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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4742748 No.4742748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you Christians.

Also, fuck you baby boomers who want to cut NASA to pay for your own fat asses.

I'm glad China is getting into space now, but it will be too late to make a difference in my lifetime.

>tfw I'll never get to explore the galaxy and instead am stuck on this backward, dying planet

>> No.4742756

Have some light.

>> No.4742759

That sure is some fallacious thinking OP

>> No.4742760

Except technological progress continued outside of Europe in the muslim states and thats why you call 0~9 ARABIC NUMBERS retards.

>> No.4742764

>still thinking that image is factual in any way

>> No.4742766

That chart is so wrong. Europe was backwards compared to the East in the middle ages, so really it didn't matter to humanity whether there were Christians or not in Europe then.

>> No.4742770

>The settlement will support them while they live and work on Mars the rest of their lives.

Who the fuck would participate in that.

>> No.4742771

And we wouldn't have been that backwards, if it weren't for the dark ages. Imagine the renaissance happening in the 900's.

>> No.4742773

Not to mention that Christian institutions were pretty much the only thing to preserve classical thinking, and without the development of Christian philosophy, the enlightenment/subsequent developments would have never happened.

Sure is 15 year old edgy atheist in here, but then again, it is 4chan.

>> No.4742775

You have a really naive, teleological conception of history

>> No.4742776

Chart is really accurate OP... I mean Babylon didn't contribute anything at all right?

Oh wait.. they did. Oh wait.. Christians developed the laws of Planetary Motion.. Oh wait.. OP is a faggot.

>> No.4742778

Its a big world, with lots of people. I'd consider it if I were younger/healthier.

>> No.4742780

>pride yourself as a rational, scientific thinker
>believe that "scientific progress" is quantifiable
>believe that it necessarily grows at an exponential rate
>believe that scientific advances are objective and not a function of a society's material condition and culture

>> No.4742782

>wanting to go into space

What the fuck is this kindergarten shit doing on my /sci/? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4742784

Someone explain to me why we should be exploring space and colonizing new planets when we can't run the one we have without famine, genocide, and economic ruin?

>> No.4742785

Hush child, leave this board and don't come back.

>> No.4742786

Religiousfags? On MY /sci/? You must be trolling.

>> No.4742788

OP you're an idiot if you actually believe NASA shouldn't have had its funding cut. It was an absolute waste of money.

>> No.4742789

Because it will help alleviate all the problems you listed and provide protection from mass extinction events.

>> No.4742791


>> No.4742792


>> No.4742797
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>he thinks science and atheism go hand in hand

>> No.4742798
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>tfw /sci/ is overrun with plebs wanting to talk politics and religion as it pertains to science instead of science itself

>tfw no mod policing like before

>tfw is dying

>> No.4742803

How does it address the fact that two billion people right now live in absolute poverty? How does it address the fact that even rich countries can't meet their basic obligations to their citizens?

Go ahead, I'll wait for the answer as to how nerd fantasies about spending a trillion dollars to send people on a six month trip to Mars to collect some rocks and come back fixes that.

>> No.4742806

98% of all scientists are atheists. Now go beat your bible.

>> No.4742810

Let's give more money to niggers to shit out a dozen little niglets each instead of advancing humanity!

Great fucking idea!

>> No.4742812

[citation needed]

>> No.4742816

No. Most of them don't give a fuck about religion. Behaving like an edgy teenager highly correlates with low education and low intelligence, so it's unlikely that those end up doing science.

>> No.4742817


The implication is NASA advances humanity. That is not self-evident.

>> No.4742822

by "can't" I imagine you mean "refuse to"

>> No.4742823

If you disagree, you're wrong.

It's also self-evident that poor people should be starved.

>> No.4742825


So science has defined and studied "edgy, atheist teenagers" and studied their intelligence?

Btw, the entire "edgy teenager therefore u wrong" canard is a blatant ad hominem. It's attacking the person and not the argument. Suggesting an argument is wrong because the person making it is a teenager is a fallacy.

>> No.4742824

The greatest contributions to science have come from Christians.

>> No.4742828

I'll start

-Nikola Tesla
-Isaac Newton

keep going

>> No.4742829

I have to admit, it sounds nice on paper. Romantically even, with all that "travel to distant world, carry banner of humanity" talk.
But in the reality they put you in a steel can to barely exist and float for about a year. Then you have to live in another, constantly breaking down can for the rest of your life. With people you begin to hate the moment you see them. When you realise that they breathe, stink, fart, leak juices and talk loudly just a few inches away from you. There's nowhere to go. There is no escape, other than decompression and death.
Someone should be really desperate to take part in this torture.

>> No.4742830


Nope. Try again. You've not substantiated anything. Obvious troll.

>> No.4742832

Hey, hey you.

Shut the fuck up. We don't care.

>> No.4742835

They don't even have arguments. What they call arguments is in fact nothing but their edgy attitude, presented in the form of fallacies and ignorance.

>> No.4742840


I'm not agreeing with them. But pitting illogic against illogic just creates a grand waste of your time and theirs.

>> No.4742846

So you actually waste your time explaining to them why they are wrong, despite them not being willing to understand or accept any corrections? You're pathetic. The only way to deal with retards is to call them retards.

>> No.4742848
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>Implying the enlightenment wasn't a recovery from strict Christain dogmatic ideals.

>> No.4742850

>Go ahead, I'll wait for the answer as to how nerd fantasies about spending a trillion dollars to send people on a six month trip to Mars to collect some rocks and come back fixes that

Well, given your attitude I doubt there's any point arguing the point with you - your mind is clearly made up. But anyway...

Firstly, you need to work on your understanding of economics and realise that 'spending a trillion dollars' isn't somehow a bad thing, its a good thing. A planetary colonisation would ultimately be a wealth generating affair (consider the colonisation of America, or any other landmass). It could even be so in the very short term, such as is proposed by mars-one, but more importantly it could be so in the long term, with the provision of additional natural resources.

Furthermore, the colonisation of additional planets will free up money from conservation to be used to do such things as feeding folk. If conservation expenses were moved to aiding the impoverished we would move a great deal of the way towards feeding the world. Of course not everyone agrees that conservation should be dropped even in the event of securing multiple liveable planets, but it also of course gives us more living/farming/building space, which with a growing population is certainly desirable.

I also think that protection from mass extinction events is a largely overlooked point. The history of the earth tells us that these things happen, as does observation of the galaxy - we are quite literally sitting ducks right now. Perhaps you don't agree, but I would consider human development to be something which is, as a human, worth preserving.

>> No.4742852

Hey, hey you.

You're retarded. There's no point in debating with you because you're fucking stupid.

We don't care about your shitty political opinions here you fucking faggot. Fuck the poor.

No go back to whatever left wing website you came from, nigger lover.

>> No.4742854

The implication is NASA advances humanity. That is not self-evident.

>dehydrated food
>advances in radio transmissions that enabled things like GPS, Satelite TV, Phone, Internet
>Hubble that confirmed a shiton of theoretical physics so today because of that confirmed physics we're building 12nm gates on CPUs and GPUs

The contributions Nasa, Jaxa, Esa and Roscos made to humanity are vital to your lifestyle as it is. All your iphones, LCD screens, the very site you're disscusing this on is all the result of that.

Just like WW2 made humanity invent Nukes, Jets and Radar. So has the Space war invented GPS, Lasers, Satellite transition technology, optical technology etc...

>> No.4742859

50m^2 of personal living space isn't THAT cramped. You don't have to spend all your time in the lounge room.

>> No.4742862

For all your talk of the hardships of life, I'm not sure if you realise that there are less of these today than ever in the past, and the rate at which the decrease is accelerating is accelerating. There's no need to halt all progress to try to solve the problem, since it seems that progress is indeed the solution to the problem. We're at the point where colonisation of planets is a logical step for progress, since we have the technology, and its likely to be wealth generating, it would be completely irrational not to do so.

You can call it nerd fantasy all you like. Flight was once a nerd fantasy, what use could there be for flight anyway? That certainly couldn't lead to any improvements in living standards, why bother doing that? No... We should just sit down and stop research and progress, cripple our economies and return to times of 90% poverty rates like the good old days.

>> No.4742863


>> No.4742866

The money spent on a Mars mission would go to defense contractors, other tech companies, scientists, those with connections to the government, etc.- people who hardly need more resources now.

What does conservation have to do with anything? Pretending even for a second that the budget spent publicly and privately on preserving resources would even approach a fraction of what would be needed to end poverty, why would we suddenly stop once we built something far less self-sufficient than even bases in Antarctica 100 million km away? If anything, something as energy-intensive as large scale space development hastens our depletion of resources.

Protection from mass extinction events would save how many people? If you want to romanticize the idea of humanity living forever, how about you treat the ones alive with the dignity to give them a better life instead of engaging in nerd-wankery like Mars colonization.

>> No.4742871

Every single thing you've mentioned has made life worse for large numbers of people on this planet. Genocides and world wars in Africa are related to the west's demand for rare earth minerals to put in their toys.

>> No.4742872

Poor people are poor for a reason you know.

Africa has had a 100.000 year headstart on humanity over the whole world.

And indeed it did bring on civilizations such as Egyptians and Sumerians. But ultimately they stagnated and regressed.

Africa right now is poor because people don't get educated, they're nothing more then intelligent animals that have only one goal in life. To make more children and have "fun".

People are trying to educate africans but they don't want to be educated and the ones that do flee from the hellhole that is Africa.

The G8 countries throwing money at the poor 1/3 of humanity will solve nothing.

Progress is always and will always be technological. The ones with the superior technology and education WIN. No exceptions. Thats how the world works.

>> No.4742875
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Yes OP you live in a terrible, horribly boring world. All you have is quasi instataneous communication with anyone in the world, flying machines, brain surgery, supercomputers, people building new living species from scratch, WE FUCKING BUILT SOMETHING AROUND THE PLANET THAT SHOWS US THERE ARE BILLIONS OF GALAXIES OUT THERE ! FUCKING PIC RELATED ! I'm sick of these dumbasses not realizing we are damn blessed to live in this time and to be born in a country where we can enjoy such wonders to their fullest.

>> No.4742880

>Be America.
>Need to cut expenses.
>Cut NASA budget.
>Start wars.

America masterful troll since 1969.

>> No.4742881

>Poor people are poor for a reason you know.
Yeah, the fact that European countries conquered them, destroyed their culture, stole their resources, and then blamed them for being poor and backwards.

>> No.4742888

No actually it's like this faggot.

We go and bring top noch health and tech to africa.

Suddenly not every second african is still born, suddenly not every african dies of a small infection, suddenly they can live in cities, suddenly they multiply like cockroaches because they have no idea that having 1~2 children is enough.

They're killing themselves.

If every african female was limited to 2 children africa would prosper in a matter of decades. Numbers would become managable, people would go to school, get educated, they'd learn to fend for themselves etc...

>> No.4742890

Do you use anything but red herrings in your arguments? It would also be nice if you'd read up on all this before arguing so you know what you're talking about.

>The money spent on a Mars mission would go to defense contractors, other tech companies, scientists, those with connections to the government, etc.- people who hardly need more resources now.

Why do you think this? Firstly why is the money going to 'those with connections to the government'? I feel like you just wanted to throw in some governmental hate in a completely unrelated topic... Why do you think that scientists and tech companies don't need more money?

You are aware that technological and scientific development is the leading cause in the decrease in world poverty right? One moment you say you want to eliminate poverty, next you spin around and say 'But fuck giving money to the causes that do exactly that'

>> No.4742893

I'd like to know why they were sat around doing fuck all during all this time. European conquest was a rude awakening of how much time the African nations had been wasting when they should have been innovating.

>> No.4742898

living in mud huts and spawning dumplings 24/7 is not culture.

We are making deals with governments and local warbosses to get resources for supa cheap, at the expense of civilian population though.

>> No.4742908


Now I'll ask you as question?

Why didn't the africans come and invade us?

I mean we had 10 times more everything they had.

We lived in a temperate climate here in europe, we had abundant food, cattle, crops, minerals everything.

I mean look at china in the middle ages. China was advanced as fuck. It had the biggest cities, the most advanced technology. Everything. Why didn't it go out and explore. Make trade route to europe? Get some of our goods? Why didn't they colonize africa?

>> No.4742915

If Christianity hadn't exist, we wouldn't be here now. Don't take me wrong, we wouldn't but other people would, and them could be exploring the galaxies and shit. For us to be alive, all the things had to be exactly as they were through time.

>> No.4742916

>Protection from mass extinction events would save how many people? If you want to romanticize the idea of humanity living forever, how about you treat the ones alive with the dignity to give them a better life instead of engaging in nerd-wankery like Mars colonization.

I don't know how I can make this any more clear to you. Exploration and development have, throughout human history only ever served to ultimately decrease poverty. That is, the number of people who are in poverty decreases when we explore and develop. That is to say that there is less total poverty as a result of exploration and development.

Make a point that isn't just unrelated fluff, stop referring to colonisation as 'nerd-wankery' and start acting civil. You can't just use crying hearts as a justification to stop development, colonisation can only plausibly serve to increase living standards. Furthermore stopping development to try to solve poverty with some kind of world-wide money dump (I believe is what you're suggesting?) has no evidence to suggest that it would do anything but increase poverty rates - this kind of thinking is what lead to the dark ages.

>> No.4742923

>not knowing even basic microeconomics
The poorer you are, on a personal level, the greater the incentive to have more children. More kids = more free labor. This has always been the case. Europeans used to have as many kids as biologically possible too, you know. They stopped once their economics didn't demand it anymore, not the other way around.

I'm convinced most of this board is not even on par with a freshman at mid-tier university.

>> No.4742925

Just like we wouldn't be ourselves if those things that happened to us so far wouldn't happen. I get you.

>> No.4742928

>colonisation can only plausibly serve to increase living standards
But this has never been the case in all of human history, yet you think for some reason it's different now.

>> No.4742941

Yes it was. What made Columbus, Cortes and Magellan go on "action packed trip"? Intention to increase living standards. Their living standards.

>> No.4742945

Yeah. If we never had Christianity, our parents would probably never be born. Another set of possible genetic sequences would be here instead of us. We are not metaphysical beings who could be born anytime in history. We are these specific DNA sequences that somehow, against all the probabilities, saw the light of day.

>> No.4742947


You are a product of public school brainwashing.

You've bought into certain memes and beliefs about the world that aren't true.

Educate yourself you ignorant fucking cunt.

>> No.4742948

Yeah, at the expense of far more people than those who benefited. The royalty and aristocrats of Spain got gold and silver and spices from the new world. The new world got enslavement, smallpox, and genocide.

>> No.4742950

You're pretty much a fucking ignorant idiot.

>> No.4742952

Yeah, I'm sure neocolonialism and world systems theory are taught at many public school throughout America.

>> No.4742959


If everyone believed in your idiotic leftard "everyone MUST be equal or it's a grave moral crime against humanity" STUPID morality, we would still be living in mud huts.

It's the ruthless conquerors, amoral capitalists, and violent warlords that have advanced humanity. Not you hippy dippy cowardly moralistic idiots. Fuck off and die.

>> No.4742963
File: 50 KB, 306x400, Hernan Motherfucking Cortes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.4742962

lol /sci/ is even more right-wing and bitter than /pol/ or /new/. A bunch of aryan ubermensch, typing about 'niglets' and building their own top-secret Mars base on an anime website.

>> No.4742970

Well yes, actually they are.

You are an ignorant piece of shit. Your ideas are not rational, they are moralistic. They are based on a bunch of idiotic memes that need to be crushed if humanity is to not go extinct.

You social justice faggots make me fucking sick. I want to murder your professors for brainwashing a generation.

>> No.4742971

That's just not true though...

Colonisation would provide access to more water, natural gas, minerals and land space than have ever been available to us. Unless you can provide an argument that isn't centred around your hate of science (why do you come to this board, by the way?) I'm not continuing this discussion.

>> No.4742974

Back to fucking reddit. Back to revleft. Back to DemocracyNow!



>> No.4742975

Basically, left wingers hate civilization because it openly shows that all of their morals are as retarded as Christianity.

>> No.4742976

So you think we should not explore in case we come across intelligent beings, so that we don't accidentally hurt them?

>> No.4742980

Intelligent beings don't exist. If you think otherwise, you should leave to /x/.

>> No.4742989

>Intelligent beings don't exist
Your post does make me wonder if they really don't! Besides your stupidity though, I wasn't saying I believe we'll find aliens, I was asking if the justification for not wanting to explore was not wanting to hurt supposed aliens, since apparently its comparable to spreading disease to native Americans...

>> No.4742993

You seem upset.

>> No.4742995
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It's funny because you denied your own intelligence!

>> No.4743002

And this gold let to scientific achivments and in terms lead to the world today.

US/EU/Asian Tigers/Ruskies (European) are advanced as fuck. In 50 years India Brazil and China will join this.

In 100 years africa will be probably on the level of China today. Booming as the last place on earth where cheap labor is located.

After they become rich we'll probably advance to robotics economy where all the primary and secondary jobs are lost and only tertiary jobs remain.

>> No.4743016

OP you're the shit.

>> No.4743026

>advance to robotics economy
I'd say another major war that sends world 50 years backwards so jews can still exploit the labour workers is more plausible. But i don't want to get called a stormfag.

>> No.4743056

Source: Common sense.

>> No.4743058 [DELETED] 
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