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4738046 No.4738046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why are niggers regarded as humans?

pic related

>> No.4738055

because of jewish lies by the liberal media

>> No.4738061

That's not a nigger thing.
That's a I was kidnapped at the age of 8, saw my mother and sister raped then I was forced to kill them, then I spent all my puberty years growing up in a military in which consensual sex was unknown and rape was abundant.

>> No.4738067
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>oh fuck

>> No.4738072


>> No.4738073
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pic related

in all seriousness, though, OP, you are a bad person and you should feel bad

>> No.4738080

Their beliefs are no more silly than other religious people's beliefs

>> No.4738082

not sure, technically each human is different since we don't reproduce by binary fission, hence each human is it's own "race". The boundaries between what is a human and what isn't is pretty vague.

In evlotuion, it is said that humans and chimps came from the same ancestor, but at what point would that ancestor be considered "human-like" or "chimp-like". Would you be able to physically tell between the two? I doubt it, it takes many thousands of years for differences to show up.

Hence blacks and whites might look similar now, but given hundreds of years they might be shown to be part of a different branch of homo sapiens

>> No.4738086


We can interbreed, and have no chromosomal differences. We're the same species.

>> No.4738088

This thread is racist. It will be deleted!!!!!

>> No.4738093
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then where do you draw the line between homo sapiens and the next branch? Did the original node of humans and chimps had the same number of chromosomes or was it lower and that's where you draw the difference?

>> No.4738099

Michael Jordan is why douche bag.

>> No.4738101

>then where do you draw the line between homo sapiens and the next branch?
When they can't interbreed anymore.

>> No.4738104

didn't the zebra and horse interbreed? (not donkey I know they can interbreed but the result is sterile)

>> No.4738105
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saged for irrelevance

>> No.4738106

speciation happens when two groups of individuals cannot reproduce in natural conditions
lrn2 highschool biology

>> No.4738108

so for "homo-sapiens 2" to survive and make a new race you not only need for the resulting child to not be compatible with the parent race but for him/her to find another compatible mate (ie: of the same new race)?

Isn't this insanely improbable?

>> No.4738112

see that's not a very good definition, what the hell are "natural conditions"

>> No.4738117

>Isn't this insanely improbable?
No, because it happens slowly and gradually over time, there wont be an instant where child of a parent is a suddenly a different species.

>> No.4738119

Why do you equate rape with being primitive?

Did you think those cartoons where the caveman hits a woman over the head and rapes her are historically accurate?

>> No.4738121
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>> No.4738123

Africans are actually more human than non-africans. True story.

>> No.4738125

But doesn't this contradict the fact that you need the child to not be able to breed with those of the same race? Can you give an example of how this would realistically happen then?

>> No.4738129


>Doesn't understand that neanderthals are a subspecies of homo-sapiens


>> No.4738132

>speciation happens when two groups of individuals cannot reproduce in natural conditions
>lrn2 highschool biology
Highschool biology is a little like highschool history: everything that's not trivial is misleading.

Drawing species lines is a subjective process, and sexual compatibility is only one suggestive criterion for being the same species.

Think of all the asexual species. Obviously, there isn't just one rule to recognize distinct species.

>> No.4738173

There will never be a case where a child is of a different species, that's not how evolution works.
You need 10 000s of generations.

>> No.4738182

wut about ligers bro?

>> No.4738183

Delete that retarded image.

>> No.4738194

I don't understand what you mean by this. What's your depiction of how a different species appears? You have 10,000 generations each slightly different from the first, and then when you compare the 10000th generation with the 1st one, they should be incompatible, and therefore that makes it a different race now? Do I have it right?

>> No.4738197

>Scientifically speaking, why are niggers regarded as humans?

Why? Would you ask that same question when "humans" begin to have a decently sizable population living and breeding exclusively in space and/or when our population begin to genetically engineer themselves?

>> No.4738204

>and then when you compare the 10000th generation with the 1st one, they should be incompatible, and therefore that makes it a different race now? Do I have it right?

>> No.4738217

oups mean to write "each slightly different than the previous"

thanks, it's never explained simply in biology books or maybe I just got lost from all the huge blocks of text

>> No.4738236

Subspecies can interbreed. They produce fertile offspring.


>> No.4738238


or maybe you're just retarted?

>> No.4738250

it's "retarded", and no I'm not

>> No.4738255
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Scientifically speaking, why are pit bulls regarded as dogs?

>> No.4738266

It might not of been explained clearly because there is always a middle ground. Look up wring species. A can mate with B, B can mat with C, but A can't mate with C.

>> No.4738268

polyploidy bro

>> No.4738278

*ring species

>> No.4738294

scientifically speaking, why is OP regarded mentally deficient?

>> No.4738330
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There's no real technical definition of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. I mean there are elements which of course make it recognisable, but there is no consensus as to what technically make an organism be part of this species and what not.

Guess what, politics (in anthropology) can have a hand in this, since scientists themselves have political convictions about the impact of their consensus.