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4753062 No.4753062 [Reply] [Original]

>an extremely close star begins to show signs of going supernova

>what do we do

>> No.4753070


>> No.4753080

How close are we talking? I don't imagine anything further away than Alpha Centauri actively effecting earth's biosphere in any way.

>> No.4753086



A lot closer then 100 ly.

>> No.4753089

Send a super-secret team of deep sea miners out to throw water on it.

>> No.4753095

give bruce willis a call, he's got some nukes to deliver

>> No.4753097

Obviously immediately unite all nations resources into creating a giant generation ship in space, depending on how much time we had would dictate how many people it could carry, it would also have to be resistant incase the supernova catches up to us before we can get far enough way to a different solarsystem.

>> No.4753099
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>nuking a star that is going supernova

>> No.4753101

Everyone on Earth blows really hard in that direction to put it out.

>> No.4753105
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>mfw reading that

>mfw One theory suggests that a Type Ia supernova would have to be closer than 10 parsecs (33 light-years) to affect the Earth.[8] The closest known candidate is IK Pegasi.[9] It is currently estimated, however, that by the time it could become a threat, its velocity in relation to the Solar System would have carried IK Pegasi to a safe distance.[5]

>> No.4753106

Betelgeuse is only like 500ly away and will blow eventually

>> No.4753107
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honestly i would be more concerned about gamma ray bursts

>> No.4753111


We won't even have time to react to that, it's worthless mentioning, it's also pretty rare to have one that points at Earth.

>> No.4753113

Google WR104, that's yer GRB baby right there. Blow away half the ozone layer in one go.

>> No.4753115


if it's close enough to threaten earth's surface life, then it'll probably be preceded by a gargantuan wave of neutrinos by ten minutes to two hours or so.

That'd be all the warning we get.

>> No.4753118


But the question assumes a "close" star. So a hypothetical that alpha Centauri goes rapidly supernova, obviously ignoring the fact that the time between showing signs of going supernova, gas stripping, etc, is still a long time, is proposed. What do? Nothing. Accept our fate.


I'd say 100 years is slightly over estimating the 100% chance of destruction range.

Maybe 40-60ly

40 and under for sure.

>> No.4753121

>Some optical measurements indicate that WR 104's rotational axis is aligned within 16° of Earth.[4] This could have potential implications to the effects of WR 104's eventual supernova, since these explosions often produce jets from their rotational poles. It is possible that WR 104 may even produce a gamma-ray burst, though it is not possible to predict with certainty at this time.

I'm out.

>> No.4753123


time between signs of going super Nova and going supernova*

>> No.4753127
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mfw we all turn into hulks

>> No.4753128

How fucked are we?

>> No.4753132




>> No.4753138


>> No.4753163

We don't do any research on the subject and assume it will be harmful to life on Earth and make stupid threads about said paranoia on our local image boards.

>> No.4753164

We all become batman, because batman can breathe in space.

>> No.4753167


>We don't research it so let's just ignore it


>> No.4753171

Start doing that, but stop at around 18% of the way to have petty wars and rape fests instead.

>> No.4753173

Fuck off Sagan

>> No.4753188


>> No.4753226

Maybe we can in time learn to predict them

>> No.4753232

That's a very tough proposition.

But then again, maybe in time we will really be batmen who can breathe in space.

>> No.4753251

is not a star from the constilation Sagittarius's poles aimed at earth, and has the life expectancy of around 100 years?..

or that astoroid that's flying towards us?...that one we call in Bruce.

>> No.4753575

Little stars do not go supernova and as far as I know , the sun has not a single supergiant as neighboor.

>> No.4753911


Yes they do.

>> No.4753916

No. Supernovae can't be predicted with accuracy better than a few million years.

>> No.4753918

They don't.

>> No.4753920

Was meant for:

>> No.4753924



>> No.4753930

You need a massive white dwarf in a close binary system for that. Dosen't involve a small star.

>> No.4754758
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>white dwarf
>doesn't involve a small star

>> No.4754879

Generation ship, etc.

>> No.4755312

Really? Just make a fucking shield, that can withstand it.

>> No.4755323

Make sure you're on the far side of a big rock. Like a moon, or a planet.

But since you can't time a supernova down to the hour, that's pretty damn hard. Build a bunker wherever you are.

>> No.4755325


Yes, any sort of shield in orbit that's engineered to last long enough to block the nova radiation flux, would work.

But that's only if the flux truly endangers our biosphere. Then the rich would spend to save us all. But if the flux would just kill billions, they'd let it happen. They don't need us and letting us die off from the effects is just good business.

>> No.4755327
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>neutrinos faster than light

i dont think so

>> No.4755347

>But if the flux would just kill billions, they'd let it happen. They don't need us
The rich are neither that evil nor that stupid (usually). They DO need you, and anyone who actually makes their money off of economics knows this.

You can't eat a bank account.

>> No.4755354

> letting us die off from the effects is just good business.
I've love to see you try to show a profit motive here.

>> No.4755362

>begins to show signs of going supernova
kinda like how Betelgeuse is showing signs of going supernova sometime soon? Soon being in cosmic terms and meaning possibly in the next 500,000 years or so.

>> No.4755365

I'm with this guy.

Who skins a sheep when you can keep shearing it.

>> No.4755429

> The rich are neither that evil nor that stupid (usually). They DO need you, and anyone who actually makes their money off of economics knows this.

CLEARLY you don't know rich people. They start wars killing millions just to make more money.

If a nova event is coming and billions will die at a low cost X, when saving those billions is at a very high cost Y, then the Y>>X equation is easily parsed by the rich and the result is: THEY LET THE BILLIONS DIE.

The rich are always better setup. Don't you even realize that if there's a nova event coming, you won't even know about it until it's far, far too late? The rich control your information. They will have had the time, and had built bunkers for weathering the Great Dieoff.

>> No.4755439

> I've love to see you try to show a profit motive here.

The profit is YOU DIE, while THEY LIVE. They will inherit the earth, since billions will have died off the land. The remaining rich people will have massive estates, using a cowed slave class to labor and breed up again, but very controlled this time. Too many billions dying means CLEAR TITLE.

The rich start wars all the fucking time; it's more than well documented. But you can't accept that they'd let billions of your class of person die off? WTF!

>> No.4755450

>just to make money

>If a nova event is coming and billions will die at a low cost X, when saving those billions is at a very high cost Y, then the Y>>X equation is easily parsed by the rich and the result is: THEY LET THE BILLIONS DIE.
You assume that having a billion+ people die wouldn't decimate the global economy.

Now, if you had said a few million people, I would agree.

>The rich control your information.
Your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Fox News isn't the only source of information in the world.

>> No.4755453

Holy fuck, you're stupid.

If they're that rich, they ALREADY own the world. Why let your own house burn?

>Hurr massa gon' let all his slaves die cuz he's the devil
No, your masters (if indeed they are, as you claim) want you alive and contributing to their economy.

>> No.4755454

There's a pretty broad range of it being close enough to screw with us but far enough that we're not all burnt to a crisp. I expect preparations for closer to the "burnt to a crisp" end of the scale would be similar to those for a nuclear war, except with a lot more warning.