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4718704 No.4718704 [Reply] [Original]

What benefit is there from "rehabilitating" people like Anders Breivik?

What does society gain from having a person like that around?

Why should we not take him out back, shoot him between his eyeballs and then dump him in the nearest trash bin?

>> No.4718713

>Why should we not take him out back, shoot him between his eyeballs and then dump him in the nearest trash bin?

because he is a patriot that deserves a medal

>> No.4718712

because he has feelings too you bastard

>> No.4718724

Society gains nothing except the ability to pat themselves on the back for being civilized. So, emotional satisfaction.
I'm not strong on the DP but if there was ever a guy who clearly deserves to be thrown into a wood chipper, he'd make the short list.
I still believe this, and I believed it before I realized what a cool guy he was.

>> No.4718729

If killing is wrong - the whole reason he's on trial - then killing him is wrong, right?

It's not any more complex than that.

>> No.4718732

This is why.

>> No.4718735

Killing is mostly wrong.
>Shades of grey, shades of grey...

>> No.4718740

He's right that 21 years is pathetic.

>> No.4718742

Who says there are shades of grey? You either believe killing is wrong, or you don't.

>> No.4718745
File: 22 KB, 259x400, shades_of_grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shades of grey.
How kinky!

Also it's spelt gray, you enemy of the great United States of America. Why do you hate freedom so much, commie? Go take your "grey" and go back to North Korea.

>> No.4718747

Let him rot in prison then.

Solitary for the rest of his life. He'll go crazy. He'll lose his fucking mind.

Can't think of a better punishment than that really.

>> No.4718753

I'm in generally opposed to the Death sentence, and far be it for me to meddle in a sovereign foreign nations politics, but 21 years is ridiculous. He should be in prison for life.

>> No.4718754

WWhy not try to get our money's worth? Force them to do labor, offer meals in return?
Prison should be about not having society dragged down by losers. Killing them would just throw away resources we already invested in him getting to his current age.

>> No.4718758

Oh I dunno, he could be made a Muslim slave or something. Cleaning Aziz's shitter.

>> No.4718759

I like this idea. Make them work for society. Why the fuck should we spend our money on them?

>> No.4718760
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>> No.4718763

So you're saying that if it's wrong to throw an innocent person in jail, then you shouldn't throw Breivik in jail either.
>You either believe throwing people in jail is wrong or you don't.
>No shades of gray

>> No.4718764
File: 88 KB, 600x432, XVII-vietnam-execution__span.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nguyen Loan was my hero

>> No.4718768

It's a good idea, but very corruptible, especially if they are working for large corporations. Since lawmakers in the US and much of the world are already in the pockets of corporate lobbyists, what you'd see if they'd lobby for much tougher prison sentences, so that they'd have a larger supply of cheap labor. The same thing happened in the post-slavery South with "anti-vagrancy" laws. I'm all for them cleaning up litter and stamping out license plates, or going to school, or running those "scared straight" programs SNL makes fun of, but anything more will just lead to disaster. Especially in America where we have people put away for years for victimless crimes, and the highest prison population per capita in the entire world.

>> No.4718772

You're right.

If we legalized drugs a big part of the problem would be gone. No more sending people to jail for 20 years for a victimless crime.

>> No.4718774


Scroll down to #2. It's a very sad story, he just wanted to forget the war and open up a pizzeria.

>> No.4718782

Wouldn't it be great if the USA was a democratic society where laws were made that representing the best interest and wishes of the people? That would be great. And Fuck Georgia. This state has almost no democracy.

>> No.4718787

Because he is a hero. You should have a revolution and break him out of jail so he can be your leader.

>> No.4718790

Because he's white and fighting for our future you ungrateful prick.

>> No.4718796

It's not like some of the people who spend all of their time alone do it because they like it or anything.

>> No.4718800

The part about the death threats makes me really fucking mad. I can just imagine the kind of sheltered cunts who sent him those death threats.

>> No.4718802

op is fbi