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4746052 No.4746052 [Reply] [Original]

OFFICIAL: Indo-Eurasians are not descended from Sub-Saharan Africans Haplogroups A and B. OUT OF AFRICA DISPROVEN!

Recent fossil discoveries in central Asia have turned the "out of Africa" theory of human evolution upside down. Now geneticists through recent Genome Wide Analysis Studies show that DNA disproves the theory. There findings were published in Advances in Anthropology. The entire article can be read online.


>The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B)

Negro Africans apparently must descend from a separate hominid ancestor. They are capable of breeding with non-negroes in the same way that Neanderthals were capable of breeding with homo-sapiens.

That is the only explanation if the root SNP are really absent in non-Negro ancestor.

>> No.4746055

>implying niggers were ever considered human

>> No.4746059


Fingerbone found in a Russian cave of a modern human that differs from all known living human populations. Our knowledge of early human development is so scarce, it's becoming obvious that there are multiple paths to modern humans from different regions around the globe.

>> No.4746064
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>Negro Africans apparently must descend from a separate hominid ancestor
>Negro Africans apparently must descend from a separate hominid ancestor. They are capable of breeding with non-negroes in the same way that Neanderthals were capable of breeding with homo-sapiens.

Then we too must do our duty and pass our genetic material to the African humans before our extinction comes.

>> No.4746065

>slavic fingers

>> No.4746066

They're human, just a human subspecies, like the extinct H. Sapiens Idaltu.


>> No.4746073

Average IQ of a sub-saharan African is below 80. Average IQ of an African American is 85. An SD below all other humans. It should have been clear to anyone a long time ago that they were different from the rest of the human population.

>> No.4746075


>> No.4746080
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>An SD

>> No.4746085

Standard Deviation.

>> No.4746087

> Average IQ of a sub-saharan African is below 80. Average IQ of an African American is 85. An SD below all other humans. It should have been clear to anyone a long time ago that they were different from the rest of the human population.

This is not true.

While african africans do average lower than 80--67 according to Richard Lynn but he seems to have massaged his numbers and relied on bad samples, perhaps a bit higher. This is not an SD below all other human populations. Many other human populations average lower than 100.

Here is Lynn's map.

>> No.4746090


Ashkenazi Jewish average IQ is 115, a whole SD above the average.

50% of Nobel Prizes
0.06% of the population

1 in 22 of them have IQ > 140.

Einstein, Von Neumann, Godel, Venn...all the 'white' inventors? Jewish.

>> No.4746094


Wow, look at Australia. Bunch of fucking idiots down under, I see.

Interesting news anyway, OP. I have to wonder what sort of implications this has, if any.

>> No.4746096

Gee, IQ figures sure don't increase in poor countries as they develop.

>> No.4746099


Yes, gentiles are a separate, inferior species.

>> No.4746102

>Wow, look at Australia. Bunch of fucking idiots down under, I see.

The map is about indigenous populations. The white australians average around 100 as does other white groups.

>> No.4746103

Godel was pure german.

>> No.4746104

*as do

>> No.4746107


Well, yeah, I had guessed. I was just making a joke.

>> No.4746108

The populations in America take into account black Americans. Give me a few minutes to pull up some different studies, I have done pretty extensive research on this sort of thing.

I suspect the low numbers come from Aborigines.

>> No.4746109

And neutrinos go faster than light!

>> No.4746110

>Gee, IQ figures sure don't increase in poor countries as they develop.

Such increases are not necessarily due to higher intelligence. Cud be simply getting more used to testing. Besides, Flynn effect seems to have stopped.

Altho, one wud expect improved nutrition to have some positive effect on the intelligence of, say, african populations. Apparently, the african genotypic intelligence is about 80. The 5 extra points that american blacks have is due to 20% white genes.

>> No.4746111

>African Americans

>> No.4746112
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Took them this long to figure it out?

>> No.4746121

>Flynn effect seems to have stopped.
I don't know why the Flynn effect was ever a surprise.

All sorts of diseases and influences such as malnutrition can obviously drag IQ scores down. Deal with that shit, and of course the average intelligence is going to go up.

Of course, once you get to the point where obesity is a bigger issue than malnutrition, you can't expect further improvements unless they have another cause.

>> No.4746124

This isn't really trumped up pop-sci, though, this is one of the most massive anthropological studies ever.

>> No.4746127


For "jew" in this case read "very particular Russian/Eastern European populations"

>> No.4746128
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Never have I been happier to say these words.

>> No.4746129
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That's why it has less citations than all the papers I turned in last semester, right?

>> No.4746135

Thanks for the link OP - as I'm sure you're aware taking in a study like this will take some time. I've downloaded and will read fer sure.

>> No.4746136

>Negro Africans apparently must descend from a separate hominid ancestor

that's not what the paper said at all.

>> No.4746137

To be fair, Ashkenazim make up the vast majority of Jews in the world, and they are something like 70% Semitic, they do not inbreed with the European locals very much. That's why they're so ugly, the hot Jews like Alison Brie have above average European admixture.

Jews are an intelligent people, they'd have to be. This is coming from an anti-semite. You'd never hear me insult Jewish intelligence and anyone who does is an idiot and underestimating the Great Enemy that is the International Jew.

>> No.4746140

Yes, because they ARE the source. It would be like you demanding that the sources you cited in your papers all had a list of sources as long as the one you handed in. Eventually the chain has to end.

>> No.4746141 [DELETED] 


You get that this is at its first online publication, right? Give it a year to accumulate cites man.

>> No.4746144

>less citations
FEWER citations, you illiterate fuck.

>published less than a month ago
>lol it has no citations hurr durr

>> No.4746146

>30 days old
>not enough citations

>> No.4746149

So this means instead of

Africa-(Negroes, Caucasians)

it is instead

Africa-(Negroes, Caucasian ancestors)
Europe/Levant-(Caucasian ancestor into several populations including Caucasians)

Interesting but not earthshaking.

>> No.4746151
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They only cited 10 sources. I've read papers on panda genetics that are better supported.

>> No.4746162

What difference does it make how many references they put?

>> No.4746165

it's funny how many itt don't know what "citations" are. Or that 10 is an absurdly small number of them...

the /pol/ is strong in here

>> No.4746169


I wish I'd known about this in my papers. "Check it out biatches, 173 references in my bibliography. This shit is TRUTH yo."

>> No.4746170

>they need to source the study that they conducted even though they are the source

>> No.4746174

This troll again.

>Anatole A. Klyosov, Igor L. Rozhanskii


>> No.4746177

>I don't like those statistics, that aren't anti-white enough

>> No.4746180



>> No.4746183

>cannot check for samefag

A newfag appears.

>> No.4746187

>using a shitty troll from 2007
Nice try, samefaggot.

>> No.4746188

gosh are you bad at detecting samefag

we all sage retard threads here.

>> No.4746226

>science I don't like
>retard thread

>> No.4746230

Anatole Klyosov is a biochemist and researcher, Igor L. Rozhanskii's credentials did not show up in the first 5 results I bothered to look at, but he works for a biomedical research company.

>> No.4746237


>> No.4746249

If you're implying it should be "a" SD then you should probably kill yourself now.

>> No.4746253
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You never needed to convince me them monkeys weren't human.

>> No.4746262
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>> No.4746754
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>> No.4746782

So were was a reason for the second sapiens in homo sapiens sapiens

>> No.4746785
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> mfw I'm Australian and abos have an IQ of 60 on average
> Everything makes sense now

>> No.4746817 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 700x322, y-haplo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. First of all this is a study of Y chromosome DNA (Y-dna) exclusive to paternal lineage, not mitochondrial DNA (mt-dna) which corresponds to maternal.

It basically says that Haplogroup B (see pic) is not descended from Haplogroup A, which is very old, but of a more recent variation called Haplogroup β, indicating a separate common ancestor. Similarly, Haplogroups A and β share an even older common ancestor named Haplogroup α.

Now this is the important part: "A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown". Hence the title of the paper "Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory". So there's nothing "official" but pure speculation.

Its working hypothesis is that "the most likely origin for each of them (Haplogroups α and β) is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south".

Their descendants, Haplogroups A and B, arrived both to Africa and Europe from the unknown origin where they evolved at.

So who are Haplogroups A and B? From Wikipedia:

Haplogroup A
>Highest frequencies: Namibia (Tsumkwe San, Nama) 60-70%, Southern Sudan (Dinka, Shilluk, Nuer) 33%-61.5%, Ethiopia (Beta Israel ) 41%-46%

>> No.4746825 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 700x322, y-haplo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. First of all this is a study of Y chromosome DNA (Y-dna) exclusive to paternal lineage, not mitochondrial DNA (mt-dna) which corresponds to maternal.

It basically says that Haplogroup B (see pic) is not descended from Haplogroup A, which is very old, but of a more recent variation called Haplogroup β, indicating a separate common ancestor. Similarly, Haplogroups A and β share an even older common ancestor named Haplogroup α.

Now this is the important part: "A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown". Hence the title of the paper "Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory". So there's nothing "official" but pure speculation.

Its working hypothesis is that "the most likely origin for each of them (Haplogroups α and β) is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south".

Their descendants, Haplogroups A and B, arrived both to Africa and Europe from the unknown origin where they evolved at.

>> No.4746826
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>ideologically influenced wrong conclusions drawn from science publications
Every fucking time.

>> No.4746827 [DELETED] 
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So who are Haplogroups A and B? From Wikipedia:

Haplogroup A
>Highest frequencies: Namibia (Tsumkwe San, Nama) 60-70%, Southern Sudan (Dinka, Shilluk, Nuer) 33%-61.5%, Ethiopia (Beta Israel ) 41%-46%

Haplogroup B
>Highest frequencies: Baka 63% (Gabon & Cameroon)[1] - 72% (CAR),[2] Hadzabe (Tanzania) 52%[3]-60%,[4] Nuer (Sudan) 50%,[5] Mbuti (DRC) 33%[6]-60%,[2] Biaka (CAR) 35%[6]-55%,[2] Central Africa 32%,[7] Tsumkwe San (Namibia) 31%,[2] Khoisan 28%,[7] Shilluk (Sudan) 27%,[5] Burunge (Tanzania) 25%,[4] Dinka (Sudan) 23%,[5] Ngumba (Cameroon) 23%[2]-33%,[1] Eviya (Gabon) 21%,[1] Fali (Cameroon) 18%,[6] Sotho–Tswana (South Africa) 18%,[2] Zulu (South Africa) 17%,[2] Eshira (Gabon) 17%,[1] Shake (Gabon) 16%,[1] Hausa (Sudan) 16%,[5] Sukuma (Tanzania) 16%,[3] Bakola (Cameroon) 15%[2]-36%,[1] Copts (Sudan) 15%,[5] Sudan 15%,[7] Kunama (Eritrea) 15%,[8] Tutsi (Rwanda) 15%,[9] Sandawe (Tanzania) 15%,[4] Uldeme (Cameroon) 5%[6]-31%,[2] Nuba (Sudan) 14%,[5] Makina (Gabon) 14%,[1] Southern Africa 13%,[7] Mali 11%,[7] Ewondo (Cameroon) 10%,[6] Ethiopia 10%,[7] Shona (Zimbabwe) 10%[2]

So putting it in XIXth-century-pseudo-scientific-anthropology-book terms racists understand: Negroids are B, Capoids are A.

>> No.4746828 [DELETED] 
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But where da white men at? They are the still the descendants of Haplogroup B, same as modern niggers you imbecilic stormfags (see pic again). The only difference is that our common ancestor wasn't supposedly African. If anything this makes Negroids even closer to you than to Capoids (which ironically look less nigger). Regardless, we all still share a common ancestor, Haplogroup α.

According to the study: "The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that...". It never mentions Europeans not descending from Haplogroup B but from "African" Haplogroup B, that's what the study is about, Haplogroup B (and A and α and β) not being African, which is supported by evidence quoted from other study, hence that last "as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein)". So you're not even quoting the right study. All you demonstrated is having near 0 reading comprehension.

>> No.4746833
File: 39 KB, 400x599, 400px-San_tribesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who are Haplogroups A and B? From Wikipedia:

Haplogroup A
>Highest frequencies: Namibia (Tsumkwe San, Nama) 60-70%, Southern Sudan (Dinka, Shilluk, Nuer) 33%-61.5%, Ethiopia (Beta Israel ) 41%-46%

Haplogroup B
>Highest frequencies: Baka 63% (Gabon & Cameroon)[1] - 72% (CAR),[2] Hadzabe (Tanzania) 52%[3]-60%,[4] Nuer (Sudan) 50%,[5] Mbuti (DRC) 33%[6]-60%,[2] Biaka (CAR) 35%[6]-55%,[2] Central Africa 32%,[7] Tsumkwe San (Namibia) 31%,[2] Khoisan 28%,[7] Shilluk (Sudan) 27%,[5] Burunge (Tanzania) 25%,[4] Dinka (Sudan) 23%,[5] Ngumba (Cameroon) 23%[2]-33%,[1] Eviya (Gabon) 21%,[1] Fali (Cameroon) 18%,[6] Sotho–Tswana (South Africa) 18%,[2] Zulu (South Africa) 17%,[2] Eshira (Gabon) 17%,[1] Shake (Gabon) 16%,[1] Hausa (Sudan) 16%,[5] Sukuma (Tanzania) 16%,[3] Bakola (Cameroon) 15%[2]-36%,[1] Copts (Sudan) 15%,[5] Sudan 15%,[7] Kunama (Eritrea) 15%,[8] Tutsi (Rwanda) 15%,[9] Sandawe (Tanzania) 15%,[4] Uldeme (Cameroon) 5%[6]-31%,[2] Nuba (Sudan) 14%,[5] Makina (Gabon) 14%,[1] Southern Africa 13%,[7] Mali 11%,[7] Ewondo (Cameroon) 10%,[6] Ethiopia 10%,[7] Shona (Zimbabwe) 10%[2]

So putting it in XIXth-century-pseudo-scientific-anthropology-book terms racists understand: Negroids are B, Capoids are A.

>> No.4746830
File: 9 KB, 700x322, y-haplo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. First of all this is a study of Y chromosome DNA (Y-dna) exclusive to paternal lineage, not mitochondrial DNA (mt-dna) which corresponds to maternal.

It basically says that Haplogroup B (see pic) is not descended from Haplogroup A, which is very old, but of a more recent variation called Haplogroup β, indicating a separate common ancestor. Similarly, Haplogroups A and β share an even older common ancestor named Haplogroup α.

Now this is the important part: "A territorial origin of haplogroups α- and β-remains unknown". Hence the title of the paper "Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory". So there's nothing "official" but pure speculation.

Its working hypothesis is that "the most likely origin for each of them (Haplogroups α and β) is a vast triangle stretched from Central Europe in the west through the Russian Plain to the east and to Levant to the south".

Their descendants, Haplogroups A and B, arrived both to Africa and Europe from the unknown origin where they evolved at.

>> No.4746836
File: 9 KB, 700x322, y-haplo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where da white men at? They are the still the descendants of Haplogroup B, same as modern niggers you imbecilic stormfags (see pic again). The only difference is that our common ancestor wasn't supposedly African. If anything this makes Negroids even closer to you than to Capoids (which ironically look less nigger). Regardless, we all still share a common ancestor, Haplogroup α.

According to the study: "The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that...". It never mentions Europeans not descending from Haplogroup B but from "African" Haplogroup B, that's what the study is about, Haplogroup B (and A and α and β) not being African, which is supported by evidence quoted from other study, hence that last "as it was shown recently in “Walk through Y” FTDNA Project (the reference is incorporated therein)". So you're not even quoting the right study. All you demonstrated is having near 0 reading comprehension.

>> No.4747832

whoa whoa whoa, hapboloabo? capoid? DEE EN AYE? all i know is niggers and jews, bad news