> No.4774851

Why these disguisting /b/ pedophiles have arrived at this board?
I'm gonna leave this place right now.

>> No.4774885



>> No.4774979

10.000 and I´ll do it. After the first 5 you wont mind anymore.

If it were 100 horses I would do it for even less, sadly you can´t make a horse cum by sucking it. Dogs would be more difficult, they have rather disgusting dicks. Then again, I masturbated our family dog, it can´t be that bad to suck it.

>> No.4774984

>meanwhile, at /sci/...

>> No.4775004

On /b/ we are in to little girls. This boy is from /tv/.

Get your shit together son.

>> No.4775180
File: 304 KB, 1294x1138, o tv u so crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4775182

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.4775195

10,000$ per dick? count me in
it's also a good excuse for sucking dicks... i can say i just did it for the money, but in reality i always wanted to try

>> No.4775200

Only if I could think of something noble to do with the money, like start a democratic university/corporation/both.

While I would totally do it strictly for the money, a lot of people I know would think much less of me unless I did something valuable with it and that is hidden value lost.

>> No.4775213

Only if I get tied up and fucked in the ass at the same time.
Just imagine all those guys lining up to be serviced by my slut mouth.

>> No.4775217

If you don't agree to this you have some serious issues. Probably take a while to suck a hundred dicks though.

>> No.4775219
File: 21 KB, 288x230, 170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened /sci/???

(I would, and I am not gay at all)

>> No.4775223

Of course, I might even enjoy it a little, but I won't tell anyone.

>> No.4775227


Holy shit what the fuck, I cannot even fathom that crazy shit.

I hate little boys with a passion, buttfucking them is damn sure out of the question

>> No.4775225

such a scientific matter.

>> No.4775228

>Why is that?

Because if you wouldn't, it means your ridiculous hangups are worth more to you than a decade or two worth of labor. What are you actually doing? Sticking something in your mouth for a couple minutes. If that's THAT offensive to you, you are an incredibly weak person.

>> No.4775231

only 100 shemale dicks

>> No.4775234

Could i extend the offer to 1000 dicks for $10M?

>> No.4775237

Get a load if this faggot.
>not wanting to fuck a little boy

>> No.4775238

A million dollars, fuck yeah I would. I just spent 8 hours cutting grass for minimum wage, so what's 100 dick suckings to that.

>> No.4775235

Without a doubt. but I'm bisexual :)

>> No.4775240

I wouldn't, but Jim Madonni would.

>> No.4775243

I could earn 1 mil in 12-15 years, but dignity is forever. For a billion usd (2012), tax free though- yeah I probably would.
Also is it public knowledge that you suck a bunch of dicks?, b/c that could also be a factor.

>> No.4775255

Why do you lose your dignity by sucking dicks?
Some of you people in this thread man, I j-just can't respect a guy who wouldn't suck 100 dicks.

>> No.4775266

the ironic thing is most of /sci/ believes in evolution. yet they fail to practice optimal reproductive strategies consistently.

>> No.4775272

>>sucking 100 dicks
>>even if gay or female
never change /sci/

>> No.4775277

Fellatio is not reproduction.

>> No.4775274

I'd suck a hundred dicks for free, and then the next hundred for like $100 each until I got to $1m

>> No.4775279

Ha! For optimisation you require many/several/any sample pieces to collect data from.

>> No.4775281
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>> No.4775284

>the thread with more answers in a science board is about sucking 100 dicks

okay, fuck you guys

>> No.4775283

>but dignity is forever

What utter nonsense.

>> No.4775291

100 dicks x $100 will never get you to a million dollars.

>> No.4775300

No, I'd carry on going.

You see, the first hundred would slake my thirst for cum. It's so hard to find dicks to suck on Craigslist. Then, after I reached the milestone of 100, I could say HEY I SUCKED 100 DICKS. After that, I'd take them as they come (no pun intended) at a leisurely pace until I reached my final goal.

It wouldn't take long to earn that amount, if you brought them to orgasm relatively quickly.

>> No.4775356

>>4775300 It wouldn't take long to earn that amount, if you brought them to orgasm relatively quickly.

There is beauty in this statement.

Angry retards that are scared of being homo are punished by extended dickings whereas the logical master race optimises their money-making strategy, coming out on top many years earlier than everyone else.

The angry retards (99%) lash out at the efficient cock suckers (1%) because their selfish ego overpowers them.

>> No.4775550

Yes. I'd suck 20 a day for 5 days.

>> No.4775607 [DELETED] 

There's a lot of missing information.

Are the men all capable of ejaculating? Are they all of legal age? Can I use my hand as well as my mouth? Is the 1 million taxed before I receive it?

I don't want to assume.

>> No.4775621


Why not just get them all over with at once? Seems like it would be hardest to go back to it.

>> No.4775627


yes, yes, no, no

>> No.4775624

>Are the men all capable of ejaculating?

Most likely.

>Are they all of legal age?

Most likely.

>Can I use my hand as well as my mouth?

Most likely.

Is the 1 million taxed before I receive it?

>> No.4775632


if "most likely" means 95% then there is a 99.4% chance one of them can't cum and you're screwed

this is critical shit obviously

>> No.4775636

My dignity is worth more than any amount of money

>> No.4775646

Do they film me while sucking their dicks?
Are their dicks clean?
Will they tell other people?
Do I know the men?
How old are they?
Are they retards?
Do they have to cum into my mouth?

>> No.4775648

Is placing a human male phallus in your mouth going to damage your dignity and why if so?

>> No.4775651


yes; socially unacceptable


is important for this reason. worst case, if everyone knows, you might actually get beheaded by an angry mob of social conservatives / fundamental christians or something.

>> No.4775658

Jeepers, that's a hard one.

On one hand, logic dictates that I do it, it's just a good investment...on the other hand, I don't think I'd be able to think too highly of myself after I've sucked a hundred dicks...

I mean, I've come so far from the giant loser I was a child, and lose all of that hard-earned self-esteem would be pretty bad.

>> No.4775665

Sex for money is down there with the lowest classes of things you can do. Double so when you're a straight man doing gay for pay.

>> No.4775667

The question is:
Would you suck ONE dick for 10,000?

>> No.4775677

I'd love to meet you in person and see how little cash you would accept to let me 69 with you. You're probably an easy catch.

>> No.4775691

>Sex for money is down there with the lowest classes of things you can do.


>> No.4775694


yes. this would be an easier choice because it's a one time experience.

however, only if nobody knew, because if it was publicized it would be a bigger loss than not getting $10,000.

>> No.4775698

>I don't think I'd be able to think too highly of myself after I've sucked a hundred dicks...

Wouldn't you feel bad about yourself for turning down a million dollars because of some irrational hangup?

>> No.4775699 [DELETED] 

Your self-worth and image does not exceed $10,000. It's a gain for you no matter what and you know it.

>> No.4775704

Yes, but:
Varied - old enough to be legal, not too old to cum.

>> No.4775709


this isn't true. imagine if everyone at my college knew it. I would end up relocating or committing suicide or something, probably. $10,000 is comparatively nothing.

>> No.4775710

Money isn't everything, and a million dollars isn't even close to enough to allow you to retire if you're young. You'd still have to work every day just like the rest of the world

>> No.4775713

If no one has to know about it, absolutely.

If no one knows I'd do it for $10,000

>> No.4775722

My self worth is priceless. By suggesting such things you have offended my honour and I challenge you to ritual combat to the death

>> No.4775723


The entire rest of your life would be a lot easier, though. And again: it's just an irrational hangup. You should feel bad that it factors into your decision at all, let alone being so important that you turn down a million dollars because of it.

>> No.4775724

Ummm...yeah? Who honestly wouldn't?
100x like 6 minutes per guy is 10 hours of interesting work for $1,000,000.

>> No.4775726

Maybe to a certain extent, but I'd probably be able to rationalize it. In a way, this is just like that trolley and the fat guy - nobody EXPECTS me to become a millionaire, so I won't feel too bad if I don't. People do expect me not to suck a hundred dicks, though, so I'd have some trouble dealing with that.

Of couse, the worst case scenario would be me not sucking the hundred dicks, then failing at life to such an extent that I'd be forced to suck dick for a much lesser value. That'd be the one way I'd really regret not sucking them.

>> No.4775734


In this scenario, your net worth is your current real life net worth + $1 million. (So probably like $1.001 for most of you). You are forced to suck 100 dicks, unless you pay $1 million. All other details are the same. What do you do?

>> No.4775732

>Because people who sell themselves for sex always turn out to be happy, mentally stable, and rich due to all the money they earn doing it.
Hahahahahahaha, wow

>> No.4775742

I'd kill the person who's blackmailing me.

>> No.4775748

>Who honestly wouldn't?

People who are extremely afraid they'll enjoy it.

>> No.4775754

>suck 100 dicks for a million dollars
>so traumatised by the experience that you spend a million dollars on drugs and alcohol
>now you have poor health, a drug addiction, still haunted by your memories, and didn't gain any money

>> No.4775755

Suck 100 dicks.

>> No.4775756


As a result of your choice, you go to prison, and are forced to suck 100 dicks a week for the rest of your life.

>> No.4775761

>if you decline offer, it goes to the person you hate most
The person I hate most is me. So I don't even have to suck dicks to gain my million. Too easy.

>> No.4775762

Bitch please. Women and fags suck dick, and they don't get any money or respect because of it. Dicks don't bite.

>> No.4775763


You wouldn't be "traumatized" by the experience unless you were extremely fucked up to begin with.

>> No.4775767


Nice grasp of cause and effect you've got there.

>> No.4775772

>You wouldn't be "traumatized" by the experience unless you were heterosexual to begin with
fixed that for you.

>> No.4775773


1) How do you know there aren't high-class escorts who are happy with their lives? 2) Escorting is different from OP's scenario. So is porn. In those you actually have to deal with people and their emotions and communicate to some extent. In OP's scenario it's just an army of random dicks, they might as well not be people. 3) It's a one time thing and would only cause mental instability if you're not mentally equipped to dealing with a dick in your mouth.

>> No.4775781


Why would a heterosexual be affected at all? It would just be a mechanical activity.

Now, if you were a deeply repressed homosexual...

>> No.4775800 [DELETED] 

I agree with this.

I'm homo so I substitute sucking cock with eating pussy in this question.

The women are disease-free and capable of orgasm. I must bring all 100 to orgasm before I receive my money.

I've never touched, smelled, or been within 10 feet of an exposed vagina, but I would gladly accept the conditions. Stereotypes would suggest that producing orgasm in a woman is more difficult than producing orgasm in a man, but with no time constraint I'd lap those bitches dry for a million bucks. No questions asked. Bring me the pussies.

>> No.4775806

>'ve never touched, smelled, or been within 10 feet of an exposed vagina

How were you born, then?

>> No.4775809

I'd do it.


>> No.4775815

youre a stupid fag, its not like youre sucking identical disembodied dildoes, that wouldnt be that big a deal, you are blowing dudes until they come, there is a hairy guy probably grunting and moaning and reacting to what you do with your mouth and orgasming to your touch, that would be pretty fucking traumatic to pretty much any straight guy ever and a lot of gays and straight girls

>> No.4775818

You keep implying that I'm a repressed homosexual without any evidence.
I think you're projecting

>> No.4775817 [DELETED] 

My apologies, my fellow autistic fuck.

*Since birth, I've never... [all that shit about women loins]

>> No.4775825 [DELETED] 

Well, dipshit, if we implied something WITH evidence, then we wouldn't be implying it, we'd be concluding it.

>> No.4775828


>that would be pretty fucking traumatic to me


>> No.4775833

Oh, it seems I've hit a nerve there.
I guess I was right, you _are_ just projecting.

>> No.4775837

>implying only one person has been suggesting that

>> No.4775838

Well, no shit, cultural perception is a lot different on that matter. I don't think anyone, even women, would have a problem with that.

>> No.4775847

As I gay man who actively fantisized about sucking dicks, my answer is yes. I would love to be paid $1,000,000 (converted to £640,000 first, off course) to be gay.

>> No.4775851 [DELETED] 

So what other people think is good or bad about you has more bearing on your life than what you think is good or bad for yourself?

>> No.4775853

That's pretty much how it is for every human being without autism or who hasn't led a really alternative lifestyle.

>> No.4775860 [DELETED] 

Nice appeal to widespread belief.

>> No.4775867

You didn't understand my argument.

>> No.4775877 [DELETED] 

You haven't understood why your argument is fallacious and therefore unworthy of consideration.

>> No.4775884

You don't even know what a fallacy is.

>> No.4775898

You can't use your hands at all? Fuck, I'm not even sure I'd be physically capable of moving my neck that much.

>> No.4775904 [DELETED] 

Okay. You win. +1 for you. I'm an idiot. Moving on.

>> No.4775909 [DELETED] 

Not to mention some men are incredibly difficult to get off without using your hand. Even as a gay man, I find this constraint unsettling.

>> No.4775912

Do you have experience in sucking dicks or how do you know??

>> No.4775916

> implying that he doesn't have a huge dick that has been adorned by many females and that he hasn't seen the tedious effort they partake in to satisfy him orally

>> No.4775919

Could I wear sunglasses and a hat while while preforming these 100 fellatios to prevent being identified should I ever chance upon one of these 100 individuals in the future?

>> No.4775926


>> No.4775934

Will they tell my mom?

>> No.4775936

It's good to see someone admitting they're wrong on 4chan. I've seen people misuse terms like "logical fallacy" and "irrational" so much since I got involved with science and skepticism, and they're usually spoken by people with little understanding of what they mean, but a great love for the greater aspects of scientific culture.

I applaud you for admitting you were wrong, because that's the best way to learn. When I was a kid, being right was the most important thing in the world for me - and that's the worst viewpoint someone can have when getting into science. I have some newfound respect for you now that you've admitted to being wrong, and hope that you and people like you can continue to inhabit the board and make it better.

>> No.4775950

Perhaps if there was a time limit, like you couldn't touch the phallus with your hands until a certain period of time after stating? I wouldn't know what would be reasonable, but if it's ten minutes for every dude then that is a minimum of about 17 hours of moving one's head back and forth plus however long it takes to get them off after that ten minutes.

>> No.4775948 [DELETED] 

I'll study the word 'fallacy' if you study the word 'sarcasm'. :)

>> No.4775949

I'd rather not...and I wouldn't enjoy it...but yes, I would. A million dollars in one, lump (assumeably non-taxable) sum gives a freedom few have.
I'd man up and just get it over with as quick as I could, keeping that mill in mind, even if it's not actually worth so much due to the shitty dollar.

On the one hand, I think it'd taint my life. I'd always know what I'd done and it would haunt me.
But on the other hand, I'd know it was a practical decision. If I didn't do it, I'd regret it every time I thought "nope, can't afford that".

>> No.4775953

This would be acceptable, or even yet, only allow hand to penis contact if mouth to penis contact is present. This would prevent just jerking the men off.

>> No.4775963

Well, I can't be sure of anything, but I think that I'd feel the opposite - if I saw something I can't affort I'd think "well, at least i didn't suck the hundred dicks".

And if I had sucked the hundred dicks, I'd be forever haunted whenever I bought something expensive. I'd think "way to go, cocksucker, I hope this new computer was worth the taste of 100 different variations of semen in your mouth".

Why would you think I have a problem with sarcasm?