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4702153 No.4702153 [Reply] [Original]

>Near distant future...

>Advances in synthetic engineering allows us to create the perfect genetic human

>Natural selection becomes ________ because we can skip comparatively slow natural selection?

>> No.4702159
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Ideas are already moving through the standard evolutionary channels. Digital life can mutate much quicker than the biological counterpart.

Once you have the power to "skip" natural selection by replacing it with technology all you've done is replicate digital evolution with a physical manifestation.

>> No.4702163

obsolete could fit.

>> No.4702169

Fucked up because we don't know the potential uses for diseases. Cystic fibrosis decreases risk of x,y,z, etc.

>> No.4702170


>perfect genetic human
>implying we would settle for bio engineered human bodies, more advanced as they might be, instead of perusing the ability to create synthetic, non-biological bodies.

>> No.4702181


biological is a stupid definition anyway.

>> No.4702190


Actually I meant non-organic.

>> No.4703275


and sexual selection dissapears too?

>> No.4703562

>Implying 'perfect genetic human' is unambiguous and objective

>> No.4703657


Yes, rather obviously, eugenics is a good idea if we want to improve human nature. It is even necessary if we want to maintain current intelligence averages.


^ he is talking about it without ever mentioning eugenics IIRC.

>> No.4703728

I don't think you could have a perfect biological body

They're inherently flawed and susceptible to damage

The downloading of our minds into androids would be preferable

That is of course before we become beings of pure energy that have cast off the shackles of a corporeal form

>> No.4703749

You can't skip natural selection, that makes no sense.

That implies that natural selection is heading towards an end goal (more intelligence, height, etc), which is not true.

Call it artificial selection and we'll talk.

>> No.4703757

You won't be able to download your mind into an android. You'd have to make your own brain and body increasingly cybernetic in a continuous way.

>> No.4703760


Only time will tell

>> No.4703779

If you mean download like how we download files today, it would just be a copy of all the information that makes up your mind. In other words, you would be digitally creating a clone of your consciousness in an android.

>> No.4703784


Which would effectively be downloading your mind into an android?

Unless you're making a distinction between your original mind and your new mind.

>> No.4703804

Yes, because there is an obvious distinction. What do you expect the process would be? Your original, physical brain would still exist after you uploaded your mind and downloaded it into an android. In principle, you could download your mind into many androids at the same time. Obviously you would not experience all those at the simultaneously. You would continue to exist in your original, physical brain/body.

>> No.4703821


Kill your corporeal form and your android body will supplant it?

Again this is all getting very speculative, like I said we don't really know how viable it is right now.

>> No.4703829

If there are multiple android bodies, which one would you inhabit? How would the transfer even take place?

It seems like you implicitly believe a soul would magically transfer between the two bodies if you died.

>> No.4703866


Why would you necessarily continue to exist in your original body if you had replicated your mind exactly in an android?

Why wouldn't you experience both realities simultaneously?

>> No.4703891

The android is just a digital duplication. You would continue as the original because your consciousness is physically tied to the structures that give rise to it, i.e. your brain. If you destroyed the original you would die and a clone of you would continue walking around acting like you.

You wouldn't experience both realities because there is no physical link between the two. The only thing in common is the information of how your consciousness is structured at the point of mapping. Once the duplicate consciousness in the android is created it is divergent and a separate, artificial person that lives its life as another individual.

>> No.4703940


I take your points, but:

>your consciousness is physically tied to the structures that give rise to it, i.e. your brain

is contentious

>> No.4703959

Only to bible thumpers and trolling dualist tripfags on /sci/.

>> No.4703962

It's only contentious if you're a dualist who has faith in magical, immaterial souls.

>> No.4703967


Well then I'll guess we'll have to agree to disagree

>> No.4703971

I take your point, but:

>is contentious

is contentious

>> No.4703976



>> No.4703981

Lol, this guy expects us to halt the discussion in order to indulge in some mysticism straight out of Fox News.

"Hey wait! Not literally everyone agrees in what is obviously true, therefore it is 'contentious'! Teach the controversy!"

>> No.4703997


I think we're getting mixed up.

I don't think consciousness is some magical ethereal thing but I don't think it's intrinsically connected to your brain either.

I'm saying that if you reconstructed your brain using computer components instead of neurones in the body of an android it would also contain your consciousness as consciousness is simply the natural manifestation of a sufficiently advanced neural net.

>> No.4704002

OK, that makes a lot of sense, and I don't expect anyone besides tripfags to disagree with that.

>> No.4704005

Ohhhh, I love these things.
>Natural selection becomes PENIS because we can skip comparatively slow natural selection?

>> No.4704033


Cloud computing, a continuous download from your corporeal form to your android body. Think of it as an external hard drive with constant backing up. The only link would be that from you to the cloud and doesn't take addition of constant cybernetics to your brain or body. The android doesn't even have to move, just be stored until the corporeal body dies and then rebirth from the moment of death.

>> No.4705528

fuck this is some crazy shit we're thinking up in here. my mind is like whoa.