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File: 32 KB, 400x309, hands_of_god_and_adam-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4763197 No.4763197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

God exists, you are all wrong.

Prove me wrong. Prove me He doesn't exist.

>> No.4763199

where do you get the idea that he exists from?

if you want something to be true, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.4763201


>> No.4763209


Shyva exists. Along with the 33 other daevas in Hindu mythology.

Prove to me they dont, prove me wrong OP.

>> No.4763212


Read the bible! there is no mention of those "gods" you mention!

>> No.4763214

God, the father of Jesus, exists.

I can feel him in my heart.

That's all the proof anyone needs.

>> No.4763222


The rig Veda is much older than the Bible, and mentions nothing of your faggoty abrahamic God.

>> No.4763224
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>> No.4763228

Not trolling.

Faith isn't incompatible with science. There's quite a few believers on /sci/

>> No.4763230
File: 12 KB, 385x278, 1338469950279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>make magic stories up out of nowhere

>people will believe me! i'm sure!


>> No.4763233


Shiva, the destroyer and Creator, the supreme God, the concealor, the preserver, has revealed himself to me, and I feel him in the deepest part of my being.

He has revealed to me the to true Trinity of the divine.

Your abrahamic babby tier God is no competition.

>> No.4763235

well, people do believe these "magic stories". how many christians are there in the world?

>> No.4763237
File: 84 KB, 498x639, 1316583889006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as many worshipers of odin.
He is the one true god and I will worship him until
Ragnarok comes to take us all.

>> No.4763238

If a hundred billion people believe with all their hearts that something that is false is true, does it make it true?

>> No.4763244

Of course not. I was countering "people will believe me i'm sure".

Anyway. Faith is something different to proof.

>> No.4763243


oh! okay!
>from now on, the answers to all math problems will be decided by vote. We're all going to write down what we think is the answer, and whoever gets the most votes is the right answer!

>> No.4763246

>implying they're the same thing

you mad atheist?

>> No.4763247

Yes, you mean you didn't know Santa Clause exists because enough young boys and girls believe in him? I R a siantest!!!1

>> No.4763248

by that logic Islam would be the one true religion.

>> No.4763249

there are more christians than muslims

>> No.4763253

not for long bitch.

so I guess you need to switch gods, because by popular vote, theirs is the right one.

>> No.4763255
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>> No.4763251
File: 28 KB, 301x381, unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns exists, you are all wrong.

Prove me wrong. Prove me unicorns don't exist.

>> No.4763252

Actually, I think he was proving the opposite, and doing a decent job at it. 1/11 on troll scale, sorry.

>> No.4763258


>> No.4763260

learn to read
>not for long

Islam is the fasted growing religion, while Christianity is seeing a drop in numbers. It will soon be overtaken.

learn to fucking think you mindless spigot of useless information.

>> No.4763262

It's okay, man. He doesn't know any better. He's just a christian.

There there poor christian.

>> No.4763264

>convert 1 billion

it's not actually a race, the illiterate trolls took my reply about how people wouldn't believe "magic stories" to be some kind of appeal to democracy.

but i can't see islam "winning" especially with east asia ready to be converted to Christianity.

>> No.4763271
File: 37 KB, 636x491, DiabolicalLaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>east Asia

>bitches don't know about my laws against religion
keep wishing though

>just because people believe it, doesn't mean it's true
>"yeah! but there are millions in the world! so their right!"
>islam is going to soon have more people, I guess that means they're right then?
>"uh.. i mean, no I wasn't saying that!"

keep trying

>> No.4763279

Unsurprisingly, that doesn't address his point. What happens when Islam does dominate Christianity? At that point you would have to convert in order to be correct, would you not? At least admit you've cornered yourself.

>> No.4763284
File: 16 KB, 363x391, sananda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to read

the reply was to

>make magic stories up out of nowhere

>people will believe me! i'm sure!


not an appeal to democracy

and christianity being illegal didn't exactly stop poland or russia for decades

but i think you are just trolling now

>> No.4763290

i'll read that as if

and i'll say it again

i have never said that truth is decided by ballot. find the post where i do? all i said was people, lots of them, do believe.

>> No.4763291
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your first response to that previous post was

>"people do believe these magic stories, how many christians are there in the world"

to which we responded

"that doesn't make it true, islam will soon have more, does that mean their magic story is more true just because they have millions?"

to which you said
"nuh uh! that's not the point!"

you're joking, right?

>> No.4763295
File: 88 KB, 689x649, 1256080412471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faith isn't incompatible with science.

but faith is incompatible with the scientific method.

>> No.4763296

if someone makes a point saying, people don't believe in your magic stories, it is reasonable to point out that 2 billion people do. not as proof that they are right, but as proof that people do indeed believe.

what about this does you retarded brain not get?

>> No.4763300

okay, so what you're saying is that no matter how many people believe something, that doesn't make it true?

then why do you believe?

>> No.4763301

I agree with that trivial statement. There are lots of christians and a lot of them believe. So?

Your powers of persuasion are unparalleled! I'm beginning to believe in God almighty!

>> No.4763303

Because God is my tulpa.

>> No.4763306

No you don't.

>> No.4763308

all i hoped to persuade was that someone who said people wouldn't believe in magic stories was wrong.

if you'd learned to read and not get mad, i wouldn't have to defend trivial points and defend against strawman attacks.

i believe because of faith.

>> No.4763311
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>admits he made god up himself

>then claims that he is indeed real because of that


>> No.4763312

god was jesus' tulpa, and everyone copied

>> No.4763314

I may have created God, but God created the universe. Where do you think all you zombies came from?

>> No.4763317

what is "faith?"

are you quite certain you don't just believe that because it reminds you of a comforting time as a child?

or maybe you were brought up believing that?

what would have happened if you were brought up in fundamental islam? then that god would be your faith.

faith isn't anything.

and furthering your own statements
>because millions of people believe something, doesn't make it true
leads to

>because one person believes something ,does not make it true.

faith? heh

>> No.4763320

>doesn't think like he does

>clearly these are mindless zombies!

we're calling you the same thing bud, but probably because we aren't the ones clinging to something we were indoctrinated to as a child.

>> No.4763323

i don't know what faith is, and make no claims about it.

maybe i'm wrong and it is just psychology. my faith allows doubt.

faith is unfalsifiable, so discussing it in scientific terms is pointless.

>> No.4763328

You're not a zombie because you don't believe in God. You're a zombie because you don't experience qualia.

>> No.4763330

I'll break it to you easily.
Do invisible unicorns exist?
If your answer is yes, prove it. "I can feel it in my heart" is not an acceptable logical proof.

If your answer is no, why can't they? They're invisible, so they could conceivably exist, couldn't they? Whatever reason you respond to this question, apply it directly to your own question about the existence of God.

QED. From a logical standpoint, you can't get tighter than that. If you have a problem with that argument, you must prove why God is different than an invisible unicorn OR you must prove he exists. If you can't do either one, that concludes our broadcast day.

>> No.4763333

faith is the belief in something because you want it to be true.

which doesn't make it true, and faith can be misplaced, as i'm sure you know, because it is an emotion.

you WANT god to be real, so you BELIEVE he's real.

that doesn't make it so, and you're not going to convince us otherwise by saying "but guys, I totally want this to be true! stop saying its not!"

in rational society, that's called being childish. much like you're looked down on for having an imaginary friend as an adult, most people in advanced educated countries, and here especially, are going to look down on you for clinging to such a ridiculous bunch of easily disproven stories as fact out of fear.

>> No.4763337

>From a logical standpoint

you are completely right

i'm not trying to "prove" god exists. i am telling you he does. this is not a statement of fact, or mere epistemology. it is bearing witness.

>> No.4763340

a feeling is not proof.

>> No.4763345

why do you think i want god to be true? i'd rather have a rational life to be honest. and lots of depraved sex.

and i don't mind if you say it isn't true, so another strawman.

and ironic you put in an appeal to democratic.

>> No.4763349

>say i'm not trying to prove it
>anon tells me i haven't proven it

you are trolling, right?