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4762114 No.4762114 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when i got accepted into a graduate program for EE without a background in EE

how fucked am i, /sci/?

>> No.4762116

what school

>> No.4762123

What is your background?

>> No.4762118

polytech NYU

>> No.4762128

computer engineering

I'm pretty good at coding and digital circuits, and i know the basics about analog circuits and i did pretty well in the physics and calc/diff eq series when i took them but i'm pretty sure I forgot the majority of the stuff by now.

>> No.4762129

it depends on what sub-genre of EE you wish to pursue. very broad major, and a lot of it actually borders on cmpen/cmpsci

>> No.4762132
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EE is easy as fuck bro.
You will do great. It is a fuckinb piece of cake compared to actual science.


>> No.4762134

Well I realize that but as far as the grad school is concerned I can specialize in just about anything I want as I'm admitted without conditions.

I mean I'm won't be completely lost but say if I wanted to do RF engineering I think it would be a bit of a stretch.

>> No.4762136

are you retarded or is your school pants on head retarded?

everywhere i looked computer engineering was just electrical engineering dumbed down. some EE classes were just replaced with bullshit computer science classes.

>> No.4762138

>how fucked am I

Not fucked at all. Engineering degrees are extremely easy.

>> No.4762139

I'm ashamed to say that my undergrad school was fairly shit tier, and most of the hard core engineering classes were just replaced by easy tier CS classes.