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4714941 No.4714941 [Reply] [Original]

How much bananas do I need to eat to become dangerously radioactive?

>> No.4714945


>> No.4714947

OVER 9000!

>> No.4714949


>> No.4714950

i want some math.

>> No.4714954

You would die from eating too much rather than radioactivity.

>> No.4714958

i didnt say how many i would need to eat to die. I want to know how many i need to become dangerously redioactive.

>> No.4714979

Followup: How long can I spend in Fukushima before I become dangerously radioactive?

>> No.4714985

OP, Just eat the Americium in smoke alarms. It's radioactive and actually possible to eat enough to be dangerous

>> No.4714988


You need to eat about 30 before your feces will burn right through your intestinal wall. From there, it will just burn through the skin and fall onto the floor. Be careful, OP, that's how my friend's grandfather died. His radioactive feces caused his colostomy bag to catch fire.

>> No.4714996

okay, here are the variables i need.

How many beta (or positron i honestly dont know how potassium decays) particles are needed to become dangerous.


How many particles are given off by potassium, lets assume it's not past it's first halflife.

>> No.4715002
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A Banana is 0.1 µSv
Now do the math

>> No.4715015

so ill use the yearly max or public, 1mSU. Well math makes that 10000 bananas.... Great, ill get started.

>> No.4715063

1 gram of potassium has 0.000117 g of K40
The half life of the radioactive isotope of potassium( K40 ) is 1.25 billion years (4×10^16 seconds) therefore the activity is of 31 Bq/g (in other words: 1 gram of potassium releases 31 atoms each second)
EPA says the conversion factor is 5.02 nanosieverts over 50 years for each becquerel of isotopically pure potassium-40 ingested by an average adult.
Wolfram alpha says that a banana contains 1.5 grams of K.
So we get:
5.02 nSv/Bq × 31 Bq/g × 1.5 g =233 nSv = 0.233 μSv.
We're gonna be optimistic so we use the fact that a single dose of 5,000 mSv which would kill about half of those receiving it within a month.
5000/0.233 = 22,421 BANANAS
The average banana weights 118 grams(Wolf-alpha) so you'd have to EAT 2645.74 tons of this lovely fruit.

>> No.4715074

>dividing m by u
Multiply by 1000 OP

>> No.4715078

sorry I dun goofed

5000000/0.233 = 21,459,227 bananas
2,645,740 Tons

>> No.4715082
File: 64 KB, 338x303, badumtss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a ton of bananas!

>> No.4715091

wtf, 2645740 tonns/ 21459227 bananas = .123 tonns per banana

So wtf, bananas arent that heavy.

>> No.4715095

I noticed when I read my post again
I was like...wut..being surrounded by only 2500 tons would kill you?

Banana aren't dangerous... our body contain potassium as well: about 2.5 g per Kg:
75 Kg × 2.5g/Kg × 31 Bq/g = 5400 Bq of radiation

Our body has the same potassium as 125 bananas, so there's no reason to worry.

>> No.4715101
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Sorry bout that. I'm pretty stupid at 2 AM
It's Kg...divide by 1000 again

>> No.4715107

haha its ok man, you helped anyway.