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4686737 No.4686737 [Reply] [Original]

Is depression a real disease?
What causes it? What's the mechanism behind it? Cures?

>> No.4686751

Inb4 people that thinks any mental illness is just a fraud.

>> No.4686767

I sometimes think this, and I have been diagnosed with derpression

>> No.4686771

chemical imbalances in the brain.
causes can be problems with hormones especially during puberty, bad eating habits (low sugar) or bad sleeping habits. But most cases are genetic

there are a lot of drugs out in the market that help you with it. I personally met people who suffered depression and started taking anti depressants and it made such a huge difference in who they were positively.

>> No.4686801

Calling <span class="math">\xi[/spoiler] a disease implies a value statement, specifically, that <span class="math">\xi[/spoiler] is bad, where "bad" here roughly means something that ought not to exist, something that is intrinsically evil, or something whose opposite, if it exists, ought to exist (more). This value statement is false. Depression is good. One ought to be depressed; there ought to be more depression in the world. It is not bad. Therefore Depression cannot be a disease.

>> No.4686806

Don't think it is. It's a real fucking thing and you need to be followed by a psychologist if it's really troubling you.

What do you have to lose anyway? If it's affecting your sanity and well-being, there is maybe chemical unbalances or environmental issues. Psychologists will help you find the cause of the problem.

Also remember, it's not like in the movies, if it's a "simple" chemical unbalance, meds and you should be fine in life as long as you take them. If it's envioronmental issues, you might see a psychologist for quite a bit, but it will be worth it.

Please seek help, anon.

>> No.4686809

hurr durr you're so edgy n cool XD le reddites ftw

>> No.4686876

Depression makes it seems as though your seeing life 'as-it-really-is'. As if you've awoken from your delusion and can see reality for the crock of shit that it is.
Is this a symptom of a disorder or is reality actually bad?

>> No.4686960

>chemical imbalances in the brain.
Despite these findings, the cause of depression is not simply monoamine deficiency.[34] In the past two decades, research has revealed multiple limitations of the monoamine hypothesis, and its explanatory inadequacy has been highlighted within the psychiatric community.[35] A counterargument is that the mood-enhancing effect of MAO inhibitors and SSRIs takes weeks of treatment to develop, even though the boost in available monoamines occurs within hours. Another counterargument is based on experiments with pharmacological agents that cause depletion of monoamines; while deliberate reduction in the concentration of centrally available monoamines may slightly lower the mood of unmedicated depressed patients, this reduction does not affect the mood of healthy people.[34] The monoamine hypothesis, already limited, has been further oversimplified when presented to the general public as a mass marketing tool, usually phrased as a "chemical imbalance".[36]

>> No.4686975


How does that make him edgy and cool, he was simply saying that if you're suffering from depression you should seek professional help. Unless you're talking to >>4686801, in which case that kid can go fuck himself.

>> No.4686981

Depression is caused by being inferior.

Small dick
Low intelligence
Social Inadequacies.

Objective Inferiority.

Superior people do not become depressed

It is an evolved mechanism to cleanse the gene pool. Depressed people kill themselves off and free up resources for superior human beings who aren't failures.

>> No.4686987

Thats cynicism. No, its not depression. Yes, it is a symptom of depression.

I am a diagnosed double depressive ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysthymia ) . I was depressed for over 15 years straight, and still have to fight it off every day. I could fall off the wagon at any time, though I have learned techniques to get back on. (perhaps ironically, identifying when its happened is the hardest)

I also happen to have a chronic autoimmune disease. The depression has had a far more significant negative influence in my life than the traditional somatic disease.

Yes, I consider depression a disease. There really is no debate on this that I care to listen to.

>> No.4687003


Brain cells release cytokines which are immune system signalling molecules. There is your connection between autoimmune and depression. The status of the immune system influencing brain cells creates the symptoms of depression. Thats the state of the research.

I will say this. I stopped eating junk food and kicked wheat gluten and my autoimmune symptoms improved dramatically.

>> No.4687010


>> No.4687012


That's why people who are more intelligent are more likely to be depressed right? Depression is in absolutely no way a measure of one's personal ability, merit, character, or physical traits.

>> No.4687014

Only ugly intelligent people, who are even more acutely aware of their inferiority (since looks matter far more then intelligence)

>> No.4687059

this niggas roastin, anyone gonna fire him up?

>> No.4687665

>It is an evolved mechanism to cleanse the gene pool. Depressed people kill themselves off and free up resources for superior human beings who aren't failures.
This makes only sense in the narrow context of kin selection; evolution by natural selection doesn't create a psychological mechanism that only helps complete strangers. There's another hypothesis that being depressed is useful for avoiding conflicts and saving resources, which would align better with the inferiority hypothesis (relative to others in social status and power).

>> No.4687688

It's caused by no gf.

>> No.4687692

>people who are more intelligent are more likely to be depressed

[citation needed]

>> No.4687715

Are you all fucking retarded? Since when did everything that evolves have to be beneficial?
No wonder you all criticize biology its clear none of you have ever had any contact with it before.

>> No.4687763

Yes, we're all fucking retarded. You nailed it again, anon. No one else has a fucking clue about anything, except for you. And there's no way in hell it could simply be the other way around. You are the smartest and noblest of minds.

>> No.4688030

That's exactly what the average person thinks about this disease. And That's why it's charming to have all the qualities yet be depressed. All the girls get wet...

They always comment about me: Oh look at him he has everything one would want, yet he's so sad. I love him he's so elusive and misunderstood. He's such a scholar!
And then I say: Ladies, please, contain your orgasms. Depression is a real disease...

>> No.4689406


>> No.4689418

>It is an evolved mechanism to cleanse the gene pool.
that's not how evolution works

>> No.4689485

had depression for nearly 10 years now, dont really care what anyone thinks, its real. tough shit if you dont believe in it.

like others said, its a chemical imbalance in the brain, specifically seratonin levels (which is why most anti depressants are SSRI's). there are numerous reasons why someone can have depression, ranging from too much constant stress to bereavement, and from what ive seen, each level of depression comes with its own symptoms. as for the reasons behind it, the most believeable one that ive seen (that would explain why a mental illness that causes you to essentially shut down has survived in the gene pool) is that depression is a survival mechanism that literally forces you to focus on the things that are causing your life to be shit at the moment, and deal with them to the exclusion of all else. there has been literature and peer reviewed research (read this in SciAm Mind) on this, and that taking anti depressants may actually cause the depression to last longer (in severe cases; for moderate and light the drugs were helpful and aided recovery)


>> No.4689487

personal case: was shit at interacting with people in highschool, was too honest and that got me in trouble a lot. came out with severe clinical depression, and taken 6 years to get better. end result: god mode empathy. i can literally talk to ANYONE now, no problems, to the point at which its become my defining characteristic with my friends. the depression forced me to ignore everything other than watching how other people interact, and with everything devoted to it, you learn pretty quick. long recovery has been because of other factors. dont know about the high intelligence having an increased chance, but Im over the 140 level, and that was done when I was seriously fucked up. I think the official statement is 1 in 4 people will have depression at some point in their lives, so its a lot more common than people think.

personal experience with cures: was on anti depressants but they made me feel like I was living in a happy bubble, couldnt remember anything, so eventually came off it myself. i dont recommend this. what I have found to work: exercise helps a shitload, a good sleeping schedual, and eating salmon for some random reason. also try reading sunshine in the rain, i found it helped a lot. also for gods sake talk to a counsellor, and if you dont like them find another. you wont get better without talking to someone. hope this helps

>> No.4689490

I lol'ed so hard
so gtfo, /sci/ is for serious mathers

>> No.4689500

Are you a girl. Cause I'm a handsome, intelligent, muscular depressed man. Wha you say?

>> No.4689508

And I forgot o say. I dnt like people; people are stupid. Althugh I prefer o live alone (I'm independent man) I'm surchin for a partner to focus all my energy in. Let's face this battle together!

>> No.4689515

Oh wow! Yes I'm a girl, and I'm also searching for a partner. I don't like he majority of people as well. Well, how can I talk to you then?

>> No.4689516

for some people, the depression is a disease secondary to a certain context, like sexual abuse in the early life, with a borderline personnality and a chronic pain syndrome. For others, the disease is primitive : it is directly caused by a neurobiological anomaly.

>> No.4689526


Wow that shit works!!

>> No.4689546

I agree, was just writing what Ive learnt from personal experience/research. was relevant to my interests lol

>> No.4689650
File: 11 KB, 394x319, LaForge shields his eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking mental illness is fake is a symptom of said mental illness
>That feel when told I have GAD
>Feel like I'm just making excuses for having GAD
>"That's a symptom"
>MFW I could be faking that I don't think I have GAD
>mfw I don't know what to believe anymore