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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4764649 No.4764649 [Reply] [Original]

scientific or philosophical question you want answered before you die?

>what is consciousness

>> No.4764650

Shit now it's just like that this queue is certainly lacking in length

>> No.4764654

OP's question is really the big one for me, luckily I think that is in reach within my lifetime. There are some others like
Is the universe discrete?
Is there any such thing as true randomness or does chaos explain it all?

>> No.4764653

>if women are attracted to intelligence, then why are most of us single?

>> No.4764657
File: 68 KB, 960x536, TheBeginningOfTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where have all the flowers gone?

>Is it possible to become a god?

>Is it possible to see the beginning of time?

>What are the mental and physical tolls of immorality?

Constantly debating these in my head. Not so much the first one, but you get the idea.

>> No.4764664

>Should I buy the chocolate ice cream or vanilla or mixture of both or neither?

>What happens if I stop moving before I move?

>> No.4764665


Also question:
alternate universes a thing?

>> No.4764668

Why does mankind so stupid in asserting itself as king over all.

>> No.4764670


>alternate universes a thing?

doesn't make sense. if something exists, it exists.

the universe (or multiverse if your a fag) is the totality of all that exists, ipso facto, all dimensions are part of a bigger Multiverse or Universe, either way it doesn't matter

>> No.4764672

Is science the answer to all things as we are led to believe or does morality and essence play a greater role.

What determines chance

Who are we and were did we come from and what is our purpose and what do we endevour?

>> No.4764674


I don't think probability really exists or randomness. For example sometimes you're given a question in maths about probability. A die has 2/6 chance of landing on 1 say because it's an unfair die. It's probability has changed based on it's features, i.e. it's weighted. So essentially the more you know about a die and how it's thrown, the more you know about it's probability. Therefore, if you just knew enough, with physics equations you could work out what the die will land on definitely. It's not random, it's just being based on what you don't know. What I can't explain though is quantum mechanics. In that there is probability which does not seem to be based on anything, but just appears to be random.

>> No.4764677

That's my feeling too, chaos seems to be a good explanation for the observed randomness in the universe but there is no definitive answer.

>> No.4764680

>Universe is the totality of all that exist.
Does that include all the things that have existed in the past and have been long gone as well as all the things that way well in the future?

>> No.4764682


If chaos truly bore the world we see then there can be no absolutes or any types of value systems, i dont want to speculate and get into religion but any reasonable person can agree that a explosion did not cause this world to occur.

>> No.4764692


It may have something to do with energy and energy conservation/ entropy but i agree that nobody knows for sure just how things occurred. We have to remember that if a big bang did occur it was bound to a pre set of laws governing its expansion. That means there exists a order of things science has yet to uncover. A pre - big bang hypothesis is extremely speculative in nature.

>> No.4764716

>what is it?
Emergent property of a sufficiently complex collection of cells. Not special or holy, but pretty fucking cool that basic chemistry could make something like sentience.

I'd like to know where the entire thing is going, the universe/multiverse that is. I kinda feel like I'll miss out having died not knowing how things are gonna turn out in general. That's just life though, no sense crying about it.

>> No.4764725


>Does that include all the things that have existed in the past and have been long gone as well as all the things that way well in the future?

if something can be said to exist, then it is part of the universe

if it is part of the universe then it has no where else to go, it can't exist anywhere else, if it did, it would ipso facto be part of the universe

things don't go "out of existence"

>> No.4764745

It's fairly easy to answer questions. Any answer will do in that they qualify to what OP required: they are answers to the questions.

Problem is, they probably won't suffice you, they won't satisfy you. So what's the difference between an answer that satisfy us and an answer that doesn't? What are we expecting them to say about the questions we give away here? There is a certain criteria in our head (which is more intuitive than we think) and that makes all the difference between truth and lie. It doesn't matter if it's a good or a bad truth, a good or a bad lie, we can tell when it's one or the other.

But can you trust yourself on that? If one answers you and you understand that the person is saying something which is valid, true, trustful, so that you consider the question to be answered. Does that really mean a change in anything besides ourselves? Does that mean truth was reached?

>> No.4764750

I feel what one means by "answered" really is "answered correctly". And that is a dangerous thought, as it implies we have a notion of what is correct and what isn't. We sure do have standards, some people live in a sea of roses and will only accept good beautiful answers. Others are extremely skeptical and will accept only mathematical answers as true. In the end, there is a variety of standards for a variety of answers. What can really puzzle us is to think that these standards, our standards, are not the same for the external world in which we live in. They came from somewhere and they are evidence of the way we distorted reality throughout the course of our lives. They came from a collection of experiences and thoughts that give us a base we can trust, a base that we call truth and to which new information needs to respond for us to accept.

So what is that we really want here? To satisfy ourselves with answers so that our minds can rest knowing the world outside is a coherent whole, with no loose ends or at least none that bothers us. Don't forget this subjective quality to the questions we pose, because that's what we use to evaluate the answers we get, just as well as use them in our daily lives, and to make moral choices and to judge. And if on the contrary, we really believe we are ascribing the questions with universally correct answer, like stamping them, we might surprise ourselves to find the loose ends won't cease to exist and the debate will go on. Or even surprise ourselves at our own death: when our minds, whether at peace or not, satisfied with the answers received or not, perish.

>> No.4764753


the truth isn't reached for that person, he might not be sensitive enough for the answer or his expectations might be more broad and his original question wasn't properly formed

>> No.4764767
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>Why did existence 'advance' past a singularity contrasting 'nothing'?

Come to think of it, the universe as it is might be considered a degenerate failure, an imperfection.

>> No.4764765

>thinks he understands the """simple chemistry""" that goes into biological processes and eventually the brain

>> No.4764768
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I just gotta know.

>> No.4764777

Is there alien life? I find it hard to believe there isn't life out there; if nothing else at microbial life surely exists somewhere. Too many stars with too many planets in the universe to not have it happen somewhere.

On that note, I guess a better question is: What is the most technologically sophisticated organisms in the universe? If we are the most sophisticated, what are other life forms in the universe like?

>> No.4764785

>Is there alien life?
Why the fuck would you waste it on such a question. Better ask how culture is/was like of alien civilizations that exist or existed within 10k parsecs.

>> No.4764790

How to achieve immortality

>> No.4764792

>most X in the universe
Thats the stupidest question. We still haven't learned the existence of all the animals/organisms on this planet yet, what makes you think we will be able to know ALL the organisms in the universe?

>> No.4764801

Consciousness is thoughts.

Women are attracted to status.

They're all in the army.
You must first answer what is god.
You are always staring into the beginning of time.

I'd go with the swirl.
You are always moving.


Science cannot prove anything with certainty. Only logic can make absolutes.
Your own limitations.
Self-existence can be visualized as volcanic islands projecting above the sea. Underneath they all slope into the substrate in which they are one. And the sea is our deluded thought.

>> No.4764804

Not realizing finding life would be the most profound scientific discovery of all time. You can't name one discovery that is even close to how important this will be. I would be interested to see how religious people would play it off. I wonder if jesus saved all the other species too

>>scientific or philosophical question you want answered before you die?

Very legitimate question. 1/10 for getting me to reply though.

>> No.4764809

>Consciousness is thoughts.

Life is matter.

You aren't saying anything.

>> No.4764814

>finding life would be the most profound scientific discovery of all time

it wouldn't be a scientific finding, it would be an archeological or exploration finding

finding life isn't a scientific theory

>> No.4764817

>How can we solve the problem of absolute space?
Seriously an old important philosophical question, in which almost no one is working.(I only Barbour to my knowledge)

>> No.4764818

not OP but this is pretty mindblowing view into metaphysics


title is misleading, should be how order emerged from chaos. it essentially tries to explain emergent properties by saying the whole is LESS than the sum of its parts.

>> No.4764819


Life may exist out somewhere else in the universe. It is most likely carbon based like our own but it might be silicon based. If it does exist is most likely lives on a planet that is like our own in terms of diameter, chemical make up, atmosphere, distance from star.

Yep you're right. Not a scientific theory at all.

>> No.4764820
File: 378 KB, 600x850, cortex column.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consciousness is the working of the extremely complex neural network of the brain. It is governed by the billion dimesion nonlinear energy model the neural network does of reality, by adjusting its connections according to Contrastive Divergence and maybe backpropagation.


>> No.4764816

>finding life isn't a scientific theory
Describing their possible origins would be.

>> No.4764822


Is this the science board or the completely moronic statements of a liberal art major board?

>> No.4764828

>(I only Barbour to my knowledge)
(Only Barbour to my knowledge)

>> No.4764831

>You aren't saying anything.
Yes, that is the point.
All reasoning is circular.

>> No.4764832


>Is this the science board or the completely moronic statements of a liberal art major board?

he's right though, just being pedantic

finding life isn't really a big deal imo

>> No.4764840
File: 633 KB, 300x163, 1337320348659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't others let go of their ignorance?

>If I went from being amish to studying physics in only 3 years why is it that others can't follow a similar path?

I'm not being a know-it-all smartass, I honestly want to know why. Inb4 I'm younger so I'm more in tune with the times. I have younger siblings that are probably the stupidest most ignorant people you will ever meet.

>> No.4764841


How? A hypothesis exists that life exists on other planets. This hypothesis involves climatology, biochemistry, evolution, etc etc. Finding life would validate this theory that life could arise on other planets.

>> No.4764843
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>mfw no one even defines the thing they are trying to explain
How do you live with yourselves?

>> No.4764847


>A hypothesis exists that life exists on other planets.
>on other planets

That isn't a scientific hypothesis, that's just an assertion.

>> No.4764850


>implying defining words is possible

I don't know how to define consciousness

>> No.4764861
File: 343 KB, 900x727, face238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulaitons, you just proved that this thread is fucking useless!