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4727532 No.4727532 [Reply] [Original]

Implying 'higher' education isn't just a cunning trick deployed by the 1% to turn the neo working-class into severely indebted opinionless worker drones.

Implying i'm not a member of the self taught, entrepreneurial/inventor master-race.

You have the internet and a computer, why haven't you joined the latter yet?

>> No.4727551

Because I lack creativity, not overall, but in the sense that I am very bad at considering what consumers want, since I am myself so different than the typical consumer.

>> No.4727553
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>thinks you can prove you have credentials in a field by stating to your manager that you read wikipedia articles

>> No.4727556

>perpetuating consumerism and meaningless capitalism

>> No.4727563

hurr durr, i'm so smart that i'm poor.

>> No.4727561

Because there is no free will.

>> No.4727570

>thinks entrepreneurs/inventors have managers
>pleb who can't imagine being his own boss

>> No.4727575

Yeah I was there at the secret 1% club meeting that took place inside of a volcano on an uncharted island. All of those dastardly 1%ers unanimously agreed to do this to you. Then they all laughed about it together in unison. It was so evil.

>> No.4727577

>typical retard mindset

>> No.4727590
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we aren't indoctrinated into the 1%, that would be silly.

what happens is you don't get wealthy without first understanding some things about your fellow humans.

primarily that they're stupid, weak and blind.

once you've understood that and exploited it you're in a position to do even greater things.

>> No.4727591

Seriously if owned a company I would start stealing the cream of the crop straight out of highschool and have my people train them. Offer them good money and save them from paying for school.

>> No.4727593
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>thinks startup failure rates are insignificant
>thinks imbecilic consumerism and not the quaternary sector drives the continuance of society

>> No.4727602

>using the new comma for set of 3 syntax
It sucks and you should turn of your computer, sit on the floor meditating over your live a while, and really come to a conclusion about yourself.

>> No.4727606

no you wouldn't.
if you owned a company you'd be the actual cream of the crop and you'd know that about 95% of the supposed cream of the crop will never do anything of interest and aren't worth training.

>> No.4727612


What would be the proper thing to do there?

>> No.4727615

yes but the question is how do you plan to get a real job in a science field with out proof of your credentials and education via a $100,000 peice of paper certificate?

>> No.4727621

offer to pay the anon 5grand to agree with my usage for the day.

>> No.4727623

I didn't say that don't put words in my mouth.

However, if you can't accumulate at least a certain amount in this information age, you're either super lazy or a complete aspie and/or retard.

If you're truly smart and offer real value to the world, the money should come no matter what you do.

"Lol i don't need money youre so stupid money doesn't matter. ANARCHY FTW LOLOL"
Enjoy not owning property, funding a family, leaving a legacy, traveling and experiencing the world to its fullest during your short existence on it.

fucking teenagers...

>> No.4727622


Pretty much this. And it's not going to change any time soon.

>> No.4727629

start a science business.

one need not be a scientist to hire scientists.

>> No.4727631

>actually thinks you can do R&D without government research grants

>> No.4727633

>actually thinks you need a degree to be a government contractor

>> No.4727634

offer to sit examinations under test conditions for your employers, show them essays and research projects you have done, psychometric testing, business history, programming, websites you've designed, the list goes on...

>> No.4727642

Whether I enjoy my life is insignificant. My own well-being is insignificant, and should not factor into my decision making. What is really significant is propositional knowledge. If I don't contribute to mathematics, science, or (analytic) philosophy sometime during my life, then it would have been better that I hadn't lived. And that's the crux of it. Discover or die, nothing else matters.

>> No.4727649

once you get older you'll understand that even that doesn't matter.

>> No.4727657

Stfu. I've convinced myself of its sole significance with cogent arguments, instead of some sort of experiential musings coupled with existential anxiety and methodological cynicism, as you probably have.

>> No.4727668

funny stuff.

but what you'll learn is that your reasoning and priorities matter only within a very narrow context, and while you cannot now imagine that context changing, it is doomed to do so.

your legacy and the fate of humanity means exactly shit when you're losing your house or wrecking your car or pissing your diaper after having your prostate removed.

life happens.
persons matter.

>> No.4727669

holy fuck you take aspie to whole new levels kid

>> No.4727672

You know college is a rip-off when the costs are five times inflation.


>> No.4727678

>actually thinks you can obtain grants without a university link
Oh wait, I'm arguing with a community college drop out who has yet to publish a paper.

Never mind.

>> No.4727685

the price reflects the demand

so many people bought college that now you can't compete if you don't have it.

a good situation for colleges, they now hold a necessary resource.

>> No.4727704

so you think grants for weapons and tech development go only to universities?

boeing university, lockheed martin college?

any marketable research can be done by any private company. Much of it is done with government grants.

ironically I did attend cc, though I last published over a decade ago.