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4688682 No.4688682 [Reply] [Original]

why is it that such an evil power (see: nazis) had such a big impact on technological advancements?

Aren't racists suppose to be low IQ retards?

>> No.4688685

Which techs?

>> No.4688687

scientific grants/university grants.

no im kidding..

they had genius conscripts. probably under duress.

or not.

>> No.4688691

there existed a culture of racism not just in germany but everywhere. In such a culture the smart move is to be racist.

currently being racist in western cultures will harm you financially and socially, so smart people are less likely to be openly racist.

>> No.4688689


>80,000,000 nazis = no atom bomb
>Few dozen jews = atom bomb

>> No.4688692

prior to WW2 germans held over 1/2 of all the worlds patents, the redistribution of said patents and people to the US after ww2 really kick-started new technological advancements, what seems to have died down at present as patent majority ownership has passed back to the corporate sector again.

>> No.4688697

so basically the nazi's stole ideas?

>> No.4688705

>>4688697nazi's have nothing to do with it, it was ethnic german and jewish diaspora in the german area that formed a critical mass of intellectual creativity, if anything the nazis's helped to extinguish it during the war, and the allies finished the job braking apart to intellectual circles for their own selfish interests

>> No.4688706


they funded them.

plz sign here ................

>> No.4688709

>why is it that such an evil power (see: nazis) had such a big impact on technological advancements?
it wasn't exclusive to nazis. in times of war, people get pushed into gear to come out on top. inventions come out quicker because there's a higher demand for research and production because the end result is winning a war, which leads to big advancements during war-times.

>> No.4688714

germany's lead in science and tech began way before the nazis. nazis fucked it up somewhat as a lot of it was due to jews, and they kicked them out of their posts. even the guy who oversaw the invention of zyklon B

>> No.4688715


not really.

most wars dont have that happen.. not of late anyway.

lesser wars have had the opposite effect.

recessions etc.

>> No.4688716

so is it safe to say that scientific technological advancements favor war,death and evil doings?

>> No.4688728

there have been no major wars in the past 50 years

>inb4 he thinks military conflicts are wars

>> No.4688729

Both world war 1 and 2 did wonders for the american economy, and both world wars lead to tremendous advancements in technology. i guess you have to have a certain sizeable war for it to push technological advancement though.

>> No.4688733


Only wars with a legitimate chance of "losing" and require pressure from the civilian populace to win.

Vietnam, Iraq etc. are not examples of these types of wars.

>> No.4688748


thats when the women were driving?

dont tell them i said that.

over the top lads.. 20k dead

next day..

>> No.4688743

>Aren't racists suppose to be low IQ retards?
You realise you're discriminating against racists in much the same way racists discriminate against races other than their own, right? What makes it okay for you, but not for them?

>> No.4688754

they mean harm to others, i don't

>> No.4688757

1. The Prussian legacy of education that Germany inherited produced extremely competent scientists and technologists. Coupled with the discipline of old German culture, and the legendary work ethic of that culture, you have the formula for some extremely productive academic achievements. This wasn't unique to Nazi Germany though. The German Empire was the leader of the scientific world during its time, and German was the language of science for a long time.

2. According to Hitler's theories of war, military conflicts of the future would be decided by technological advancement. He believed Germans were the greatest race the world had in terms of science and technology, and that this innovative nature coupled with the iron discipline and inherent war lust of the German volk would allow them to build a world conquering empire. This was the true basis for the declaration of the Master Race, rather than the pseudo-history of the "Aryan Race" that was just for propaganda. A legend that would give Germans the sense of nobility they needed to build their empire, since the ancient Romans had Romulus and Remus, the Greeks had Homer, etc.

Germany poured massive resources into technological development, with a heavy focus on military applications.

The German military that went to war in the 1930's was something out of a sci-fi comic book. Futuristic tanks and aircraft, mechanized infantry, radio communications, and so on. That was before they started building rockets and infrared sights too.

By the way, V2 rockets launched by the Nazis were the first manmade objects to enter space.

>> No.4688762

'They' mean harm to others? Your typical racist means harm to no one, you're just stereotyping. I could just as easily say blacks mean harm to others and use that as an argument for why its okay to discriminate against them. You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you want to justify your prejudice.

>> No.4688769

the word is total war, the key is people sacrifice thier bread and butter willingly to help the state, it they voluntarily work more for less, and they are ok with this because they understand their efforts are supporting their preservation, hence the work capacities of not only manufacturing but sectors like science are nearly doubled for less cost

>> No.4688773

racists like you wouldn't understand simple logic

>> No.4688781

>old wars
>people worked together to fight for their country

>modern day "wars"

>> No.4688783

Imagine if instead of becoming a national socialist militocracy, it had become a technocratic industrial state. Combining the extensive German scientific community, the country being a gathering place for Jewish intellectuals from around the world, and even more funding for technological resource than the Nazis provided, but with a bias for industrial/economic applications rather than military ones.

Germany would be owning this planet by now, and they never would have had to fire a shot.

>> No.4688784 [DELETED] 

So much derp

The tanks of 1939 germany (mostly panzer I and II and Czech models) while outperforming Polish cavalry, were inferior than British matildas and French Char B. There tank tactics were, however, far superior, which they stole from British theorists who the Allied armies ignored.

Again, upon invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the Germans came across a superior tank, the T-34. german tanks only really outmatched the allies significantly from 1942 onwards, a lead lost by late 1944.

>> No.4688789

So much derp

The tanks of 1939 germany (mostly panzer I and II and Czech models) while outperforming Polish cavalry, were inferior than British matildas and French Char B. Their tank tactics were, however, far superior, which they stole from British theorists who the Allied armies ignored.

Again, upon invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the Germans came across a superior tank, the T-34. German tanks only really outmatched the allies significantly from 1942 onwards, a lead lost by late 1944.

>> No.4688793

The tanks weren't as masterful as they could have been, because they were designed for mass production rather than optimal combat performance (unlike the later panzers).

Pursuing cheap yet effective tanks was a necessary strategy for the rapid rearmament program, which did extremely well as far as militarizing a bankrupt nation in less than a decade goes.

>> No.4688798

Well I'm not a racist, and there's no need for the ad hominem. You should try looking at the world through a more tolerant lens. Moreover, you should try to justify your positions rather than just taking them up without any rationale.

>> No.4688804

Correct, so claiming they were sci-fi is ludicrous.

And German planes were not superior to allied ones until the Me-262.

>> No.4688860

You've been watching the history channel too much. I don't have the patience to explain to you how wrong you are, but you should really read more. For example read HG Welles or Olaf Stapledon and see what they thought warfare would be like in the 20th century. You'll find that most of the military innovations the Germans put to use in the battlefield were actually taken from science fiction, and such ideas had been scoffed at and dismissed as absurd by military theorists of the time.

>> No.4689184
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idiots the '' nazis '' discovered the atomic bomb first but didnt develop it because they were against hitler watch valkyre any ww2 movie will say that everyone wanted the war over the scientists etc they invented the first stealth bomber as well -.- also they were not racist only their dictator, germans also invented the ship that made usa win the space race aka amerifags didnt do shit germans did it

>> No.4689213


>> No.4689224

Sure, WW2 looked like Wellsian sci-fi a bit. But you said sci-fi comics, and only the German's tech and tactics. But the tactics were invented by two Brits (Fuller and Liddell hart) and the tech was good, but nothing special, until 1942.

>> No.4689239

Yes. Because science leads to skepticism, skepticism leads to doubting God and doubting God leads to evil.

>> No.4689241

Scepticism leads to doubting tyrants and personality cults too

>> No.4689248

inb4: invoking Godwin's law for defending the nazis

>> No.4689257


Better to have a tyrant opressing you in this temporary life than deny thy Lord and saviour!

>> No.4689270


the nazis would have got the bomb first but british special ops trained up some awesome crazy norwegian dudes to go blow up all their shit, swiftly followed up with a good solid bombing raid by his majesty's glorious RAF. it was retrospectively declared to be the most successful special operations raid of the entire war. that's what international cooperation is all about.

>> No.4689280

suggest you read


>> No.4689295


This, exactly. Wartime spurs technological advancements, period. In the case of Nazi Germany, they were hard pressed for natural resources, which allowed them to develop some of the most useful technologies of today. Take, for example, the use of tungsten/molybdenum (which they had vast resources of) as a steel strengthener. Another instance would be using diesel over petrol in their armored vehicles. Not only was it more fuel efficient for the purposes of moving heavy armor around, it didn't explode on impact like gasoline did in the tanks of the allies.

>> No.4689299

war in general has an impact on technical advancements.
we do it before the other guy, damnit.

>> No.4689316

How isn't there a movie about it?