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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4732943 No.4732943 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you meet someone is smarter,younger and better looking than you

>> No.4732946

>that feel when I meet people that are younger and better looking than me everyday

>but not smarter.

>> No.4732947
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>> No.4732949

> implying I have a picture of myself going to the bathroom at work and jerking off

>> No.4732969
File: 28 KB, 440x293, Equilibrium_no_more_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ain't going to happen

>> No.4732974
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>> No.4732984

>not having "assburgers" and being smarter than everyone else

>> No.4732993

When did you meet me, OP?

>> No.4733002

I loved that game.

The end of the Allied campaign was so nice.

>> No.4733003

If such thing makes you upset crib yourself out of any science/academia related career. Youre only going to suffer.

>> No.4733007

>implying you don't

>> No.4733008

>implying the soviet campaign wasn't the best

>> No.4733010
File: 194 KB, 620x350, 60_minutes_Jake_Barnett_620_120113_1_620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you're that guy

>> No.4733029

The whole turn with the volcano was quite shocking, but I can't remeber what the 'reward' was at the end.

>> No.4733035

Oh shit I just realized that Jacob looks like the EK whore.

>> No.4733040

It doesn't actually bother me when people are smarter than me. That's something I have no control over. I know what I'm good at and what I can do, and I feel good enough about that.

What kills me is when I see younger people who are using their time in way more productive ways than me. When they're doing something I always thought about doing, but never did. I'm 27, and I finally managed to get my ass up and start working on things I was until this year only fantasising about.

And I see 21, 22 year olds who are already doing it.

>> No.4733041

>A ten-year-old boy has become the youngest named author of a scientific paper published by the Royal Society after helping to discover the atomic arrangement of several types of complicated crystals.
Hey there homokid meet Linus Hovmöller Zou

>> No.4733043

no he doesn't

>> No.4733044

No, he doesn't. WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.4733052

does ek even come here anymore

>> No.4733053

I think he left some minutes ago, after shitting up the board for hours.

>> No.4733066

> implying EK didn't long ago yield her trip, ever since all EKs are imposters

>> No.4733070

Who's EK and why should I care.

>> No.4733078

EK is the most helpful and knowledgable tripfag on /sci/.

>> No.4733088


>> No.4733085

One of the many /sci/ hot Librarians.
50% of all posts on /sci/ are from hot Librarians.

>> No.4733086

And it's a she?

>> No.4733087

I've got to come here more.

>> No.4733093

Learn your rhetorical figures. I was using sarcasm, not damning with faint praise.

>> No.4733147

> smarter than me
I feel bad about myself.
>better looking then me
I feel bad about myself.
HAH! In your face bitch.
>smarter and better looking
Never happened. I probably get superjealous and feel very bad about myself.

>inb4 narcistic, I hate myself.