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4683980 No.4683980 [Reply] [Original]

>its happening

>> No.4683989

>world is ending, everyone keeps arguing about qualia

>> No.4683992

peak qualia caused this.

>> No.4683993
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Well of course. If qualia is real and non-physical, then we're all immortal anyway and no one needs to be afraid of an apocalypse.

>> No.4683995

>implying humans are just rerally shit at using space on this planet.
I mean seriously.... I live in England and when you are not in a city you are looking at endless fields of GRASS with no animals in it.... they act like we are running out of space... there is space fucking everywhere.

I mean look at africa... if we kicked the niggers out and put real farmers in there, we could literally feed the world with all that land.

>> No.4683999

Extinction is a completely natural part of evolution.

We can't and shouldn't save everything.

>> No.4684002

And why are our cities so crowded?

>You know the ones.

>> No.4684006
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>> No.4684019
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because we use archaic transport mechanisms.

The entirety of a city should be roadless. The only areas with roads should be residential neighbourhoods and between-city links.
Roads are completely useless in a city as they use a gigantic ammount of space, produce ridiculousd ammounts of pollution and are almost always gridlocked.

There should be transport hubs outside every city where a commuter will park his car and enter one of the numerous hyper-transport grids. (subway/maglev-inner city shuttle, travelator, monorail or simply public paths)
with these, travel will not only be much faster, but more efficient, cheaper and less pollutive. An added benefit would be that roads no longer take up space and multiple levels of the city will ahve walkways.
Added to this... cities need to be MUCH denser and built up. Inefficient city sprawl takes up too much land.

>> No.4684022

but what about cities that already exist?

>> No.4684025

over time they would be improved, but the system, would have to be build in entirely new cities.

>> No.4684026
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Slidewalks all up in this bitch!

>> No.4684027

fire trap

>> No.4684031
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>building your megacity from flammable materials
75 years in the cube for criminal negligence.

>> No.4684034


structures/walkways would be built out of carbon nanotube lattice, allowing them to tower multiple times higher than the world's tallest structures. Multiple arches and struts would support the hanging walkways and maglev terminals.

There would be literally nothing flammable except the trees and grass in the skyline public parks.

>> No.4684037

>nothing flammable except the trees and grass
And the people.

>> No.4684038
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>> No.4684043

When do you guys think we will hit the point where there cannot be more people because they cannot be fed anymore?

>> No.4684046

>Earth is a planet in crisis conservationists claim
Not news.
Have they ever NOT claimed such things?

>> No.4684047

not for a long long LONG time.
many lifetimes ahead

>> No.4684049

Never because technology

>> No.4684053

When the bees die. Already happening.

>> No.4684102

>Never because technology
Technology cannot decrease total entropy.
Since each person contains a bit of information (in the sense of non-zero entropy), at some point the amount of information in all humans exceeds the allowed amount of information (the required amount of entropy for so many humans is lower than the existant amount of entropy).
In practice of course, we can't go anywhere near that limit.

>> No.4684122

Dude, what?

>> No.4684143

Unlimited growth of human population breaks the second law of thermodynamics.
If we look at only human kind, growth means decrease of entropy (which is not a problem, since the human kind is not a closed system). But for entropy to decrease withing human kind, it must increase at least as much outside human kind. However, if the growth is unbounded, the whole unverse will be nothing more than humans. Then, the growth must stop. (But in practice way before that.)

>> No.4684145

but what you're talking about will take billions, if not trillions of years

>> No.4684146

Hey faggot, you can't grow anything in this solar system outside this single planet.

>> No.4684149


What he's talking about will take billions of years, the population of the earth reaching 10 billion may only take 70 years.

Can the Earth support 10 billion people who want to live like Americans and eat 10,000 kj+ every day and get heart disease before the age of 26?

>> No.4684157
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>check out this idiot.
please do tell me all the secrets of the so0lar system, for you seem to know the composition and future of the solar system.

I'll start. Using water derived from comets, you could have an airtight ring in space, with dirt inside it, with seeds planted and it have constant sunlight.

thus, plants can be grown not only just outside this planet but in SPACE.

let alone the ability to create a bubbled habitat on any of the numerous (non gas giant) planets?

>protip: plants are being grown in the space station

It's shortsighted and creatively- bland people like you who breed pessimism and stupidity.

>> No.4684159

the earth can support about 20 billion people with current technology... but that would require a lot of re-shuffling and ''efficiency changes'' to work

>> No.4684169

Much more than that.
Farming is so much more efficient in the civilized world than in the uncivilized world.
Prices of meat will automatically go up, thus decreasing its consumption. Up untill the point where vertical farming becomes economically viable. Opening up more land.
Sea farming will become economically viable.
Countries will decentralize, due to increasing cost of transportation, and decreased costs of telecommunication.
Without any fundamentally new technology (but some economically non-viable solution then becoming viable and developed), we can easly go up to 100 billion.

>> No.4684194

>100 billion.

I wouldn't go that far.

if Every fibre of our technology was utilized and we literally reshuffled entire countries (converting the entirety of fertile land into multi-tiered farmland and converting deserts etc, into massive cities) we could probably support 50 billion people.

Major technologies would need to be invented to go upwards of that. Energy would have to be reduced in price more than a hundredfold, as energy use is logarithmic compared to pop increase.
Transport would have to be extremely efficient too... traditional cars with wheels would be out of the question, along with any fossil-fuel consumption.

but 100 billion is a possibility to be supported.

it would take 243 years at current population growth to hit 100m... so by then I'm sure the technology would be availiable.

>> No.4684218

11% of the world's land area is arable land.
That means that 89% is not arable land.
We can increase farming output by a tenfold by simply turning all land to farming areas.
If we then also use modern production techniques everywhere, we get an additional 5 to 10 fold.
Not counting vertical farming and/or sea farming.

>> No.4684237

Why the fuck do you even think about growing anything anywhere when we can simply ascend into purely cybernetic beings that require only electric energy.

You faggots have no imagination.

>> No.4684250

>then you bluescreen and die

>> No.4684267
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>grandmother has performed an illegal operation and will be terminated

>> No.4684277

Your pathetic organic brain dies. My being stays securely on HDD until the problem is solved.

>> No.4684361

>>Whoops, I dropped patient #450607040

>> No.4684377

stay away from magnets
exploding power lines
nuclear explosions
solar flares
