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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongsci2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4770486 No.4770486 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though, the normalfaggotry here is just trite on a sandwich, this board was a lot better when they stayed on /b/ and /r9k/ and /soc/ and what not.

Guys... just go... you're not welcomed here. We need a place for just us, without your petty, normal, social bullshit that plagues up the rest of the internet. And we did find one, this place, until you guys slowly migrated in and cancerified it beyond what is reasonable to look at. Just go, you just ruin shit for the rest of us. And also since you're normalfags with "healthy" social lives, I highly doubt you are anywhere near smart enough to tackle science and mathematics, and the posts here since your migration has done nothing but prove that hunch of mine. So go, and leave this place for the true intellectuals, something your social lives give too little room for.

>> No.4770490

Do tulpa gfs count?

>> No.4770493

this checklist always makes me laugh.
thanks op, just like the good ol days.

>> No.4770500

liek aether posting timecube faggotry with that stupid rag over his face. Or when EK didn't shitpoast and derail erry thread she got in.

I remember when /sci/ was good!

>> No.4770503

OP, you need to leave this board. We don't want your shitposting here.

>> No.4770506

Most scientists have social lives OP. The board is /austist/ - Autistic undergrad hideout, its /sci/ - Science and Math

>> No.4770507

I agree with them all except the community college one.

This doesn't mean I attend a community college. I actually attend one of the best universities in my country (Australia). It's just very elitist to think that just because someone is only starting their education, they shouldn't be discussing science.

All the other points are valid.

>> No.4770508

So you don't want transhumanists or people too poor to attend expensive colleges.

OP, please, just leave.

>> No.4770509

I don't recall meeting a scientist that ISN'T a fan of sci-fi.

maybe in china, but those guys suck.

>> No.4770511

>Most scientists have social lives OP.
That's a fallacy most college freshman assume right off the bat. Science, professionally, is a highly time-consuming and demanding job that most working in it will rarely be able to find even time for themselves, often only finding it much later in their careers, most likely old enough then to retire. Most professional scientists with noticeable social lives are often looked at as slackers who aren't serious about their work, and so easily fall behind on their research and projects than others on whatever team they were hired in. Hell, even people in the medical field sometimes barely find time to fix themselves up in the morning.

>> No.4770513

I should note I'm a working scientist, and what you've just said is absolute bullshit.

>> No.4770514

the horse has bolted, the pigeons have flown the coop. posting this shit just makes you look like a terrible person. this ought to be the most enlightened board on the 4chan.

>> No.4770515

Then we can easily refute your position with a confirmation bias, and you're likely not serious about science if you can still manage life outside what's supposed to be your professional obligation.

>> No.4770516

>Science, professionally, is a highly time-consuming and demanding job


You couldnt be more wrong. I'm currently working as a primary researcher and I do fuck all every day. Maybe if you're a lab ass or something/

>> No.4770519

which field? if it's something like computer science or psychology, you don't count

>> No.4770520

>Maybe if you're a lab ass
i.e.: Real scientists, the ones doing the actual work while having some professor or head coast off of them.

>> No.4770521

>you don't count


>> No.4770522

>I do fuck all every day
there's a word for that, it's called "lazy"

>> No.4770524

No, I'm the one that does the real work. All they do is the repetitive work that you can train monkeys to do. I'm the one doing the mentally straining work, albeit over an extensive period.

>> No.4770527

No, you just dictate and provide a model, and they do the rest of the work to verify and actually prove it's correct or not. They're your ghost writers producing your 1400 page novel, and you're just slipping them in ideas now and then, and taking credit for their work.

>> No.4770539

>This is what interns actually believe
>this is what lead researchers actually believe

But yeah, often lead researchers do literally fuck all for research progress. I was in a research meeting for the ****** group, and they all but outright said "how many more years can we drag this question out and continue to get grants for it?", the most disgusting group of do-nothing fucks I've ever met.

In somewhat more privatized science, they're a little too (in my opinion) focused on monetizing everything, but my lead and myself and the entire group all work hard to keep asking and answering relevant questions, and our lead isn't too good to do bench work too.

Fuck uppity "scientists". Much love for the true scientists out there.

>> No.4770543

Thanks for reminding me that physicists are arrogant assholes, OP.

>> No.4770547 [DELETED] 

This board is for science and maths, and everyone who enjoys these things.
The real rules can be seen on www.4chan.org/rules.
These rules in OP's image are not the official rules, and there is no reason why anybody should follow them.

Anybody who thinks that women should not be here is sexist and ignorant.
All of these other 'rules' are stupid as well.

>> No.4770546

Applied maths.
You could say the same about absolutely any profession whatsoever. If you fail to upkeep a social life because of your work, you're not good at your work. I'm not saying there aren't times when I'm snowed under, but if science excluded socialisation, no one would do science.

>> No.4770551

>if science excluded socialisation, no one would do science.
Except autistic fucks like OP (or let's face it: /sci/ in general) who are looking a career that doesn't require more socializing than they're capable of.

>> No.4770555

I'm better at maths than you, and fit half of the criteria on that list.

If you want a board that's just for shut-ins, /r9k/ is thattaway

This is the board for science and math.

>> No.4770558

I don't even know what /sci/ people stay on /sci/ for.

>> No.4770561

I don't understand the hate for pop science here. Anybody care to explain?

>> No.4770566 [DELETED] 

Sage this stupid thread.
I for one enjoy pop science.

>> No.4770565

the few scientists we had left /sci/ ages ago

>> No.4770568

I figured as much. Went on to study and do real science after getting their PhDs, I suppose. Like how old /g/ guys went on to security etc.

>> No.4770569

this graphic has been trolling /sci/ for as long as /sci/ has been a thing.

I'd bet it was poasted on day 1.

>> No.4770573
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>tfw almost normal

>> No.4770577
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i love you op

>> No.4770578
File: 27 KB, 450x301, 08132008_sajaehyouk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the best
>not the best
do you even study?

>> No.4770583

Pas pls just go

>> No.4770584

1. It is true that science leaves little time for an active social life.

2. OP's image is shit-tier stupid and should not be followed at all.

3. /sci/ having a large population of normals is not ideal.

>> No.4770589
File: 36 KB, 433x451, 1339334819167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k sry

>> No.4770592
File: 465 KB, 200x147, 1325242348859453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back naos

>> No.4770596
File: 112 KB, 600x509, 6172851890_dda289610d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but i have work to do ;_;

>> No.4770608

He is Asian, he does not count.

>> No.4770625
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1339304993127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't count as what

>> No.4770629

experiencing qualia

>> No.4770631

hey OP i have a bit of a social life, have had a girlfriend, have lost my virginity, work out thrice a week, and major in biology. u mad?

>> No.4770633
File: 3 KB, 120x126, 1339414195042s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd laugh

>> No.4770636

most of the posters on /sci/ are studying biology.

we just don't brag about it because it makes the poor physicsfags feel insecure

>> No.4770637
File: 7 KB, 200x251, 1328108285675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to OP, then, it seems that the only person that can be interested in science or math to the extent where they can post on a /sci/ board are males who are fat neckbeard introverts that jack off six times a day and who are fucking stupid enough to think that it's the university that determines the will and intelligence of the student.

You get off the board, you pretentious faggot.

>> No.4770639
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard sciences

>> No.4770641


insecure physicsfag deflected

>> No.4770644
File: 38 KB, 475x500, 1327538539542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as i hate to say this but i agree with op, this is what makes /sci whether you like it or not so please don't fuck it up for everyone here by being a bitch nigga

>> No.4770650

What I get out of OP is that the only things that should be posted on /sci/ are original research and postulates on such research. Am I right?

I don't even know for sure what "postulate" means in that sentence.

>> No.4770649

>everyone here

>less than two people fit the description

how bout you fuck off?

>> No.4770653
File: 73 KB, 593x338, 1320158308694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4770656

/sci/ is for discussing why your planned major in physics or math is superior, despite your lack of high-school diploma, college acceptance, or declared major.

also your goal of course means that you are superior to the common man in both knowledge and potential, and thus to be worshipped and respected for what you will certainly accomplish one day once you graduate high school
with honors

>> No.4770658

chemfag that is, while you fags are playing around with frogs and socializing I'll be doing cool shit in the lab

>> No.4770661

enjoy your chromatography 24/7

>> No.4770662

> I highly doubt you are anywhere near smart enough to tackle science and mathematics
This is what the /sci/entists actually believe?

>> No.4770670
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1330518192155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4770673


but a frog is an interesting collection of chemicals to study

>> No.4770716

>>Not studying elder god tier biochemistry

Do you even bioinformatics?

>> No.4770718


I study biology and includes biochemistry yeah

>> No.4770720


OP is kinda right, I've seen so many posts here that ask "Why is x such and such" without any real context. There is also the other extreme, where knowledgeable posters make threads (many many people will never understand these threads).

I'm in the middle, not a graduate math/student nor am I a highschooler.

>> No.4770729

Yeah most of us can manage a social life and a bachelors. I just don't understand all the hatred poured on biology.

>> No.4770732

>>4770636 here

nope, i'm actually more interested in environmental biology/ecology, though i have taken a few biochem courses and know the basics. i'm in second year of uni though so i guess i'm pretty junior.

not a troll, everything i said is true

>> No.4770734

>hard science

>> No.4770736

i don't get this accusation, please elaborate on why biology is not a hard science.

>> No.4770741

1. , 7. and 8. are ridiculous.
1. - that just shows your insecurity towards succesful women
7. - About 99% of all top scientist are sci-fi fans, and dozens of those are also transhumanists or futurists (Kaku, Sagan, More, Gorsky etc)
8. half of the planet has community colleges that produce scientists on par with the best "pay to learn" univrsities.

TL:DR OP fails even at eliticism

>> No.4770748
File: 6 KB, 210x230, 1283930274JjXS0j2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the female sci fi fan attending community college for a bio degree

>> No.4770764

says the autist with no social life

>> No.4770770
File: 418 KB, 1600x1200, little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4770784

2-6 arent really elitist behaviours you know.

Are people here disputing that exercise would be good for us if we did it?

Do we still fit the definition of life if we stop reproducing?

>> No.4772653

What if I have a boifriend?

>> No.4772670

Why are you faggots keeping this old stale copypasta troll alive?

>> No.4772678
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1339351882281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double major in physics/biology
>Have girlfriend
>Have social life
>Workout daily
>Work 45+ hours a week

OP confirmed for butthurt aspie who thinks you can't be serious about science and have a social life, simply because he cant into a social life.

O God my sides.

Plenty of notable scientists had/have social lives.

Richard Feynman, God tier example.

>> No.4772687

of course engineers can post here, a lot of them suck but most of you are almost as reasonable as us, the :3 is not welcome though

>> No.4772690

I barely study, get top marks and have a great sex and social life. You must be some kind of plebian.

>> No.4772689

>serious about science
oh for fucks sake, just gtfo

>> No.4772693

Schrödinger was a womanizer. He must have had a social life, while at the same time accomplishing so much more than you butthurt aspie fags are.
Physics major, EE minor, future EE grad student about to graduate with honors. Have a girlfriend. Have a few girls on the side. Have friends. Have hobbies (mostly working on cars and bicycles). Physically fit.
Quit being that stupid stereotype cast upon us by society, and be a well rounded individual.

>> No.4772701

>high schooler
get out.

>> No.4772702

The entire department would have laughed at you if this was true, or you barely passed your physics core classes are wrote a thesis that a child could appreciate

>> No.4772706

Then you're a woman, who doesn't belong here, or an engineer.

>> No.4772713

At my CC they offer up to differential equations and have a few upper level classes like thermodynamics with diff. equations as a prerequisite. Are these subjects not what /sci/ is about/a part of /sci/? Is it so wrong to want to save money by going to a CC while still getting a good education from good professors who want to teach the people who can't afford the higher level universities (some even teach at both CC and high level universities)?

>> No.4772720

but im in the final year of my mchem....

>> No.4772726

It's fine if you go to CC and haven't transferred yet, feel free to browse and read posts and educate yourself, but clearly you do not actually know anything about real science and you simply aren't going to be able to make posts that really contribute to the board, come back and start posting once you've transferred and taken some real classes

>> No.4772770

I see what you're trying to say, and you're right to some degree. However I will post if I have a question on a math/science topic.

>> No.4772773

You're all such faggots. None of those qualifications mean anything. I'm not even defending the high schoolers/women/community college students/etc. on the board because I realize that the vast majority of them are mentally retarded in comparison to those who actually have meaningful things to say on this board. However, qualifications in the world are not always reliable indicators of much of anything. Attending MIT doesn't make you a genius. It means you were lucky enough to make it through the admission process. Are you probably pretty fucking intelligent if you were able to achieve that? Hell yeah, but there aren't any guarantees. Thus, I deduce that having a social life, being a woman, going to parties, attending community college, etc. does not really prove anything as far as one's knowledge of math and/or science. Personally, only one item on the list applies to me, and you can enjoy yourselves pondering which one, but I've a very good understanding of a variety of fields of science and some higher level maths. Thus, this post should read "if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about," which we've all seen (e.g. "Never taken physics, but how do I calculate momentum after an elastic collision? Herp derp"), then gtfo. I'm sure everyone will have fun bitching about how much of a fag I am and the enormity of their e-penises, but I shan't be checking this thread, so have at it!

>> No.4772784
File: 9 KB, 220x229, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little bit offending, but I rarely post. I love reading what this board has too offer, and furthering my knowledge. After all it is collective. So I mean I can just as much tell you too fuck off as you can tell me to stay off.

>> No.4772797


He doesn't realize the greatest geniuses were abnormal but weren't emotionally-wrecked, biased, illogical insecure failures compensating for their imposed social inadequacies on a sub-par image board.

Be like Von Neumann, Fischer, Einstein, and get a fucking life you piece of shit. And actually contribute. Get your ass off your computer.

P.S: Some physical exercise and interaction will greatly improve your productive capability and quality of life.

You piece of shit.

>> No.4772820

I love you both.

>> No.4772829

You guys are forgetting something.

>> No.4772836

What is it?

>> No.4772850

>Von Neumann
>Not an alien

>> No.4772860

You should put sage in the email field if you respond to crap like this at all. Which you shouldn't be doing in the first place, because it's just stale copypasta to troll you.

>> No.4772938


>> No.4772971

Well, I kind of have a social life and sometimes attend parties -- not often, but if I'm ever in the mood, it's not too hard to find one.

I like science fiction here and there. It's impossible to dislike Doctor Who.

>> No.4772996

if there is no gender on the web, then y does it matter if ur a woman?

>> No.4773079
File: 9 KB, 200x204, 200px-Paul_Feyerabend_Berkeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey asshole! I was just lurking 4chan front page and the popular threads, and found this one.
Your douche attitude convinced me that me and Paul should stay here to remind you a little that all your occidental dogmas don't mean shit and that you shouldnt behave like a religion when you are nothing more than a society, with results as subjective as any other society.
Also you are not a neutral tool of knowledge that cant be judged morally. And budget, opinions, "irrational roots" , etc all affect the result of your "objective conclusions".

This seems like a nice board, I think I will enjoy it!
Thanks OP! without your thread I would have never ended here!

>> No.4773095

Ok, this thread is a giant shithole.
But seriously, no more biology threads
Just throwing it out there. I think I speak for much of /sci/.