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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4706104 No.4706104 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, why do people think Ouija boards work?? Aren't ghosts scientifically impossible?

>> No.4706110

Had very real experiences with one, fuck what the nerds here say.

>> No.4706119

They inadvertently create tulpas of the subject they are trying to summon.

>> No.4706162
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>mfw /x/philes on /sci/

>> No.4706168

I'm a pure mathematician.
I do real work, not what you ultra materialist biology scum do.

>> No.4706169
File: 117 KB, 712x690, 1330129249262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He believes in WEEGEE boards!

>> No.4706184

the look on that fuckers face
his fukcing smile
ugly fukcing annoyign fukcjwer hahdf piss off you cunt wot u doin cunt ass cunt firecunt within anal cunt fuck u cunt ah quacker queer

>> No.4706193

You mad, Yurope??

>> No.4706244

Ghosts are not impossible, they're just very implausible.
And no, I don't think Ouija boards work, they're silly.

>> No.4706488

>Taking a $20 toy seriously.

>> No.4706491

Ghosts aren't scientifically impossible.
It has more to do with their existence not being able to be defined by anything concrete in modern science.

They're more implausible than impossible.

>> No.4706499
File: 50 KB, 754x293, Alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW you guys probably watch Ghost Adventures

>> No.4706525

Stop moving it!
No you're moving it!

This is a game meant to gauge how gullible you are so your scumbag friends can borrow money from you later in life.

>> No.4706526

Finally, a true reply.

>> No.4706533

> Ouija boards
Can be explained in two words and google.


>> No.4706534

On ghosts:

Firstly, they havent been defined properly. Before an entity can be tested, we need to know its characteristics. But there are no common characteristics of ghost stories besides 'its a dead person's disembodied mind'.

This is of course scientifically impossible, because brain death (and thus mind death) is the medical definition of death in general. If you are dead you do not have a working mind, and therefore cannot become a ghost, by whatever mechanism you may propose.

So in effect the question isn't "do ghosts exist" but "can peoples minds survive death".

>> No.4706544

But what about qualia? Where do they go after death?

>> No.4706547

Psychomotor effect.
But it's scary and impressive as hell. As a magician I do demonstrations that use the same effect and it scares people shitless.
I always explain it afterwards, obviously.

>> No.4706552

This. Fuck me on >>4706547
Ideomotor not psychomotor.

Actually everyone reading this can perform an experiment.

First, craft a pendulum. Tie a ring on rope, use your mouse, whatever, just get something heavy attached to something long.

Now stand, stretch out your arm, don't speak out loud, don't move, just order, in your mind, for the pendulum to move.

You get results according to your suggestibility. Given this board contains scientifically oriented and logic people, suggestibility will decrease, but if ten or so people try this properly then two or three will freak out.

>> No.4706556
File: 12 KB, 200x181, tumblr_m26vhoXmWX1qj8djc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is impossible!

that's what being a scientist is all about!

>> No.4706559

no faggot, with the ouija i evened up with a fucker that haunted me a bit and ended up attracting a bunch of spirits too
banished those fuckers though and ended up in my atheist phase so they all went away

>> No.4706568

No you didn't.

The ideomotor effect is however related to hypnotic susceptibility. At worst you hypnotised yourself to belive you were haunted, or perhaps you're just inclined to want to belive in paranormal phenomena.

>> No.4706573


I'm actually a little intrigued, could you share some examples of your tricks?

>> No.4706600

The pendulum thingy I described in >>4706552

Works pretty much flawlessly when I'm performing around bars and restaurants.

Also there is something called muscle reading. Now bear in mind this is somewhat advanced mentalism and many magicians don't have a fucking clue about this.

Spread a deck of cards on a table and tell a person to pick one in his mind. He is not to touch it or whatnot, just find one and choose it.
Ask the person to stretch out his arm and hand above the cards, close your eyes and tell the person to, in his mind, direct you to his card.

His arm will start moving ever so slightly towards the card, and even more if you keep on suggesting. After a while you can kind of feel where he is going and go there before he does, and keep doing so until you find the card.

And that goes for another experiment. Pick a card, any card. One you like and stick with it. No changing it 40 times to confuse me ok?
Yeah ace of spades.

Or not, but a good 40-50% of males picks the ace of spades and another hetfy 10% goes for the jack of spades. Nearly no man chooses a red card. And if you did, don't worry, it doesn't mean you are a fag.
Females mostly go with queen or seven of hearts.

If you try this "card mind reading" enough you'll get some freaky results. About a third of the time it blows on your face, another third you get a "close enough" and the last third you hit right smack and freak people out.

>> No.4706601
File: 22 KB, 164x125, nigga u srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the silliest arrival at atheism I've ever heard of.

>> No.4706609

confirmation bias
random chance
people being just generally idiot

All the usual

>> No.4706611

>people being just generally idiot

Guess I shouldn't change the organisation of a sentence then not proofread it. Oh well.

>> No.4706781

No, I like it how it is.

>> No.4708040

random chance? lol stuff's fake yo.

>> No.4708084

I used to believe that ouija boards where total bullshit, used to be an atheist just like you. Then my sister died and my mother who believe in this sort of things brought it out. So we asked the board where my sister were now, and it spelled out the word HELL. I was all like "fuck you mom you sick bitch!" and she swore that she didn't move it. well that night when I was brushing my teeth I looked up in the bathroom mirror and there was Satan in my reflection telling me it was the truth, and then our whole fucking house exploded. I'm a reliable eye-witness testimony to the power of these boards.

>> No.4708135

lol, as funny as all the amazon reviews.

>> No.4708155

Why not repost this on /x/.
Hilarity ensued!

>> No.4708163
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We need to get fundie in here to assess whether ghosts experience qualia.

>> No.4708174
