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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4674817 No.4674817 [Reply] [Original]

Did Mad Scientist drown under the sea

>> No.4674821

hes been on DIY recently

>> No.4674823

Who ever made that pic never heard of rawls.

>> No.4674828

>OP's image
Cut that shit out. There's more to philosophy than that.

>> No.4674833
File: 51 KB, 809x511, engineer_week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he lives in his pineapple.

>> No.4674838

More like

Science: "I have a theory."
"Let's try to falsify it."

Philosophy: "I have a theory."

>> No.4674844

>people not realizing that without philosophy's claim that nothing can be "known," science would be impossible

>> No.4674849

The sad thing is that you probably really believe that natural sciences don't work same way.

>> No.4674857

>Philosophy is only people trying to be edgy
>I am so edgy that I even deny philosophy
There is good philosphy and there are good philosophers. People spouting "yuo cant' nkow this" aren't one of them.

>> No.4674867

He got harassed into anonymity by harassment and accusations of pedophilia. According to him he won't be posting as Mad Scientist anymore, or updating anyone on his projects.

>> No.4674889


Real pedophiliac acts upon real children? Because if not then I don't see how that is any cause for shame on this site of all places.

>> No.4674900

In some thread some faggot was calling him a pedo. Only after a long series of questions, did it turn out that he said that because he was dating a 15 yo girl.
At least, that's what was said in that thread.

>> No.4674917


>People spouting "yuo cant' nkow this" aren't one of them.

Yes they are, they're called skeptics and they're a smart group of fellows.

>> No.4674927

What bout People spouting "yuo cant' nkow qualia & coz qualia science is wong"

>> No.4674933

Philosophical skeptics do more than just spouting that.
They are even several levels below the aforementioned.
1. Define something as being "A and non-physical"
2. Clearly we experience "A".
3. I defined it to be non-physical.
4. I win
At first I thought it was a joke..

>> No.4674937


Of course they do more.

They also make the best kind of scientists.

>> No.4674942

I realise now that I did not put the word "just" in the original sentence. Which is what I intended to say, and also what I though I'd said.
>There is good philosphy and there are good philosophers. People just spouting "yuo cant' nkow this" aren't one of them.

>> No.4674951

>4. I win
/sci/ special Olympiad prize

>> No.4675019 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 625x521, AYFKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madsci abandoned us for fucking /diy/??

>> No.4675020

I hope he really did. His shitposting was terrible.

>> No.4675025 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 4000x2000, 1311456061365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didnt shitpost, he did all those cool under the sea thread

>> No.4675031

He posted non-science spam, blog entries and role playing games. Tell me how this isn't shitposting. He has no science education, lack any knowledge regarding science and his stupid threads only attract more of the underageb& idiots who cancerously ruin the board.

>> No.4675034 [DELETED] 

>He has no science education
really? i forget what he majors in, but i always thought he did science.

>> No.4675042

He was going for an arts degree, but then he was expelled from his arts college for violent behaviour. He's also a pedophile.

Please read the first 10 posts there:

>> No.4675045

sup IQ faggot

>> No.4675048 [DELETED] 

so madsci's real name is 'bob averill'

>> No.4675051
File: 314 KB, 1280x1024, HR Giger Wallpaper 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/ is in many ways objectively better than /sci/.
For example, shitheads like
almost never spam their vitriol in Mad Sci's threads, which can't be anything but a welcome change.

I would spend most of my time there too if more of the threads catered to my interests.

>> No.4675053

1. My name is IQ fundie, not IQ faggot.
2. The post you referenced wasn't mine.

>> No.4675056

Except that "shitheads" like you call them are actually the people who come here for science and math. This is the board's topic in case you didn't notice. If you want underageb& bullshit, do it on any other board where it's welcome. Here it isn't.

>> No.4675057

>dates 17 year old girl


god damn you are a faggot

>> No.4675059

There are plenty of people who BS their way thru philosophy classes because they can but please don't let peasant attitudes toward philosophy tarnish the subject matter.
There are plenty of people who take philosophy seriously and generate novel, thought-provoking perspectives with philosophy and should be respected for it.

>> No.4675064

>considers self 'IQ fundie'
>doesn't expect this to essentially be synonymous with 'i am a gargantuan faggot'

>> No.4675065

ITT: we don't know the definition of "paedophile"

>> No.4675066

look at me xD I'm a huge autistic attention white LOL

>> No.4675067 [DELETED] 

was he actually a pedo?
pedophile specifically means fucking preteen kids
perhaps this is more accurate? (still a crime in some places, but less bad IMO)

>> No.4675070

Lrn2comprehensive reading.
I stated that the qualia bullshit is even worse than solliptism. Only to proceed with the general obvious bullshit argument that they propose.
How in fucks name can you not have noticed that?

>> No.4675071

He raped a 15 year old. That's unexcusable. He should have gone in prison.

>> No.4675075

that's nice, now fuck off

>> No.4675079

It is equally bad. He is sick and should be in prison right now.

>> No.4675083

no he didn't

>> No.4675084

You summoned me just to tell me to fuck off?

>> No.4675092

>not being dtf jailbait

clearly, you ar? a faggot

>> No.4675094

Are you really calling undersea exploration 'underageb& bullshit'. Might as well call space threads outside the topic of this board you fucking troll.

>> No.4675096


Hurr dee durr too yung to gief consent

>> No.4675100

cool story bro

>> No.4675101

>all consensual sex with postpubescent but minor girls is rape
I really hope you don't actually believe that violently raping a toddler is equally bad as being so emotionally immature that you need to hit on 15yo girls.

>> No.4675102

If you enjoy illegal perversion, you need treatment. Go see a therapist.

>> No.4675103

Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines
Tel: +44 7850 732 096

>> No.4675106 [DELETED] 

how the hell is that equally bad? when i first fucked a guy he was under 18, so i guess that means i'm an ephebophile as well, and so was he (i was under 18 as well)

so you're saying we both deserve prison for that, and its as bad as fucking a 4 year old?

>> No.4675107

>implying archaic Christian influenced laws should be taken seriously

>> No.4675109

He didn't post any scientific results. His "seabro" threads are along the lines of "hurr durr let's pretend we live underwater". Mostly he spammed low quality pictures of underwater tourist attractions. That's not /sci/ content.

>> No.4675110


I knew EK was an engineer.

>> No.4675111

you are a shitty troll

>> No.4675113

It is the same thing. Don't try to justify your sick perversion. Get treatment.

>> No.4675115

Clearly you'v never been outside murka, otherwise you'd know that many places in yurop have an age of consent under 18 years, e.g
Uk -16
Italy -14
Spain -13

>> No.4675117 [DELETED] 

im a girl. (also, im actually bisexual, but w/e)

>> No.4675120

I am not amerifat and I know that there are countries with close to no laws. That doesn't make it less criminal, immoral, degenerate and perverted.

>> No.4675122


>> No.4675124

>teenagers having sex are mentally ill

Okay now you are just an idiot.

>> No.4675125 [DELETED] 
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oh come on, so if two 17 year olds fuck the day before their 18th birthdays its 'sick perversion' and they should 'Get treatment' but then 1 day later, if they fuck, suddenly thats magically totally fine??

you're either a shitty troll, or a retarded moralfaggot

>> No.4675126

Our entire society is sick and degenerate.

>> No.4675127

>Someone has a different opinion regarding sexuality.
>He must be sexually deviant.
Even though I am not like that, when someone is spouting this nonsense in real life, I'm afraid to point out what a load of crap it is. Just because they'll say exactly that.
Which, even though it's not true, is just something you want to avoid being called.
A 25 year old can have sex and regret it the next morning, and a 14 year old can have sex and cherish the memory for her entire life. The law is ridiculous right now.

>> No.4675128

Yes, it is sick and wrong. The minimum age of consent should be 21.

>> No.4675129

then leave nigga
we never liked you anyways

>> No.4675131 [DELETED] 

if you're not actually a troll, then explain whats so wrong with it?, and why the age barrier is exactly 18Years 0 months 0 days that makes it okay, and not a day earlier.

>> No.4675132

Don't you see how wrong it is? Minors are not supposed to have sex. They are goddamn children, they should go to school and do children stuff.

>> No.4675135

>That doesn't make it less criminal
Yes it does, faggot.
>degenerate and perverted
Says the person who has no problem fucking dudes up the ass.
who made you the universal judge of what is/isn't moral?

Pull your inflated head out your anus realise that once a girl is past 14 she's as ready for cock as any adult.

>> No.4675138

>I'm more moral than others, therefore it is my business what two people I don't know do in their own bedroom.
Cool story bro.

>> No.4675140

Setting it at 18 has probably the reason that this age coincides with finishing the minimum of education any person in our society should have. Of course 18 is far too young to assume maturity.

>> No.4675141

>They are goddamn children
No they are not. They are teenagers.
>They should go to school and do children stuff.
They should go to school and do teenager stuff.
Oh, wait.

>> No.4675144

You are either a troll or actually mentally ill. I will not further respond to you.

>> No.4675148

The same thing. Teenagers are children. They are not mature and responsible adults.

>> No.4675151 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1350x1800, 1331980898349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JB thread?

JB thread

>> No.4675152

There are plenty of adults who are
>not mature and responsible adults.
Should we disallow them to have sex as well?
(Although disallowing them to reproduce might actually be a good idea.. But for other reasons.)

>> No.4675153

You're an imbecile.

>> No.4675157
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>> No.4675161
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the poor children ;_;

>> No.4675167

the law cannot possibly cover every nuance of every situation but in general in our culture minors, aka people under a certain age, have not matured mentally enough to be able to give consent to sex and are prone to being taken advantage of by older, more intellectually developed and experienced individuals.
That is the reason for the age laws, if you can figure out a better system, one with even less risk of minors engaging in sexual activity they may regret with potentially life-changing consequences, I'd like to hear it.

>(Although disallowing them to reproduce might actually be a good idea.. But for other reasons.)


>> No.4675169

fucking disgusting

>> No.4675172

>eugenicist pedos

we're really scraping at the bottom of the barrel, eh?

>> No.4675173 [DELETED] 

erm, well no.
people will have their 18th birthday in year 13, but it can be anywhere in that year, even right at the start
so education isnt finished, and yet its still totally legal.
UKfags can be legally bumping uglies at age 16, they probably havent even finished their GCSE's by this point, and yet its totally legal here (and i agree with it, its totally fine, 16 is a good age)

so my point is that its got nothing to do with finishing education.
if they're passed puberty, and o what sex is and actually decide they want to do it, its probably fine. its their choice and they're body, who the fuck has any right to tell em what they can and cant do?
(even though the UK limit is 16, contraception is still given out to people who are far younger, and they turn a blind eye.)
shit usually only kicks off if theres a significant age gap, like a 40 year old guy fucking a 13 year old girl or some shit.

>> No.4675175
File: 452 KB, 709x1024, 004zsfq4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread goes from bashing Mad Sci to a JB thread
>the quality of text becomes more mature
such is life

>> No.4675177


Nobody on /sci/ encourages eugenics on anyone except stupid people.

>> No.4675179 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 220x330, jack_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JB thread?

>> No.4675184
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>that delicious repressed homosexuality

>> No.4675186

It's not just biology which may be constant across the human species but it's interaction with culture.
In more developed nations, the age will consequently be older because each individual has greater potential for personal development offered to them.
In less developed nations, the age will be lower.
but generally the world seems to agree anywhere between 16-20, perhaps about 18, being a reasonable place to assume the potential responsibilities of romantic relationship, including children, STDs, social drama, unions, &c.

>> No.4675187

In a reasonable and moral America, teenagers (NOT prepubescents) would be guided in sex from time to time by responsible adults.

Unfortunately, we don't have a reasonable or moral America.

What we have are screaming faggots, batshit crazies, science police, perverts, moral hypocrites and twisted fucks. This board is evidence enough of that.

>> No.4675194

>using 4chan as a basis for reality


>> No.4675195 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1064x368, AOC_geography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In more developed nations, the age will consequently be older because each individual has greater potential for personal development offered to them.
>In less developed nations, the age will be lower.
its 13 in spain
>implying spain is a 'less developed nation'

>> No.4675212


Stop with your high and mighty bullshit already. Well, I guess I should expect nothing less from someone on /sci -- a person with an inflated ego who is out of touch from reality....

>> No.4675216
File: 18 KB, 630x592, 1329210148931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality thread. But seriously, where is he? I want to drool over some new frontier thread.

>> No.4675227


>but generally the world seems to agree anywhere between 16-20, perhaps about 18, being a reasonable place to assume the potential responsibilities of romantic relationship

No, actually its anywhere between 13 - 18 in developed world. And I think 15 is fine.

>> No.4675236

um yeah its a nation of peasents outside the main cities

>> No.4675238

Still, it's more about the average age at which a woman has her first child, not the laws about it

>> No.4675239

please also not the differences there. I may state for germany that you are allowed to have sex at the age of 14 but you MAY be sued for having sex with a 14/15 year old person if you are older then 21 (because you might abuse the insecurity of a child, if you are older ... that's what the reasoning for the law says). Sex with 16+ yo is no problem IF you are NOT using a certain situation of pressure or necessity.

special laws also apply if you are in a special relationship to the youngling, i.e. teacher, employer etc. In that case it is not allowed (dependency)

and of course: no paying minors for sex, as this would be prostitution

I'd be astonished if there weren't similar details in countries with an age of consent of less then the age of adultery

>> No.4675243 [DELETED] 

and no it fucking isnt.
>spain: 12th highest GDP

>> No.4675258

So if i was 16 years old and i like looking at sixteen year old females but 4 years later thats wrong? Go fuck yourself, no on wants to fuck a 30 land whale.

>> No.4675266

Fuck damn, people still arguing that Spain is not shit tier? Have they even been there?

>> No.4675269

it is expected that teenagers have sex with teenagers as both are in puberty
and 16 is fine, as said, as long as it is assured the partner has free will and you do not possess any means of pressurizing him/her

>> No.4675275 [DELETED] 

have you?
i have, and its clearly a 1st world country in every way.

>> No.4675279 [DELETED] 

teenagers can still pressure each other.
of the two 16 year olds, one has to initiate, and the other might not be so keen on the idea, but they can be persuaded.

>> No.4675286
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>as long as it is assured the partner has free will
>free will

>> No.4675291



These laws all refer to having sex with them. Looking is OK, and most people are attracted to 13-14 year olds. Because they are in puberty already.

>> No.4675294 [DELETED] 

lol, determinism thread?

>> No.4675306

I'm sure that what is meant by pressure there is defined in the corresponding law. It's a juridical question after all.

well as a court would define it (or has to)

>> No.4675829

And China has the 2nd highest GDP. And India has the 3rd highest GDP.

I never said it was an absolute rule, it's obviously a complex thing but there's a correlation.

It makes sense, in different cultures, you are considered fully matured at different stages of neurologic development and experience, depending on the needs of the nation. As nations develop, their needs change.