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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 371x400, DYEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4730691 No.4730691 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/. It's /fit/.

We believe you to be a bunch of complete chicken weaklings who no girl will ever love and will never be able to move their own furniture. If there is one among you who can accomplish one of the following tasks, we'll admit we were wrong and accept that you are, at least, equals.

1.) Squat 350 lbs
2.) Deadlift 350 lbs
3.) Bench Press 225 lbs

All of which will have to be performed in accordance with the criteria for a legal lift (link below explains all that).

Is there one among you pocket protector wearing permavirgins man enough to lift a weight?


>> No.4730694

>implying that /fit/ isn't filled with overweight faggots that wish they could do the exercises in OP

>> No.4730696

Sorry, too busy improving your life by creating fucking everything you use every god damn day.

>> No.4730706

>We believe you to be
stopped reading right there

>> No.4730709


You created barbells and oats?

If you can't spare an hour and a half, on three nonconsecutive days a week to better yourself, you need to rethink your life.

>> No.4730711

I do #2. Squat 2 plate. #3, nope.

>> No.4730723
File: 109 KB, 350x319, Delicious tears 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw a defensive nerd called a bearmode fat near me

>> No.4730728

Fucking nerds!

>> No.4730765

op we spend our time thinking about how we can make money so that the chicks you are working so hard for will fuck us instead. p.s. those roids give you baby dick

>> No.4730788

you know. its sad to think that the human race will be more populated by >>4730691
I wonder how long it will take for him to realize that they do nothing for mankind and are actually holding us back...until then i dont think they're even equal with anyone...maybe the neanderthals.

>> No.4730830
File: 647 KB, 400x154, Brian Posein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You make excuses like a landwhale does.

Not only does weightlifting help instill discipline, it encourages physical health, it increases blood flow to the brain, and generally makes you a smarter and better human being. And it doesn't take a huge effort. The only reason you don't do it is because you're lazy. And you hide behind a curtain of holier-than-thou intellectual douchebaggery in order to avoid the soul crushing realization that you're a lazy, undisciplined weakling.

You think /fit/izens spend ALL of their time lifting weights? Of course not, plenty of us are going to college or are employed full time. And we find the time to lift heavy things. Why can't you?

>> No.4730834


Mark Zuckerberg is rich as hell and still could only pull a fat 5/10.

And 5/10 is being charitable.

Of course, he's also an autismal douchebag. He really belongs on /sci/.

>> No.4730863

thanks brah. I'm a land whale at 116 pounds. That's the problem with you and why you cant impress women with the words that come out of your mouth. You have to make up for your stupidity somewhere else. you cant tell the difference between a person who at any given point of time, spend a little time to get /fit/ and someone who is fit who cant fix the fact that hes a complete dumb ass and that he didn't get into AP classes in high school.

>> No.4730894


You can't read words, can you?

I said you make excuses like a fat person does.

They make all sorts of excuses for why they're horrific mockeries of the human form. "It's genetics," "I'm big boned," "real woman have curves," etc. You do the same thing.

And no man should weigh 116 pounds. You look like a goddamn coat hanger.

>> No.4730904
File: 200 KB, 449x401, Another Castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying I didn't take and get credit for the AP Physics B test, AP US History test, and AP US Government test

>> No.4730912

thanks. i have an extremly small body. im 5foot 3. so thanks for making fun of my genetics. so you're ignant and a douche bag who probably makes fun of little kids. I'm done feeding the troll. wasnt as entertaining as I thought it would be

>> No.4730916
File: 84 KB, 600x450, Booty Bothered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4730926


Never before have I met such as asspained manlet.

Listen, you fool, Tinytrip wasn't much taller than you and was strong as fuck. Once again, you are lazy.

>> No.4730935

>implying i'm not a /sci/entist and a /fit/izen
>implying i'm not taking 5 APs this year
>implying i can't squat LMAO3PLAET!!1!1
>implying i'm not a National Merit Scholar Finalist for 220 PSAT
>implying implications

>> No.4730938

This thread is bad and you should feel bad. Of course nobody on /sci/ is going to be able to lift those stats since most of them haven't even been to a gym, let alone do a routine.

Stop linking this to /fit/ and stop being a fucking autistic freak you fat fuck. I guarantee you can't lift the stats you posted in your own challenge.

I apologize for my aspie brother /sci/. Please ignore this thread.

>> No.4730936


I believe that's grounds for an underage ban.

>> No.4730942

>not taking APs senior year for shits and giggles
ishiggidy diggidy