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4681014 No.4681014 [Reply] [Original]

hello, ive come here for tips about how to increase my intelligence the quickest way. i also admit methods of learning, short cuts, ways to memorize. i am 22 years old and i am not good at any subject. i decided to do something about it. please need help, i am tired of not being at your level.

>> No.4681017

Find something that captures your interest and pursue studies of it. Provided that you put a significant amount of work and emotion into it, developing your intelligence will come naturally to suit this new stimulus.

>> No.4681019

why are you so worried about it?

>> No.4681025

Try always write what you jusrt learnt into categories and secions. Compare them, play and have fun with those things. When trying to sleep, try to remember the caterogies and stuff.

>> No.4681029

ignorance is bliss enjoy it. True intelligence comes at an overbearing price, not everyone is fit for it.

>> No.4681034

Why not? Explain that shit!

>> No.4681043

Bliss is not worthwhile. It is your duty to experience immense suffering, pain, depression, and anxiety as you strive for intelligence. You will hate it. People around you will hate it. They will tell you to be happy—do not listen. Happiness is a vice. Pain and sadness are the only good things in the world. Also, there is no afterlife. There is no reward for your suffering, but you are still obligated to inflict it upon yourself and possibly others.

>> No.4681048
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What do you want to be knowledgeable in, OP?

If you know a lot about something, you can then examine your knowledge and become focused, using your imagination to evaluate and consider all ramifications and aspects of your knowledge.

In other words, find what you want to be intelligent about, learn about it, understand it as best you can, and then focus even harder on it, using all your available free time on it.
As time progresses, you will become god-tier perhaps in that specialty. Or you might not have time to think about things but are too busy doing stuff.
Mull things over. Think things through farther than you usually do.
You have brains you haven't even touched yet, OP.
Using a stimulant like caffeine has been shown to really make a difference in some ways, just be careful about caffeine poisoning. It's liek being sicker than a dog. Horrible. But bouncing off the walls can be fun. Rev up your brainz OP! You can do it!

>> No.4681053
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>> No.4681065

Why is bliss not worthwhile? You said it yourself there is no reward for the suffering?

>> No.4681072

Pain is worthwhile because it is your duty. One must suffer and propagate suffering. Suffering is the only good thing. Happiness and pleasure are absolute evils.

>> No.4681073

where did you get that idea from?

>> No.4681084
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Before you can increase your intelligence you need to examine your life and fix the things that can to be fixed and accept the things that cant. Pic related to this part.

Exercise your brain, use it. look up memory techniques, and try all of them. find which ones work best for you. do crosswords, sudoku, brainteasers, working memory games, read!. these are equivalent to working out, where as intelligence is on the field or court playing the game. some of the training skills will transfer over but do not equate this to intelligence, but it is a prerequisite for improving your intelligence.

next step is to again examine yourself to learn about how you learn. understanding yourself is key if you want to be successful in improving your intelligence. self awareness and self understanding are the goal. this part is very difficult and many people fall short and struggle for the rest of their lives in trying to learn because of lack of self understanding. a lot of times it takes an outside perspective or guidance to completely understand yourself.

Finally learn. learn about the world, learn about nature, learn about what ever you want to learn about. read, and look deep into all things. eventually you will see the patterns. this is essentially what intelligence is, it is perceiving the abstract patterns that exist all around us.

these steps are iterative.

>> No.4681085

My god, the only true God, The Divine and Holy Satan, Son of the Earth, Rightful King of Heaven, Lord of Darkness, told me.

>> No.4681090

You trollin? Are you the same person? So you don't believe in an afterlife but you believe in satan?

Why do you think it is your duty? Why were you given that duty?

>> No.4681096


Not that guy but I see where he is coming from.
Happiness causes you to become complacent, and content with your life rather than constantly striving and pushing yourself for a higher 'goal' to reach your full potential.

depends on if you want happiness to satisfy you
or your struggle to fulfill your internal desire for greatness.

do you want to be hand-fed for the rest of your life or be the hunter in the woods developing yourself surviving?

>> No.4681109

Don't you think it odd how modern culture encourages happiness, sets it as an end goal, attempts to maximize it, even worships it? How do we know that happiness is deserving of this treatment, more than say the accumulation of knowledge or the power of the individual? The affirmation of happiness is unjustified, just as unjustified as our Satanist's affirmation of pain.

>> No.4681110

Why swim when you can float along with the current, they're both going the same direction... no where.

>> No.4681117

Skill is 10% aptitude and 90% practice.

The reason you want more intelligence is likely because you're lazy.

> increase my intelligence the quickest way.
> quickest way

This betrays the fact that you're not stupid, just lazy. You feel you're not good at any subject because you do not put enough work in. You don't seem to understand what intelligence is, either. Find a topic that interests you, and pursue it with all your energy.

>> No.4681119

I believe more in the buddhist ideas where the ultimate goal is not happiness or suffering but beyond it into nirvana. Transcendence into ultimate satisfaction.

>> No.4681140

Pretty much no known way to increase intelligence. The only contender right now are n-back task.


>> No.4681143

I wish people wud stop posting pseudoscience/bad science, e.g. Maslow's pyramid.

>> No.4681169

Buddhism claims that nirvana is the state in which humans are uplifted spiritually so that they don't feel suffering, pain, resentment, sadness, and really any other emotions that make us human. It claims that these emotions are just worldly attachments that we need to learn how to let go. Nirvana is supposedly a higher sense of self awareness, but do you stop to think that it's now a good thing? Let me explain. Every person is born with self-awareness, even the smallest of insects are aware that they're mating, eating, bring food to the hive, and fighting off predators when they get to close to the hive. Empathy is greater than self-awareness, it takes the next step by actually spreading that awareness onto others, and in the process understanding each other. We evolved, much like most family, or pack based animals by being raised in groups. It's an evolutionary benefit to look out for each other, and with it comes empathy. Why would any sane person want to disconnect themselves with the emotions and connections we have with each other simply to become something that resembles a vegetable? It fails to make any logical sense, and is regression, instead of progression.

>> No.4681174

Humans naturally avoid pain and hardship; yet pain and hardship are the only things that allow progress. You will never get smarter by doing the same maths questions over and over. You have to do harder maths questions. As they get easier, you must find harder questions still.

Pain and hardship are the opposite of happiness, yet growth can only be achieved through embracing pain and hardship.

You will never progress if you stay in your comfort zone forever.

>> No.4681184




>> No.4681332

extreme naivity : the cereal : the board : the post

>> No.4681337

Try with Bertrand's Conquer of Happiness, far easier to apply on short term than strict Buddhism and has clear influences from it.

>> No.4681343



>> No.4681359

That's some of the stupidest, most halfthought out shit i've ever heard in my life.

>> No.4681375

pain is beautiful
ive come to this conclusion through art, unlike the satanist
suffering is the meaning of life, to suffer and die.

>> No.4681377


start to write down your shit. try to reason and use simple but accurate questions.... soon you will have what you could call a own philosophy (doesn't matter if it's good/aesthetic/whatever or not)