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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 725x485, 20120602210442capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4748115 No.4748115 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna be a comp sci freshman in the fall. My school is on the quarter system.

Is the following schedule too much of a load?

Calc I (full sequence required)
Physics I (full sequence required)
Computer Science I (the first of two required java courses)

People are telling me to ditch physics for a general requirement. I just wanna get into the CS major asap.

pic unrelated but lol fatties

>> No.4748117

The stuff you listed can be learned within two weeks. What are you gonna do the rest of the semester?

>> No.4748120

> computer science
> java
ehhhhhh good luck bro

>> No.4748123

comp sci here too

i would have helped, but your prejudice against bbw stinks

>> No.4748121

It's not a "java programming course" so much as an intro CS class that merely utilizes java.

>> No.4748124

Hey man, if they carry it well, that's all good. Those ones don't.

>> No.4748129


That's among the reasons why no one takes CS majors serious. Every physics or math fag learns a real programming language.

>> No.4748132

It's hardly where we'd be stopping but ok I guess.

>> No.4748133

> intro to CS
> not SICP
yah, nah.

>> No.4748136

>not majoring in math and learning CS on your own time

CS departments are like, hyper-competitive aspie bloodbaths.

Math departments are full of bros.

Be a bro, OP.

>> No.4748139

>Intro to CS
>Not using Sipser

>> No.4748142

It's like I'm really on /g/.


>> No.4748144

Sounds like a normal freshman schedule. In general, people who dropped out of those classes are morons; don't listen when they say "oh man, that'll be too much". If you can't handle baby calc, physics and comp sci in one term, then you won't be able to handle a full CS curriculum anyway.

>> No.4748150

do this.

>> No.4748158

So it's comparable to later CS workload? Or not even?

>> No.4748182

>comp sci
>quarter system

Damn negro, you goin to RIT?

>> No.4748189

No, I'm on the west coast.

>> No.4749461


>> No.4749700

OP, are you some retard going to a second tier UC school or a Cal State?

>People are telling me to ditch physics for a general requirement. I just wanna get into the CS major asap.

If you want just software than leave physics for later as you will never really need it. I went to UCSD (shit hole) and our comp sci department did not require a circuits course.

>> No.4749703

I used to love kicking the shit out of computer science fags like you back in college.
I have a question though have you ever fucked a girl that was under 200 pounds? Im not talking about that pussy boy software geek that you suck off under your cubicle. I dont know if i should write this you might have your posse of klingon warriors shoot invisible lasers at me. By the way does your mom know youre on this site? Shes not going to take you to the star trek convention in denver next year if you keep this up young man. Well it was nice talking to you. Keep sucking dick maybe some day your dad will actually pay for it.

>> No.4749710

>kicking the shit out of comp sci fags
>mfw I'm 6'4" 250 and play football for my school

not OP btw

>> No.4749713

would fuck the one on the left sober
would have to be drunk but would still fuck the one on the right

>> No.4749714

>wall of text
Too much overcompensation. Your tiny tiny dick is showing.

>> No.4749715

Serious answer:

It's not too much. I guarantee you'll want/need to take as many "advanced" courses your junior/senior year. If you can somewhat manage now, you'll have a good idea of how you'll perform later on.

>> No.4749716

>attracted to 3DPD girls
shiggy higgity diggity

>> No.4749720


>> No.4749724
File: 75 KB, 373x377, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 i'd phuckin wreck you, i have never not knocked out anyone i've fought.

>> No.4749729

Looks cancerous, you should get that looked at.

>> No.4749730

Why LOL at Java? Explain nerds. Every school in California starts compsci with Java.

I majored in civil, we used MATLAB for evey thing.

>> No.4749732

>at all relevant in a fight
confirmed for knowing nothing about fighting, good job and stay beta

>> No.4749734

It's benign ;)

bro, i'd sucker punch you and leave you in a coma for the rest of your life. watch out your comments

>> No.4749737

Come at me bro.

>> No.4749738

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight.

>> No.4749744

Chill bro, I don't want any trouble.

Thanks bruh

>> No.4749746
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1337762199124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you are such a shitty shitposting imbecilic premed shitposter

I'd fry you with a proton beam to the skull cavity Niggerman

>> No.4749751
File: 22 KB, 589x532, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a premed anymore

>> No.4749760

>implying med school is real, rigorous graduate studies of a science field and not just 5th year premed

>> No.4749762
File: 31 KB, 302x300, ywtjlyom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my life bro, let me do me.

>> No.4749763

>People are telling me to ditch physics for a general requirement.
What's a general requirement? Don't ditch physics for some bullshit class that will be no use to you, you'll regret it. Only do classes which're relevant to you.

>> No.4749765

recent image link on homepage brought me here... I'm from /b/... Is /sci/ always this gay?

inb4 butthurt /sci/ phaggots

>> No.4749769

Well, there're usually a few threads at least as bad as this in the night, but the same is true of any board (/b/ most certainly not excluded.) We have a number of good threads as well though.

>> No.4749770
File: 141 KB, 1023x767, 1186295034477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're from /b/? Awesome, I was from there too. I first came to 4chan a long time ago when I was a prepubescent child. I'm sure you're 13 or 14 just like I was so I don't want be too harsh on you. However, I will ask you to kindly fuck off and return to the shithole you spawned from.

>> No.4749780


I see, thanks for your serious reply.


Is this your resident troll? He seems pretty shit and he has small biceps... very sad. Oh I'm 21 and in the army for what it's worth king phaggot

>> No.4749789

Oh the army? Aren't you the most special sack of shit on the planet. I'm glad my tax dollars are going to faggots like you to protect me. Enjoy getting shot in the head by one of your mates. I have absolutely no respect for worthless cunts like yourself.

>> No.4749791

>I first came to 4chan a long time ago when I was a prepubescent child.
4chan started in 2003, you're telling me you've been around since the dawn of the boards?

I call bullshit

>> No.4749797


> Implying there is only one army.
> Amerifag logic.
> Implying you know what I do.
> Implying domestic EOD is not beneficial.

Your an idiot.

>> No.4749803


inb4 'Your' correction to 'You're'

>> No.4749804

Not at the creation of the board but not too long after.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.4749807


Haha looks like I was right. Had to resort to picking at spelling/punctuation to win the argument.

I'm out of here you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.4749815

You seem rather irate. Piss off you daft cunt. Enjoy your inevitable death, I hope it's slow.

>> No.4749811

No, /sci/ isn't always this retarded.

Sometimes it's worse.

>> No.4749817

We all die, king.

Long live the king...

>> No.4749822
File: 79 KB, 321x260, amerifeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4749824
File: 111 KB, 342x262, 1308270275410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit bringing my country down and learn the fucking difference between 'your' and 'you're'. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.4749826

I don't fear death. I'm sure that the time just before will be the most exciting time of my life.

Then we die, and that's it.


>> No.4749831

Do you want your corpse sent to space or anything exciting? I want to be set out to sea and then shot with flaming arrows

>> No.4749832

I really don't care what they do with me when I'm not sentient of it any longer.

That said, might as well do something amazing. Maybe shove a pound of C4 up my ass or something and set it off. Because fuck yeah, science.

>> No.4749840

C4 up the asshole isn't a bad idea. Are you new here? I don't remember seeing a !!JEeRXAm6ylJ post before

>> No.4749845

I'm kinda new to this board, I suppose. I lurk once in a while. I'm a /b/ oldfriend or whatever the summer is calling us nowadays.

I don't always tripcode, but when I do, it's to troll. I just give people with long names a hard time sometimes. We're all forced anon now...

>> No.4749849
File: 14 KB, 260x244, cancersagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support your actions. Keep up the good work

>> No.4749850

Man, he really went downhill fast.

>dat hair
>oh shoot
my life is no longer complete.

>> No.4749856
File: 1.94 MB, 289x217, alphasagan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah pretty it's pretty sad, he was a good man. He will always have a place in my heart

>> No.4749861

His words live on, though.

Caught any of this stuff? It's legit:


>> No.4749871

It's a classic. In fact, I'm going to use it as my lullaby right now. Good night tripfriend

>> No.4749876

Goodnight, king. I'm sure I shall return. It is nigh my bedtime, also.

>> No.4749887

You know some of have actually been around since the beginning, or near to it.

>> No.4749898

Not Blackman, he's only been on /sci/ since late 2010.

>> No.4749916

but /sci/ hasn't even been up for that long. so it's not like just because someone posts on /sci/ they weren't on any other boards before

>> No.4749939

The textboard has been around since 4chan's creation. The imagebaord opened early 2010.