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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4767265 No.4767265 [Reply] [Original]

>top of class in math
>get asked to tutor
>sophomore girl in BA program needs to pass some trig for her major (don't ask me why)
>she thought I would look like a nerd
>I don't (I still am though)
>says to me "Oh geez great, I thought you were the smartest in your class"

Just because I am not visually a nerd, I'm not Asian and I'm not a fucking aspie, she thought there was no way for me to be smart.

Honestly fuck Big Bang Theory.

>> No.4767293

Did you kick her in the vagina and walk away? Tell her supervisor she was very racist to you.

>> No.4767294
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knock knock knock "penny?"
>The crowd begins to stir in anticipation
knock knock knock "penny?"
>One man at the front of the crowd lets out a small whelp of contained laughter, sets off the whole crowd. Everyone is laughing there faces off as the wait for what they came to see
knock knock knock "penny?"
>A woman in the back lets out a screech in hilarity as her 4 month old fetus is jettisoned from her uterus as her lungs fill with air to produce such laughter.
"Penny, I need to ask you for some dicholotriptamene..."
>The following word, entirely made up mind you, escapes the knowledge of the plebeian crowd. But such ignorance ask only as fual for their laughter, as one man in the front begins to croak from a fatal heart attack, others laugh harder at the sheer wit of the performance
"... For my string theory experiment"
>Although such large chemicals couldn't possibly prove the existence of such a theory, the crowd instants recognizes the word and bursts into laughter as they gauge their eyes out, never again to witness a performance so spectacular.

>> No.4767295

A girl who needs a tutor to pass trigonometry has ill-conceived preconceptions of others' appearances... and this somehow confounds you enough to feel the need to start a thread about it?

Here, have some sage and get the fuck of the front page.

>> No.4767303


>implying 95% of the threads on this board aren't as pointless as this one

>> No.4767306

Why do you people refuse to learn what an implication is?

>> No.4767315

one of the rare times I have actually laughed at loud. nice.

>> No.4767312

No, no, he used it correctly.

>> No.4767320

Not >>4767306, but let me give an example of how to use implications.

>implying that we shouldn't try to change that

>> No.4767328

The most tragic statistic I've ever read. L*

Thank goodness I can watch the mlg finals of SC2 for free to get me through this difficult time

>> No.4767329

No, no, he really didn't. The poster says he doesn't want shit posts on the front page. How does that imply 95% of the threads on this board aren't as pointless as this one? It doesn't.

>> No.4767332


get rid of this off the front page and you'll replace it with something similar

>> No.4767333


>Takes a mundane situation as a huge insult
>Won't confront the person about it
>Posts on /sci/ instead like a passive-aggressive faggot
>Not an aspie

Whatever you say OP.

>> No.4767338

Please children, contain your ego-fueled needs to quarrel. This thread is about how Big Bang Theory FUCKS with me and my ego.

>> No.4767342


>implying i care

>> No.4767343

Never said I didn't say anything back to her. Do you want to hear the conversation I had with her?

>> No.4767339

My issue is with your fucking >implying bullshit. Not what's on the front page. Its so fucking retarded it hurts to read.

>> No.4767347

Not same poster but I do!

>> No.4767353
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>> No.4767355


It's probably something to the effect of:


"Gee anon, you don't look like a typical nerdy type... Oh geeze great, I thought you were the smartest in your class! Teehee! (Thinking: He is cute! I hope I got through to him by implying he is attractive and not your average pimply nerd!)



>> No.4767359

My chest swells with pride at the thought. Fuck bitches, toast on /sci/

>> No.4767361

"Oh geez great, I thought you were the smartest in your class"
"Do you want to tutor yourself?"
"No (sighs) ok, come here I'll show you"
I follow her to her desk
"Why do you think that I'm NOT the smartest in the class?"
"I don't know, you don't look very smart"
"Well, I mean, I care about how I look"
"Haha I see, sorry if I offended you"
"No, it's cool, just stop watching big bang theory, it messes with your conceptions"
"O-M-G I love that show!"
I sigh
"Ok so what do you need help with?"
(that last piece of dialog may have been skewed a bit, idk I have a bad memory)

>> No.4767371
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>"No, it's cool, just stop watching big bang theory, it messes with your conceptions"
>"O-M-G I love that show!"
>I sigh

it's ok anon

>> No.4767373

>"Haha I see, sorry if I offended you"
>not aspie

>> No.4767378

honestly what the fuck OP?

She said "haha I see" when you said "I care about my appearance"

but no... you just *sigh*

what a faggot.

>> No.4767376


This. OP is aspie as fuck.

>> No.4767380

>comes back

>> No.4767403

i sigh when someone says something stupid. what are you supposed to do? when i hear something like that i think to myself "well, it would be very gratifying to verbally reduce her into a angry, terrified, self-loathing, slobbering gollum, but that woulnt change the fact that this person exists. i could kill her but then i could get in trouble...plus i would have to kill a male to even out the sexual scales." so then a part of my soul dies and it detaches from my body via my lungs.

>> No.4767409

well spoken, but what I mean is that OP could have sucked it up and taken advantage of her before expressing his beta remorse.

>> No.4767462


OP I will from now on be referring to you as 'Billy'.

You see Billy, what you've done here is taken something which is not actually a problem (and you know it's not a problem) but is actually the fact that you have both intelligence and do not look like a nerd, and chosen to brag about it anonymously to a public internet forum with the pathetic veil of an excuse that what you are doing is not bragging, but merely complaining about how the big bang theory gives people the false perception that all clever people will look a certain way, when you are a clever person and do not look how this show portrays people like you. Do you see the problem here Billy? Because I see a problem here.

It is obvious what you want the reader to conclude is that you are smart and reasonably good looking, when actually if we were to infer anything from your text it would be that you are an arrogant ass. Furthermore Billy, if you were clever you would realize just how futile your efforts to disguise your arrogance are, honestly your lack of awareness is indicative of you being quite dense.

Take this life lesson with you Billy, humility is important. You're as clever or as stupid as you are, telling people you are this or that clever doesn't change how clever you actually are, and no matter how you try to disguise what you just did, you're bragging for no good reason.

Tl,dr OP fucks pigs.

>> No.4767473
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>> No.4767484

>/sci/ at it's finest

>> No.4767511

+1 internets

>> No.4767530


I did indeed chuckle.

OP you are an autist.


>> No.4767574
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>> No.4767587

Reality check, OP: you're not smart.

>> No.4767602

Billy got told.

>> No.4767642

I'm sure it was said mostly in jest, but the implication follows from the general notion that because something is common, it shouldn't annoy you. If you accept this axiom, his annoyance at this "shit" implied that shit was not common.

Of course, saying something is common therefore should not be annoying is not an axiom that I would like to take, but you can't deny that there is a general attitude like that in our society. ("It's always been that way. Get used to it.") Also, the fact that the comment was a joke means it doesn't have to take the axioms by which it draws it's conclusions too seriously.

Basically what I want to get down to is that it was a proper use of the word "implying", but it extended from disagreeable axiom, the place where the true flaw lies, but this is made irrelevant due to the fact that it is a joke, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.4767651

> passive-aggressive

But he's not being aggressive at all, unless he happens to know she browses /sci/. His words have no affect on her at all.

>> No.4767832

>"Oh geez great, I thought you were the smartest in your class"

Sounds like she's the aspie.

>> No.4767845

>OP smarter than dope bar friends
>be getting a solid B- on calc final
>future cum dumster wife is compelled
>tries to relate to super aspies that slice air with laser eyes of smart

>> No.4767917

i guess its counterintuitive, but its amazing to me how people never point out that tons and tons of women have fucking terrible, borderline autistic, social skills. frankly, nerdy smart guy types have equal social skills minus the absence of self-awareness.

>> No.4767922


>> No.4769719


Tell me something I didn't know, faggot.



>> No.4769737

Why didn't you teach her gibberish as a lesson Surely if she is at university and doesn't know trig then she is clearly a dumbass and you could pull it off.

>> No.4771477

>You're as clever or as stupid as you are, telling people you are this or that clever doesn't change how clever you actually are, and no matter how you try to disguise what you just did, you're bragging for no good reason.
But sir, surely it's the people who decide how Billy is, not some universal judge of intellect. And if by telling people he's smart Billy is able to convince them it is so, then Billy is indeed smart. Sure, he didn't convince you, but you're probably a genius or something, or that's what your post is leading me to believe. But may it be that you're also pretending, just like Billy?

>> No.4771875


You are a massive cock.