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4756050 No.4756050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

0-12 childhood
13-19 teenage
20-34 young adult
35-49 young middle age
50-64 old middle age
65-74 young old age
75-84 middle old age
85+ advanced age

>> No.4756055

More or less, but I'd start old age at 60

>> No.4756058

Isn't 65 considered the start of old age generally?

>> No.4756062

Because we set retirement/pensions at 65 arbitrarily. The average 60 yo already looks like a old man.

>> No.4756063

The human lifespan is a continuous spectrum, there is a very slow and gradual change from one phase of your life to the next. Dividing this arbitrarily into discrete categories is not scientific.
Certain points in your life can punctuate a sudden and drastic change, such as finishing school, or finishing university, or getting married.

>> No.4756068

Your 50s is still middle age (late middle age). I would say old age def begins at 65-70, but 60-64 is rather nebulous.

>> No.4756102

dude no. oldness is determined by doubling your age and shit

40's old cuz 40 is half of 80
18 isnt old cuz 18 is half of 36

get it?

>> No.4756121

That's dumb because 35*2=70. Since when is 35 old?

>> No.4756122

Old and young are comparative, not absolute.
To a 5 year old, 35 years of age is quite old to them.

You have been trolled.

>> No.4756126

My opinion:
0-6 toddler
7-13 adolescence
14-18 teenage (possibly a part time job)
19-25 young adult (college education and starting full time job)
26-60 adult (full time job and family)
61+ senior citizen (retired)

>> No.4756129

As you might know, this is used to work out what's the youngest person you can date/have sex with


Using this, we can determine that 45 is the oldest at which you can have a woman under 30.

tl;dr old age begins at 46

>> No.4756133

>A toddler is a term used to describe a child that is typically defined as being between the ages of one and four.[1][2]

A teenager is a person who has an age that is in the 'teens'
Therefore, it ranges from thirteen to nineteen.

>> No.4756137

>As you might know, this is used to work out what's the youngest person you can date/have sex with
This is not accurate.

You are still obligated to obey the laws of your country with regard to this.

According to your system, a 19 year old can have sex with a 16 year old.
If you happen to be in a country where the age of consent is 18 years of age, then you are committing a crime.

>> No.4756138
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>My opinion
inb4: your opinion is wrong

>A teenager is a person who has an age that is in the 'teens'. Therefore, it ranges from thirteen to nineteen.
Great argument, proving that the English language was made to describe the stages of human development

>> No.4756148
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13 is legal in my country

>> No.4756174

This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
The word 'teenager' has a specific definition, like all words do.

If you choose to mis-use it, that is your own shortcoming

>> No.4756176

And yet, the '(age/2)+7' rule still fails on the borderline of the ages here as well.

>> No.4756199

>check the map
Huh, didn't realize I used to be a criminal. I honestly thought it was 15 here.

>> No.4756210

>Russia's age limit is 16 for sex
>but Child Porn is legal there

>> No.4756219

*shrugs* I've been bumped back into the "young adult" category 3 or 4 times now. The change far exceeds the rate at which I age. Heck, it's almost an exponential equation.

>> No.4756234
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I begrudgingly agree. However, I will still hold on to my belief that just because the word teenager literally means 13-19 it doesn't mean the years 13-19 should automatically be grouped into one stage of development just because thirteen through nineteen have the same suffix. (perhaps I should have used another word, even though I suppose one could argue that my interpretation of teenager wasn't totally inaccurate as 14-18 is still within 13-19)

>> No.4756237

>just because the word teenager literally means 13-19 it doesn't mean the years 13-19 should automatically be grouped into one stage of development just because thirteen through nineteen have the same suffix.
I agree. I was not saying that they are the same stage of development, I was simply pointing out that some of the words you are using have definitions that directly oppose the arbitrary age categories that you were ascribing to them.

The point is that this is still a slow and gradual process, and no persons particular method of categorisation is more or less valid than anyone elses.

>> No.4756364

0-19 childhood

>> No.4756370

I always found it works better with (age/2)-7.