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4695114 No.4695114 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ How can I stop fapping?
I hate how it feels after a fap where it gets gooy and sticky in your pants.
Also I want to completely destroy my desire for women, Please free me from this curse.
So how can I stop this?

>> No.4695126

This guy tried to completely eliminate his sexual desires, and was pretty successful:

>> No.4695131 [DELETED] 
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>I hate how it feels after a fap where it gets gooy and sticky in your pants.
wtf? use a fucking kleenex or something, you dirty fucker.

>Also I want to completely destroy my desire for women, Please free me from this curse.
curse? lol, fucking idiot
and fucking castrate yourself

>> No.4695134


Sorry this is a discussion for men, stay out you dont know our feels.

>> No.4695135

what an unhelpful post

>> No.4695145

>I hate how it feels after a fap where it gets gooy and sticky in your pants.
You kidding right?
I get in the tub and wash myself from the waist down or just fap just before my daily shower you dirty nigger.

>> No.4695147

Just because you choose to make up for it by "voluntarily" depriving yourself,
Doesn't mean you aren't less pathetic for not being able to/ could get it if you hadn't.

Typical kiss-less virgin compensating with misogyny

>> No.4695146

Actually for once, EK did contribute to a thread. Any time you get the urge to fap, think about EK. Instant boner killer.

>> No.4695153


Why are you so hostile?

>> No.4695154

In a world where women trap men with children and where women have the court always on their side.
and where marriage is unfair with men I dont want to be a part of that.
I dont even want to fap to you filthy creatures.
I just want to be my own source of happiness.

>> No.4695157 [DELETED] 
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that aint mysogyny, he just wants to be asexual.
theres been threads like this before, faggots who think i'l make them 'a better scientist' and shit like that.

asexuals are fucking boring, i'd sooner give myself a fucking lobotomy.

>> No.4695164

Get out EK this is still a gentlemanly subject

>> No.4695168
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>EK will never have sex with me

>> No.4695169

Well for this guy it's mostly a whiny bitch the world against me because I never got a girlfriend subject

>> No.4695171 [DELETED] 

trap men?
alright, maybe it is a fucking mysogyny thread then
you might have had some bad experiences or some shit, but not all women are like that.
i'd never had kids unless he agreed to it, i'd certainly never concieve off a guy through deception.
and how the fuck is the court always on our side? the justice system is supposed to be fair to everyone.
if i murder someone, my sex doesnt mean anything, i'd still go to prison, and for just as long as anyone else.

>> No.4695176

scheduled fap.
Aspie as fuck

>> No.4695182


>>courts are always on their side
Usually crazy bitches don't win, my father got us, my girlfriend's father got her after our parents split

Maybe a decade ago, but nowadays crazy women aren't tolerated

>> No.4695186

Is there a high resolution version of this image somewhere?

>> No.4695189

wrong your more likely to spend lest time in prison than a male

>> No.4695191


>> No.4695197

>you might have had some bad experiences or some shit, but not all women are like that.
Thing is It isnt worth the risk.
>i'd never had kids unless he agreed to it, i'd certainly never concieve off a guy through deception.
There is alot of women that do, and I dont want to get trapped.
>how the fuck is the court always on our side? the justice system is supposed to be fair to everyone.
Oh how little you know missy
>if i murder someone, my sex doesnt mean anything, i'd still go to prison, and for just as long as anyone else.
There was a woman in the USA who murdered her child and she got away with it

>> No.4695198

you should become homosexual. You will discover a what a truly friendship can be between men. finger in anus is divine symbol of loyality , not tainted by sinful coition of man and woman

>> No.4695201

probably because she's less likely to commit a serious crime than a male
shit I thought you guys were scientists... stats are like breathing for you aspies
That and your dismissal of the social sciences also in compensation for your own ineptitude

>> No.4695203 [DELETED] 

what, why??
that cant be right, theres no way people would put up with mindless sexism for no reason, not in law

>> No.4695206 [DELETED] 
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>There was a woman in the USA who murdered her child and she got away with it

>> No.4695207

what the fuck is this shit doin on my SCIENCE board?

>> No.4695216

In terms of women killing children.. shit is heavily psychological & medical- bitches be crazy, yo, especially when it comes to children

>> No.4695225

I agree that sexual desires are a curse.
However: you will NEVER be able to remove those feelings, all you can do is stop acting upon them.
When your entire body says YESYESYES, your mind should say no.

>> No.4695228

>he beleives in free will


>> No.4695232

just buy yourself a slave.

there's a trucker on /o/ who is into that whole master/slave shit and you can buy slaves from other masters. you'll get a bitch that you literally own and get to fuck her whenever you want.

>> No.4695234 [DELETED] 
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you can actually, there are drugs and shit for it, but i cant imagine why anyone would want to. i mean its not the most important thing in life, but having a good sex life is worth trying for.

>> No.4695235
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Tell me more

>> No.4695244

he posted a site that's visited by people like that. i should have saved it for novelty, but i didn't.

the best i can tell you is to browse /o/ and wait for a trip called truckerfag to post, or just go there now and post a thread asking for the slave/master site that truckerfag was talking about.

>> No.4695245

this discussion is irrational as is human sexuality. If you have no sexuality you are no longer human. This is why they cannot make artifical inteligence. You can only pray god not to become homo/pedophile, necrophile. you have to fix your relationship with women somehow. find some ugly bitch with big ass

>> No.4695246

It's not the actual sex that's the problem, it's all the effort you put into it (socialize, meet people, work out, look good, seem nice, go out,..) that doesn't weight up to the 20 minutes of sex followed by 40 years of unhappy mariage.

>> No.4695251

Fap cleanly. Either do it in the shower or ejaculate into a sheet of kleenex. Both will require some form of clean-up, but it's much better than spraying it onto your chest or the wall. The trick is to not get too elaborate when jerking off, so that you don't have this guilty conscience afterwards. If you do this well, you can control yourself to about 3 or 4 faps a week. This doesn't actually prevent you from fapping, but honestly, it's really hard to keep yourself from fapping. Why fight it when you can just get it over quickly and be done with it for the next couple days?

>> No.4695255 [DELETED] 
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who the hell said anything about marriage? sex and marriage are totally different things.
you call it 'effort' to socialise?? thats the best bit of the day, its what i look forward to when im doing other shit.
as for working out, thats not actually a requirement. skinny guys sometimes look hot (not fattys tho, but hey, some girls probably like that) being a bodybuilder aint actually necessary.
>'seem nice'
lol, i love that
i take it you understand yourself well enough, then, to know you're not actually nice, and you have to fake it?
wow, thats fucking tragic.

so's you're whole outlook on women, btw.

>> No.4695258 [DELETED] 
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>or the wall

>> No.4695273

My cousin is an asexual.
He is the best scientist you will find and girls think its hot that he is an asexual (for some reason)

>> No.4695274

SSRI antidepressants, doctors give them out like candy.

>> No.4695285

>Women can get away with rape while you never would be able to
Why I want to be a little girl.

>> No.4695294

>sex and marriage are totally different things
Only sluts believe this

>> No.4695297 [DELETED] 

makes sense, the whole 'forbidden fruit' angle
i have a mate whos gay (he's actually an engineer, not even trolling) and he gets quite a lot of female attention. he's actually quite cute, but the fact that he's forever unattainable gets under your skin.

not that im suggesting you act gay/asexual to try and play that angle, as soon as they find out you were lying to try to get girls they'll fuck you up!

>> No.4695299

>ejaculating in the shower

Actually not a very good idea, at least not if you own the shower. Shit causes blockages like a bitch. Did you ever live in a house where the shower blocked very frequently, even though nobody had long hair? Now you know why.

>> No.4695302 [DELETED] 
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or a dictionary!


>> No.4695306

i use water when i shower so that pretty much takes care of the ejaculate

>> No.4695314

Nope. Water makes semen even more sticky and gloopy. Try it now. As a bonus, mix it with hair a little then try to rinse it with water.

>> No.4695315 [DELETED] 

can you even read??
and then where does it all go, retard?
down the fucking plughole!

>> No.4695320

You would have such a comeback, because you cannot justify your promiscuity.

>> No.4695325 [DELETED] 
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what the fuck do i need to justify?
am i breaking the law?
is it any of your business?
do i care what you think

>> No.4695330

>am i breaking the law?
Considering that you probably started before you above your nation's age of consent: yes. But you are conflating legality with morality, another trait of sluts.

>is it any of your business?
If it isn't, then why do you go flaunting it all over /sci/? That makes it my business. If you don't want it to be my business don't bring it up.

>do i care what you think
Yes, otherwise you would not respond to my posts.

>> No.4695333

Yeah EK, you obviously find it very easy to make everyone like you..

And yes, I find socializing to be a burden. It's not that I lack the social skill to make friends etc (althought I would agree that my social skills are below average), but I do not like it one bit. It just seems a bit pointless to me to act like I care about people when I don't. I'm not saying you shouldn't care about other people, I'm saying I shouldn't fake it when I don't.

>> No.4695337 [DELETED] 
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>'i dont know shit'
and its none of your business when i started either.

>But you are conflating legality with morality, another trait of sluts.
whatever, my morality focuses around not harming people, sexuality doesnt come into it, and people are free to do what they want.

>If it isn't, then why do you go flaunting it all over /sci/?
i didnt, cunt. you brought this up.

>Yes, otherwise you would not respond to my posts.
and this'll be the last time
get out.

>> No.4695342

EK shitting up the place

>> No.4695347 [DELETED] 

if you actually ever meet some decent people, you'll care for them instinctively. who you care about isnt a choice, it just comes naturally.
you must at least care about your family, and like socialising with them?

>> No.4695350

>its none of your business when i started either
>implicit admission of guilt

>my morality focuses around not harming people
Your morality focuses on pleasing yourself and to hell with the consequences for society. It's people with your mindset that have sexualized children to the extent that they are. I hope you're happy that you live in a society in which statutory rape is acceptable behaviour.

>> No.4695352

Kill yourself, or at least cut your balls off. You'll be doing the human race a favor.

>> No.4695360 [DELETED] 

>Your morality focuses on pleasing yourself and to hell with the consequences for society.
alright, i like having fun, yeh, but i do care about people. i care about my friends and family a lot, and i want society to be as good as it can be, but its not exactly my problem is it?

>It's people with your mindset that have sexualized children to the extent that they are.
what the fuck is this shit?? my actions have no repercussions on children at all. im not a mother and im not a teacher. if people are having sex younger now, its because todays standards are more liberal, and they can follow their hearts without fear. i approve, i think they should do whatever they want, but i didnt cause it in any way.

>statutory rape
i dont think theres any magical age of consent. not 18, not 16, there just inst one. its different for all people
if two 15 year olds genuinely decide they want to do it with each other, i think they should be able to, and it shouldnt be anyones business, and they shouldnt be punished at all.

>> No.4695369

Nope sorry, I don't. I act normal towards them, crack jokes etc, I wouldn't give a flying fuck if they died tomorow.

People I would care if died:
>one very good friend, who has never done me any wrong
>my little niece who has never done me any wrong

(I was planning on making a list, but then I realized that it. Those are the only 2 people I feel a connection with. The rest are just people I need to have 'a social life' which I totally hate to begin with.)

>> No.4695374 [DELETED] 

huh, thats strange.
erm, you dont actually have to have friends if you dont want to.
its unusual not to, but friendship aint not compulsory.
if you can manage to have fun and have a totally fine and fulfilling life with no friends at all, then do.

>> No.4695379

>>Yes, otherwise you would not respond to my posts.
>and this'll be the last time

So not only do you support statutory rape and paedophilia, so long as you can get your rocks off at a moments notice, but you are also a liar.

>> No.4695387

Now, that is the smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth EK.

>> No.4695393 [DELETED] 
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i hate rape when its actually rape! calling it rape when a grown teenager consents just because they dont meet some fucking arbitrary age barrier doesnt mean shit as far as i'm concerned.

>and paedophilia
i dont support that at all, i think its disgusting.

and fine, i forgot, so i responded. i probably shouldnt have. and this is totally the last time.
im going to bed

fuck you and go suck a bag of dicks, fucking uptight prudish asshole

>> No.4695388

>if you meet nice people, you care for them instinctively
We all know what you mean.
You care as deeply for your friends, as your friends for you. About 16cm deep.

>> No.4695397
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>mfw I'm actually sexually liberal, and wanted to know what arguments other sexual liberals would use to counter the kinds of arguments I see all the time
>mfw EK doesn't make a good case for liberalism

>> No.4695441


>> No.4695509

I am knew to /sci/ so who is the EK person? I have never before seen such a level of trip faggotry before and no one has even called this person out on it.

>> No.4695535

sooooooooooooo fucking true

>> No.4695572


Because we spent half a decade trying to tell EK to shut the fuck up and, as you can plainly see, she hasn't. Might as well accept it, she forgets to take her meds a lot and we can't help that.

>> No.4695598

I kind of know what OP's feeling, but I'm afraid I can't completely agree. If you're still in school or in a crucial time of your career, then focus on your studies etc. over women - use willpower and suppress the desire for women. It's pretty easy, and you don't need to have any misogynistic pretense.
Be a better man for yourself first, but you don't want to cut yourself off from all of society. Women honestly aren't all terrible, but it does get harder to find one during the early to mid twenties. Which is fine; during those times, focus on yourself, your education, your research. If you haven't already, find a passion and go at it.
As for fapping and that shit, it's just natural. Girls are attractive, deal with it. Fapping is like eating, you gotta do it - and just like eating, it can be pleasureful during the moment. That's how I think about it; read, get distracted and fap, work on a problem set (well I haven't had problem sets for a while, especially now sincec finals are over), browse 4chan, maybe do something with the bros.

tl;dr accept your sexuality, suppress mating instincts in favor for your studies, etc.