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4743530 No.4743530[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I invite /sci/entists to a peaceful debate about the fallacies of atheism.

>> No.4743534

It's where you belong, go join your own people and be prosperous.

>> No.4743538

A lot of Muslims like to say that Islam is not a violent religion, yet the most prominent teaching is to "live as Mohammad did" and he was a murderous warlord. Explain this apparent contradiction.

>> No.4743539

But I just don't believe in a superior intelligence that cares about what we eat, sleep or do with our lives. Maybe it would care for humanity in general but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I just can't find a reasonable reason to believe in God or whatever you wish to call it. 2000 or 1200 year old archaic texts with different moral values and brutal and harsh punishments for the simplest of crimes don' help. Nor does a vengeful god that kills his "humans" because hes making an example.

>> No.4743540

Hook me up with some sweet Muslim hotties, bro.

>> No.4743541

Atheism has as much to do with science than with religions. Both concern the belief in unfalsifiable entities which by most definitions can not be proven nor disproven.

Please refine your question to somewhat empirical parameters.

>> No.4743545

atheism: we don't know (yet), but we're trying really hard to find out
religion: it's like that, motherfucker. believe me, or i'll kill you.

>> No.4743552

atheism is we don't believe in supernatural beings

agnosticism is we don't know yet/are unsure as to whether they exist or not

>> No.4743558

I think that if a god -- a "supreme" god above any other gods -- existed, then we would not be able to comprehend any of its choices/decisions/characteristics/etc. And thus, religions would not make sense since they impose characteristics on their gods. And thus, believing in a "good" or "bad" god would similarly make no sense. And thus, trying to live in a particular way to "please" a god would be pointless.

If we COULD comprehend the god's choices/etc., then paradoxes would arise, i.e. "God and evil" etc. It's essentially mathematical: we don't have a system that allows for the existence of the types of gods that most religions believe exist. If a god does exist, it exists beyond our systems. And we'll have no fucking idea how to please it.

>> No.4743561

Technically it's the specific the lack of belief in god, not a lack of belief in all supernatural beings.

>> No.4743568

I'll bite.

Give me your BEST reason to believe your particular God claim.

>> No.4743579

It's really easy.

Agnosticism is religious empiricism.
Atheism is simply saying this is impossible and thats that.

But really most atheists would believe in something if there was some kind of proof.

But there is none because imaginary friends only exist within our minds. And no matter how many book you write or how much you telepathically or verbally try to make him real he will only be an imaginary friend.

>> No.4743581

Okay OP, i'll bite; please give a list of fallacies of atheism

>> No.4743583

A god is by definition a perfect being, and existing is part of being perfect, therefore god exists.

>> No.4743585

No, this is a misunderstanding of the term.

Atheism CERTAINLY includes people who think such a God is impossible... the position itself is simply the LACK of belief or REJECTION in particular god claims.

The extreme to which you proport this rejection might vary.

>> No.4743590

You have to reject all the evidence that god exists.

>> No.4743594

Where are my sexy hijabis?

>> No.4743596

Hercules is the greatest conceivable warrior.
A real warrior would be greater than an imaginary one.
Therefore Hercules exists.

Or, try gasking's proof (it's a parody)
The creation of the universe is the greatest achievement imaginable.
The merit of an achievement consists of its intrinsic greatness and the ability of its creator.
The greater the handicap to the creator, the greater the achievement (would you be more impressed by Turner painting a beautiful landscape or a blind one-armed dwarf?)
The biggest handicap to a creator would be non-existence
Therefore if we suppose that the universe is the creation of an existing creator, we can conceive a greater being — namely, one who created everything while not existing.
Therefore, God does not exist.

But, really, the problem is that existence of a particular object is a posteriori rather than a priori.

>> No.4743600

For a simpler and more thorough refutation of the Ontological argument :


There ya go.

Give it a read OP.

Get back to me.

>> No.4743606

>implying OP is religious and you aren't trolled

3/10 OP
trolling /sci/ is like beating up toddlers

>> No.4743607

Implying even feigned challenges aren't worth refutation.

Ah, I missed out so much on providing a resource to people who might not otherwise have it.

>> No.4743612

there are no religious people here.

religion threads are against the rules.
we don't appreciate them or you for responding to them.

fuck off.

>> No.4743613

I've always wanted to fuck a hot little muslim chick wearing one of those face masks.

Something about oppression that is so damn sexy.

>> No.4743615

why so?

>> No.4743618


But thanks for the chuckle!

>> No.4743622

I'm a Christian that visits /sci/ often. Deal w/ it. Also, I don't make religion, evolution, etc. troll threads.

>> No.4743627
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fuck off

>> No.4743629

I am Christian and currently study Physics.

Stop being so narrow minded.

>> No.4743636
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>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
that tulpa when

>> No.4743637
File: 74 KB, 584x600, OH+LAWD+YA+CAUGHT+MEH+_354e3878d57031fe1cf04efb569f5673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has given me a chuckle, thank you OP.
In my opinion, Atheists get even more defensive than most Christians when you question beliefs.

>> No.4743719

I'm not just an atheist, I'm an anti-theist. I'm glad there's no God. If there were, he would be the biggest asshole in history.

There is absolutely no way there is a benevolent, omniscient, omnipotent being. No benevolent being would allow things like the Black Death, or the Indonesian Tsunami. So the only possible deity would be a cruel one.

Thankfully, there is no such deity, and we don't need to worry about fire and brimstone raining down on us because someone nearby is a sinner and God has shitty aim.

Anyone who didn't sage and report is a faggot of cataclysmic scale

>> No.4743976

So what's going to happen when the things you learn eventually don't coincide with your original beliefs?

One of em has to go.

>> No.4743987


You get a gold star then :3

>> No.4743997


You seem to have a childish understanding of life.

>> No.4744006

So what if God is really malevolent? You would go to hell regardless if he's evil or not because you're an atheist. Better be safe than sorry.

>> No.4744020
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Hey christfags, if God exists, why doesn't he?

Atheist-Over 9000

>> No.4744025
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>What if god hates everyone who isn't an atheist?

>> No.4744046

>In a similar vein, what is it about Muslims that see them forever proclaiming 'Allahu Akbar'' (God is Great). Especially when it seems that they most often scream this phrase when they are usually getting their asses kicked.
>Are they praising god in an attempt to manipulate his god-sized ego? By demonstrating their subservient, blind (and demonstrably unwarranted) faith in this god, are they hoping that God will relent and swap sides? Or at the very least not kill them even though he's killed their families and friends, or allowed others to do so? Is it just another form of praying, of begging God for a favour, pleading that he help them and smite their enemy? Or is 'Allahu Akbar'' a euphemism, an angry retort along the lines of: 'What the fuck God?! Get off your ass and give me some help here. I don't pray to you five times a day for this shit. There are other gods out there wanting my business if you're not interested.'.

>> No.4744101
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not even read the thread yet, but this is gonna be good...

>> No.4744104
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pick one

>> No.4744107
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oh wow, fucking pathetic.
>make up perfect being in your mind
>'perfection must have the characteristic of being existent or it would not be perfect!'
>'QED, perfect being i just imagined out of thin air must be real!'


>> No.4744109
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>ban evading Scottish neckbeard who needs to fuck off
pick both

>> No.4744110
File: 51 KB, 348x480, allah_ackbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, thats it??
anselm's ontological argument, which can be disproved by a fucking 4 year old, and fuck all else, and no decent response to >>4743581

>your particular god claim
so ontological argument doesnt even apply, can you even into reading comprehension? that can apply to several religions, and its still bullshit.

fucking faggot, OP

>> No.4744111
File: 218 KB, 1627x925, the gods of sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off EK

>> No.4744112


>> No.4744114
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and yeh, im reading: https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/S4738678
and yet again its haz being a fucking faggot.
no surprises there.

why the fuck should i suffer for her ban?

>> No.4744115

>i actually follow the ruels, i dont make religion threads, and i dont spam, what the fuck else do they want?
No, you are a total shitposter and come here to troll in religion threads.

>and yet again its haz being a fucking faggot.
Considering "haz" is an alter ego of you, it's irrelevant. Both of you are fucking mental fucktards who need to get the fuck off this imageboard.

Note how the mod mentions "EK and Harriet", not just one of you.

>> No.4744118
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>> No.4744119

why are you in this thread EK?

the one fucking religion thread of the day and you're in it.

like a dog rolling in shit

>> No.4744124
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[you] come here to troll in religion threads

pick none
fucking retard, the people who FUCKING POST THE RELIGION THREADS are the fucking trolls, atheism is actually right, so how teh fuck is me pointing that out trolling??

>considering "haz" is an alter ego of you, it's irrelevant.
no she fucking isnt, tard

>Note how the mod mentions "EK and Harriet", not just one of you.
the mod might not like me, but when i actually get a ban i deserve, i stick it out.
them repeatedly banning me is just them fucking abusing their power.

>> No.4744125

Allah, God, Santaclaus, they're all atheist.

>> No.4744129

no fucking idea, thread was shit, i shouldnt have even bothered.

>> No.4744131


>> No.4744137

>but when i actually get a ban i deserve, i stick it out.
You are unable to comprehend you are doing something wrong, that's the funny thing.

First off, religious/atheism discussion is not allowed here. You aren't supposed to participate in the thread or post it.

You are like a little eunuch child, incapable of coherent thought. You spew nonsense on this board purely to troll other people and shit post. If you take a look at your post history, 90% of your content is unrelated hogwash. You are not the "queen of /sci/", your petty posts about your "fuck buddies" contribute nothing.

I do not see you responding to the people asking legitimate science questions on here, rather you post and fail miserably at solving remedial high school calculus problems that are against the rules, and laugh at other peoples' opinions using various logical fallacies and appeals to authority.

>> No.4744151
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>First off, religious/atheism discussion is not allowed here.
cool, then ban the OP!
what, you think people should be banned just for replying?
thread already had nearly 40 posts before i arrived, probably several different anons you think they should all be banned?? really??
and i dont know if you've noticed, but religion discussion pops up here all the fucking time anyway, i might occasionally reply, but so does everyone!

>You spew nonsense on this board
oh really? what 'nonsense' have i 'spewed'?

>You are not the "queen of /sci/"
never said i was, i wasnt the one who came up with that.

> your petty posts about your "fuck buddies" contribute nothing.
i dont give a fuck, and that isnt me just spouting off for no reason, its usually anons asking questions, or its relevant to the thread, usually threads about monogamy/polyamory/sexual morality etc.

>I do not see...
>do not
wait a fucking second...
if i didnt know better i'd almost think you might be haz posting anonymously
if youve got something to say you can say it to my fucking face!

>people asking legitimate science questions on here
i do all the time, fucktard
open your fucking eyes!

>> No.4744160

Why debate bro? We invent planes and you drive them into buildings. Its cooperation.

>> No.4744165
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oh wow, i lol'd

>> No.4744177

>what, you think people should be banned just for replying?
You bump the thread, thick cunt.

>thread already had nearly 40 posts before i arrived, probably several different anons you think they should all be banned?? really??
Most of them are OP samefagging.

> what 'nonsense' have i 'spewed'?
Oh boy, why don't you look up your old tripcodes on the archive?

>never said i was, i wasnt the one who came up with that.
Bullshit. You state it nearly every time you come on here. Including your famous phrase "get off my board".

>its usually anons asking questions
And why the fuck do you respond? Do you know they are trolling you? Do you understand that you are participating in the troll and derailing whatever on-topic thread you are posting in? Take it to fucking /b/ or reddit's AMA board.

>if youve got something to say you can say it to my fucking face!
You schizophrenic paranoid bipolar cunt, I bet you think the UK government is conspiring against you as well.

>i do all the time, fucktard
No, you do not. Stop deceiving yourself. I am not wasting my time screen capping and giving you links. Analyze the quality of your posts yourself.

Do you think the moderators would ban you for no reason? No, you're an attention whore shit poster who cannot even into basic math or science.

>> No.4744188

>atheism is actually right

Thank you so much for your well reasoned contribution, you ignorant fuck. Millions of people engage in thinking of and understanding the arguments in favor or against the existence of god. Many of them much smarter than anyone on this board have decided to believe in the existence of god. Many of them believe otherwise, but none of them did it with the fucking stupidity only a "person" like you can muster, you fucking retarded afterbirth.

>> No.4744194

>You bump the thread, thick cunt.
so do most people, and fine, im saging now. happy?

>Most of them are OP samefagging.
you're just making shit up, faggot. theres no way you can know which of the anon posts are OP.

>Oh boy, why don't you look up your old tripcodes on the archive?
why dont YOU look up my new one!?
and thats only from a couple of days ago, i can find many other examples
people who say i 'shitpost' are either trolls, or just ignorant tards who dont actually read most of what i write.

>You state it nearly every time you come on here.
fucking find one post. just one. ever. EVER. where i referred to myself as 'queen'
you cant, and you know it
fucking liar

>And why the fuck do you respond? Do you know they are trolling you?
i dont think they are. asking me questions wont be trolling unless its an implied insult "hy are you so stupid?" etc.

>You schizophrenic paranoid bipolar cunt
fuck off, you have no idea about my condition, so you can STFU right fucking now
and ive noticed that for some reason she never shortens words. never any "doesnts" "shouldnt" "isnt" "wont" dont" etc.
fine, you're probably not her, but it is kinda a rare thing, ive hardly ever seen anyone else ever do it

>I am not wasting my time screen capping and giving you links
>'im not going to review the evidence you just posted, which succinctly disproves my lies'
then we're done, arnt we?
fuck off, troll