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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 87 KB, 631x800, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4765577 No.4765577 [Reply] [Original]

I am 20 years old.
I stopped paying attention at school since I was 12.
I now decided to start studying.
I'm starting from the very beginning (algebra).
I realized most of the concepts seem familiar. (I probably picked up some of them, while I was sleeping)

>Is it too late for me?

>> No.4765580

Never too late for anyone

>> No.4765581


Nah OP, algebra is simple if you actually understand it. They waste a lot of time in high school. You could be doing a lot more in that amount of time. Go for it.

>> No.4765590

Actually most people start getting serious about maths, around 18-20, (since schools spend a decade teaching you shit that you could learn in a year)so it's more normal than you may think.


I hope you realize I am kidding.
>Yes it is late.
If you don't study maths at an early age where it can register in your mind properly, then you can just go up to a certain point. Don't expect to become a math genius or anything, you will simply learn some basic shit. Everyone that did anything worthy in maths, studied it since he was 14 or so.

>> No.4765595

You are completely wrong.

Don't be discouraged OP. Work hard, get off 4chan and you can do it.

>> No.4765597


>> No.4765600

Wish I remember who he was but wasn't there some famous mathematician that learned math at an older age and still became amazing?

I hate this kind of attitude because everyone thinks you can't learn new concepts past a certain age because your brain shuts down.
When instead its just a barrier put up by the thought process of saying you can't do it.

>> No.4765602

At my uni they teach all of high school maths from algebra/sets to calculus in a semester to people who have done very little maths before. High school maths is basically pretty easy.

>> No.4765609

So how does it seem OP? Do you find it hard? Remember that you will get better. Don't lose your will if it seems hard at first. It's one of the major traps.

>> No.4765613

Of course. Once you are out of school your main duty becomes to the corporations and the economy. There is no time for independent study. Shit what would happen if everyone in the Western World knew that you can learn anything you want at any age you want with today's technology? Wal-Mart would be hard up for worker drones...

>> No.4765614

Actually I find it really intuitive. Like i finally found a formal version of what I've been trying to articulate all these years.
Then again I just started, so I can't tell if it is gonna get harder.

>> No.4765625
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>Only those who start young can do something worthy
Yes, I;m sure Jacob Barnett is gonna do so much more than Euclid.

>> No.4765629

As someone that is in your situation just much further ahead, my biggest tip is to make sure you understand the concepts thoroughly as you go through them.

Don't just go "oh, i got that one right i can move on."

Understand it and apply it and then move on. It helps a lot down the line and makes concepts that appear later easier.

>> No.4765637

Yeap. I actually don't move on, unless I find out the reason a rule is followed. (Which again seems extremely easy, but as I said I should humbly wait and see if it becomes hard later on)

>> No.4765655 [DELETED] 
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ITT: late learners commencing in sessions of depicted.

>> No.4765658 [DELETED] 
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ITT: late learners commencing in sessions of depicted.

>> No.4765685

why do you, so wholeheartedly support the notion that after a certain age, a civilian's duty is to be a hard factory worker and consumer and work in the real circlejerk, which is called "Economy"?

>> No.4765701

I never said that. what i said was that if you are a 20 year old then you lost your chance. not that everyone who is 20 should be a factor worker, but if someone is and lost his chance ,then he cant expect to get a phd or anything

>> No.4765709
File: 132 KB, 1000x750, 1290242853694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like you "lost your chance" and are trying to recruit others to fall into the pit with you.

>> No.4765712
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>behind at 20
>can't get phD


>> No.4765717

unless you actually are smart, and genuinely only failed out of laziness (which i highly doubt), going back to education will be a massive waste of time and money. there is a reason you were lazy and went to sleep, it's because your brain is inferior and got burnt out at even simple concepts.

also what they don't tell you is that employers hate people that have gaps in the resume, be it education or work history. they'll hire someone else with the same personality and qualification, yet is younger and doesn't have the gaps.

your best bet is to get a pleb tier job and be frugal for the rest of your days. or become an alcoholic or druggie.

they don't say "do your homework unless you want to be cleaning toilets for a living" for nothing. life and education isn't some fucking game you get to retry at any moment.

>> No.4765726


>implying it isn't true

>> No.4765729
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OP here.
You, sir can go fuck yourself. I study because I like it, not to get a job.
Anyway... thanks everyone, but now that this thread turned into a troll-fest I'll have to go. C ya.

>> No.4765731

All that projecting.

Funny how non of that happened to me.

Guess im an outlier.

>> No.4765735

When did you start studying and what degree to you have?

>> No.4765734

>waste of time and money
>waste of money
Have you ever heard of the piratebay, 4shared, ebookee and other such fuckers?

>> No.4765742

lol. enjoy being a broke, lonely, public library dwelling, weirdo when you're 40, while everyone else is investing in property and taking the kids on ski trips .

>> No.4765744

Took two years off of high school to think about what I wanted to do with my life.

Took CC for a year and a half and transferred to duke university for neuroscience, now applying for a masters.

Also those two years I took a break? Saved up 28k and have been investing it all ever since.

Like I said. Projecting.

>> No.4765747

after high school*

>> No.4765755

Meh, i remember in my high school times i slept right through maths, i hated it i really did and i was failing.
Until i just fucking dropped everything and in the times when i was supposed to be playing games/guitar/masturbating i did maths for months, in a month i did everything that i should have done in primary, in the next 4 months Secondary, then i started higher-education level maths and when the GSCE's came, i passed with flying colours, i also A* my Physics and biology B in Chemistry because fuck chemistry, its only good for druggies who want to manufacture drugs and C'd My English because fuck english, i passed the speaking with A*'s but the writing let me down because of my poor ass handwriting.
Oh yeah, about my handwriting, in primary i was in a catholic school and they still kept the retarded dogma that writing with the right hand is right and left is wrong, and i was writing with my right hand for all these years, which made my hand writing look like your typical doctors signature, anyway once i left school i began for reasons i dont know writing with my left and in a matter of days i had such epic cursive, because thats what they taught in those days that cursive is gonna get you everywhere in life.
I get to fucking college and guess what they tell me not to write in fucking cursive RAHGHHAHGHSAHGADHGHGDFSHGHFS.

Fuck the school system, its only there to guide you, you are supposed to make it all right for yourself and remember fuck cursive.

>> No.4765756

pics of your diploma and bank account and investments, or i call its all bullshit.

sad little man lying to the internet to feel better about his shitty dropout life is what i think.

>> No.4765761

Go ahead and call bullshit.

Doesn't matter anyways, you'd just agree I am an outlier and continue on with your faggotry.

Have fun putting down other people because they lacked motivation from shitty school systems.

>> No.4765812
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>> No.4765850

don't even try and blame the system you stupid cunt. free, large scale, public education is a fucking hallmark of human civilization. 'the system' is fucking beautiful, and far more than you ever deserved.

unless you went to private schools you have absolutely no right to complain about your education. beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.4765853

You're seriously deluded.

The only thing good about public education is that it's free.

>> No.4765864

Honest question: what is your problem with people starting late anyway?
(Not that 20 is late, but anyway)

>> No.4765868

winge winge winge, you need a holiday in sub-Saharan Africa you entitled little shitstain.

>> No.4765869

I was wondering that too.

What kind of person sits around belittling others for actually trying to better themselves? it's either trolling.

Or he has such a shitty personality that he's insecure about his position in life and the only joy in his life is knowing he's ahead.

Oh thats nice, It's ok for the education to be shitty and not inspire anyone because at least we have it unlike africa.

Thats a bullshit excuse to not improve something thats flawed.

You have a serious problem.

>> No.4765882

I don't have a problem with it, it's just in my experience (I'm 34 and work in education) it very rarely works out. The kids that do well at college are the ones that reach a certain self-awareness, and proceed to set their sights on a goal early-mid highschool. if you think about it that way, a 20 year old that bummed around in highschool then spent 2 years out of academia doing god knows what, is already at least 5 years behind. also by the time you're 20 not only is your brain less plastic, their is also alot of other 'life' shit you're now expected to manage. relationships, family, social life, money, housekeeping, to name a few.

so yeah i don't mean to come off a discouraging asshole, I'm simply suggesting that you are probably in for bitter disappointment, and your time would be better spent elsewhere. by all means though do what you think is right for you.

[but at the same time try not getting this country into more debt ;) ]

>> No.4765889

lol you are such a textbook autist/aspd. "Herp derp the system sucks, i hate school. I'm too smart for this teacher, i can learn it all on my own! my peers are all dumb! no one is similar to me! im unique! im dropping out, but its not cause im dumb, its cause im too smart!!". one in every fucking class.

if you have a problem with the education system go do something to help it out, or fix it completely forever with your god-given genius!! (cough cough...).

or just keep complaining about your life on 4chan, that'll fix it bro.

>> No.4765890

>also by the time you're 20 not only is your brain less plastic


And yeah as a studying neuroscientist I am calling bullshit.

"less plastic" doesn't mean shit. You are confusing motivation with plasticity.

You are just letting your bitterness of working around lazy students get to you.
Reaching a goal of what you want to do for the rest of your life at 15 is a retarded expectation.

If someone is posting on /sci/ they most likely aren't the average jock that doesn't give a shit, and as an educational instructor actually telling someone that wants to learn, to just give up makes you one of the shitty teachers that are the reason so many students are unmotivated.

I didn't have a good teacher till my junior and senior year of high school.

>> No.4765891

>drop out.

You keep mentioning this but I don't get where you are getting this from.

And this is where I am giving up on this conversation, you claim to be an educational instructor but you talk like a trolling teenager.

If you talk down to people all the time like this no wonder non of your students are motivated to do anything when they go through your classes.

>> No.4765898

i'm just trying to impart some wisdom. Take it how you want, but i'll tell you what, it IS wisdom. I was young and idealistic once too. you have to remember that higher education is usually more of a business than an educational institution, and their are more losers than winners in the gamble.

well yea was a pleasure having a 'conversation' with you, though it was more you instantly backhanding everything i've said with the first thing that comes to your mind.

have fun with your neuroscience Mr.Big-Shot.

>> No.4765902


inb4 herp derp he doesn't know grammar LOL!

>> No.4765907
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>I work in education
What exactly is your job? Are you a professor?
>The kids that do well at college are the ones that set their sights early-mid highschool.
Agreed. This is the majority. But your dismissive attitude towards anyone being a little late seems a little... trollish.
Especially when a good portion of great minds were in fact late-bloomers (not that I am comparing myself to them of course, but I just provide an example for contrast.
>A 20 year old that bummed in highschool, spent 2 years out of academia is already at least 5 years behind.
Behind what or whom exactly? There isn't an arbitrary line dictating some kind of time limit. Not to mention that someone who starts at 20 and really devotes himself to it, will know much more than someone who started earlier and his only purpose is a degree and a secure job.
>by the time you're 20, your brain less plastic
This one is outright bullshit.
>there is alot of other 'life' shit you're now expected to manage. relationships, family, social life, money, housekeeping, to name a few.
I prefer studying math than managing "social shit". Not to mention that you can study AND do these things. There are people who have families and hobbies way more time consuming that maths.
>I'm simply suggesting that you are probably in for bitter disappointment, and your time would be better spent elsewhere.
What you're suggesting is that I abide by your standards and arbitrary limits, without backing it up.
>but at the same time try not getting this country into more debt
My country is already far in debt (I'm Greek). America is safe from my evilness.

>> No.4765918

And here I thought arguments were about refuting the others point.

You have a massive bias that seeps into a condescending attitude that probably seeps out into your "education career"

Discussing this with you is like talking to a fratboy that is uninterested in the topic but yet brought it up in the first place.

I am not a grammar nazi, I am just trying to understand what kind f person tells someone else to just give up when they are TRYING to actually learn. Not be like the lazy sacks of shit you claim to teach.

Doesn't matter the age WANTING to learn is better than what the majority of society does even the ones that pass through high school with 4.0's and only do it because they want an arts degree and end up with no job.

And your constant bashing because I want to improve the education system instead of being complacent with it is annoying.

>> No.4765928

It's not really a matter of whether it's too late for you but rather whether you have the aptitude to learn it.

If you have a reasonable intellect and the ability to dedicate yourself then you'll be able to teach yourself college-level maths.

But if you want to learn graduate level stuff and actually become a mathematician then that might be beyond your inherent intellectual capability.

>> No.4765940

Finally a reasonable post.

Best post in this thread.

>> No.4765942

thanks for the information. I;m sure the OP now possesses the important insight that if he is smart he will do well, and if he is not he will not do well.
Thanks for your important contribution. Your wisdom and insight inspires us all.

>> No.4765945

>I'm Greek
A filthy greek wants to learn math? Good luck with that, sandnigger!

>> No.4765948


Yeah because that's all I said right?

I didn't raise the point inherent intellectual aptitude and the value of dedication at all.

Go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.4765947

>hurr durr i have no reading comprehension

He said intellect AND motivation.

How dense are you?

If you are the same dickwad thats been posting, you just shit on everyone that wants to learn whether they have motivation or not.
Now I know you are just a troll, trolls never have reading comprehension.

>> No.4765949


about inherent intellectual aptitude*

>> No.4765964

wow no need to get name-cally captain neuroscience, not very professional of you

>> No.4765966


>> No.4765968

okay. Admit it now that you are a troll (You've done a pretty decent job in this thread) so we can give a score and go on about our business

>> No.4765969

I don't give respect to trolls. Especially when I am aware of what they are.

Good try though.

>> No.4765988

I can't speak for you, but when I graduated high school at 17 I didn't know jack shit (could barely factor, didn't know anything about chemistry or physics, had no geometric knowledge) because I was more interested in fucking around with girls and pot.

I realized what a piece of shit I was becoming and straightened myself out while going to a CC because it was the only place that would accept me. I maintained an excellent average and would pass exams with an A that would fail 90% of the class. I was able to transfer to the best university in my state and I'm in my fourth year now.

I don't think I was any more intelligent than the people that failed the classes I passed, it was just a matter of discipline and motivation. Even the easiest subjects won't come to you if you don't give it a chance. I don't know how intelligent you actually are, but I do know I'm just an average person. I have to dedicate a lot of time to really absorb what I'm presented and to understand it and incorporate it into a bigger picture.

Take that as you will I guess.

>> No.4765993
File: 12 KB, 244x350, 750461149_af7a_despair_posters_giveup_answer_1_xlarge[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it one last time.
You are 20 years old.
You are an old man, for maths or physics.
>Give up
and apply for a job at mcDonalds.
The fact that the ones saying you shouldn't lose motivation are also drop outs, much like yourself, should be a hint, that tou have no future for this.
I'm no trolling. I'm actually the one giving you good advice here, because you shouldn't waste your life in something you have no intellectual capacity for.
Without wanting to insult, ridicule you or anything. Neither wanting to elevate myself (this is an anonymous board after all) I give you this advice in a friendly manner.
and don't waste your time. You will cry bitterly when you are 40 years old and you realize this. You will be looking at yourself the way I'm looking at you right now. I rest my case.

>> No.4765997
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Well thanks for finally coming out of the closet.

It's been fun, but now I have to go.

>> No.4765999
File: 54 KB, 605x468, image201206110001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trolling, just giving my professional insight to help close up what seems like YET ANOTHER late-learner circle jerk clogging up my /sci/. moot really needs to create an /edu/ board for substanceless threads such as this. now kindly stop posting Mr "neuroscientist" you delusional, spastic faggot. still yet to see proof of that neuroscience degree and investments etc whatever else you fabricated.

here's my bachelors in electrical engineering that I DIDNT earn from casually strolling up to university at 20 years old after having dropped out of highschool and spent my late teens fucking around and 'self-learning'.

so yeah, pics or everything you are saying you are pulling out of thin air due to aspd induced hyper-argumentativeness

>> No.4766001

provide a counter argument for what I said and I'll gladly concede defeat.
Calling me a troll is simply an ad hominem.

>> No.4766002

should have guessed.

>> No.4766010

Reply to this, then. Give me your professional opinion.


>> No.4766012

and where's proof that you even have a degree?

inb4 bullshit excuses, i know you have a webcam motherfucker. so yea, come out with the sheepskin or gtfo. go back to /b/ or /soc/ or whatever you kids do these days.

>> No.4766017

If you are Asian (prefering Chinese, Japanese or Koreans or Indians)
Yes, you can
and No if you are filipinos

If You are White(Non American or English)
You can but not easy.

If you are Black.

>> No.4766018


>> No.4766025

Not really. As a person who can admit to having barely passed highschool and had to beg and scrape my way into a university I am proud to report my recently achieved masters degree.

When it comes to university level stuff it has way less to do with being smart in the traditional 'I don't have to try to get good grades' than it does with good old fashioned hard work. Certainly someone that just automatically does well in courses can slide through most university classes without extra effort, but to top the board even those people will have to compete and work constantly for the best grades.

Those asianics we all see in our classes certainly have a little bit of predisposition to being good at that stuff, but having lived with a few of them I can tell you that they would spend at least 5 hours every day on top of lab and class time just plane studying, no distractions.

It's all about hard work and competition, and if you're okay with being a B average student, then there's no reason to give up, because you can do it.

>> No.4766040

Look at all that buttmad from peasants shitting over his engineering degree.

Not getting enough dick?

>> No.4766041
File: 40 KB, 405x480, degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do have a webcam.
Here is my degree!

Now what?

>> No.4766043

>I work in education
I lecture maths and do management/admin at a university in Australia
>The kids that do well at college are the ones that set their sights early-mid highschool.
There are some exceptions. Sadly the trend i have noticed is a make it or break it one. The longer you stay out of academia, the harder it is to get back into it.
>A 20 year old that bummed in highschool, spent 2 years out of academia is already at least 5 years behind.
Behind his peer group, i thought this was quite obvious. 20 isn't so bad, and if you haven't developed bad habits, have the money, and did learn the basics in highschool you should be fine heading in for your bachelors.
>by the time you're 20, your brain less plastic
the jury is out, i admit. But most 18year olds learn stuff a hell of a lot quicker than most 30 year olds. i've seen this through my own eyes, and it's just plain common knowledge
>there is alot of other 'life' shit you're now expected to manage. relationships, family, social life, money, housekeeping, to name a few.
you need to be sociable, it keeps you sane. Also girls are nice man, find yourself a girlfriend i can tell you need one. again, the longer you put it off (relationships) the harder it gets.
>I'm simply suggesting that you are probably in for bitter disappointment, and your time would be better spent elsewhere.
i'm probably right, unless you have alot of family money, motivated and driven, and are a quick learner
>but at the same time try not getting this country into more debt
if you're greek i'd think the last thing you would be doing is studying. perhaps preparing for a civil war would be on my list...

Im not professional, what you want is a psychologist/career planner. Any hope i've been of help.

>> No.4766045

you don't need to start early but you need to stay hardcore and think as deep as humanly possible, it's what it really matters.

>> No.4766046

this guy started college at 42. he eventually earned his degree and came up with green's theorem before dying shortly around 47.

>> No.4766048

>I am proud to report my recently achieved masters degree
>just plane studying
I wonder how they had time to actually do some work when they weren't at the airport.

>> No.4766049

my god you truly are a child. all the best to ya mate, seems you sure as hell need all the luck you can get.

>> No.4766052

I studied engineering, not bullshit. If you wanna pick fights about spelling, then truck on over to /lit/. You can discuss language reform with that one tool.

>> No.4766053

>wasting your time on women
>wasting your time on women
>wasting your time on women
>wasting your time on women
>wasting your time on women
>wasting your time on women

>> No.4766054
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>havraard porfessers
I wonder who the headmaster was.

>> No.4766057


You know you're not gonna get very far in life being such a massive cunt.

You may have a bachelors but at least OP isn't maximum aspie.

>> No.4766059


I'd call you a fag for saying that, but then again, look where we are. You probably jack off to shota or some other disgusting hentai derivative instead of actually trying to get a human companion to spend time with

>> No.4766062
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>> No.4766063

>unless you have alot of family money, motivated and driven, and are a quick learner
I live comfortably. I don't work and have zero responsibilities. 24 hours a day, free time.
>if you're greek i'd think the last thing you would be doing is studying. perhaps preparing for a civil war would be on my list...
And I will proudly defend my vote for Golden Dawn, while studying my maths.
> Any hope i've been of help.
You have been a dismissive cunt. That is not an insult, but a fact.

>> No.4766065

I love this attitude when you post in the same place as them.

Could say the same about you.

>> No.4766069


Wait, are these the same people?

>> No.4766074


>> No.4766075

I should mention that this "24 hours a day free time" situation is not because I leech my parents or anything like that.
I have saved enough money to buy a year a two of complete free time. (All I need is food, pay the bills and have internet. I'm a simple person.)

>> No.4766071

>being a slave to relationships

>> No.4766081

This dude is teaching with a bachelors in electrical? That is three different brands of weak.

>> No.4766089

Well being a failure at life, the only person you are better than are drop outs that started school late.

Natural that he'd come into threads hating on them.

Can't be having drop outs doing better in life than him, I mean he worked his whole childhood to get where he's at.

and drop outs were lazy their whole life until 20 and could end up surpassing him.

>> No.4766091

yes i am the same person. i am a kiwi that was born and raised in new zealand and works in australia at the university of queensland . i was an electrical engineer for 3 years, but found it awful and soul destroying so decided to go to teachers training college. taught at my alma mater for a few years before landing my current job. the pay is better and so is the weather. i still come back to new zealand occasionally for friends and family. i've browsed /sci/ for the past two years since i like the anonymous aspect, and am a minor insomniac.

>> No.4766096
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Nobody gives a shit, because you are a cunt.

>> No.4766100

Based on that moderately pathetic story alone, I would say you are in absolutely no position to trash the OP or his ambitions.

>> No.4766099

>i was an electrical engineer for 3 years, but found it awful and soul destroying so decided to go to teachers training college.

Oh this makes it even more interesting than my theory. >>4766089

He's mad that he was a quick to react teenager and chose the wrong degree, and now he's stuck with something useless because he didn't take his time in deciding what he'd do for the rest of his life.

Deep shit.

>> No.4766103

>I have saved enough money to buy a year a two of complete free time. (All I need is food, pay the bills and have internet. I'm a simple person.)

The good life.

>> No.4766108

May I say that it is flattering that you have come to my defense in this thread? (Or at least to the defense of the idea that people shouldn't give up, because they think it's late. Not me personally)
Anyway.. thanks. it's refreshing to see people who aren't cunts once in a while.

>> No.4766109

>failure at life

get paid handsomely to do what i love in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
job is simple yet satisfying, teaching is very fulfilling.
have interesting colleagues that are supportive of my condition (insomnia)
have a nice family and beautiful wife.

yeah nice try matey. let's hear about your life? Neuroscientist at Harvard wasn't it? Wow i'm in awe !! (pics or it didn't happen cough cough)

>> No.4766110 [DELETED] 

dohoho! That may be closer to the truth than you may think.

>> No.4766114

The good life depends on what you want.
Gypsies living in tents live the good life too.

>> No.4766121


So what you're saying is that you -absolutely lucked out- and landed a decent life despite managing to make an original career choice so unbelievably poor that you didn't even last long enough to be considered a professional in my country.

And then you trash on a guy who made a similarly poor choice regarding his future, and is trying to fix it through hard work and dedication rather than desperately bandaging a situation with extra education and connections.

Go team.

>> No.4766125

Oh no, see from my impression of your cunty attitude this whole thread, you seem to be projecting way too much on others.

The OP asked if he could make it starting at 20. He didn't ask for your simplistic "fulfilling life" view. He asked if he could still go and get an education.

The answer is yes. Not if he can achieve your mediocre life. If he wants to learn and nothing else, he doesn't need to worry about all the other shit you keep requiring for other people to be "successful"

And why do you keep calling everyone the neuroscientist that posted almost 2 hours ago?

>> No.4766126

>money listed as justification for not being a failure
>pretending teaching is satisfying
>bring married in 2012
Sounds like you've got a lot of regrets.

>> No.4766123

Gypsies living in tents don't load their brains with knowledge and understanding. That's hardly the good life. Besides, round my way gypsies don't live in tents they live in mobile homes on public land whilst working illegally.

>> No.4766136

because he's a cunt.
On a side not he must be rubbing his hands, he's been trolling (or projecting his failures) for hours.

>> No.4766137
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>Boasting about your life on the internet

Yeah you must be really content and fulfilled.

Enjoy your eventual suicide and wasted existence spend attempting to validate yourself to others.

>> No.4766145

I think there are some people in this thread in need for a jazz relaxation session.

>> No.4766146

>teaching is very fulfilling

Must not be if you re-direct your anger at drop outs or people that get their shit together late.

>> No.4766152

not to mention that 20 isn't actually that late. With hard work I'm pretty sure the OP can achieve by 21 what he missed and much much more.

>> No.4766155

i'm not usually a cunt i'm a very patient and caring person which is what makes me a brilliant maths teacher. i'm only a cunt when the only thread that's getting any action on my favorite board is this fucking abortion infested with arrogant, naive teenagers that have an answer for everything.

"hurr durr why doesn't everyone have the exact same opinions as me!!". good grief...

this post basically sums up this entire thread. i've tried to actually give it some substance and rigor, only to be backhanded with ad hominem. there is a thread like this every week. moot hurry up and make /edu/ please.

>> No.4766167

>calling yourself brilliant
Keep up the justifications buddy.

>> No.4766173

See if you had just ignored the thread there would be no problem.

But you have some deep seated anger towards late bloomers to be this invested.

I'd rather have threads every day about a late bloomer getting his shit together and actually contributing, because I actually care about advancement of humanity, instead of your bullshit complacent lifestyle with a side of telling people to give up.

There are too many idiots in this world and if someone actually wants to learn no matter their age, I will support them.

Dumbfounds me how you actually want more retards running around.

Humans are better than that, and your attitude isn't helping to change anything.

>> No.4766175

call me back when you land a job at one of the top undergrad universities in the world, aswell as are one of the few people that actually do maths and provide answers/explanations to questions posted here on a regular basis.

i bet you're from /r9k/. go back there now please, you're out of your element.

>> No.4766182

>implying I'd want to teach
>implying I go to /r9k/

>> No.4766186


>i'm not usually a cunt i'm a very patient and caring person which is what makes me a brilliant maths teacher. i'm only a cunt when the only thread that's getting any action on my favorite board is this fucking abortion infested with arrogant, naive teenagers that have an answer for everything.

>"hurr durr why doesn't everyone have the exact same opinions as me!!". good grief...

Do you not see how all of this refers to what you've posted yourself? We have only your claim and a frankly unimpressive picture of a diploma to back up the claim that you teach and apparently can judge peoples potential from several thousand kilometres away and a few text posts.

Your entire opinion presented in this thread can be summed up by saying:

"I'm smarter than you, OP. I teach people, and I have a degree, and this expertise allows me to say without fear of contradiction that you have no chance in academia."

Well thanks for coming out chief, but allow me to disagree.

Twenty years old is by no means 'too late to learn', nor is there any reason the OP shouldn't try. There is no cause more noble than the bettering of the self, and as a teacher you should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting otherwise.

>> No.4766188

>i'm not usually a cunt
So you admit that you are being a cunt here. good start
>i'm a very patient and caring person which is what makes me a brilliant maths teacher.
From the data we have from your posting here, what we can infer is that you're a cunt, no matter what you assert
>the only thread that's getting any action on my favorite board is this fucking abortion infested with arrogant, naive teenagers that have an answer for everything.
The people on this board will reply to what they like. IF they don't like it then they will not bump it. In every thread there is a count like you, thinking that he is somehow the moderator of the quality of the board. If you don't like what we like, go to /b/ and organize some "operation".
>"hurr durr why doesn't everyone have the exact same opinions as me!!". good grief...
That is a projection. You blame others for this, yet you bash us for replying to a thread you don't like.

>> No.4766192

>bragging about his university where he only teaches
Keep the justifications for your shitty unfulfilling life coming

>> No.4766204

it takes two to tango.

also, excuse me for sharing knowledge about a topic that is relevant to my life experience.

if you want to get big picture now and talk about advancing humanity, i would suggest that a unemployed Greek man stop pretending to be Euclid immediately and actually try contribute positively to his politics/economy somehow. it sure as hell needs it. Either get on the streets and start protesting, or join the army. Leave the Maths to people that were born and bred for it.

>> No.4766210

around 20 people have replied, (maybe more) and yet a cunt tries to convince us to not post to what he doesn't like.
So tell us, o great educator! What thread shoul we post in? make one!
Or better yet, fuck off!
I support the OP and I'm gonna post in his thread.
Seriously, you can go shove that degree up your ass. ;)

>> No.4766221

I love how the minute someone mentions math, everyone assumes they want a phd.

Math is required for a lot of degrees, he just wants to catch back up.

Stop assuming everyone wants to be a wizard mathematician.

Greeks state of affairs isn't relevant to the advancement of humanity, stop with your nationalistic view points in a discussion of humanity as a whole.

For someone that failed at doing a degree they wanted and became a teacher, you sure do have an ego.

>> No.4766226

without having read the thread, let me say

not at all is it hopeless. get a khanacademy account. do ALL the exercise. for the simpler ones do the problems in your head. even for addition 1 you might notice little inefficiencies in your brain, i did (when adding 8+3, pause, add 8+2=10, then add 1). always do the highest level you can in your head. you dont have to complete each exercise, before moving on. in fact, what i recommend is you do at least one problem for each exercise you know, skipping the ones you dont get(this will take about a 4 hours), then in the "skills progress" section you'll have a map of things you know and things you dont.

again, dont shirk the mental arithmetic. now that i can multiply 2 digit numbers in my head easily i use it ALL THE TIME!

>> No.4766229
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>i would suggest that a unemployed Greek man stop pretending to be Euclid
I'm pretending nothing like that. Stop with the ad hominems already.
>actually try contribute positively to his politics/economy somehow. it sure as hell needs it.
Here's the thing. What I asked was IF /SCI/ THINKS IT IS LATE TO START STUDYING AT 20. NOT some cunt's OPINION about which values should I live my life by.
>Either get on the streets and start protesting, or join the army. Leave the Maths to people that were born and bred for it.
I was in the army for a year. compulsory service. I'll say it once more: Fuck you and your patronizing. Fuck you and your opinions about how I should live my life. Fuck you, fuck your kind and everything you stand for. Now my kind sir, I believe I made my point, and you made yours. I bid you farewell.

PS: I've been F5ing this thread scarcely throughout the day and you've been posting for hours! Follow your own advice and get a life.

>> No.4766232

OP just get Serge Lang's Algebra book and work through it.

>> No.4766234

Fuck off stormfaggot

>> No.4766233

>now that i can multiply 2 digit numbers in my head easily i use it ALL THE TIME!
how do you do this?
I can do it but it's always clumsy

>> No.4766244

you can read some books on mental maths. There was a jew who made a system of speed maths whose name I don't remember, while he was in a concentration camp.
You can also train yourself by doing multiplication left to right. After a while it's really easy.
You can exercise here:

>> No.4766246


Multiplication left to right is actually easier than right to left, I really don't understand why they don't teach it in schools from left to right to start with.

>> No.4766270


>> No.4766272
File: 2.45 MB, 3697x2414, greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably hate the op for being greek, and the fact that he you failed at life while he decided to get his shit together at an early stage.

>> No.4766279

I'm in similiar position with OP. All it takes is dedication. I spent at least 3-5 hours every sunday and satuday in the library studying math and physics. Other days I try to spent at least one hour on both of those subjects or on programming. I feel like I learn much faster than in High School (I dropped out) and after tons of popscience shit, documents etc I have much better overall picture of what goes and where. I don't have justify everything by asking "Is this useful?" or "How does this help with anything?".

Only sometimes I lose motivation since I'm only doing babby level math and physics but most of the time I'm immersed in my studies and enjoying the fact that I actually got my shit together and started to work towards my dreams (Ph.D. in Physics).

>> No.4766303

>at an early stage.

>> No.4766362
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This is probably a little late, but my two cents to you OP, is since you have so much free time and are willing to devote this to learn mathematics, then thru hard work you can achieve phd level knowledge in 3-4 years.

>> No.4766611
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>have a nice family and beautiful wife.
Hope you got a pre-nup

>> No.4766867

Why does every thread have a heckler?

>> No.4766910

yeah, lots of them. geniuses come in very wide varieties. eccentricity is almost concurrent with genius. some peak in their teens and others dont realize anything special untill their 50s.

>> No.4766931

>social shit
dont mess with women and you will never, ever, ever have to worry about money, working at a job you loathe, or not being able to just drop everything and start a new life. females are the specific reason why wage slaves even exist.

and people are still so delusional they imagine theres something wrong with celibacy. they will use ever neurotic double think trick to avoid the cognitive dissonance of realizing their main concern in life is animalism and contrary to every godly thing.

>> No.4766933

Only a nigger brainwashed American would believe that only school can teach and that only those of age to be in school can learn.

Most of the amazing inventions in our time didn't come from some dude doing mathematics and then coming to a conclusion. They came from someone coming to a creative conclusion and then using math to check their hypothesis.

Intelligent people don't learn math because they believe it will afford them some new insight into reality. They learn math because they already have a new insight into reality and they want to expand it.