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4685581 No.4685581 [Reply] [Original]

If radiation is the key to all things living i.e we would all die without it.

Then it stands to reason that radioactive mutant zombie-like folk are a possibility if the environment has the right conditions.

>> No.4685588
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>> No.4685592


If by zombie, you mean highly suggestible people who wander around in a trance, are largely inured to pain, and obey your commands, then all you need is blowfish toxin.

If by zombie, you mean human corpses that are more or less invulnerable, only die from having the brain destroyed, and can otherwise function without ingesting anything...

Well, it's possible, but not in any sense you'd want it to be. I.E. If you had "zombies" with nanites saturating their tissue and subverting the nervous system, producing ATP and receiving energy via microwave transmission... Well, yeah, that's possible.

But it's really not what you're after.

>> No.4685632

People (as a whole) who undergo rapid evolution mutations in fewer generations because of high dose radiation?

>> No.4685636

If people can be people can the universe be people too?

>> No.4685641

The universe exists within us

>> No.4685653


That's horseshit. I'm talking about giant people the size and composition of a universe. The speed at which information travel immediately puts the lifetime of a being this size incomprehensibly long to our daily, human standards.

>> No.4685687


If you had enough universes and time could you piece them together into a universe computer?

Information is sent in the form of supernova/gamma ray bursts/big things.

If we could blow things up at will and send this information out to the other universes it doesn't mean anything can react to it in any meaningful way to have an output. It just drifts out into nothingness as a stream of what once was, occasionally being picked up by anyone who decides to look at it. While the actual physical remnants of matter, drained of all energy and radioactive decay are nothing more than a few specks of dust gravitating towards one another over the giant void.