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4678068 No.4678068 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a fucking explanation.

>> No.4678070

Subtract inside from outside.

>> No.4678076
File: 185 KB, 427x308, chillout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G i think
i seem to vaguely remember this, but reading across the rows, dots on teh inside cancel out dots on the outside

1st row: 1 in + 1 in = 2 in
2nd row: 1 in 3 out = 1 inny anihilates one outty = 2 out
3rd row: 2 in + 2 out = 2 anihilations = 0
so, just the circle
= G

>> No.4678085

OP here. Was leaning towards G myself because of the sums. Just wanted to know if there was some other fucked up explanation. It just annoyed me there is not pattern in the rotation.

>> No.4678087

It works for columns as well as rows.

>> No.4678091
File: 359 KB, 369x379, wowcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, yeah!

>> No.4678099
File: 40 KB, 645x521, godmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one tires me.

>> No.4678111

this one stumps me, i think probably E but i cant explain why

>> No.4678113


>> No.4678118


Colors rotate one direction, bars rotate the other direction.

>> No.4678120

Thanks for that explanation, maestro.

>> No.4678127
File: 6 KB, 175x91, rageguyconseq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking E or F
i figured thered be 3-3 bars 3-2bars and 3-1 bars in total for every colour
so E or F

>> No.4678131

yeah, but whats the rule for the position of the dots?

>> No.4678132

Irrelevant. That's not part of the pattern.

>> No.4678134

Nah, your just dumb.

>> No.4678136

just a red herring i think, making it more complicated.

>> No.4678137
File: 2 KB, 126x95, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your just dumb

>> No.4678156

I just can't accept there is no pattern in rotation or inside vs. outside, and that subtraction/addition is the only point of focus. Is it just a test to test one's abilities to find out which information is relevant and what's not? It doesn't seem like a traditional "IQ" question if G is the answer.

>> No.4678161

they have to make them fairly difficult towards the end, and maybe theres another answer that you could argue, and a different pattern might fit, but i cant really see one.

>> No.4678163

>addition and subtraction

Spoken like a true zoologist.

>> No.4678164


Do you ever think some of the legit mensa tests provide MULTIPLE answers? Namely because of this...

>> No.4678165


The figures rotate 90 degrees then 180
b is only one with right coloring in right orientation

>> No.4678168


It IS fairly difficult if you don't expect the answer to be so simple. You might waste a whole lot of time on this question looking for a solution that isn't there.

>> No.4678172


It's G

>>4678111 this one stumps me, i think probably E but i cant explain why

>i think

That isn't how logical deduction works. Guessing is for retards.

>> No.4678175

probably not, they'll only be 1 answer, they probably think about it pretty deeply and make sure there are no other patterns.
or maybe if there is a pattern, they'll say 'why did you pick that'? and then if you can explain it, and a pattern actually fits, i guess you'd get the mark?
not sure really

>> No.4678174


It's not fairly difficult, fuck off.

>> No.4678176

i didnt guess, i narrowed it down to E or F, but i knew here was something in the pattern i wasnt seeing

>> No.4678178
File: 50 KB, 638x532, qwdqdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another hard one.

>> No.4678184


>Guessing is for retards.

You can make a qualified "guess".

>> No.4678193


This is why computers should generate the questions and not people. The answer is G but the question is retarded with the red herrings. It defies the traditional idea with IQ tests (finding patterns). You shouldn't have to guess what the maker of the question was thinking.

>> No.4678200

I am being slow but I can't see the pattern to

>> No.4678210

i can't see a pattern
should i look for a row and column law?

>> No.4678214

i cant see the patten either, but so that theres an equal number of all colours of the final grid, it should be
3 blocks: black
2 blocks: dark grey
1 block: light grey

so E or F
and then something about rotation or reflective symmetry, but i cat really see it

>> No.4678215


I think rows are the only thing that counts.

>> No.4678216


>> No.4678222




>> No.4678223

As the ball moves they both go -> then down to next row. If the ball moves onto a dark square it goes solid open or open solid

>> No.4678225
File: 223 KB, 477x472, 1307836830187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then explain why, if not a troll.

>> No.4678226

I can see the rotations but i couldnt see the colour untill you pointed it out
im not going to explain it either because i dont like you

>> No.4678230

looks legit....i was looking for a column law..i wasn't looking at it like a sequence of 9 items...

also can someone link me to the test/game/whatever?

>> No.4678231


Ready for the explanation?

>> No.4678232

Also you can not see tha ball when it moves to a black square but as it emerges it does the open filled switch.

>> No.4678239

awwww :(

ah! i see it now
yep, H

>> No.4678240

>>4678214 2 dark

No its 1 dark

>> No.4678243

so far on the grid, theres:
15 black squares
16 dark grey squares
17 light grey squares

either E or F brings that up to 18 each

>> No.4678249

can you give me link to game/test/challenge/iqtest those pictures are from?

>> No.4678253


F obviously.
It's horizontal.

>> No.4678252


But look at the first row for the sing squarrs

Light black black
is part of the pattern

>> No.4678256


>> No.4678257


How did you find it?

>> No.4678259
File: 11 KB, 406x352, 56783393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...why do you care?
i provided it, who cares where its from?
also ive done it before,

>> No.4678260

OP, where did you get those from?

>> No.4678263


>> No.4678265


What was your score?

>> No.4678267

I actually found another pattern when solving the test, it's stupid because it supposedly has only 1 right answer yet I can find multiple patterns usually.

>> No.4678268
File: 31 KB, 526x300, wtf am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mensa member - 152 iq
>Didn't do 4 questions on the test
There are solutions for those online.

>> No.4678274


>> No.4678275


What do you mean by didn't do 4 questions? On your mensa application test? How can you get 152 if you get 4 questions wrong? How many questions were there?

>> No.4678278
File: 87 KB, 500x770, niggersgonnanig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not bad... FOR A NIGGER!

>> No.4678281
File: 115 KB, 882x634, iqtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant remember, but i just did it now
i got stuck and just guessed a few, i could have done better

>> No.4678287

>under one SD

>> No.4678289

i was rushing/guessing
i might try it again later when i'm fully focused.
i usually get around ~130 on things like this.

>> No.4678300

I found E.
For each line, there a different operations.

Vertical Symmetry (one)
90° rotation (one)
Color shifting/switching (one of each or less)
Shape shifting/switching (one of each or less)
It seems that you have to do a symmetry or a rotation before you can color/shape shift/switch.

In the last line, you already have a rotation. There must be a vertical symmetry.
So B,C,D,F,G and H are out. It can only be A or E.
You can get to E by a vertical symmetry and shifting the shapes to the left.
A is just 1st row 3rd line with a rotation so it gets out (yeah, just because)

Stays E.

>> No.4678301

How can IQ be valid if Feynman's was reported at 125 yet random 4 chan losers such as >>4678268
Get >150.

>> No.4678303
File: 1.99 MB, 446x252, Epic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

36 question. If you do first 28 correctly you get 148 points, enough to become a member. It's almost impossible to do all 36 questions right in 40 minutes. Almost.

>> No.4678306

what's the point in that dombfuck

>> No.4678308

Is it a progressive matrices test ?

>> No.4678309

1 minute/question?
wtf i spent 10 minutes on one.
anyway you should look for rows/column or just a 9 pieces sequence?

>> No.4678313


Goes to show that IQ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.4678316
File: 490 KB, 500x383, boop woop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With IQ of 120 and above some other abilities become important in determining if you are going to be successful in what you do. Hard work, persistence, wish for developing your skills...
There's not much difference between 120 and 150+
>Leave Feynman alone

>> No.4678320

Then why is there difference between 100 and 120. I don't think the whole IQ thing is so profound that it's a logarithmic esq scale.

>> No.4678327
File: 446 KB, 500x372, turtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be more clever to get 120 than 100. Questions come in 3 categories: 12 easy ones(missing element), 12 middle ones(diagonal logic and combination of elements) and 12 hard ones (everything previous).
>IQ doesn't mean anything.

>> No.4678330

But you also need to be more clever to get 150 than 120. Im sure that your IQ increases with preparation so I don't know how IQ is a valid measurement unless done in kindergarten.

>> No.4678331
File: 35 KB, 500x483, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't be delusional low-tier aspies

>> No.4678334

If you go by the number of black tiles it looks like this :
3 1 1
2 3 1
2 2 ?
Clearly ? should be 3. (we already have 3 1's and 3 2's)
If you go by the number of light grey tiles :
1 2 3
3 2 2
1 3 ?
Clearly ? should be 1. (we already have 3 2's and 3 3's).

So at this point it is either E or F.
Now notice the direction of the "base" :
down right left
right left down
left down ?
So ? should be "right".

So it's F. Yeah, there is indeed a pattern here.

>> No.4678337

Meant to reply to >>4678099

>> No.4678341
File: 4 KB, 111x131, so dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4678344

Verbal IQ: 170
Mathematical IQ: 176
Analytical IQ: 173
Memorization Ability: ~140
Visual Pattern Recognition: 103

Woe is me.

>> No.4678345

>>4678300 already has 1 rotation

I agree, so why are you rotating it a second time?

>> No.4678347

IQ scores vary significantly depending on what standard deviation applied.

Here's a chart.


Apparently it was changed from 24 to 15 in 2002. There's a PRETTY big difference when you convert it.

Keep that in mind everytime you see one of those celebrities claiming they had their IQ measured in 19-something

For example: 131 today (mensa level) = 149 back then.

>> No.4678354

IQ tests are inaccurate as fuck. I was tested at 170 when I was younger. Yeah, I'm smart, but that's supposedly over Einstein and numerous other famous geniuses. But I still get a lot of the Mensa questions wrong.

>> No.4678356

i think he's right
its definitely E or F based on the colouring, and notice how the 'base' never ever is on the top
it goes right, left, bottom, right left, bottom, right, left, bottom
E would be having the base on the bottom ,just like the one next to it, which breaks the pattern

so F
(also ive made a new thread on this)

>> No.4678357

Einstein never took a damn test.
>Yea, you're smart.

>> No.4678358

But there no rotation from line 3 row 2 to E, only a symmetry

>> No.4678362


>"Yet it has been reported-including by Feynman himself-that he only obtained a score of 125 on a school IQ test. I suspect that this test emphasized verbal, as opposed to mathematical, ability."

>"I suspect that this test emphasized verbal, as opposed to mathematical, ability"

Sounds like an excuse. No real IQ tests emphasize on verbal abilities. If it does then it's not an IQ test.

Maybe he was just so smart that he over-analyzed the questions and found solutions that were not (supposed) to be there.

>> No.4678363

Whoops meant to say "but each row/collumn rotates twice"

>> No.4678370

ah, but for me, the second rotation is a symmetry (which is a 180° so it kind of works)
the others pics only have one 90° rotation

>> No.4678372

All the answers and explanations are already posted in this link:


>> No.4678375

How about psychometric testing is more or less bullshit.

>> No.4678376


fucking christ i got the last 2 numbers wrong

>> No.4678382

I got 130, but I already had seen some answers and was on this thread at the same time, so I couldn't finish all the answers.
Maybe it cancels out...

>> No.4678383

Or maybe people actually care about what you can do, not how fast you solve kid's puzzles in a test mainly designed to make people feel better about themselves. People didn't remember Feynman for what kind of number he got in a test and he didn't really give a hoot either.

I suspect that there are people that are both good at grasping kid's puzzles and abstract math concepts (many symbols and things you can't just visualize), and there are people that are only good at one of them. There are people will "get" the idea of pointers and recursion, and there are people that just won't. As always, psychology and biology are a crapshoot.

>> No.4678394

Well put.
Your achievements are your intelligence.

>> No.4678408 [DELETED] 

oh look it's THIS thread again