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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 549x406, mbtigrid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4755328 No.4755328 [Reply] [Original]

What's your Myers Briggs type?
To those who are gonna start screaming "pseudoscience!!", even though it doesn't follow the scientific method, it seems pretty accurate. At least more than other such tests.

>> No.4755335

INTJ master race

>> No.4755337

inb4 INTJ

>> No.4755338


Iv read a little about intj and it seems pretty accurate but i fear that it is some old horoscope bullshit because those seem almost as effective

>> No.4755341

/sci/ is INTJ and INTP, no exceptions.

>> No.4755342

Zodiac bullshit. Not science. >>>/soc/ is this way

>> No.4755348

INTJ ultimate tier god mode reporting in

>> No.4755349

Protip: Most are gonna say INTJ, because it is associated with house in the renowned pic, or because it is supposedly the "genius" type.

>> No.4755351

>implying Myers Briggs makes predictions
It's just a means of classification you ignoramus.

>> No.4755353

>doesn't follow the scientific method
>pretty accurate
pic one

>> No.4755355


INTP here. Although I tend to alternate between this and INTJ. I don't even know if that's normal.

>> No.4755356

they are pretty specific, and cannot be interpreted many ways or have "something for everyone" cold-reading bs.
They are not great either, but they serve as general categorizing reference points pretty damn well.

>> No.4755357
File: 32 KB, 659x441, 1335229330110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you people convince yourselves that due to similar results in a 100 question psychological examination, you can identify with others, and honestly believe that the infinite depth and complexity of the human personality can be represented by four attributes

>> No.4755358

stop worshiping the scientific method. It is not a religion.
pretty accurate as in "accurate enough to have some value"

>> No.4755359


I think people have a hard time seeing INTx types posted because :

1(together with 3).Everyone on the internet posts these.
2.The internet tests are not official.
3(together with 1).They're supposed to be rare.

>> No.4755361

>finite particles make up the human body
>infinite complexity

Pick one

But I agree this test is stupid.

>> No.4755364

>implying models are useless because they don't account for every particle and associated momentum in a system
You are on the wrong board if you think simplification bad.

>> No.4755366
File: 72 KB, 600x365, Eugenics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite depth and complexity of the human personality
99.9999999999999% percent of humans ever lived are shallow idiots, including you and I.

>> No.4755367

>even though it doesn't follow the scientific method, it seems pretty accurate

You're just like the retards who think horoscopes "accurately" describe them.

>> No.4755369

INTP here. Although I fluctuate between this and INTJ. Is that normal?

>> No.4755370


The classifications are useless and not based on any empirical evidence.

>> No.4755371

psychology is a new science and personality typing is a good place to start

all sciences start out pretty crude and full of a lot of bullshit. like chemistry starting out as alchemy

>> No.4755372

INTP or ENTP depending on mood, if im sad then its always INTP

Although despite being INTP, I'm not very smart or good at science, so probably more ENTP

I hate myself reading this back because I'm pretty sure 80% of the descriptions are bullshit

>> No.4755373

Question to other INTPs. Are you lazy bastards too? How did you overcome this?

>> No.4755376


Nobody is worshiping anything. Moron, teenybopper faggots like you seem to be worshiping this MBTI thing.

>> No.4755381


I'm an INTP, and I'm sort of lazy. The way I overcome this is to do what I find interesting, then I go at it non-stop

>> No.4755382

Oh my God, this is a symptom of cancer.

>> No.4755387
File: 117 KB, 1009x630, sci's quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like this thread, you can post to one of the other qualitative manifestations of sci's genius.

>> No.4755394

Classifications go by attributes and attributes are observed.

How do you even breathe?

>> No.4755399
File: 7 KB, 400x320, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP master race reporting in

>> No.4755402

>How did you overcome this?

Do what you love.
No one is completely inactive.

Also, novelty.

>> No.4755403


The classifications are useless. They don't cover enough and aren't rigorous enough.

How do YOU even breathe?

>> No.4755407

A) What's with the koala bear?
B) Do you have the stick figure comic of /sci/ going crazy about an apparently revolutionary concept?

>> No.4755414

Fuck taxonomy, amirite?

>> No.4755412

Why do you eat? Have you read any scientific research results stating that you need to eat to stay alive? Maybe it's a poison which kills you!
Why do you breath? Have you read any scientific research results stating that you need to breath to live? Are you basing it to the completely anectodal and unscientific view that because it feels a little bad to not breath it kills you? Have you tries it? Or have you heard stories? please!! that is not scientific.

>> No.4755415

>No one is completely inactive.
You haven't met me.

>> No.4755420

Hey guyz! They say that humans and chimps are, like mammals, and then that parrots are birds and sharks are fish, but, check this out... they say that dolphin are also mammals.
Horoscope bullshit cannot classify the infinite depth of the unique snowflakes that animals are.

>> No.4755422

guys guys GUYS!!

GUYS STFU and listen to me!

I can make up any classifications I want say X and Y, as long as people are SELF ASSIGNING those types to their own personalities then all of the people who identify as X's will actually have more in common on average with other X's than with Y's.

The thing is to not take it seriously, this really isn't science, I agree, it's not like we are saying these types are embedded in your DNA or something.

The bottom line is if I meet another INTP I will probably have a lot more in common with them than any other type because they answered all the questions with the same socially awkward responses as I did.

>> No.4755432
File: 14 KB, 493x402, 1335813187459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's... the point.

>> No.4755440
File: 8 KB, 100x100, hk471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be INTP then as i get older ISTJ 50/50 depending on life circumstances.

>> No.4755441

INTJ most of the time

INTP some of the time

It's close

>> No.4755442

I've gotten INFP, INTP, and ISTP in the past
I think INFP fits me best

>> No.4755449

wait for it....

>> No.4755456
File: 7 KB, 173x119, Dr_Keirsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt all these assholes are INTP & INTJ, less than 5% of the human race are rationals they cant ALL be on /sci/ right now.....

>> No.4755459

then there's also the idea that INTP's want to classify themselves like this more than others. They're drawn to threads like these

>> No.4755466

>implying the average /sci/duck is "normal"
And it sounds like you think being INTJ is somehow a good thing and not just, a thing. Myers-Briggs isn't a fucking hierarchy.

>> No.4755468

and why is that? Are they narcissistic faggots?

Also why the fuck does this fucking fruit fly try to get in my mouth and nose since yesterday? I thought I killed it 10 times now!!

>> No.4755469
File: 19 KB, 508x509, awesome_smiley2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4755471


It stands to reason that I'm pretty damn smart, to boot.

>> No.4755472


>less than 5% of the human race is rational

yeah ok

>> No.4755480

There are maybe 1,000 unique visitors to /sci/ a month, maybe 10% of whom are regulars. Does it really seem that absurd?

>> No.4755475

hybrid INTJ-INTP

>> No.4755484

If you want to be objective about every situation you come across, how better to do it than to know how your personality will react to these situations beforehand?

>> No.4755488

dirty half breed!

>> No.4755494

So you're saying INTP are drawn to this threads because of their objectivity fetish?
In that case I would expect many more INTJs than Ps

>> No.4755492


By doing something.

>> No.4755497

notice all the INTP/INTJ's?

>> No.4755498
File: 59 KB, 338x450, 1338591458748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stop being lazy, by stopping being lazy.

>> No.4755503
File: 447 KB, 728x499, 1279210332976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4755504


I took a more abstract, bare-minimum definition of 'active', which is why I qualified it with 'completely'.

You interpreted a bunch of lines on a bright 'slab', compared your interpretation to relevant information in your short and long term memory, and picked out the appropriate lines to compose a response.

I wouldn't say you are physically active, or that you made an effort, or that you were paying attention, but you were 'active'.

Relevant anecdote :
One of my classes took a 'disguised'(re-named classifications, similar metrics[I/E,S/N,...]) form of the MBTI at school. I was the only 'NT'. I have little doubt that young NTs enjoy the internet.

>> No.4755512
File: 5 KB, 274x242, 1286648954912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4755513

This is pretty true, most humans go on FEELINGS, only those without feelings can truly be rational.

>> No.4755524


Going by the numbers N, not T, is the rare attribute.

>> No.4755527


I am an INTJ too but I am not good at science either however I view the world empirically and logically and I am just getting into maths and sciences at 19

>> No.4755528


EVERYONE uses emotion dipshit, but everyone is rational to an extent. You can't get by life without being rational. If you were 100% rational you wouldn't get very far at all.

>> No.4755557

Apparently I'm INTJ
Judging from the description, I can get behind that.

>> No.4755562

>>You can't get by life without being rational. If you were 100% rational you wouldn't get very far at all.
seems to be working for you.

Also nobody said 100%, but the vast majority of decisions I make are completely void of emotion. I am aware of the emotions, and those factor LOGICALLY into my decision, not EMOTIONALLY.

Does that make sense? It's like "there is no difference logically between options A and B, but I feel better with A so I'm going to pick that"

It's never "I'm not even going to consider the evidence, option A feels good so I'm going with that".

get it?

>> No.4755568

INTJ reporting in

>> No.4755589

Then there's another bunch which completely disregards every logical approach if it doesn't feel right.
Personal examples:

>If [your country], had a war with [enemy country, way more powerful], and you had to predict the winner. If you made the wrong choice the would kill you.
> [your country]
>But [enemy country] is vastly superior, why do you say this?
>I know it is. But I would never like this if it happened and so I couldn't say [enemy country] would win, even though I know it would.

>> No.4755591

my grammar was terrible in this one. Blame my copy-pasting to move part of the text. Anyway you get what I mean.

>> No.4755597

INTP here. Lazy stoner / Mathematician. Haven't done laundry in months, haven't gotten a haircut in months, haven't shaved, etc.

Shit is so cash.

>> No.4755604

ENTJ here. INTJ is a faggot.

>> No.4755602

INTP here

>> No.4755608

another INTP here.
Today I had to wash the dishes, because the stench was so awful I couldn't sleep on the couch without having the doors open. But I also couldn't wear something warm or get a thicker blanket, because all my clothes were in a twin mountain form on the corridor.

>> No.4755611

No future Richard Feynman's in this thread then...

>> No.4755612 [DELETED] 

Nice. I haven't used dishes in about a year. I pretty much each with my hands like an animal and use old microwave TV dinner boxes as plates and such. I've also learned to co-exist with the ants.

>> No.4755615

Nice. I haven't used dishes in about a year. I pretty much eat with my hands like an animal and use old microwave TV dinner boxes as plates and such. I've also learned to co-exist with the ants.

>> No.4755620

You're probably being ironic, but I meant what I said.
You also reminded me of the ants. I had to go the pharmacy (get out of the house after a month and a week) yesterday, to buy some boric acid for the raiding teams which were getting bigger and bigger. The only clean room in my house is my study area. And the only reason I shower is to not pollute the beautiful aroma of my math sanctuary.

>> No.4755624

Nope, both my posts are completely serious XD

Also I haven't bought toilet paper in ages. I just take a shower everytime I poop.

>> No.4755640

if you invest in a indoor plant, going to the toilet can equal watering. The extra oxygen is nice too

>> No.4755647


Too lazy to write anything else.

>> No.4755651
File: 31 KB, 881x898, zodiac1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your Zodiac sign?
To those who are gonna start screaming "pseudoscience!!", even though it doesn't follow the scientific method, it seems pretty accurate. At least more than other such tests.

>> No.4755655

INFJ master race reporting in

>> No.4755657

you are not being smart.
Your post is EK level.

>> No.4755659

Astrology tends to have a confirmation bias.

>> No.4755675


>> No.4755678

not lazy, just disinterested

>> No.4755683


>> No.4755693
File: 82 KB, 600x400, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theorizing 15 hours straight how you could have solved that rubik's cube across the table if you wanted. And because it is so obviously easy, there is no point in getting up and actually doing it.

I can be rich and successful whenever I want.. nah... maybe later!
That is an INTP.

>> No.4755727


>> No.4755752

INTJ / ENTJ depending.

>> No.4755781 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 248x300, 1302538164751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESFJ reporting in for duty. Fuck all ya'll INTJ imbecilics

>> No.4755783

ENTP, currently feeling more INTP

>> No.4755796
File: 10 KB, 184x184, checkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ENTJ master race.

>> No.4755803


>> No.4755809
File: 69 KB, 590x390, Fuck-all-of-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISTP bitcheeeees

>> No.4755813

first time I took it, i got INTJ, second time INTP

I fluctuate between the two

>> No.4755841

Let's fix some shit.

>> No.4755879


This. I thought I was the only one.

Although, I fluctuate. I've taken the test 5 times. I've gotten INTJ once, INTP once, and INFJ 3 times.

So, I consider myself INFJ.

>> No.4755887


not sure if cracking a funny pun, or....

>> No.4755897

ENTJ, looks like Carl Sagan and I have something to bond over.

>> No.4755918

INTP, i want to be a scientist but fuck school, 2 years in and I'l have to retake a bunch of classes

>> No.4755930

I got ENTJ

>> No.4755941

INTJ and INTP are the best types after all and they get along great. They are the minds of science.

>> No.4755947

>To those who are gonna start screaming "pseudoscience!!", even though it doesn't follow the scientific method, it seems pretty accurate. At least more than other such tests.


No, it is not more accurate. Use a proper personality test.


>> No.4755949

So are all intps slobs or am I just special?

>> No.4755959

I wonder if its significant that the people here seem to be weakly P or J.