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File: 20 KB, 450x326, Affirmative-action_cartoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4734544 No.4734544 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about affirmative action during university admissions? I'm in favor of it, but I'm biased because my vagina got me into MIT.

>> No.4734549

it sucks

>> No.4734551


>> No.4734552
File: 12 KB, 501x585, jew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww just as I was about to go to bed

when I wake up this thread better have >100 posts

>> No.4734559

because somebody that was smarter than you got denied because they were a white male

>> No.4734562

OP, you are female at MIT?


>> No.4734565

Affirmative action suuuucks are you kidding me?
What the hell does it even accomplish? Really?

If you want to really debate this though,
>>>pol and stay there.

>> No.4734566

less qualified people are taking spots of more qualified people

>> No.4734568

Most empirical evidence suggests that white males aren't really affected by affirmative actions. Asians are the group that gets hurt the most. That's why the number of Asians at the best schools in the University of California system shot up after they outlawed AA at state universities while the number of whites stayed relatively constant.

Still, I think diversity is good for campuses. Guys don't want to go to a sausage fest campus, and it is bad for universities not to have any females. It also adds to the perception that females are bad at science, which is bad.

>> No.4734569

i believe applications shouldn't even ask your ethnicity, and that the interviewing process should be made as blind as possible, ie through online chat or phone conversations

>> No.4734573

yes but i don't start there until the fall. i just graduated from high school so hurr durr i am 18.

>> No.4734574
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For it.

>mfw Native American starting at CC this year, after I get my AS I'll probably get into a top 4 year university with mediocre GPA purely because of my race
>why can't I hold all these financial aid checks

>> No.4734577


>> No.4734578

Everyone should watch this. lol


>> No.4734581

Now that I'm a PhD student (physics), I don't really care. Once you're past undergrad, good research and great recs trump any advantage you get from being a URM. Do your best at wherever you go for undergrad.

Anyways, leaving before 100+ butthurt replies

>> No.4734584

but many women are extremely talented, however if someone is more talented they should be allowed to go to a school like MIT. if someone is less talented, then they shouldn't get something they dont deserve. Also, what if males are generally better at science? what if?

>> No.4734592

if you are native american and only going to community college... you fucked up something major in high school

>> No.4734598

Males probably are better at certain sciences because they are overrepresented at both ends of the IQ bell curve. There are more male retards, but also more male geniuses. It stands to reason that there will be more truly talented male scientists.

My point is that when science is seen as a male field it discourages women from going into it in the first place. My friends were surprised I applied to MIT even though we were all applying to Harvard and similar schools. It's seen as a male thing to do.

>> No.4734601

>It also adds to the perception that females are bad at science, which is bad.

You do realise that this is hard evidence that females are bad at science, right? What's so wrong with perceiving the truth?

>> No.4734605

I won't deny that, I dropped out and recently got my GED, I fucked up and I'll just have to make the best of it.

>> No.4734608

As I said before, I believe that there are more male geniuses. That does not mean that females can't do science or that they should be encouraged to be bakers or some shit.

>> No.4734616

You're neglecting structural differences in the brain between males and females.

>> No.4734620

Everyone he interviewed was stupid, but I guess that's what you get when you interview people who support affirmative action. Good video anyway.

>> No.4734624

I don't think that is as important as you think it is, obviously.

>> No.4734627

>That does not mean that females can't do science or that they should be encouraged to be bakers or some shit
good, because women ultimately suck at being chefs as well.

I'd say they should stick to fashion or something, but gay men have them beat there as well.

>> No.4734633

Does your mother know how you feel about women? i would be ashamed if I had a son like you.

>> No.4734637

Admition should be based on your intellgence and ability and interest. Any other way of picking student is wrong since it's discriminative in a bad way.

>> No.4734639

I don't see what your problem with bakers is, but leaving that aside... Are you racist/sexist in general, or are you just selfish and support discrimination because you enjoy the benefits of racism/sexism?

>> No.4734646

I'm not a racist or a sexist in that I don't hate any group of people. I do believe in group differences. I've already admitted that men are smarter than women, in some ways, and I am a woman. I think there are racial differences as well.

I think discrimination is justified in some cases.

>> No.4734647

Because growing up with guns and shit parents is a stupid fucking excuse to get piss poor grades.

It is true that there is some correlation between money and quality of education but when kids are turning down free shit like public libraries and skipping school they don't deserve a free ride into college. It undermines the work that other poor children put in to actually make something of themselves.  

>> No.4734655

I'm pretty sure it's one of the primary reasons that I was denied by one of my state universities. Let's accept that Hispanic student with lower stats over this white male student. Just because we can.

>> No.4734657

My mother is a drunkard slag of a woman, she knows it and she knows that I know it.

>> No.4734659

>Phoebe Philo
>Maria wise
>Marchesa-created by women

Learn your shit son.Women rule fashion.That said,bitches need to get the fuck out of my laboratory.

>> No.4734660

I can see why you turned out the way you did, sweetie.

>> No.4734661

yeah... sure...

>> No.4734664

It also reinforces stereotypes about blacks. Since if they can get in with AA, they will be less intelligent than their white/asian peers.

>> No.4734672
File: 329 KB, 583x374, 1336596389072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the stuff those fashion designers put out sucks

>> No.4734673

So you think that men are smarter than women, and you believe that this is justification to give women preferential admission to academia? Do you think that the blind should be given preference in pilot training admission? Or do you not agree that the blind are disadvantaged in the piloting of aeroplanes?

>> No.4734678

Statistical averages don't apply in individual cases. I just want to make sure that women aren't discouraged from trying to pursue science. Also, I think this should only apply to undergrad.

>> No.4734679

I owe her a debt of gratitude, she started me on the path to becoming fully cognizant of the true nature of women.

>> No.4734681

Dear god,the stench of your butthurt is overpowering.

Look man,we've got science and pretty much every fucking awesome thing ever.

Just accept it.

>> No.4734684

>Males probably are better at certain sciences because they are overrepresented at both ends of the IQ bell curve. There are more male retards, but also more male geniuses. It stands to reason that there will be more truly talented male scientists.

That is the old view. But actually the evidence seems to be going against it with better analysis. It seems that men are just smarter. This also fits with their larger brain, even corrected for body size. It wud be strange if the sexes were equally smart, but men had larger brains for no apparent reason.

See for instance:

>> No.4734686

My SAT scores were well above the university's average and my GPA was in the university's range. But a Hispanic peer of mine was admitted and he took less challenging courses and had no extracurricular activities to show for. I really don't know.

>> No.4734689

But you're proposing that men be discouraged from the pursuit of science by requiring a higher standard of them than from their female counterparts. Why is it okay to discourage men (who according to you are more intelligent) and not women?

>> No.4734691
File: 102 KB, 242x245, 1310881728665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably will. Good night.

>> No.4734694

>some women are shoveling mediocre product in the fashion industry
What a startling revelation, I truly am anally ravaged.

>> No.4734696



>> No.4734708

Oh well, think what you'd like. It's not like I was denied by every university I applied to, just that one.

>> No.4734719

>go on collegeconfidential acceptance threads
>females accepted everywhere
>males need huge list of accomplishments to get in

Post stats op

>> No.4734735

white male


baww harder aspies

>> No.4734800
File: 61 KB, 320x480, marchesa-spring-2011-rtw-podium-016_runway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes,please regale us with your list of vastly superior designers,I'm waiting.

>> No.4734814

Tommy Hilfiger is agreeably one of the most successful fashion designers in the world

Hugo Boss made all the uniforms for nazi's (arguably the snappiest dressers in all of war)

Do you listen to justin beiber and wear holister?
i bet you do

>> No.4734818


No wait, you probably wear ed hardy, you fag

>> No.4734819

Affirmative action is racist.

If you can't get into an institution on your own merit and ability, without any crutches, you shouldn't get in.

>> No.4734823

Also don't give a fuck and white male, didn't stop me from getting into my university of choice.

>> No.4734831

While I support affirmative action in practice, I oppose it in theory.

I will have no strong feelings either way, if the supreme court decides to rule it unconstitutional.

>> No.4734840

>rewarding race instead of intelligence
>rewarding tits instead of intelligence
>implying I give a fuck that her people are violent, drug addicted morons
>implying I give a fuck if she feels butthurt that rich white men aren't violent, drug addicted
Yeah... sucks to be her, but why is it my responsibility? Why should I suffer because she really, really wants in on this education thing I needed a ridiculously good high school to achieve?

My point is, since when did emotion (her butthurt) replace logic? Why shouldn't our society be run on logic?

>> No.4734848

Asian here. Fuck AA. I'm pretty bitter about it. Why the hell was my hard work devalued to make room for mediocrity? I was a 1st generation immigrant in a single mother family; we didn't have a whole lot of money, but I tried to make the best of it. Shit sucks. Eventually got into a top tier program, but only by transferring after freshman year.

>> No.4734851

Tommy Hilfiger makes ill-fitted garbage.
No, I wear J. Crew.

Wouldn't expect you to understand why though.

>> No.4734852

Affirimative action was one of those "sound byte solutions". It sounds great in the elevator speech. But in reality it screws people over. You should be judged on your merits not wether you have this heritage or this set of genitals.

I've had an issue with this ever since i was a kid. My dad got screwed out of a job because of affirmative action. The company made their entire workface a representation of the country. Such percent, white, such percent black, such percent mexican, etc. They flat out told my father he was the most qualified that applied, but they were looking for a black man to satisfy their quota.

>> No.4734858

This reminds me of a math competition where projects were anonymously sent in and about 2/40 of the winners were female.

Yet all colleges have a 50% female rate. What.

>> No.4734861

The opposite is probably true if it was an essay competition. There's so many fallacies it would take about 10 minutes to type them all out.

>> No.4734868

It's no doubt that the proportion of females winning awards in math/science by total entered females is much less than the proportion for males. Women should not be equally represented with men in schools based on science and mathematics simply because women.

>> No.4734869

>The opposite is probably true if it was an essay competition.
After you reach a certain point in essay writing, it's more about soft skills and appealing to the audience than it is about writing skills. For this, men are hugely represented at either end of the spectrum. Either you have near-aspies that can barely string together words, or you have the reincarnation of an ancient greek philosopher.

>> No.4734872

Anybody who supports it is a racist and sexist no better than someone who hates black people. It shocks me it is even legal in America, they should be fining any university or workplace that does it tens of thousands of dollars per position filled in this discriminatory manner.

>> No.4734888

>Anybody who supports it is a racist and sexist no better than someone who hates black people
It's only racist in a patriarchal way, such as assuming that minorities ARE inferior and therefore awarding them based on that assumed inferiority. That assumption and that compensation is what is actually racist/sexist.

This is what white people don't get, just because you're not acting negatively towards minorities does not mean you're not still acting racist.

At least it's not as bad as in Malaysia. If you're Chinese, you CAN'T get an education... at all.

>> No.4734892

The average test scores of a black MIT/Ivy acceptant is lower than the average of Asians/whites. Surely this is not bad?

>> No.4734897

You appear to be denying it is racist against whites and Asians and sexist against men when it is clearly all of those things as well as being patronising to those unfairly benefited by it. And I am pretty sure most of the people supporting it are hardly in favour of the 'patriarchy'.

>> No.4734904

>You appear to be denying it is racist against whites and Asians and sexist against men
I'm just saying it's racist both ways.

Anyway, my university overpacked the classes to compensate for affirmative action. Affirmative action or not, they'd probably still accept about as many white/asian applicants.

>> No.4734926

indian guy here. it gives me such a hard on to beat the white fag scum at his own game. have fun working for me in 20 years while i fuck your women you worthless snow niggers

>> No.4734930

>while i fuck your women
Do you have any idea how disgusting the average white girl finds you? Hell, a lot of Indian girls even find Indian guys disgusting. What does it say about your race when the slightest amount of exposure to other races and people like you get laid less? Any biology fags here, I'm pretty sure a certain someone had a theory based on this...

>> No.4734936

It's a good tool to help minorities become more educated/richer. Which will turn out more educated/richer kids that are minority.

My highschool is a dropout factory where kids die/ get pregnant/ quit to work. And most will have kids that well do the same.

I am also not sure if Affirmative action exist because you can't have point system or a quota so how does any federal mandate force them to hire. It's also not like there are smart minorities anyway.

I don't like the white kids who think i got in because of affirmative action. I am smarter than you bitch.

>> No.4734939

>caring about affirmative action
>not having good enough scores to get accepted on the spot


>> No.4734940

I have seen a study done on dating preferences that found Indians along with Middle Eastern people are excluded by well over 90% of white women in the study, may have been about 95%.

>> No.4734949

Differences are not that large, but they are significant. Here is some real data.


>> No.4734951

Did you have the grades to prove it though? And what makes you so sure that you are in fact smarter the white or asian kids who get screwed by AA?

>> No.4734955

dem white devils.

>> No.4734966

>implying whites are the preferred race for most non-white races
Survival of the fittest, etc.

>> No.4734967

Where is the proof that Asians and whites get screwed?
All colleges have the minimum test score and all that get accepted have to be that good.

>> No.4734975

Because the average scores that get accepted for asians and whites is higher; for every AA spot going to a less qualified hispanic, african american, etc there is a more qualified white or asian missing out.

I thought you were smart; did I really need to spell that out to you or are you just trolling me?

>> No.4734976

While it's really easy to say AA is racist/sexist/etc, let me propose one scenario in which it may not be quite so bad.

Lets say you're a college admissions board. You only accept the top 95% of applicants. Lets say the top 2% are almost exclusively white and asian. Maybe there are a couple of black and latinos down in the 96/97 percentile. If you give them the bump over the 98/99ers, you are possibly giving them a chance despite the hardships they had to overcome (see op's comic). The white/asians in the 98/99 percentile are still amazingly quallified, so even if you reject them it will still be ridiculously easy for them to find another college who will take them.

Everyone is still highly qualified, but you want a balanced group of undergraduates, not some white sausage fest.

TLDR: The people that affirmative action displaces are still more likely to find an alternative job or college if you don't admit them over someone of another race. That being said, I still think it's retarded in practice.

>> No.4734980

I think you mean the top 5% of applicants or the 95th percentile, not the top 95% of applicants.

You get in on AA tyrone?

>> No.4734983

No, I got in on my 99th percentile ACT

>> No.4734984

>even if you reject them it will still be ridiculously easy for them to find another college who will take them.
This shit, right here.

What if you're that top 4.99999999999% and you get bumped for AA reasons, chances are the next college you apply for isn't going to be nearly as good as the one you're being bumped for. You're basically depriving the slightly smarter white/asian guy for the less intelligent black/latino guy, simply because of racial reasons.

Sorry, but how is this not racist?

>you are possibly giving them a chance despite the hardships they had to overcome (see op's comic)
Why is this our responsibility? Why should I care if these people deliberately make their environment shitty? Don't shit where you eat, etc.

>> No.4734987

Making shit up isn't a way to prove your point.

Sadly you have no proof to use so you have to make shit up.

>> No.4734991

Anyone in /sci/ is going to get butthurt about this because the average /sci/ person is a white male undergrad majoring in [mediocre scientific subject here] at [mediocre college here].

Affirmative action is a tiebreaker. It is a strategy in admissions processes that produces a diverse student body without - at any point - choosing contrary to student qualifications.

Anyone in /sci/ who thinks admissions departments at universities and colleges start out by ranking everyone 1 through N and then taking those ranked highest -- you are an idiot, and are engineer-tier or stupider.

Suggested starting point for further reading:

>> No.4734993

What if you're that top 4.99999999999% and you get bumped for AA reasons, chances are the next college you apply for isn't going to be nearly as good as the one you're being bumped for. You're basically depriving the slightly smarter white/asian guy for the less intelligent black/latino guy, simply because of racial reasons.
If your next best college isn't nearly as good as your primary choice, you fucked up in college choices.
When I applied, My first choice was Champaign, then Purdue. Champaign rejected me, so I went to Purdue. Purdue is literally just as good as Champaign, so why should I complain?

>Why is this our responsibility? Why should I care if these people deliberately make their environment shitty? Don't shit where you eat, etc.
It wasn't their choice to be born black, poor, and in a shitty neighborhood/go to a shitty school. Just like it wasn't your choice to be born middle class, going to a great school.

>> No.4734997
File: 1.65 MB, 1106x941, 7d95c4009a6af871b15c8bde9353cb3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean to reply to >>4734983
Because I actually do have proof. At least, proof of my academic scholarship. My ACT was like 6 years ago, I don't actually have the papers around still.

>> No.4734999

>It wasn't their choice to be born black, poor, and in a shitty neighborhood/go to a shitty school.
No, it's their parents choice or their parents choice, and the damage is already done. Why should we have to compensate for a group of people who make every facet about themselves deficient.

Anyway, do you really think it's the lower class kids getting the AA treatment? Or do you think it's the middle class minorities getting the AA treatment?

>Purdue is literally just as good as Champaign
I actually applied for two courses at the same uni, bumped from one during the year they went from 70% local students to 50% local students (surprise, surprise) and ended up in the computer engineering rather than electrical engineering program. I do all the same subjects up till about third year (I skip everything more complex than power engineering), but I won't complain either: computer engineering is much more interesting and it's something I'm actually good at (really good at).

But I'm not everyone, I'm thinking about that one white kid who was told "better luck next year" and is now fucked, to make way for that black kid who probably grew up in the same middle class area.

>> No.4735009

>Anyway, do you really think it's the lower class kids getting the AA treatment? Or do you think it's the middle class minorities getting the AA treatment?
That's not something I'm privy to knowing. I would think (hope) that they don't accept lil'weezey nigger from the hood just because he's the poor oppressed darkie, he would actually have to have some competitive academics. Remember that schools get paid more when their student retention is higher, because people dropping out 1 semester in only pay for 1 semester.

Same goes with jobs. If you hire someone significantly less qualified just because of AA, you are literally paying for someone to do a worse job, and that loses money. It makes more business sense to hold out for someone of equal qualification if you *really* need someone of another race/gender

But like I said, I am against it in practice, only conceptually does it make any sense. I'm arguing only one point.

>> No.4735014

Affirmative action is dumb.

>> No.4735015

If you're going to get slammed by the public for being an evil racis' corporation then it's sound business sense to pay someone to do a worse job, simply because you avoid bad publicity/may even be able to get a little good publicity out of it.

>> No.4735019

silly bitch, none of those things are important to the academic world. I've never even gone to college and even I know if you're not intelligent you won't truly benefit from it outside putting something on your resume. If anything affirmitive action is unfair to intelligent negroes because of the demeaning effect it creates by indroducing cretins to the educational system and furthering to make whatever they earn for themselves worth less since "he got in with affirmitive action not on his own merits"

or something. probably dont know what the fuck i'm talking about but I thought i'd give it a spin

>> No.4735020

Affirmative action? Bad mojo.
Scholarships? Good.

>> No.4735021

>mfw accurately predicted
sure is buttmad in here

>> No.4735024

Take a look at how apple deals with their PR nightmare about their hiring practices.
They just don't give a fuck. And look how productive they are.

>> No.4735030


You seem to totally be ignorant to the fact that that scholarships and admissions spots are not totally unrelated ventures. In fact, they are often precisely the same decision altogether.

>> No.4735033

Then separate them. Duh

>> No.4735049


>> No.4735058

>This is what white people don't get, just because you're not acting negatively towards minorities does not mean you're not still acting racist.

You understand that this is a racist comment, right?

>> No.4735059

AA is racism, plain and simple.

University admissions should be based purely on merit, and preferrably anonymous (you get a number). Asking about race should be illegal.

>> No.4735068


>This is what white people don't get, just because you're not acting negatively towards minorities does not mean you're not still acting racist.


>> No.4735082

>implying white people don't experience hardship.

>> No.4735097

Affirmative action is retarded. I don't understand how this is allowed by your constitution.
Of course there are under represented minorities, but the answer is not to discriminate yet again.
A black girl who struggles against poverty, crime, gang related violence and drug abuse in her surroundings, and still manages to achieve well (but not excellent) in high school might honestly deserve to go to a top uni. But not because she is black or because she is female. Because she proved to have a strong will, and performed well despite adversity.
If you'd try to help her by discriminating, she still wouldn't get into the top uni, but the spoiled bell-air black girl will. And the white kid who grew up in similar surroundings will be even more disadvantaged.
Discrimination is never the answer. Solving the ghetto and poverty problem is the answer. How can you be a 1st world country, and still have areas that are more poor and more dangerous than the majority of the 3rd world countries.

>> No.4735118
File: 29 KB, 501x585, goyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OV VEY, goyim.

>> No.4735121

I strongly disagree with it, luckily I'm Canadian and don't have to deal with it.

>> No.4735251

The funniest thing is that sort of AA thing was present in Soviet Union and some of it's satellite countries.
You were given extra admission points for Origin.

From non-english wiki:

Points for origin - part of measures aimed at reducing inequalities in access to education in the countries of real socialism. The points were to increase the chance of admission to universities of young workers and peasants. "Points for origin" were awarded during the entrance exam by adding them to the sum of points awarded for performance in various examinations and the evaluation of the certificate of matriculation. Deprived of them were the candidates whose families qualified as belonging to the category of "intelligentsia".

In theory good, these points were tool for the government to block or remove "unsuitable" candidates like children of anti-communistic opposition activists and other troublemakers.

>> No.4735272

I support affirmative action, but not based on race.

I believe that a poor white man is more discriminated against than a rich black woman. So affirmative action should be based on socio-economic class and wealth rather than race.

This will STILL benefit the minorities, because minorities are disproportionately poor, but it will also help those white people who need it.

>> No.4735278

Don't you give Inuit free beer?

>> No.4735279


>> No.4735291 [DELETED] 

Indifferent. As a student who performs at a very high level, it doesn't affect me.

It only affects average-to-low level students, the dregs of the college scene. So what if a black girl got in to a nursing program even though you had a 2.77 GPA and she had a 2.75



>> No.4735295

Do you attend the top university in your country?

>> No.4735296

Private universities can do what they want.

Public should be governed as the majority sees fit.

Selection based solely on race and gender instead of best quality will damage the university over time and universities not doing that will become better, it is a self correcting system in that sense.

If it works then it works.

>> No.4735299

Indifferent. As a student who performs at a very high level, it doesn't affect me.

It only affects average-to-low level students, the dregs of the college scene. So what if a black girl got in to a nursing program even though you had a 2.77 GPA and she had a 2.75.



>> No.4735304

Not sure why you reposted and deleted the first one, but...


>> No.4735305
File: 289 KB, 506x623, Kenan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affirmative action is racism. It is literally just as wrong as racism of the past we all condemn. Anything besides merit should be irrelevant for college admissions.

>mfw my country told racist EU bureaucrats to go fuck themselves when they demanded implementation of AA because racism is unconstitutional over here

>> No.4735308

>Not sure why you reposted and deleted the first one, but...
Formatting and adding the last line

>Do you attend the top university in your country?

>> No.4735310

I do.

But there is no affirmative action here at all. Everyone qualified get accepted and you get to do a trial year and then about 50% are eliminated in the first test block.

The idea is that everybody gets to try and the best get to remain.

>> No.4735312

Assuming that that is something you would have wished to do but weren't accepted for, then you may well have been affected by affirmative action, since the entry requirements for universities better than your current one are higher for you than blacks or hispanics.

>> No.4735314

Dat dere contradictory answers. BEGONE IMPOSTER

>> No.4735315

I did not claim to be him/her I just said what it is like here.

>> No.4735319

You don't get it. It still only affects mediocre students who were riding the line and didn't get in because a couple of uppity negroes got in ahead of them.

I get in ahead of Asians and white people too because of my grades. Affirmative action has no effect on good performers.

>> No.4736986
File: 315 KB, 435x435, 1284869846099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he probably just restricted the footage he showed us to the morons, but the fact that there are that many morons at University in the first place is just saddening.

I wish we'd place less emphasis on degrees and more on on site training and make University a place for the academically elite again.