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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4711455 No.4711455 [Reply] [Original]

>At Durham university in the U.K.
>Studying history
>Dating a boy I really like who is doing astrophysics and is really passionate about it
>Have never been great at science
>Feel really out of my depth when talking with him about it

Wat do?

>> No.4711466

Suck his planets.

>> No.4711468

Orbit his penis.

>> No.4711467


I lol'd.

>> No.4711472

Flash your comets at him.

>> No.4711473

Talk about history. Especially little events that no-one's really heard of, but make them sound important in the grand history (lol) of things. Make him feel out of his depth.

Which he will, by that way.

Oh, and ride his asteroid belt.

>> No.4711480

ask him to teach you

>> No.4711482
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Let him probe uranus.
Also, who cares.
Not everyone is interested in the same things. If he is as smart as you make him out to be then he should understand that and not expect you to have perfect knowledge of interplanetary cohesion.

>> No.4711483

Let him get too close to your black hole.

>> No.4711484

5th best university in the United Kingdom. A very good school.

>> No.4711492

It's not Cambridge is it though sweetheart?

>That sweet sweet Pembroke

How are your pretend colleges?

>> No.4711495

Let him find your habitable zone.

>> No.4711497
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>> No.4711500

tell him that you love his passion. confess your ignorance. show him what you love from history. share the joy. love. enjoy. happiness. xxx

>> No.4711501

>X is not Y

FASCINATING! What other astounding observations have you got?

>> No.4711507

Pretend you're from /lit/ and make troll threads about how science has no creativity, is unethical, and is full of losers. Also talk about the wonders of quantum mysticism and its relation to lucid dreaming

>> No.4711518

Give yourself to him completely and without reservation. Try to have as many children with him as you can, and raise them to be as intelligent and curious as possible.

>> No.4711523
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>Any historian I want
>300Kids starting

>> No.4711534

Ride his rocket.
Show him your star cluster.
Orbit his planets.
Charge his particles.
Ionise his atoms.
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

>> No.4711541

Tell him your relationship is like the heart of a star, where his spermatozoids and your ova will fuse to give birth to a new element.

>> No.4711565
File: 22 KB, 370x308, 1334539534811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even science, just a bunch of words.

>> No.4711580
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Fuck you.

>> No.4711590

swallow his milky way

>> No.4711591

Pluck his 21cm line

>> No.4711593

observe his coronal mass ejection

>> No.4711594

>talking science

protip sweetheart: he doesn't expect anything out of your mouth except for his cock

>> No.4711595

Are you really doing History, or are you actually doing English Lit? If so, I think I know who you are (Catherine?).

>> No.4711596

Orbit his erogenous zone.

>> No.4711599
File: 384 KB, 600x800, mad-angry-woman-lady-upset-irate-pissed-enraged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying history

fuck you whore. You should be contributing to science and mankind.

Drop that shit and start doing biology (it's easy, don't worry).

>> No.4711604

>start doing biology

i thought you said to contribute to science

>> No.4711608


So, he wants his cock out of her mouth?

I'd think up a new one, matey.

>> No.4711612

To be fair, mass-producible bacteria that eat CO2 and shit diesel would be pretty great right about now.

>> No.4711628

>synthetic biology.

enjoy the red-tape bureaucracy and hippies.

>> No.4711631

>enjoy being not in america

>> No.4711633

what about stem cells?

>> No.4711643

Not OP, but I'm currently planning on going into nuclear physics, but I'm kind of intrigued by stem cells. I might want to learn more, but I'm a serious moralfag when it comes to ESC research.

Wat do, /sci/?

>> No.4711652

Just do the fucking science, your moral opinion on something has no bearing on the physical reality.

>> No.4711695

I'll probably just cop out and stick with nuclear.

>> No.4711702

So what? I went out with a girl that had a degree in Interior Design. We had other things to do and talk about other than what we studied at university.

If I wanted intelligent conversation, I wouldn't be sourcing it from a woman. I know hurr durr equality but at the end of the day I prefer to keep academia well out of the rest of my life.