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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4722409 No.4722409 [Reply] [Original]

>Two scientists walk into a bar
>Bartender asks "What'll it be fellas"
>First scientist says "I'll have some H2O."
>Second scientist says "Oh that sounds good I'll have some H2O too."
>Bartender asks "What are you crazy chap? H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, that'll kill ya"
>Second scientist says "Of course that's not what I was asking for you dense moron, and I hope very much you would not have any of it in a licensed food and beverage establishment in the first place. Now please serve me and my colleague some H2O"
>The bartender gives both scientists water.
>They drink it and experience no adverse effects.

>> No.4722412

boy op you sure can tell em

>> No.4722416

you just went full retard nigga

>> No.4722417
File: 165 KB, 966x812, 108937413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two He atoms walk into a bar
>One goes "Oh no I've lost an electron"
>The other goes "Are you sure, wait fuck off you're helium lel"
>They sit on opposite sides of the bar

>> No.4722419


>cue "eletron-loss does not change the element u gaise"-shitstorm

>> No.4722421

no shit man only the protons change the element [/spoiler] xD [spoiler]

>> No.4722423

Then the doc. came in and fucked all the bishes in the house. Because he knows how to behave in public.

>> No.4722431


I had not seen one of these threads, dear god do some /sci/entists really believe this, in the year of our lord 2012?

>> No.4722436
File: 18 KB, 320x272, 1296212643197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip
>to get to the same side

>> No.4722448

>Einstein and Newton were playing hide-and-seek
>It's Einstein's turn to seek
>While he's counting to 100, Newton takes out a stick and draws a circle in the dirt around him 1m in radius
>Einstein opens his eyes and says 'Aha, I've found you!'
>Newton says 'Nope, a Newton in a square meter is a Pas...oh fuck not again'

>> No.4722567

>Newton takes out a stick and draws a circle in the dirt around him 1m in radius
>draws a circle

Seriously? Fucking retard.

>> No.4722574

>He responds, "I'll have a beer"
>The bartender asks, "What'll you have?"
>A tachyon walks into a bar.

>> No.4722588

protip: H+1 is not He

>> No.4722610

how about 1 dumb and 1 smart helium atoms