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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4678530 No.4678530 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, how did you guys decide what you want to do with your life? How did you figure it out?

I'm still looking for that something I want to spend my life doing. Hopefully you all can enlighten me.

>> No.4678535

what do you enjoy doing?

Jesus christ, you act as if this is difficult

>> No.4678538


>> No.4678540

Fuck bitches make money.

Everything else is window dressing.

>> No.4678544

I'm 25, have a job in reaserch and I have no idea what I want to do with my life either. I look down on people who want to live up to a figure of a supposed character they imagine.

>> No.4678550

>Hey mom, Bruce Lee said this amazing quote
>And because he's Bruce Lee
>It must be true


>> No.4678552
File: 23 KB, 362x372, bruce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

On thing I particularly enjoy is mathematics, physics and any majorly cerebral thing. I think chemistry and biochemistry are interesting too, but I don't know if I would want to spend my life on that. I also enjoy music and art, but I can't get a job with that stuff, so that's a hobby.

>That feel when all you enjoy isn't easy to get a job with
>That feel when engineers have better chances than scientists

>> No.4678568

well do something that pays.

looking at porn all day might sound like a great life but its not all that its cracked up to be.

dont settle for mcjobs apparently.
dont be a cock all your life.

you'll be fine with any other choices.

>> No.4678599

Here's the thing. I don't want to die and not have contributed something major to society. I don't want to die and have been forgotten within a decade, or even a century. That's why my decisions is so hard.

>> No.4678604

>mfw EK or some other moron
A quote doesn't mean it is true, it was just a relevant quote and fits my beliefs quite well. Don't be a moron.

>> No.4678613


well that considerably harder.

do a phd and try to get some papers published.

thats the best bet to make a lasting contribution or at least have your name somewhere.

to be like bruce lee big you have to kick a lot of asses.

or suk a lot of.

welcome to the workplace.

>> No.4678618

That's one retarded quote.

>> No.4678626

I do what I'm best at.

>> No.4678630


well i could do better but i aint getting paid to think.

>> No.4678631

These people are all mentally deficient. Do not consult 4chan for serious decisions and expect to get anything good out of it; 4chan is filled with, for the most part, fucking morons and shitbags.
I also hope you aren't planning to live and work in the United States as an adult, because this place is collapsing. The only relevance it has to the modern world anymore is its universities (which people from all over the world come to, thereby propping up scientific progress in the United States) and its huge as fuck army and arsenal. Learn a second language like German, Dutch, French, or the official/most spoken language of a decent country you wouldn't mind living and working in as an adult to fluency and try to study there/study here and find work there.

>> No.4678701

Swedish is fine, too

>> No.4678719


Shouldn't you be on Reddit or something since you're so enlightened? Gotta show off that teenage wisdom!

>> No.4678726

People like you amuse me and enrage me at the same time.

>> No.4678727

So guys. I am so clueless on what to major in. I like verbal based pursuits, like English or History. I also love hard sciences like biology or chemistry.

Only problem is I had a really bad foundation of math in grade school, so it's really starting to mess me over in different courses. Maybe I just naturally suck at math, but then again, work > genetics yeah?

Any advice? I'd love to do something science-wise but this whole math thing. Am I just screwed?

>> No.4678734

If you truly want to do something science-related, then prepare to work very hard. Don't slack off; you can start now by buying textbooks and studying on your own time.
And, most importantly, get off 4chan, or at least cut browsing time down so that it averages out to very little per week.
This is a horrible place, and the people who deny this obvious fact are the ones making it horrible.
I wish you luck, and don't forget the part about getting the fuck out of this shithole of a country.

>> No.4678735

Except that the hard sciences (yes, this includes biology) are really just applications of diverse branches of mathematics. If you don't get maths, you won't get science.

>> No.4678748

Well of course, I realize that. As I said, shitty foundation might be the problem. I tried a few things i never understood before with Khan Academy and kind of grasped them instantly. Even a bit of calculus which I haven't really messed around with.

Thank you good sir.

Only problem is I feel like the school I am going to be attending might not have the best majors available.



>> No.4678787


You should make a rage guy comic about it XD

>> No.4678850
