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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 338 KB, 1280x960, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4710219 No.4710219 [Reply] [Original]

Made-up bullshit, /sci/-version

1) lucid dreaming
2) real numbers
3) god
4) thorium future
5) private space travel creating a spacefaring race
6) IQ
7) racist and sexist "science" supported by IQ
8) Replacing IQ with "G" and supposing it is more sciencey

>> No.4710244

0) qualia

>> No.4710247

fuck, you're right

>> No.4710249

Why do you think that this is bullshit? There is science backing it up.

>> No.4710260

Lucid Dreaming is bullshit?


>> No.4710262

lucid dreaming is real you idiot

>> No.4710265

Science says Racists and Misogynists have a lower IQ

>> No.4710267
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>> No.4710270

You're funny.

>> No.4710275

Is that Leah Culver in OP's pic?

>> No.4710277

actually qualia covers lucid dreaming

>> No.4710278
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>> No.4710280

lucid dreaming is real!!!

because even though I don't have free will in real life, when I dream that I do I swear I do!

>> No.4710282
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mai waifu

>> No.4710285
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I got a small folder of her.

>> No.4710296

Lucid dreaming isn't bullshit, it's well established in the scientific community since you can differentiate a normal dream from a lucid one by measuring brain activity.

>> No.4710299

I don't doubt the existence of brain activity. Believing in lucid dreaming as a scientific phenomenon is equivalent to believing that the plural of anecdote is "data." Take your social science shit out of here.

>> No.4710305

You seem to be misinformed of what lucid dreaming actually is.
It's not some magical fantasy land where you can fly in your dreams, it simply means dream + different brain activity to a scientist.

>> No.4710308
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You seem to have a problem distinguishing measurable and hence amendable to science from anecdotal reports and hence made-up bullshit.

>> No.4710309

hehe bitterfag can't lucid dream and pretends it isn't real

thats like saying those magic eye images aren't real because you cant cross your eyes the right way

>> No.4710313

I've experienced lucid dreaming, it's not made up but most of the people obsessed with it are jerkoffs.

>> No.4710317
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> fag doesn't live in a haunted house so he says ghosts aren't real

>> No.4710320

They use brain scans, not anecdotal evidence, retard.

>> No.4710322

Who denied activity of brains? No one. But what makes this a "lucid dream"? Anecdotes and qualia. Take your ghosts and gb2/x/

>> No.4710332

>But what makes this a "lucid dream"?
Higher activity in the parietal lobes and more beta-1 frequencies.
That is the empirical evidence that characterizes lucid dreams.

>> No.4710334

> uses intersubjective measurements to justify the subjective interpretation
> science
get out

>> No.4710338

No, those are completely objective measurements.

Do you also deny that painkillers work?
Or that drugs have any effect on the conscious state?

>> No.4710339

Who denies painkillers work? Their job is to stop people from reporting pain. Whether they "feel pain" or not is made-up bullshit.

>> No.4710340


can you guys, like,

shut up about lucid dreaming for one second



>> No.4710346

This is now a lucid dream thread.
Look at vid in http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bitbangerlabs/remee-the-rem-enhancing-lucid-dreaming-mask

>> No.4710349

>Who denies painkillers work?
The science behind lucid dreaming and painkillers is the same.

>Whether they "feel pain" or not is made-up bullshit.
Only if you have a misconstrued understanding of what "feelings" actually are.
Protip: They are not magical.

>> No.4710350

social scientist detected

>> No.4710355

Nope, it's neuroscience, aka biology, aka chemistry , aka physics.
Deal with it.

>> No.4710356

>completely objective measurements.

E-meter measurements
Therefore thetans
Therefore Xenu

>> No.4710357
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>> No.4710358
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fucking thank you, perfect example!

>> No.4710362

What are you talking about?

>> No.4710365

I'm with this guy, who gives a fuck about lucid dreaming?
>Real numbers
>Made up bullshit
Are... you... serious?

>> No.4710372

Basically nothing in reality, physics or any computation you do will ever involve real numbers.

>> No.4710375

>Nothing in physics involves real numbers
>Nothing in physics

>> No.4710379
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>1) lucid dreaming

Its a well supported phenomenon

>4) thorium future

LFTRs have great potential, despite some (solved or solvable) design challenges. Its not made-up bullshit. Why do you think so?

>5) private space travel creating a spacefaring race

While purely private spaceflight is yet not possible, public-private programs (NASA paying, private companies executing) show great promise in efficiency and cost reduction.

>> No.4710377


>> No.4710387

I'm not falling for this.

>> No.4710388

Falling for what?

>> No.4710390

Also, IQ definitely exists. It may not be indicative of intelligence, but it does *exist*, and therefore it is not made up bullshit.

>> No.4710395

>private space travel creating a spacefaring race
but that is happening
you fucking caveman.

>> No.4710413

So you're saying anything that can't currently be measured doesn't exist?

>> No.4710425


OP is an idiot

>> No.4710427


>> No.4710428
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existence proofs are abstract bullshit. Construct it or quantify it or GTFO

>> No.4710436

enjoy learning what "left behind" is all about as the rich people move off the planet so they don't have to co-exist with us, while they continue to mine the planet for all it is worth, our lives meaning nothing

>> No.4710450

I'm sure the rich aren't going to leave the luxurious earth so they can spend their days in cramped, smelly conditions so they can eat shitty freeze dried food, have to strap themselves to a wall to sleep, use the bathroom in a tube, and have to exercise strenuously for four hours a day while their eyes degenerate, their bones become brittle, and their lifespan shortens from exposure to cosmic radiation.

>> No.4710453

>6) IQ
>7) racist and sexist "science" supported by IQ
>8) Replacing IQ with "G" and supposing it is more sciencey

u mad

>> No.4710484
File: 201 KB, 500x335, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, suddenly your free market can't solve these problems?

>> No.4710498

9) objective reality
11) self-awareness

>> No.4710503

>lucid dreaming

>made up

Not sure if trolls or complete fucking retards

>> No.4710515



>made up

>Not sure if trolls or complete fucking retards


>> No.4710534

>Anything that can't currently be measured cannot be confirmed to exist.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4710583
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>> No.4710592

I've had a period in which I had lucid dreams quite often.
The evidence for lucid dreaming is also no anecdotical, but well documented.
Just because you can't measure it doesn't mean it's not measurable.
Inb4 misquote that makes me seem retarded for saying that; reread sentence.

>> No.4710596
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with that kind of "standard", ghosts are also real, and so is the Russel's teapot

get the FUCK out

>> No.4710613

how the fuck is lucid dreaming not measurable? is it magically immune to normal dream measuring devices?

>> No.4710621

> normal dream-measuring devices
are you... what the...


>> No.4710629

Cool! Does he have a dream measuring device?

>> No.4710645


Do you mean something along the lines of REM measurement or something?

>> No.4710651

Why lucid dreaming?

I've done it several times and with practice did some cool things (fly around, visit strange places, etc)


>> No.4710680

Who would deny that we can detect rapid eye movements?

Cool anecdote bro.

>> No.4710702
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>> No.4710706

Lol OP is bad troll

Lucid dreaming is entirely possible. I've done it multiple times and it is a scientifically measurable phenomena.


Point is there have been a plethora of expirements where people enter lucid dream states and signal doctors who are monitering then through distcint eye movements.

Lucid dreaming has been scientifically verified since the 1960's. There's nothing un scientific about it.

>> No.4710710

> they move their eyes, so lucid dreaming must be real
aliens, ghosts, and chupacabras

>> No.4710714 [DELETED] 

Lucid dreaming is pseudoscience. Please keep it to /x/.

>> No.4710726
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Lol your right, this distinct pattern of eye movement just happened in over 100+ cases over different studies using different patterned eye movements

So much stupid on /Sci/

Go read a paper about it, or 10. There are plenty of papers on lucid dreaming. Denying it won't make it not true. Anyone can lucid dream if they practice for it

Herp derp, lucid dreaming so implausible.

>> No.4710734

Okay, so are dreams not real? A lucid dream is still just a normal dream, just one you're in control of. It's a type of normal dreaming, just like a dream in which you're falling or having sex. Only difference is that different small sections of the brain activate.

Also, if you decide to say that dreams aren't real, I'd like you to slap yourself and go sit in a corner for like 20 minutes, because NO.

Also also, inb4 real numbers don't real, it's right there in the name.

>> No.4710739


Common misconception about lucid dreaming, you are usually not in control of your dream, you are just conscious in it.

>> No.4710740 [DELETED] 

You can measure eye movement. That doesn't tell you anything about lucid dreaming.

>> No.4710743

Oh lol, never had one, so I didn't know. Point still stands though.

>> No.4710744

Dreams are not real, do you really need someone to tell you this?

>> No.4710750

If you can experience something then it's real. Obviously if you dream that you are a giant jellyfish, you're not actually a giant jellyfish, but the dream was an actually experience that actually happened. Lucid dreaming is possible, I've done it before, although I was not trying.

>> No.4710753


Fundie go away. Your fucking retarded. Go read something about this first before you attempt to post, you really have no idea what your talking about .

Really what you say is irrelevant because any educated person who has actually done any research on the matter, any neuroscientist interested in it, any sleep scientist, knows that lucid dreaming is a possible phenomonae.

They are distcint, complex eye movements that appear on polygraph readouts during the patients REM sleep, if you know anything about REM, which I doubt, you would understand that this distinct pattern of eye movements would never occur naturally.

tl;dr your a fucking idiot. Go back to qualia threads

>> No.4710757

Of course not, everybody knows the content of dreams aren't real (I assume that's what you mean), but that the actual phenomena of dreaming is.

>> No.4710761

> They are distcint, complex eye movements that appear on polygraph readouts during the patients REM sleep, if you know anything about REM, which I doubt, you would understand that this distinct pattern of eye movements would never occur naturally.
I think you have a very weird idea about what conclusions can be drawn from "his eyes moved."

>> No.4710764


Verificationism died decades ago, faggot.

>> No.4710768
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> He thinks falsification has anything to do with constructivism

>> No.4710774


I think if this distinct pattern of eye movements during REM sleep, that can be reproduced 100's of times, using different subjects, different patterns, and increasingly complex patterns, would prove that the person is voluntarily making these eye movements during uninterrupted REM sleep, which is what every experiment on the matter has shown.

The subjects are told to make these eye movements when they realize that they are lucid.

Again, all you have to do is go read about it, instead of sounding so ignorant. I don't understand why /sci/ thinks something as simple as lucid dreaming is pseudo-science, when we have years of experiments proving the opposite.

Herp derp its not astral projection.

>> No.4710786
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I have only the subjects' word that they are dreaming, or lucid in a dream. I cannot experience this in any way. The hypothesis "lucid dreaming is real" is not falsifiable because, critically, if someone can't "lucid dream" this is not seen as evidence of anything. Now, if I could see *you* dreaming lucidly, then we could still settle the matter. (Because I can't ice skate, for example, but I can see people ice skate.) But since dreams aren't real, there's nothing for me to see.

Hence, lucid dreaming is necessarily made-up bullshit (that is, not science).

Thanks for your interest in my thread. Now back to /x/.

>> No.4710803


Falsifiability applies only that which is material (scientific). Are you really going to tell me shit like morality and ethics are empirical and falsifiable? Falsifiability is not an overarching theory for every branch of human inquiry.

>> No.4710804


Lol you really are an idiot. It is evidence, and has been accepted as such, denying it with your really terrible understanding of what science is wont make it go away.

I suppose thoughts aren't "real" as well.

I have no interest arguing with someone who obviously doesn't know what they are talking about, and obviously hasn't read anything on the matter.

>> No.4710808

Only one of those are 'bullshit'. It is also small g, not large G. g just means general intelligence, the general factor that emerges if one does a factor analysis of any collection of cognitively demanding test.

>> No.4710813


It is evidence at the very least that people are able to make a conscious decision while in REM sleep.

If that's not lucid dreaming to you, fine. But the phenomena wont go away because you can't fathom it. Real scientists will continue to study it, and not dismiss with a close mind.

>> No.4710871


Furthermore, for this faggot of a OP.

Voluntary control of respiration during lucid dreaming. LaBerge and Dement (1982) recorded three lucid dreamers who were asked to either breathe rapidly or to hold their breath (in their lucid dreams), marking the interval of altered respiration with eye movement signals as shown in the figure. The subjects reported successfully carrying out the agreed-upon tasks a total of nine times, and in every case, a judge was able to correctly predict on the basis of the polygraph recordings which of the two patterns had been executed (binomial test, p < .002).

Dream time estimations. We have straightforwardly approached the problem of dream time by asking subjects to estimate ten second intervals (by counting, "one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc.") during their lucid dreams. Signals marking the beginning and end of the subjective intervals allowed comparison with objective time. In all cases, time estimates during the lucid dreams were very close to the actual time between signals (LaBerge, 1980a, 1985).


>> No.4710888

These and related studies show clearly that in REM sleep, dreamed bodily movements generate motor output equivalent at the supraspinal level to the patterns of neuronal activity that would be generated if the corresponding movements were actually executed. Most voluntary muscles are, of course, paralyzed during REM, with the notable exceptions of the ocular and respiratory muscles. Hence, the perfect correspondence between dreamed and actual movements for these two systems (Figs. 1-3), and the attenuated intensity (but preserved spatio-temporal pattern) of movements

>> No.4710903

Are dreams material?

Case closed faggot.

>> No.4710909


>> No.4710911
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> they can control their movements
> they are conscious
> they must be dreaming!
"SCIENCE" oh lololol

>> No.4710921


Uhh...you implied anything that is not falsifiable is "bullshit". I disagreed. That was all I was responding to.

>> No.4710926

> moral realism
> not bullshit
choose 1

>> No.4710931


That does nothing to show that morality itself is bullshit. Be a moral relativist for all I care, that does nothing to prove me wrong.

>> No.4710941

Not that relativism is necessarily opposed to realism but anyway.

>> No.4710960
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Troll thread general?

>> No.4710984

Morality is made-up bullshit. Which means its all nonsense. So basically you just said, "Lalalala... prove me wrong!" Yeah, well, I can't. But that's not because you're right.

>> No.4711016


Fine, subjectivism.


Science is just a social construct. How could I prove empiricism and the scientific method? Lalala science is bullshit.

By the way, when you condemn a rapist or a paedophile, I hope you remember this chat when you say something stupid like "morality is bullshit". You apprehend moral truths in your lives, whether you think these truths only apply to you.

>> No.4711066

I'm not quite sure what the actual definition of a lucid dream is but under the pretense that is a dream in which you become self aware of you subconcious state and control it. I have done this on multiple occasions and its pretty fucking cool. You say I want to turn myself into a rocket ship and go to the moon and you do it.

tl;dr your a fucktard, its real

>> No.4711129


Definitely troll thread, all these faggots herping and derping about lucid dreaming and almost nobody mentions:

>2) real numbers

/sci/, once again you disappoint me...

>> No.4711143

sociopath scum
we need a new witch-hunt for your kind

>> No.4711216
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>> No.4711234
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Take a sad movie, like, I dunno, the Notebook or some shit. I could watch that and cry, even though the people in it don't exist. Morality is made-up bullshit, but that doesn't make me a sociopath. Though you thinking it does certainly makes you a fucking retard.

>> No.4711236

We already proved that there can't be an infinite number of anything earlier today.

>> No.4711293

Prove you're existence
>hurr durr it's made up hurr durr

fuckingn ature loving hippie materailist sucmsd fgsdkfgksfdg

>> No.4711322
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>> No.4711330

You're a fucking idiot.



Educate yourself.

>> No.4711350
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>Lucid dreams don't exist
>All psychological experiences are made up bullshit and anecdotes
>Love does not exist
>Depression does not exist
>Despair does not exist
>Thoughts do not exist

>> No.4711369

It's funny that you equate made-up bullshit with nonsense.

>> No.4711370

> they worked with electricity because they were christian or their work with electricity had anything to do with them being christian

>> No.4711546

Who's the blonde girl an why is everyone posting pics o her? From /b/ first time on /sci/ don't know sorry

>> No.4713201
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leah culver

>> No.4713218

More of this set?

>> No.4713222
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not really a set in the thematic sense, unless you consider "leah culver" a viable theme

>> No.4713246
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>> No.4713266

Lucid dreaming is real,
I have lucid dreaming.

Now what, faggot?

>> No.4713269

They can experiment to show lucid dreaming real. They give lucid dreamers a pattern of eye movements to remember, when they are in a lucid dream and therefore in full control they then look in these directions in their dream according to the pattern which is then monitered by the experimentors while they're sleeping.

>> No.4713336
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> more anecdotes make science

>> No.4713356

lucid dreaming is widely documented and has some scientific justification, with some reasonable hypotheses to explain it

>> No.4713371
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The aether also sounds reasonable, but its existence as a medium of light transport was disproven. How am I going to prove or disprove that someone signalling me with motor responses and claiming consciousness is dreaming?

>> No.4713374

Say that to my everynight dream.

>> No.4713377

just because you field of study is horse shit it means real numbers are made up?
the real number are the limit of all the rational sequences (except those who go to infinity). are limit made up? are rational number made up? are sequences made up? no? then real number are real

>> No.4713381

Of course rational numbers exist. Don't be silly.

>> No.4713388

the aether isn't something people have been reporting on for centuries independently of each other.

>> No.4713390

oh yeah? how many integers are there?

>> No.4713393

define "exist"

>> No.4713396
File: 80 KB, 479x638, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have also been reporting sightings of Jesus, Mary, aliens, and ghosts.

>> No.4713397

I'm not sure if this a troll thread.

>> No.4713400

and also elephants and pands. why should i believe them?

>> No.4713402

What is reality? To me, what's in my mind is more real than what's outside.

>> No.4713403

not independently

>> No.4713408

Lucid dreaming is real and has a pretty much specific way to be accomplished. With some training and focus, most people can do it at least once I think.

>> No.4713412

I'm not deep into ontology but for the current purposes I mean can be constructed explicitly from the natural numbers. This includes some so-called transcendentals like <span class="math">e[/spoiler] or <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] but only because there are rational approximations (which is what we actually use, the "limit" is the made-up bullshit part).

>> No.4713417

so you mean they exist because we can exactly define their properties?

>> No.4713425

You don't have to. For instance, you could go to the zoo yourself.

>> No.4713429

and you could learn to lucid dream

>> No.4713431

I can do it.

>> No.4713432

No. Because we can construct and calculate with them.

>> No.4713435

You could learn to detect ghosts and feel god's presence.

>> No.4713437

i can do theology, does that mean god exists?

>> No.4713438


how do i know which of these things are real? and which are mass delusion.

i think pandas are probably mass delusion

>> No.4713440
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> I can do theology
See (3) in the OP. THX.

>> No.4713443

But I have experienced lucid dreaming myself. It's good that you told me it doesn't exist, otherwise I wouldn't know.

>> No.4713444

It doesn't have to be a mass delusion to be made up bullshit. I bet most people that report ghost sitings really think they saw ghosts.

>> No.4713446


god has the same ontological status as numbers

>> No.4713449

that's what delusion is

but i'll ask again

how do i know what is real? whether it is pandas, lucid dreaming or ghosts

>> No.4713454

Not really.

>> No.4713456

>nice rejoinder

>> No.4713457
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I mean, I am sure they really saw something, and they're calling it a "ghost." But what they call it doesn't make it into what they are. Naming is not hypostatization. This is the problem all the lucid dreaming people have in this thread. They exhibit perfectly normal, intersubjective signals, and then name this all "lucid dreaming," and then suppose that these signals are evidence for private phenomena (dreaming while lucid). But there is no evidence for private phenomena. So it's all bullshit from the start.

>> No.4713464

but the name "lucid dreaming" describes an experience, not a material thing.

>> No.4713468

So all subjective experience is bullshit?

>> No.4713477
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Let me break it down for you.

Do W, X, and Y. Z will happen.

MADE-UP BULLSHIT (e.g. lucid dreaming)
Do W, X, and Y. Z should happen, but may not. But I swear it is real.

>> No.4713478
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I dream about everynight, yet not all of my dreams are lucid.
I sometimes (and usually) take controll over my dreams, becoming aware of my sleep status and thus conscious, but at the same time still sleeping.
I can do whatever I want, and make it happen.
It doesn't feel like when I am thinking, or when I am dreaming, it feels deeper and more immersing, like I'm really myself and not just "looking at the course of actions in my dream".

How can you say that it's not true, maybe I should go to a mental institution?


>> No.4713479

This would make normal dreaming also bullshit. All we can know for sure is some phsyiological changes, not crap about flying and going to school naked.

>> No.4713481

so all reported phenomena is bullshit?

>> No.4713482

That wasn't your objection before. You now seem to be saying stochastic things aren't science. Before it was subjective things.

>> No.4713484

>14 yr old detected

>> No.4713497

>US Highways were designed with straight sections to allow military planes to use it as an emergency runway should the US ever be invaded.

>> No.4713504


>> No.4713508

You have interpreted Z in such a way as to change what I've said into something else, and then blame me for saying something else?


>> No.4713516


>> No.4713526

there is only one level of sage, and that is the "fail" level

>> No.4713568


>> No.4713584

She's more lewd than ever. The OP pic needs Brazzers logo.

Also, all of maths is made up, but why do you consider real numbers to be bullshit? Are you one of those guys who thin that Jews are onto them?

>> No.4713700

sorry, not bullshit.
it can't be proved but i've read the conversations of theyr creepy group and they were not trolling.
some consciousness status can't be successfully measured( read you can tell the difference between different consciousness alteration) with MRI and other stuff. same goes for some psychological diseases.

>> No.4713709

/sci/ can't into model theory, and probably think the natural numbers are well defined

>> No.4713825

Updated list:

1) qualia
2) lucid dreaming
3) tulpas
4) consciousness
5) love
6) painkillers
7) placebo effect
8) real numbers
9) infinite sets
10) god
11) ghosts
12) aliens
13) thorium future
14) fusion future
15) private space travel creating a spacefaring race
16) technological singularity
17) IQ
18) racist and sexist "science" supported by IQ
19) Replacing IQ with "G" and supposing it is more sciencey
20) the invisible hand
21) morality
22) wavefunction collapse
23) alternate universes
24) objective reality
25) pandas

>> No.4713834

It's not bad but you can see pandas at zoos.

>> No.4713875

You can see God at the zoo to. Doesn't mean he's real.

>> No.4714182

Which zoo?

>> No.4714185

lel 10/10

>> No.4714193

1) lucid dreaming
2) real numbers
3) god
7) racist and sexist "science"

4) thorium future
5) private space travel creating a spacefaring race
6) IQ
8) Replacing IQ with "G" and supposing it is more sciencey

>> No.4714649


>> No.4714659
File: 171 KB, 337x253, 1262446415216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reals numbers don't exist? But they aren't imaginary.

>> No.4714667

>Lucid dreaming

You mean that moment where you become aware that you're asleep? That's fucking real and it's AWESOME.

>Concentrate on trying to levitate
>Slowly go up into the air
>Wake up


>> No.4714674

171 posts. 10/10

>> No.4714678

I could give a fuck less about anything you say, but don't degrade lucid dreaming. Give me one shred of evidence to support your claim.

>> No.4714681
File: 13 KB, 180x189, 1312188231736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4714689

>"feeling pain" is made up bullshit

Oh, look, another psuedo-intellecual pretend scientist on /sci/. Why can't you just stick to /r/atheism?

>> No.4714698
File: 293 KB, 507x525, 1331636530798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw math is the only thing that is made up bullshit

>> No.4714703

>dreams aren't real

No one is seriously this retarded right? Right?

>> No.4714709
File: 69 KB, 247x278, 1337288647235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreams not real science 0/10 pseudo-intellectual social bullshit anecdote can't apply math

>> No.4714775

ok this is pretty funny, just because you guys are dumb enough to get wound up about OP.

more importantly, who the fuck is the girl that OP is using to show its him/her

>> No.4716466

> read the thread
> can't see where her name is mentioned ten thousand times