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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4721689 No.4721689 [Reply] [Original]

Scrolls /sci/. Not one Science or Math related thread. Loads of religion, philosophies, stupid questions, even requests for books. This is basically /b/, and I hope each OP is banned for their stupid threads.

Posting one of my favorite videos for you guys, a lecture concerning math and prime numbers, but intended for a more general public to understand.


>> No.4721708

More, OP, more.

>> No.4721711

saged and reported

fuck off

>> No.4721715

I wanna talk about godel some.
Does anyone know why he needed to invent godel numbering to prove the uncertenty principles?
It seams like all you need to do is analyse a statement which asserts that its self is not provable...

>> No.4721720

what?! Im bumping

>> No.4721723
File: 24 KB, 399x682, Thor-Viking-gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one seems too interested in the nuclear thread that I recently bumped. Just some jackoff who's decidedly anti-LFTR for some bizarre reason. "It's not certified!" Most moronic statement ever. "Then certify it dipshit."

Thus, LFTR hijack.

>> No.4721729

Damn it OP, today I was specially interested in prime numbers, thank you for the link.

>> No.4721764

I only know of Godel's numbering system in its relevance to Wiles' work on Fermat's Last Theorem, but haven't sufficiently studied the system myself. If anyone knows why, I'd like to know myself.
But here's a documentary about Fermat's Last Theorem, but I will say beforehand that it focuses more about the theories and history than the actual math involved in the proof.

>> No.4721828

Silly OP, /sci/ is a husk of a board. If you want an actually good scientific community that actually contributes, well, use the google-nets.

>> No.4721980

Every time I watch that video I feel so happy that there's such a SIMPLE explanation about this fascinating subject. It's similar to Cosmos. I wish millions of people could watch that introduction to primes and see how amazing this field really is. Hell, it should be in that /sci/ sticky, if it isn't in already.