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4701741 No.4701741 [Reply] [Original]

How does one get smarter?

Will reading a lot like Will Hunting work?

>> No.4701804

Natural talent, brain stimulation, nutrition and plain old hard work.

>> No.4701818

Reading a lot is guaranteed to make you smarter.

Learning a new language or a musical instrument and playing memory games is also guaranteed to make your brain work better.

>> No.4701833

I'm not sure you can become smarter after a certain age. I think it's 6-7 max, but I'd be interested to see if there's an alternate theory.

>> No.4701848

What do you mean by smarter? What effect do you want to bring about?

If you want to be better at solving puzzles or figuring out how to find an answer to a question, do more math.

If you want to understand people better, talk more to people you know. If you want to know more about people in general, talk to more people.

If you want to become more creative... I haven't found a means yet. Sorry.

>> No.4701850

nootropic drugs. look it up.

>> No.4701852

Just learn about things that interest you. Try solving logic problems.

>> No.4701861

Smarts are for cheaters.

>> No.4701866

also binurial beats. choline cocktail +hydergine

>> No.4701877

For creativity, nothing helps but doing what you did as a small child. Go off your intuition. Go for walks through a bush/forest take indirect paths and question everything.

>> No.4701884
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>> No.4701890
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Delving into history always makes my brain feel revitalized. It's something I can't explain, but I definitely feel quicker after I've researched an amazing era.

>> No.4701914

What does "smart" mean? Efficiency? Potential? All-roundedness? Creativity? It's such a vague term, because everyone is good at different things. Even "stupid" people sometimes have surprisingly amazing insight on some matters.

>> No.4701925

Post an example of a "stupid" person.

>> No.4701941

I believe few people are truly stupid, hence the quotation marks. That said, I'm going by what society ostracizes as "stupid" or "incompetent" if you prefer, like high school drop outs, people who never went to college, even homeless dudes.

>> No.4701945

If you're on 4chan, chances are you could improve your mental performance by eating healthier and getting a moderate amount of exercise.

>> No.4701961


Anonymous 05/20/12(Sun)21:32 No.4701925
Post an example of a "stupid" person.
You just did

>> No.4701983

I have done all 3 of those and i'm smart, some people are victims of circumstance no matter how "intelligent"