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4715798 No.4715798 [Reply] [Original]

Commercial Space Age Thread.

What do you think?

>> No.4715804

Aerospace engineering major: Can't wait.

>> No.4715806
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>Aerospace engineering major

You're doing what I wanted to. No college in my state offers it, though. I ended up going Computer Engineering.

Luckily companies like SpaceX are looking for some, so...

And yeah, I'm excited as fuck.

>> No.4715810

When will Planetary Resources start collecting asteroids?

>> No.4715815

I'm studying Geology with a minor in Computing Science. Maybe I can contribute to space mining? Probably not.

The next few decades should be interesting.

>> No.4715816
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In a decade or two, I believe. They're taking it slow and safe, building a business out of Earth observation satellites. After they have a steady income and powerful observation satellites, they'll use those to observe and catalog candidate asteroids before capturing/mining.

>> No.4715817

You never know, could be useful since for the near future only computer controlled robots will be doing the space mining.

>> No.4715823

Why would they stop using robots? It will always be easier and safer than sending people.

>> No.4715824

>space travel

hahaha i don't understand how people like space travel. If you have a knowledge of how big the universe then you know that with our resources and technology the furthest with space we will ever get is possibly pluto area and that's still unlikely and why would we even bother exploring our solar system there's nothing fucking there. Get over your dreams nerds deal with it

>> No.4715827

>BASc. Space Mining Engineering
>300K credits starting

>> No.4715828

>why would we ever leave this valley, there is nothing else over the next hill nerds


>> No.4715829
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forgot my picture

>> No.4715830

>easier, safer

None of those words read "cheaper".

>> No.4715831

Can't handle the facts and laws of physics ? haha next thing you'l be telling me faster than light technology is possible

>> No.4715832

Doesn't mean it isn't cheaper.

There's a reason why we're currently sending robotic craft to explore the solar system; it's cheaper to use robots than humans at this point in time. The scientific returns are massive for even the smallest information. As for mining, consider that NASA has been looking at robotic space miners and factories for decades due to cheap costs compared to a person. People require a lot of upkeep.

>> No.4715833

Easier is also cheaper. You're right though, I should have included that.

>> No.4715835

>Never ever
>Billions of years

You're making quite the claim, my little trollny.

>> No.4715838

>There's a reason why we're currently sending robotic craft to explore the solar system

Because we don't need to retrieve them?

>> No.4715839

>think's humans will still exist in billions of years


>> No.4715841

>Thinks they won't

I certainly hope your kind won't, but saying we won't be around is a bold claim.

>> No.4715842

That's one reason. Another is we don't have to build them large enough to contain humans, the supplies and life support systems they need, and the additional fuel to carry the weight, for no reason.

>> No.4715846


no, because they don't need tons of waste mass like air and water and food.

SpaceX will be just like Musk's last company Tesla Motors.

Except Tesla Motors had a business model. SpaceX is just funded by musk. when his money runs out or his attention drifts to some new skylark, the company stops.

>> No.4715849

>SpaceX is just funded by musk

Untrue. They've been turning a profit for years.

>> No.4715850

I'm pretty sure the descendants of human beings billions of years from now probably wouldn't be recognized as human by anyone living today.

>> No.4715855

I'm pretty sure the descendants of human beings, whatever form they may take, would be capable of exiting the Solar System, based on technological progress over the last 200,000.

>> No.4715854

>thinks humans will even survive another 100 years never mind billions

haven't you noticed how stupid mediocre stock are ? with there religion and bombs

>> No.4715853

>saying we won't be around is a bold claim
>implying the mean time to extinction of every animal we have ever seen isn't orders of magnitude lower than that

Your claim is bold. And stupid.

>> No.4715860

The problem with assuming extinction as the common and quick fate of all species including our own is that Humanity is completely unlike every other species in mental capacity. Its default state, based on its known history, is that of existence, technological advancement, and exploration. Assuming otherwise is the bold claim, as no evidence at all, even from a tiny but relevant sample size, exists.

Please repost in English.

>> No.4715864

what words you get stuck on old chum ?

>> No.4715866

We could have used nuclear pulse propulsion to send an interstellar craft to alpha centauri during the 1970's, and it would be arriving about now.

In billions of years humans will probably just convert themselves into data and beam themselves around the galaxy at the speed of light using lasers, or even faster using some kind of quantum mechanics.

>> No.4715867


Neanderthals had the same mental capacity as humans.

They died.

Intelligence won't save shit.

Or are you saying that since we do not know of any human smart species that have gone extinct, that you cannot be proven wrong that there's a chance humanity will go extinct?

kids these days are so naive and full of wonder. God knows what cartoons instilled that in them.

>> No.4715868

So yes, they would be capable of exiting the solar system.

>> No.4715870

You're what's wrong with humanity

>> No.4715871


You forgot your link.

>> No.4715873

>God knows what cartoons instilled that in them.

You can be content to die.

I'll try to better humanity here on Earth.

>> No.4715875

Explain ?

>> No.4715877


No, we couldn't have. Don't be fucking dense.

We had neither the tech nor the motivation. We only did apollo because of national defense, and we've never sent men any higher.

Did everyone on this board get their education from baby Einstein and the science channel?

>> No.4715880


Elon Musk has only invested 100m USD. Other investors have done about 100m USD.

>The company has signed about $4 billion in contracts for over 40 missions, both with private customers and NASA, and those agencies have come up with down payments. "I think we've received about $400 or $500 million in NASA funds so far," Musk says.

They provide services. They've paying customers. They're making profit.

>> No.4715882

Doubting its survival just to doubt it. There are very few things within our control that could actually make humanity go extinct, and even those means are debatable. Humanity has a collective will to survive. So barring some celestial event, we'll be just fine long term.

>> No.4715883

>Did everyone on this board get their education from baby Einstein and the science channel?

Well, if you consider yourself and your arguments, I'd have to say at least you.

>> No.4715887

Propellant based methods will never get us to the stars. We get around on land, sea, and sky by pushing against ground, water, and air. The only long term viable way to travel space is to find a way to push against space or gravity.

>> No.4715888

Neanderthals didn't explore the world with ships, cover the planet in cities, walk on the moon and explore the oceans, split the atom and build networks of fiber optics to connect the world.

All through human history we have been taking more and more control of our fate from the forces of nature, and will continue to do so at an exponential rate.

Besides, neanderthals didn't go completely extinct. They interbred with humans.

>> No.4715899

The concept of tachyons seems cool.

>> No.4715900


>All through human history we have been taking more and more control of our fate from the forces of nature, and will continue to do so at an exponential rate.

No. they won't. Resources are finite and humans don't want to work for a future they won't live to see. Christ man, have you been paying attention the last ten years? or have you just been watching ted talks and going "WELL GEE HERE COMES THE FUTURE I SHURE CAN'T WAIT!"

>> No.4715901

solar sails, nigga

>> No.4715905


Too bad relativity forbids them.


Let me guess, you love ray kurzweil's alkaline cock? He's your own personal peter popoff?

>> No.4715906
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>commercial space age
>in my lifetime

>> No.4715910

>Let me guess, you love ray kurzweil's alkaline cock? He's your own personal peter popoff?

What did my post have to do with Ray Kurzweil?

>> No.4715917

That's why it's a concept. And in regards to physics in general, not necessarily relativity specifically (but maybe, who knows), would you really be surprised if in 100 years or whenever, we figure out that our current conception of physics is either way off or laughably basic?

>> No.4715918


Just the way you squish all of humanity's achievements together, and the general arguments you use.

You just sound like some kurzweil zealot who thinks that humans are on the brink of the singularity and that nothing can stop it.

The singularity is the one thing sure to end humanity's run.

Not because of robots, but because of ourselves. The decadence will end us.

>> No.4715922

But consciousness doesn't cease to exist in the singularity. Ergo, it's not really the end of sentience.

>> No.4715928

That has nothing to do with what I posted. While you're making up things I said, why not just say I wear womens clothing and suck dog dicks?

>> No.4715932


You take humanity's destiny and put it in the hands of machines.

Now no human on earth has a role to fill.

Do you have any idea how bad that is for society?

>> No.4715933

>All through human history we have been taking more and more control of our fate from the forces of nature, and will continue to do so at an exponential rate.
>not singularitard bullshit

Yeah, right.

>> No.4715935
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I cant wait for them to pair up with Bigelow, for real space hotels.

>> No.4715938



>> No.4715941
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>> No.4715943


I would be utterly and completely shocked. I'd dare say it'd be the shock of my lifetime.

How would you feel if all of a sudden F=MA was wrong? You'd wonder why head on collisions were so bad.

But basically, saying that all science has a chance to be proven wrong in the future is just braindead and one of the worst myths around.

galileo was not disproved by Newton, Newton was not disproved by einstein, einstein won't be disproved by anyone else.

Our knowledge builds on old foundations. It almost never tears them up.

>> No.4715945
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>> No.4715946

How the fuck do you know that would be bad for society? For all anyone knows, it could lead to the greatest level of social equality in human history and spark a renaissance because people have time to pursue their passions because machines do the overwhelming majority of the work. They are equally plausible because there's no evidence to back either.

>> No.4715947
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>> No.4715950


Holy crap, that website is rating at chopra levels on the kookmeter

>> No.4715952
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>> No.4715955
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>> No.4715956

Both are obvious conclusions drawn from history, and would be made by people who agree with Kurzweil, disagree with him, or have never heard of him.

Just go on /b/ to rant about your paranoid fantasies. You've derailed this thread enough.

>> No.4715957

And yet we continued to discover properties and rules that we had no idea about. Who's to say we couldn't master some as of yet unknown property of physics to do things beyond what we can imagine now. The fact of the matter remains that we just don't know.

>> No.4715959
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>> No.4715963
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>> No.4715966

I hope we develop lift systems or orbital construction techniques relatively soon that are capable of getting the ba-330's and maybe ba-2100's up into orbit. I feel like they'd make a great moon space station as well. People never consider that, but it wouldn't be that hard to do.

>> No.4715969
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>> No.4715970



Hint: their passions will involve hypersexuality, cannibalism, and rampant murder.

>> No.4715974

Stop representing speculation as fact.

>> No.4715976


You don't find things in the universe that break the laws of the universe. Are you fucking twelve?

You cannot and never will be able to get more energy out of a system that was put into it.

This among many things will never change. We will have to find workarounds that will not be optimal.

>> No.4715977
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>> No.4715982
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>> No.4715983


Stop using ignorance as an argument.

We have at least some evidence that it's not possible for any living thing to exist in a utopian state.

All you have for a reply is "BUT...UHHH...YOU DON'T KNOW FOR SURE SO I'M RIGHT"

As i said, you argue and talk like a singularitarian nutjob.

I bet you want ron paul to be president.

>> No.4715984

A workaround is tantamount to overcoming a physical limitation.

>> No.4715985
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>> No.4715988

Ron Paul is a quack. I am just not arrogant enough to claim that I can know for sure what the distant future holds. Grow up and stop pretending to KNOW everything.

>> No.4715989


But not a physical law.

We aren't the Q. we can't just turn off the gravitational constant to move a piano.

We'll make spaceships that are as efficient as possible, maybe breaking 50%. But we will never have the magic shit you read in comic books.

Why is that so hard to accept? Are you so lazy that you'll only accept space travel on your terms?

>> No.4715990
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>> No.4715991


Now you sound 14.

You asked for evidence, i presented it, you moved the goalpost.

Stop being a cunt.

>> No.4715997
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>> No.4715998

I didn't ask for evidence of shit.

How is that lazy? That doesn't even fucking make sense.

>> No.4715999
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>> No.4716003

SpaceX: because we need phallic images in space.

>> No.4716005


>How the fuck do you know that would be bad for society? For all anyone knows,...... because there's no evidence to back either......

Then i presented evidence which you did not like, even though you read maybe the first 5 words at most.

You're lazy because you want the future to be easy. you want magic warp drives and magic gravity and magic energy so that every single thing is as luxurious as possible.

I'm saying that we will never find any kindness in nature's laws and that if we want to go to other worlds, the best chance we have is freeze dried genetic material on robot ships.

>> No.4716009
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>> No.4716015
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>> No.4716016

You're damn right we do.

>> No.4716019
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