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4676836 No.4676836 [Reply] [Original]

What other senses can a living being have to analyze the world other then the default human senses ?

>> No.4676840

insert a magnet under the skin?

>> No.4676844

sensing electricity and magnetic fields

>> No.4676846

thanks to our active neural abilities, the electromagnetic transmission can offer a huge spectrum of senses, including telepathy, sensing the future, and anything goes beyond a higher consciousness

>> No.4676847

also, sensing radiation
and different wavelengths of light

>> No.4676848
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>> No.4676852

The incapacity to create an argument kinda makes you look like a retard. Try forming some sentences next time.

>> No.4676854


okay how about this?

"what you just said was so ridiculous, that I almost pissed myself laughing at you"

>> No.4676859

Nice ARGUMENT retard. You seem hopeless, you can stop trying, and keep posting cartoons now.

>> No.4676862

how's that?
I get called a retard by somebody that believes in magic

jolly day

>> No.4676863

aren't dolphins supposed to sense electromagnetic fields ?

>> No.4676864
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Hey OP, have you heard of qualia ?

>> No.4676865

magnetic fields of the earth sure
they use it to get around

>> No.4676868

It's not a different sense though, it's just an amplified default sense.

>> No.4676872

well I suppose, but sensing wavelengths such as ultraviolet and infrared could have very different purposes and structures for doing so.

>> No.4676874

Telepathy ? : yes
Sensing the future and shit ? : you trippin nigga

>> No.4676875
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>> No.4676877

Birds have magnets in their heads that allow them to migrate the correct direction (fly south for warmer weather).

Pit vipers have hollows under their eyes that allow them to "see" changes in temperature (think heat vision goggles); makes for catching prey at night easier.

Some lizards have something called Jacobson's Organ; it allows for chemoreception (think pheromones). I believe it's responsible for sensing whether a lizard of the opposite sex is related to them somehow, in which case they won't mate with them.

All I can think of off the top of my head; I'm sure there's others

>> No.4676879
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Some blind people teach themselves to make clicks they can use for sonar, so they can sense objects around them.

Some British guy put a chip in his head that allows his brain to interface with a hat with radar on it, so he can "feel" radar.

For a few hundred dollars you can get magnetic implants in your fingers so that you can sense magnetic fields.

>> No.4676880

We have different organs for different senses, so more senses needs some extra unknown organs. I can't really imagine such organs and their mechanical anatomy since we can't really have a referance frame for other unknown senses

>> No.4676886

You could have a fourth cone cell type and pick up light that is outside the normal visual spectrum.

>> No.4676887

A lot of animals have different colour spectrums from humans. Some see less colours, some see more. Some can see ifrared and shit, I think.

Plants communicate through chemicals and shit, and have senses we don't understand.

>> No.4676888

sauce ! now !

>> No.4676890

For which?

>> No.4676892

there is no proof for telepathy

there is no structure in the brain, or any part of us that could ever "transmit" data to someone else

telepathy is impossible

it's fiction, entirely

same as that other stuff

>> No.4676894

what is sarcasm?

>> No.4676899

british guy with the radar

>> No.4676902

>Plants communicate

>> No.4676903

>make serious claim about magic
>get laughed at
>get laughed at more

>more people join in the laughing

>okay maybe i was wrong
>hey guys! i was being sarcastic!


>> No.4676906

actually they do through chemicals in the air

nothing as complicated as language, mostly just "theres bugs over here, this chemical says theres bugs over here"

>> No.4676911

>more people join in laughing
you brought your imaginary friends again?

>> No.4676914

Actually telepathy could be enabled through telepathic means in the form of BCI implants that allow people to share their thoughts over the internet. When this is available people might not even bother with verbal communication anymore.

>> No.4676915

well there was me at first

then like two other people called you dumb

then i came back after you claimed to be "sarcastic"

just to laugh at you more though.
cuz' you dumb

>> No.4676917

what do they do with that information ?

>> No.4676919

that's not telepathy, thats transmitting data.

basically that would be an inplantable cell phone, that's not a sense, that's technology.

>> No.4676920

> two other
wow, so you know they aren't the same person eh ?

>> No.4676921

Fire up their own chemical defenses against the threat.

>> No.4676923

Release chemicals that make them taste and/or smell bad to the bugs.

>> No.4676924

well some plants change the formation of their leaves, or start excreting chemicals to ward of whatever is there.
you know, plant stuff

>> No.4676927

cameras are inspired by eyes
microphones are inspired by ears
speakers are inspired by voices
it wouldn't surprise me to develop a sense that transmits data just as easy as speaking

>> No.4676929

But remotely transmitting thoughts is exactly what telepathy is.

That's like saying television isn't real because it's an image transmitted remotely to a display. That's what television is.

Telephone, teleportation, etc.

>> No.4676931

Yeah, like cell phones.

>> No.4676934

saying its "telepathy" implies that its a natural function of our brain.

using a cell phone doesn't make you a telepath, it means you know how to use a cell phone.

>> No.4676937

It would be easier than speaking, since you don't require breath to do it

And you don't have to put your thoughts or feelings into words. You can just send them as you think of them or as you feel them and there is no possibility for misunderstanding. It will allow communication on a level completely above anything that's been possible on earth before, and mark a real change in the human condition.

>> No.4676938

well, if you're so dedicated to that, why not go do it then?
in the meantime, telepathy

>> No.4676939

Or you could just realize that it's exactly the same as having a cell phone. Or did you think the communication would happen on a level other than words?

>> No.4676940

Only because you're a dumbass who doesn't understand the definition of telepathy.

Again, that's like saying using the term television implies the screen you're viewing it on is a natural part of the human body.

Stop being stupid.

>> No.4676944

lol so funneh xDD 5 star post brah ur da king

>> No.4676945

television and telepathy are nothing even closely related?

what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?

do you think they are?

they don't even mean CLOSE to the same thing

>> No.4676946

You can't express thoughts and emotions with 100% accuracy using any current form of communication. It's impossible to translate such complex constructs into words, and when people even bother most of it gets lost in translation.

>> No.4676948

i don't think 100% accuracy would be possible even with telepathy

>> No.4676951

>implying there will be magic tech that makes this any better than forming words
Man, we don't even know what WE'RE trying to say until we try putting it into words. At best you could communicate emotional states.

>> No.4676954

oh, so if transmitting data through any natural means is telepathy, does that mean we are using telepathy when we speak ?


just no

>> No.4676955

The terms are

tele (remote) vision
tele (remote) pathy (experience)

The term telepathy has a literal meaning that's been used to describe supernatural forms of it in fiction, which is a different concept unrelated to the definition itself except by attribution.

For example, popular culture could call remote viewing television, because it meets the definition exactly. It doesn't mean that television is impossible because remote viewing is.

>> No.4676956

Or snatches of associations and images. We do a lot of filtering when we talk. Bypassing that filter means more noise as well as more data.

>> No.4676957


people have trouble with their own emotions

who the fuck thinks it would be a good idea to get a bunch of other peoples emotions mixed up in there too?
chaos is what that would make

>> No.4676962

If thoughts are transmitted and received remotely, that's telepathy. It doesn't matter if it's done by technological or supernatural means.

>> No.4676963

>this thread

The ability to sense heat

>> No.4676964

ah, clarification.
alright, with that definition "telepathy" could be created with technology.

by popular definition however, telepathy is a supernatural ability, almost a superpower.

thought you were saying that
of course i'm gonna come out and say "that's bullshit" in that sense.

>> No.4676969

There was an experiment where they monitored the chemistry of plants or something. Someone slowly moved a pair of scissors towards the plant and then cut a piece off of it, and as soon as the cut was made there was a spike in activity was detected, as if it felt pain.

When the scissors were moved slowly towards the plant there was a slightly smaller spike during the approach, as if it was anicipating being cut again.

But how did it detect the scissors?

>> No.4676973
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hey look ! i can transfer what i'm thinking, to you remotely! look guiz we telepathy now

>> No.4676975


ahaha! plants can think!



>> No.4676976
File: 83 KB, 250x250, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if all plants actually do feel, and we unvoluntarely hurt them everyday

>> No.4676978

>There was an experiment where they monitored the chemistry of plants or something
chemistry ? chemistry of what ? spiking of what ?

>> No.4676979

I don't remember his name, but I bet someone here does.

He's a famous British doctor who experiments in cybernetics and has implanted himself with RFID chips and a brain/computer interface so he can control robotic limbs with his thoughts.

He also linked the nervous systems of him and his wife, so each of them could feel stuff that the other was feeling. Unless I'm confusing him with someone else.

>> No.4676982


if this is the source you read it from, then its %99 bullshit

>> No.4676985

It's not telepathy, it's text. If your neurons were being directly interpreted by my brain when you thought of an airplane, causing me to think of it, that would be telepathy.

>> No.4676986
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I think this is relevant to the thread

>> No.4677000

>If your neurons were being directly interpreted by my brain
i dont think you can interpret my NEURONS, but you can interpret what they transmit. just like you can hear my voice. or just like you can see what i just posted to you.
And i don't think it would be a directed transmission. I think it would be something like a soundwave, which everyone in the radius can hear. Because none of our organs are designed to transmit to a spesific domain.

>> No.4677001

>hurr it's not what I'm talking about if it's not even more direct and unfiltered than what we're doing now
I don't *want* to hook into someone's unfiltered stream of consciousness.

You just want something that seems to have more magical touchy-feely properties. But it wouldn't create harmony any more than the internet does - I'm sending signals into your brain that form thoughts! How incredible!

>> No.4677004

Some species of plants possess traits typically attributed only to animals, including senses. David Suzuki did a documentary on this subject.

>> No.4677007

So are we scanning neurons remotely, or is there a chip that is interpreting? If the latter, then yeah, it's just a hardwired cell phone with MMI.

>> No.4677008

This has always impressed me massively.

>> No.4677014

I'm not saying I can, the technology doesn't exist yet. But there's much reason to believe that it will.

>And i don't think it would be a directed transmission. I think it would be something like a soundwave, which everyone in the radius can hear. Because none of our organs are designed to transmit to a spesific domain.

No, it wouldn't. Although it would be possible to "stream" thoughts to a group of people in real time. But it would be more like having an instant messenger conversation with somebody, but using thoughts instead of text.

>> No.4677026


>> No.4677027

Ah sorry. The ability to mimic the way a bat navigates by sonar. I've always wished to add this to one of my useless skills but not sure how to learn to do it.

>> No.4677031

You are claiming stupid things without actually supporting them with anything. How would it work like an instant messenger ? None of our organs are designed to localize their field of effect. I said it would be something like a soundwave because our only communication organ is designed to only create the waves. And other persons ears are designed to catch these waves.
Now explain why and how would we "stream" our thoughts, and send instant directed messages to another brain.

>> No.4677034

if you can cut off all your other senses, your ears will turn into a sonar in no time

>> No.4677038

Field of effect? Waves? The fuck?

Telepathy would require tech assistance, which means you have a tech translation layer. At that point, you can control the data transmission - it doesn't have to be an unencrypted broadcast. Bits are bits.

>> No.4677040

Just read about it yourself. I'm tired of trying to explain it to you.

>> No.4677045

Most blind people can't do it. Only a few them of them have tested capable.

But since those few taught themselves to do it, it's reasonable to believe that everyone is capable of doing it. But only blind people are likely to have the determination required to actually acquire this skill.

>> No.4677047

You didn't explain shit in any of your posts. You just spammed your childish retarded fantasy. And there is nothing to read about it since its not even a legitimate subject of research.
You obviously came from /x/, and you're not ready to post in /sci/. Please go away

>> No.4677052

Dude what? He's talking about tech telepathy (like having a chip in your head), not /x/ bullshit.

>> No.4677053

>People arguing telepathy
>Blind people sonar
>no one mentions sharks

C'mon. I can't be the only one who knows. I don't remember if it's all or just select species, but sharks can detect the electricity generated by a nervous system. Hence the reason neckbeards with gameboys and pacemakers avoid the ocean.

>> No.4677057


Not the guy you're replying to, but seriously, you should consider giving it a break.

>> No.4677059

Is this some excuse for trolling or are you genuinely retarded?


>> No.4677060

then he's off the point, because if it's not occurring with neural activity, then it's not telepathy. Any indirect elements that help the transmission is a rule-breaker.

>> No.4677061

True, I doubt I will have the resolve or the time to do this. I learned to be ambidextrous in all tasks over 3 years of hard work. Learning to use my right hand was probably a breeze in comparison to this.

But maybe I could actually learn faster then a blind person simply because I could open my eyes and compare if my sonar was working in getting me to my destination. Now I'm getting motivated to do this.

>> No.4677064

see ;

>> No.4677068

Don't dolphins have an analog of the same thing? Although that is pretty awesome that a fish can do that.

>> No.4677072

Oh wow, then you are gay and should go to /x/. Fuck off forever.

Even if you genetically engineer a biological mechanisms, you would still say it "doesn't count" when we explain it's just using radio waves or such to transmit the data.

>> No.4677074

electromagnetism. and yeah, they can locate where each other are from miles, by only reading their electromagnetic signals

>> No.4677075

Bullshit. IT can't even possibly have that range. They use acoustic signals for that.

>> No.4677076

From miles off? That's insane.

>> No.4677078

That's because it's bullshit.

>> No.4677079
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In the future, man won't need help finding his car keys. Having spliced his DNA with the dolphin and shark long ago, he now can sense the electric signature in the remote attached to them.

>> No.4677080

What you say is like flying with a plane, and think you can actually fly.
tl;dr : you're still retarded.

>> No.4677083

Hey, I'm not the guy who thinks he'll be able to fly like Superman without tech.

Meanwhile you're moaning "hurr but airplanes don't count, you're not *really* flying".

Fuck off.

>> No.4677084

You actually are flying if you're in an airplane in flight.

And you're actually viewing images on television even if they're being sent to it remotely.

>> No.4677086

>thanks to our active neural abilities, the electromagnetic transmission can offer a huge spectrum of senses, including telepathy, sensing the future, and anything goes beyond a higher consciousness

>yea and perpetual motion is possible too

>> No.4677093
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Yeah guiz we are all telepathz. Thanks to our reptilian overlords placing crystals into our brains, we can now pass through the walls too.

>> No.4677096

Dude what?

>> No.4677103
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>> No.4677109

I can talk to you without any device. We can see each other without any device. We can feel each other without any device. We CAN'T telepathically communicate with each other without any device.
I think even a 10 year old can comprehend what i just said. And if you still don't get it, i'm afraid there is no point for you to be here any longer

>> No.4677113

>We can see each other without any device.
It's called an eye, you faggot.

>We can feel each other without any device

>> No.4677115

I get it. It's just that you're wrong and stupid.

>> No.4677122

> Technologically enabled telepathy is also called "techlepathy," "synthetic telepathy," or "psychotronics."
wow...you guys even know how to read ?...

>> No.4677123

>herp derp i can fly
>no u cant
>but airplanes
>thread is about inborn capabilities
>I get it. It's just that you're wrong and stupid.
>fuck you in the ass
>im not even the guy your arguing with
>you are just so fucking god damn dumb i want to punch you in the face you spitfuck

>> No.4677130

eyes : natural
nerves : natural
a fucking electronic device that transmits our thoughts for us : not natural
Now even 7 year olds can understand.

>> No.4677136

Now you're stupid AND mad.

I only care about what I can do. I don't care whether it's "natural", that's a bullshit distinction with no value. If I can gain useful abilities and senses through technological means, hey, awesome!

As for your semantic bullshit about how those abilities "aren't genuine" or some shit, you can fuck right off.

>> No.4677135

Thread says : What other senses can a living being have to analyze the world other then the default human senses ?
I can't tell if you're retarded or just retarded

>> No.4677140

>Giving a shit about "natural"
You are retarded.

>> No.4677142

>if you use glasses, you aren't really seeing

>> No.4677143
File: 14 KB, 300x300, oh god i retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case closed

>> No.4677144

oh in that case
>you can go into the moon
>and convert solar radiation into electricity

>> No.4677147

>you're not really walking since you're wearing shoes, which are unnatural

>> No.4677149

Nobody was saying that abilities enabled by technology were natural abilities, and I don't know why you would think anyone did. I think you're just starting to realize that you're stupid but are making things up to justify the stupidity of your opinions rather than actually admitting your stupidity.

Because anything other than that means you must be inconceivably stupid.

>> No.4677150

Yeah, isn't tech awesome?

If you're trolling, your feigned sincerity is pretty good.

>> No.4677151
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> can't comprehend the distiction between being blind and seeing blurry

>> No.4677153

>if you have an artificial eye, you aren't really seeing
It's a question of degree, not kind.

>> No.4677156

I know. It's just fascinating how retarded they are, and how passionately they try to defend their misunderstanding.

>> No.4677163

>trolling hard to cover up for being genuinely retarded
Have a good one.

>> No.4677164
File: 218 KB, 297x331, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guiz look at me i can fly :DDD.
oh...but i need a plane first

>> No.4677168

Maximum mad achieved. Your butthurt is beyond measure.

>> No.4677173

>projects his own butthurt
>tries hard for people to think otherwise

>> No.4677177

I bet you can run 100 miles per hour too

>> No.4677182

>still posting
Dance, puppet.

>> No.4677183

There's no technology that allows running at that speed.

>> No.4677189

>still replying

>> No.4677191

>echoing what I said

>> No.4677194

Well if you're running in a train that moves 100mph, then obviously you can.

>> No.4677199

>still replying
shhh...only dreams now...

>> No.4677206

This is fun!

Get a third person, and we can form the Triumvirate.

>> No.4677223

>you know, plant stuff

Without a nervous system, all most plants can express is rage. They pump herbicides into the ground in an attempt to poison their neighbors and kill upstart children that might compete with the parent.

Nature is a bitch.

>> No.4677229

There are species that also send warnings to neighbors of the same species. Like "I'm being munched on by these bugs, look out!", and nearby plants of the same kind will ramp up their chemical defenses in response to the signal.

>> No.4677231

Sharks can detect minuscule voltage changes (I'm talking nervous system tiny here) from 820ft (250m) at most:



More info, though I haven't been able to confirm the distance:


>> No.4677234

Assuming you mean biological senses that we've observed in living species, we have of course seen expanded versions of what humans have.
There are mantis shrimp that can see from deep in the infrared to deep in the ultra-violet spectrum, as well as detect polarized and circularly polarized light.
Hearing up to echolocation, of course.
The sense of smell possessed by many animals can hardly be compared to that possessed by humans. An average dog has more space proportionally in his brain dedicated to smell than humans do to sight. In some dogs, it approaches a tie in absolute terms. And the rhinarium means their sense of smell is nearly directional.

There are of course many examples of sensitivity to magnetic and electrical fields. (Some people say that humans have a vestigial magnetic sensitivity.)

I can't really think of any more than that. Electrical; magnetic; electro-magnetic; chemical; various forms of kinetic sensitivity: hearing, other vibration, touch (in its manifold forms), temperature. All senses need a force to analyze. Once you pick a force, from there it's all just different spins on the same thing.

>> No.4677235

>Sharks are attracted to low-frequency pulsed sounds, similar to those wounded or ill prey would emit. Most attractive sounds are in the frequency of 25 to 100 Hz. Some sharks are attracted to sound sources from distances as great as 250 m (820 ft.).
You've mixed up your stats. That's sound, not the electric sense.

>> No.4677236

Fuck, screwed that up, ampullae of lorenzini work within inches. They can detect sounds up to 820ft

>> No.4677237

Ah, you caught it too. K.

>> No.4677240

>I recall from many years ago hearing that trees emitted a high-pitched “scream” inaudible to most mammals when they were cut down.

>> No.4677242

Yeah, I know, but it's pretty crazy how sharks can pretty much feel your flesh twitching and locate you, if you are, say, buried on sand or just around the corner from a reef.

>> No.4678304

Thats not about sound, thats the odor of your blood, which is still amazing how far they can detect it from.
Also i think sharks are said they completed their evolunion.

>> No.4678348

From a philosophical perspective, so long as a being could evolve or be created with a psyche that is linked to a physical instrument for measuring a phenomenon, in a practical sense, anything could be a form of perception. If we confine the definition of "sense" to the capacity to receive information through physical stimulus and transport it to the mind (leaving "mind" as an a priori concept for convenience) for consideration and action through some form of agency, almost ANYTHING could be a sense, especially so depending on your definition of "mind."

The problem at this point is that we don't know how information is transferred or processed or intuited/imagined by the mind, or really what a mind is. We can do things like look at which structures in the brain light up when taking in various types of stimulus, or how cognition is affected by altering parts of the brain, but we can't say how sense works other than that it does. But theoretically, there's nothing particularly magical about it, and minds, human, animal, or even extraterrestrial, share a common definition of self-aware "understanding" and processing of empirical (ie. a posteriori) information. Thus, anything from pressure sensors, nociception, vision (broadly defined), olfaction, to sensing tremors/turbulence or temperature, to electromagnetic fields, magnetism, or even mechanically created/assisted forms of sense, are all possible.