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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 275x275, 275px-Europa-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4707785 No.4707785 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of trying to drill into the water, why don't we just use nuclear missiles to melt the ice? Or in some way make the probe heat up and just melt the ice.

Then it releases a sub which searches for life. If none is found it releases a pod of catfish to colonize the planet.

>> No.4707796

It's not a planet and there is no life.

>> No.4707802

>bitches don't know bout my enceladus

>> No.4707814
File: 18 KB, 379x374, 1332219709984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>releases a pod of catfish to colonize the planet

>> No.4707818

the ice is much thicker than what a nuclear bomb would remove.. you'd just dent the place. Having a nuclear powered probe melt its way down, pulled by it's own weight have been suggested by serious minds. Catfishes for alien world colonization has not been suggested, but feel reassured we will look into it, thanks for the idea - I'm authorized to speak on the behalf of NASA.

>> No.4707821

>if not duffers won't drown

>> No.4707839

what would the catfish eat?

>> No.4707846

>i'm not saying they'd eat aliens, but they'd eat aliens

>> No.4707852

>Or in some way make the probe heat up and just melt the ice.
>Having a nuclear powered probe melt its way down, pulled by it's own weight have been suggested by serious minds.

And then what? You can melt the ice, but you can't remove the liquid. It will just re-freeze above the probe.

>> No.4707858

Jesus buttfucking christ you are stupid /sci/

A successive mission of space flights launched towards Europa each month for the next 50 years dumps nutritious foodstuff into the hole made by the nukes. The catfish then eat it and multiply.

>> No.4707864

a lava bomb would cancel out the ice - just like a lava sun meeting an ice sun

>> No.4707867

Before you criticize me: Yes, I know … two probes, cables etc. Didn't think it through.

>> No.4707881

wh.. why... catfish?

>> No.4707885

because 4chan

dogfish = normalfags

>> No.4707892

They are quite possibly the hardiest of the fishes, and not far down on the evolutionary chain, so in a few centuries maybe they will evolve into people.

>> No.4707897
File: 27 KB, 423x429, jfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4707910

why dont we just pump jupiter full of oxygen and light a match to it?

>> No.4707917

>Fire doesn't burn in space

>> No.4707959

>>Nuke the ice
space nukes are forbidden by international law. Not to mention nuclear warheads are pretty expensive.

>>Melt the ice
That would be a cryobot you're describing, that's currently the plan.

Only problem with such a cryobot is the radioisotope power source, NASA's running low on the all important plutonium. NASA could make more, if they had the funds.

Another big problem is getting comms through the ice, only way to do that is with a giant spool of fiber optic. That's heavy. But with recent discoveries of water near the surface this might not be a problem.

Heck, even a surface rover would tell us lots. From what we know of europa, huge blocks of ice flip over bringing stuff to the surface. Russians might be sending one.

>> No.4707965

> implying that Earth is not in space

>> No.4708027

>> yfw the soonest Europa mission launches in 2022 and it's not even a surface mission