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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 109 KB, 406x364, comfygrimdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4736965 No.4736965 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your iq is only 110
>wat do

>> No.4736969

Anything you want.

>> No.4736968

I don't know that feel.

>> No.4736971

Post about it on /sci/ and wallow in your filth.

..so you're done now.

>> No.4736975

Care to give us a better measure of intelligence?
Yeah, I don't think so.


>> No.4736972 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1319861806324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still giving a fuck about IQ

>> No.4736978

feel smarter then most people.
All that number says is that you won't be able to, say, solve a milleniumproblem. You can still win a nobelprize by working on a good project.

>> No.4736983

You can literally do anything with that level of intelligence. Don't be a faggot, op.

>> No.4736985

add some formality to your life
double check and write down every thought, intention, and so on with time of appearance
make your life completely formal

>> No.4736987 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 399x477, 1306489302610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you! thats what i said in the other thread!

alright, what i mean to say is:
>implying you should give a fuck about how you compare to everyone else, just be intelligent as you can be, and fuck the comparison
>110 is above average anyway, so STFU

>> No.4736990

In academic context 110 is retard level and you know it. Even OP knows it.

>> No.4736992

Kill yourself for starting a thread unrelated to science,

>> No.4736995

>not related to science

>> No.4736999


>not psuedoscience

>> No.4737002

See >>4736975

>> No.4737007 [DELETED] 

see >>4736619

>> No.4737010

>implying iq is a measure of intelligence

>> No.4737017

You don't need a high IQ to be an amazing scientist or to invent something new. It'll probably just take you a little more time than if you had a higher IQ but a long as you've got the basic necessities (that is, 100+), you're ready to do anything.

/sci/ and their self-conscious IQ's sounding like /b/ and their self-conscious looks.

>> No.4737018


>implying someone with IQ 60 will ever create a unified theory of everything

>> No.4737022

people like tesla only had a 120 IQ, often many contributors to the field of science lay in this range.

but yes son you are no alberit einstein or newton or jake or anything

>> No.4737029

>measuring self-worth in IQ
this must be where all the aspies hang out ever since /b/ went lamestream

>> No.4737032


>> No.4737035

Do you have a better measure of intelligence? Feel free to post it.

>> No.4737044

There you go. Stop focusing on what others thing of you, OP. The world is waiting for you. TAKE IT! IT'S YOURS!

>> No.4737064

What was the IQ of the inventor of IQ tests?

>> No.4737067

Over 9000.

>> No.4737085
File: 53 KB, 574x721, 1337904225230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 122
>Feels average
>mfw it is of little consequence, its your environment that dictates who are you

>> No.4737088

>faggots having above average IQ's and complaining that they're dumb


>> No.4737093

Is >140 REALLY considered genius level? Seems like a bit of an underwhelming number. Smart, sure. Genius? Hmmph.

>> No.4737112


OP that pic is lovely where'd you get it?

>> No.4737114


After a certain threshold, IQ ceases to be a reliable indicator of social outcomes.

It's usually people between 120 and 150-155 that make the most of their intellect. The super geniuses (above 160) rarely do anything.

>> No.4737158

130 here

Feels okay, man.

>> No.4737177


Why is that, do you think? Are they too clever for their own good? So much so that they don't bother contributing to the real world?

Is it like how (truly, rarely) very beautiful people (both male and female) can't connect with any lover as an equal?

>> No.4737183


>Tabula Rasa

>> No.4737193


This. Over 120 IQ does not correlate with ANYTHING.

>> No.4737286
File: 115 KB, 500x278, 1327490604543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I'm 18, thus beyond the point of major key stages of brain development
>I could've had such a great basis if I worked more with math and logic problems as a child, and through puberty.
>I played sports, and hang out with friends
>mfw when I recieved the basis for a great body, and I'm now muscular, tall, and good looking.
>mfw when it doesn't even matter, I'll always be casually intelligent.

>> No.4737291

>mfw when
It's getting late.

>> No.4737296

Just pulling this shit out of your ass, aye?

>> No.4737297

/sci/, how can i perfect my photographic memory?

>> No.4737302


They aren't too clever, that's not it at all. They probably just have the kind of mind that is perfectly calibrated to destroy IQ tests, its a useless talent really.

>> No.4737305

stare at a lot of pictures

i recommend joining tumblr

>> No.4737327


I'm not sure what people mean by photographic memory. Do they mean just very good visual memory or literally being able to recall images as exact replications in their mind?

I can skim through an A4 page of notes or read a page of a novel and pretty much relay word-for-word what was on the page after only about 30 secs looking at it, but it's not like I see a photograph of it. Also, unless I really try, I can only remember the gist and any parts that I "mentally highlighted" (sounds so autistic) a few hours after. Is that weak photographic memory or what?

>> No.4737344

Feynman took a test and had only 120 iq.

>> No.4737345

Before starting university I scored in IQ tests around 125-130 now I score around 130-140. So keep your hopes up, study and practice a lot.

>> No.4737369

Like... eidetic memory, so as to recall sounds, images, tastes, touches, and smells.

But yes, I'm talking about perfect photographic memory.