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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4761223 No.4761223 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ first time poster here.
I'm going to study computer science starting on august, can a fellow anon tell me any basics things I should know or is it possible to share some knowledge about computer science with me, I'm always looking for something new to learn and more if it's about C.C.
Also share opinions or stories and such, and what uni's in your opinion are best for that.

>> No.4761229


Don't be fooled by that tricky part in the title. It catches out poli scis and eco scis as well.

>> No.4761236

sorry what do you mean?
I posted in the wrong thread?

>> No.4761239

whoops sorry, already saw the error

>> No.4761247

Is your goal research -- development of new algorithms and techniques, or the like -- or engineering -- building large software projects?

It is unfortunate that the two are typically lumped into the same field, but are (somewhat) divergent fields; as if physics and electrical engineering were always treated as one and the same...

>> No.4761254

My main goal is engineering, there are a lot of ideas I would like to develop although I would like to study both.

>> No.4761259
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>> No.4761255

Depending on the uni, the study (or major) called computer science can either be:
Computer science (that's an applied math, specifically about computational theory).
Software engineering (learning to program, or to manage programmers).
Or computer engineering (learning about actual computers and information theory).
My personal preference is CS, there are a lot of cool theorems about computations, and the link between reasoning and computation really fascinates me. You don't want to get stuck in a uni doing the type of computer-related study you don't want to.

>> No.4761264
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>Engineering real science

>> No.4761266

How is your school in software engineering?

It is *very* unfortunate, but even good schools tend to be very weak in actual software engineering; their CS faculty are almost exclusively from the mathematical side of the field with no real experience in engineering.

Most of the advancements in SE have happened in the industry over the past three decades, and that experience is only starting to return to academia and proper SE research is relatively novel.

>> No.4761268


Reading comprehension isn't really your forte, is it?

>> No.4761273

I'm also going to study CS next year, op
Going to U-Tech in Jamaica

>> No.4761270

>computer science
>not engineering

>> No.4761289
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OP, fuck the engineer fags.

Pick up SICP, learn CL, and get some algorithm and theory books, AI as well and have a blast.

>> No.4761295

The baby tier math in engineering is fucking easy because it's mostly just fucking repeating the same shit over and over again. Nothing new, just fucking routine. It doesn't require any critical thinking, just that fucking routine.

>> No.4761302

Before you go into the class, learn a programming language called Java. It is practically made for beginners. Also, >>/g/

>> No.4761303

Here are the uni's concentration courses in CS:
>Computer Literacy
>Programming Logic
>Computer Science Programming
>Computer Organization and Architecture
>Computer Science Programming II
>Assembly language
>Computer Communication
>Data Structure
>Programming Languages
>Operating Systems
>Database System
>Topics in Computer Science

>> No.4761317

was it easy getting in that uni?
and what are you expecting to earn (Bachelor, master, doctoral...)?

>> No.4761318

>>4761273 here

That's basically what I did in my last CS course minus assembly. Get ready to be dedicated.

>> No.4761320

That's a sucky program. Where's the theory?

>> No.4761326

Hah.I haven't even applied yet, going to do that next month. Going for a bachelors program.

I wasn't aware it would be a hard school to get into, they didn't give me any indication of that and the tuition is reasonable.

>> No.4761328
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This is terrible advice

You will be ruined for life if you start out on Java. Learn C/C++ first, then learn Python & Lisp and you'll be set for life.

>> No.4761333

The Slow and Compiler arguments were weak and invalid unless you are incapable of reading and understanding java syntax, and if you didn't know Java 1.0 is long gone.

>> No.4761336

I guess there isn't any but there is design and analysis of algorithms and design and analysis of systems in the electives.
I guess my uni sucks then, well the courses maybe.

>> No.4761339

That picture is everything that is wrong with people not understanding didactics.
To learn how to program, you want a compiler that tells you when you make a small error. Speed is not important, UI's are not important, security's not important.
It's an ideal babbys first language.
>mfw neckbearded basement dwellers try to talk about pointers because they find them difficult, and want to show off by talking about them
Learning a low level language first ruins a programmer for life. It's not important what the machine does. The important thing is the idea, the semantics, of the program, and it's much clearer what that is in JAVA than in C++. Although LISP and Haskell would outdo JAVA in that respect.

>> No.4761343

Design of algorithms is babbys first theory of computing. Jesus christ, how is that elective?
Are you even going to a uni?

>> No.4761347

I'm doing a bacherlors as well then I might be doing a masters if I feel like it once I settle in a better place and go to a better uni.
And I don't really know if the uni you're going to is difficult to get in, just curious.

>> No.4761361

well I don't know how that's an elective, and I didn't know it was babbys first theory of computing either, I'm new to all that and it's my first year, that's why I want people's opinion to make the best choice. and there are other electives like calculus II, discreet mathematics and lineal algebra.

>> No.4761363


>> No.4761375

Your program is basically two and a half years of a CS program at a mid-tier uni (probably even less at an MIT-tier). It's less CS than it is Programming. I'm willing to bet it's not going to have any math, because usually Algorithms courses require it (that's what most of the Algorithms they teach you are supposed to do).
And unless they're electives that you need to take, you're not going to get theory - Automata, AI, Computer imaging/graphics, Complexity, etc.
You're going to have to do a lot of independent study if you want a Master's that's worth anything.

>> No.4761381

Doesn't seem like a hard school. Seems well catered to, etc. I would prefer to go to the US, but my old man is dead set against it.

He wanted me to go to Germany but we hit a compromise with Jamaica.

>> No.4761385

Well now I see unfortunately it won't teach me a lot of stuff and I which I had the funds to get into a better uni but it seems impossible for now, and I know it's going to have math, I'm even taking a class of math right now to advance my math classes when I officially start.

>> No.4761386

well at least you're going to a good uni, I searched about it and it seems to be a good one.