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File: 75 KB, 781x600, 781px-PPTCountdowntoSingularityLog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4674798 No.4674798 [Reply] [Original]

What part are you playing in the coming Singularity?

>> No.4674799

Raw material for building more smartmatter.

>> No.4674800

>arbitrary definition of "events"

>> No.4674801

What part are you playing in the second coming of jesus christ?

>> No.4674804

For sure that graph must be made by some religious peron who thinks life evolved having a goal of constructing computers? For fuck sake don't upload this sits expecting it to be taken seriously.

>> No.4674805

>logarithmic plot

>> No.4674806


I'm not clearly playing the "Left Behind" part as you will. Luddies gonna lude

Singularity is near

>> No.4674810

>Your safe when OP realise that the universe, space and time, don't give a damn about life...

>> No.4674814
File: 16 KB, 633x470, macgyver_radiated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone thinks that that is a problem

>> No.4674816

Who said that?

Oh sure that's a problem to your theory. Just saying...

>> No.4674822

The part of the consumer.

>> No.4674824

entropy makes all of this meaningless.

>> No.4674827
File: 55 KB, 604x453, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure if the incoherence of your posts is put on or real.

>> No.4674834

Entropy has been at work for the last 13 billion years, faggot.

Stop quoting scientific concepts you don't understand.

>> No.4674843

Well, for one thing, I am the second coming of Jesus Christ.

So I'd say I'm playing a pretty big part in it.

>> No.4674846
File: 71 KB, 758x643, damn_engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post was so faggy that you must be an engineering major.

>> No.4674862

mah nigga. entropy will kill us all

>> No.4674866

Why do you think that?
You're the one posting shitty graphs clearly biassed towards humanity, as if the reason of the universe is our bellybutton... Just saying no offense sonny

>> No.4674873

> the universe, space and time, don't give a damn about life...
Which is why the luddites will be screwed when the transcended lifeforms nuke earth from orbit.

I'm going to be a hunter killer drone, flying around earth with ground penetrating radar and dropping bunker busters on the last human remnants.

>> No.4674881

I'm going to be a giant rapebot with lightsabers for eyes

>> No.4674907

Are you kidding me?

Humans are the most awesome thing in existence. The only things cooler than us are the things we created, like the internet.

Everything else is just floating hydrogen, put there into existence for the sake of fueling our ambitions.

Haven't you figured that out by now?

Either help us or get out of our way.
Because if there's a God, it's pretty fucking obvious he wanted us to succeed.

>> No.4674910
File: 41 KB, 448x480, yotsubakira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if God doesn't want us to succeed, then it's clear what we need to do;

We make a new God.

>> No.4675029

An ape evaluating the world with the eyes of apes. Can't you figure out that you only like these nonsense shit because you're an ape, which evaluate the world with the eyes of the own species?

You: Oh guys women are the most perfect thing in the universe. See how attractive they are compared to other females of the other species.
Me: >2012 >Being anthropocentrist

>> No.4675068

you seem to think your life is very significant.

>> No.4675074

I'm going to be a dolphin space-marine loli angel-nekko with huge tits and a penis.

>> No.4675206
File: 281 KB, 1586x901, 1312132304554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong. Let's not succumb to clichéd stereotypical behavior modes set by old films.

What I'd aspire to be is an immense centipedal lovemachine, with capacity to take into myself and sexually love all the misled little ludds until they understood that posthuman love is always better than baseline hate.

>> No.4675226
File: 3 KB, 160x130, 1333994876269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an ape, too.

It's hard for me to listen to someone who doesn't think highly of himself. It makes you seem like a pessimist when you're constantly imagining that someone you've never encountered is better than you.

I think your life is significant, too. You just don't believe it, so you never realize is.

The only people who become something special are the people who realize that they ARE something special.

Every religion, ever nation, every science. All of them were started by people who thought that their ideas were worthwhile enough to share and debate about.

What do you accomplish in telling people that they're insignificant? All you accomplish is telling people what you think of yourself.

When you overestimate yourself, you only lose what you never had. But when you underestimate yourself, you lose what could have been. Grow a backbone, you fag.

>> No.4675225


>> No.4675229

Frankly, I think that the advent of real matrix-style VR is going to end with lots of people failing to reproduce. People will wrap themselves in fantasy worlds and just shrivel away.

Most people, anyway.

>> No.4675235

>Real VR is here
>Fuck yeah, I am god of my own world full of catgirls and giant robots, I'm never going back ever
>Food? What do you mean, food? I'm eating this brontosaurus steak, and it's delicious
>Why is it getting harder to think?

>> No.4675237

Oh shut up you're salesman

Where did you get the idea that I think people are better than me? Pessimist? What's wrong being pessimist? Oh it destroys young children dreams... so sorry but i'm always in the truth side

>> No.4675240

>time before next event
>time before present
>same scale
>they're saying that an event is occuring right now?

I'm fucking confused.

>> No.4675242

>always in the truth side

>> No.4675248

The time it takes for a "significant" event to happen in human civilization development is getting exponentially shorter. It used to be centuries for any progress, then decades, now years. Soon big things will be happening every month.

>> No.4675257

Yes, but the graph shows it as the same scale as "time before present"

So 10^9 years ago, the next event would happen 10^9 years from that point. Which means now.

same is true for 10^2 years ago -- the next major event happens 10^2 years after 10^2 years ago: The next major event happens now.

Which is absolutely absurd and just plain wrong.

>> No.4675264
File: 32 KB, 365x229, singularity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part I'm playing in the coming singularity is to extrapolate data on graphs in such a way as to make us feel better about the bleak future.

>> No.4675273

I see what you're saying.

My chief complaint though is that "significant" is arbitrary and leads to inherent cherry-picking. Including ignoring various technologies that have been discovered, lost, and discovered again as civilizations rose and fell. Only recently have we had a strong exponential growth in tech (since the Renaissance).

>> No.4675277

>bleak future
LOL you edgy kids.

It's bleak for those who fail to adapt.

>> No.4675285


Obvious fix: make the VR machine harvest the ovum/sperm of the participant every time they simulate sex of some sort.
It gets sent to either a female who wants to be pregnant or artificial wombs ran by the government.

>species continues, reality is ignored

>> No.4675295

Or just let the people who aren't addicted to VR have all the genetically engineered kids they want, and just deal with the population crash by having a large automated economy.

We'll see how this is looking in another 20 years. We have to get over the energy crunch first.

>> No.4675296
File: 101 KB, 580x625, 1334798624534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you what's wrong with being a pessimist.

It means that you've given yourself the authority to know the truth on a matter, and you give up trying to change that truth as a result. You gave in and accepted the reality that someone else told you, and you quit pushing further because it was "too hard".

I question and piss of scientists all the time. I make stupid and retarded theories, and I get made fun of. Time and time again, I'm shown why I'm wrong and I get smacked down.

But do you know why I keep coming back? It's because I listen to those people and I learn from them. The more they try to make me look stupid, the smarter I become. And that determination has taught me more than I would have ever learned on my own.

I can accept that I'm not a great athlete. I've seen people better than me. I can accept that I'm not the best at math. There are Asians who run laps around me. And I can accept there are people who are smarter than me.

But I refuse to accept that there is anything better than Humanity. Because beyond the structures we have created and designed, I have see nothing greater than ourselves. Sure, it could be there. But if it is, then we go out there and we show it who's the fucking boss around here.

That's why you're a pessimist. You've given up hope without even putting up a fight. Quit fearing death, you pansy. Maybe you'll actually do something worthwhile with your "meaningless" existence.

>> No.4675299

>cloning vats producing a variety of engineered posthumans from scratch

>> No.4675301

I'm charging mah lazors to the max in preparation for vaporizing all you fucking cyborgs

>> No.4675312

Only I'm still waiting.

The last human creation that changed society was the internet, which was developed...40 years ago? Following that graph, we're overdue for some life-changing technology.

>> No.4675313
File: 256 KB, 800x950, 002[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4675321

>The last human creation that changed society was the internet, which was developed...40 years ago?

>hurr computers existed with ENIAC dude, nothing has happened since then

>> No.4675323

Facebook was one of the more recent ones.

>> No.4675324



Coupled with internet, you have the combined knowledge of our entire species in the palm of your hand, wherever you are.

>> No.4675330

Oh yeah, that's an even more recent "big thing" than facebook. Good point.

>> No.4675332

making robots, cool robots.

>> No.4675346

>always in the truth side
Are you stupid or just a kid? Do you think the truth is a good thing? That you'll die and disppear? That we're nothing? That we've no souls? The truth hurts bro, and thats why people need to be optiistc

>> No.4675351

wut? I'm making fun of that guy for thinking that "pessimism" is "always right".

>> No.4675353
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1268352223404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People wanting to live forever
Do you think your grandparents are happy having to deal with mediums like "Facebook"? Some them might, but let's face it. Most people over forty are convinced that their way of living is the best, and they are frustrated about how young whippersnappers don't understand how the world *actually* works. We're just too busy playing with our new-fangled gizmos and gadgets to get the REAL value out of life.

Everything dies eventually. No exception. The question is whether you are killed or if you died on your own.

70 years is a long ass time. By the time you're that old, do you really think you'll want to keep living? More importantly, do you think people will want you alive? No matter what, you'll be alone and forgotten.

Why would singularity do anything but allow people to get bored of you more quickly?

>> No.4675362

There's always suicide.

So given that you can always kill yourself if you want, what exactly is your point here?

>> No.4675361

Are you fighting against who? Life isn't a competition. We're alone here. And of course your opinion is biassed because you are human and of course will prefer shit that your species like. Try thinking critically. Maybe you archieve something worthwhile to humanity only. But that we're alone in the dark of this meaningless universe we are.

>> No.4675364

>But that we're alone in the dark of this meaningless universe we are.

>> No.4675367

First I am that guy. Second where did I say that pessimism, which is not even a statemen to be right or wrong, was the right way to live?

>> No.4675369
File: 661 KB, 1417x1031, 1334710974046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tryna develop fusion to power your impending utopia

>> No.4675375

So nothing man. No need to cry. I'm not arguing anthing. i'm just saying what is logical and your graph is of no real value.

>> No.4675383

> No need to cry. I'm not arguing anthing.
Really? Your posts sure fooled me then.

tl;dr Value is arbitrary, no need to cry about it

>> No.4675388



>> No.4675389

How old are you? Why you pissing adult off? Don't you realise that you're immature and are wasting someone else's time and patience with these shitty posts? Tell me that you're even over 15.

>> No.4675392

>Life isn't a competition.
Then you've already lost.

As a human, do you know what I do? I go up to hydrogen, I tell it how fucking awesome I am, and then I use it as a fuel source to further my own cause. I eat star dust, I shit fertilizer, and then I use that to harvest more energy.

I'm constantly forming the my observable universe, persuading it to do what I want. Atoms and molecules bow to my whim. The only things that are able to compete with me are other humans. And as long as they're not in control of me, then I'm forced to accept they're just as awesome as I am.

If you want to tell me what to do, then fuck you. You need to prove to me your way of thinking is better than mine. And all you've proven to me is that you have a pointless and boring existence.

Now how in the hell would I ever benefit from believing something like that?

>> No.4675395


>> No.4675397


That's due to their own foolishness. I'm already hooked on me ideal situation and it's quite aways away if at all possible. Also there will always be things like 4chan for me to suppliment my social needs while immortal.

>> No.4675400

I'm 28, and you're boring me.

>> No.4675398

I've got no argument up until "70 years is a long time". Most people start breaking down around 55 or so, and can't even enjoy the years leading up to their death. I don't think that living forever is a good thing either, but if we could live to about 120-150, and and be in good health until 80 or so, that'd be a nice improvement. A goal like that shouldn't be too far out of our reach in the near future for people actually interested in taking care of their bodies. You could probably find some more leisure time as well. Save some money, take something like a 5-10 year vacation traveling the world when you're 60 or 70.

>> No.4675404

Mate science isn't about believing; it's about searching for the truth...

>> No.4675424
File: 177 KB, 337x404, sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what, you believe you've found it?

You don't think other people aren't going to come up with better theories, ideas, and systems than yours?

Man. And people wonder why "Science" gets called a religion. You call yourself an insignificant ape, and yet you claim to have objective truth.

What a hypocrite. Yeah, I'm just gonna go back to doing what I'm doing.

>> No.4675429

If medicine is able to extend your life, it can probably do so for people with different lifestyles, not necessarily healthy ones.

>> No.4675444

There's no point arguing with you. You keep switching points. You'll never change your mind.

>Implies that there's such an objective truth

>Gives no value to logic and science, yet posts on a board dedicated to science. Calls me hypocrate.

>> No.4675445

I don't care how good medicine becomes...you will not live to 120 on big macs and coke no matter what doctors throw at you.

>> No.4675462

>Most people over forty are convinced that their way of living is the best, and they are frustrated about how young whippersnappers don't understand how the world *actually* works. We're just too busy playing with our new-fangled gizmos and gadgets to get the REAL value out of life.

That's from their experience, and how they've lived thus far. Such is the same for every generation. There's no reason to say their view is wrong or right.

>Everything dies eventually. No exception. The question is whether you are killed or if you died on your own.

And the interim is completely pointless?
No, life is its own value. Just because it ends does not make it worthless.

>70 years is a long ass time. By the time you're that old, do you really think you'll want to keep living? More importantly, do you think people will want you alive? No matter what, you'll be alone and forgotten.

I don't see how any of that is true, other than you consider 70 years to be a long time. Why would I not want to continue living? If people did not, why are there people older than 90? Why do old people not just kill themselves if they apparently are tired of living and everyone around them is tired of them too?


>Why would singularity do anything but allow people to get bored of you more quickly?

This point you've utterly missed, because the singularity goes beyond human conception, as that's what the word "singularity" fucking means. We can't say how people would think in the post-singularity world, or how society would behave. Other than the word "efficient", and that would be how the the post-singularity intelligence judges efficiency.

>> No.4675466

>That's due to their own foolishness.
They said the same things.

You will only "live" as long as people think you're interesting. Do you think your thoughts and ideas would keep up to the programs of tomorrow?

"Singularity" changes the name, but the game's still the same.

Out with the old, in with the new.

>> No.4675476


>You will only "live" as long as people think you're interesting.

That isn't how anything works at all.

>Do you think your thoughts and ideas would keep up to the programs of tomorrow?

Human mindsets are alterable, did you know that? People change the way they think as they live.

>"Singularity" changes the name, but the game's still the same.

Still misunderstanding what a singularity is.

>> No.4675511

>Why can't everyone accept that their lives are as pointless as mine? God, everyone is so ignorant!

Oh, shut the fuck up. You don't even know what "Science" is to begin with. You were trying to use it a moment ago to prove that humans are just insignificant apes, and yet we're the ones that created science in the first place.

Your faggotry is beyond even your own comprehension. I'm utterly clueless as to how you manage to admire this system so much, and yet claim its creators live a pointless existence.

You are everything wrong with science.

>> No.4675516

I like your style

>> No.4675526

I understand what a singularity is.

But the facts are straight forward: When society gets bored of you, you might as well not even exist. I know you think you have this thought out. But in the history of all life on earth, nothing has lived forever. Thoughts, ideas, technology, programs. Everything becomes outdated and forgotten in time. This isn't an opinion. This is just how nature works.

Kill or be killed. You can try to extend your life for as long as you want. But eventually, someone or something is going to want you "dead". Time conquers all. Do you honestly think singularity will save you from that?

>> No.4675540


>When society gets bored of you, you might as well not even exist.

You may as well have never existed, society never enters the figure.

>I know you think you have this thought out. But in the history of all life on earth, nothing has lived forever.

You realize when we say "immortal" we just mean "really really long time", not "literally forever", right? The second law of thermodynamics and the nature of atomic decay prevents anything made of matter or energy to last for infinity.

>Thoughts, ideas, technology, programs. Everything becomes outdated and forgotten in time. This isn't an opinion. This is just how nature works.

Outdated? Sure. Forgotten? Not if we can help it. Historical records are of vital importance.

>Kill or be killed. You can try to extend your life for as long as you want. But eventually, someone or something is going to want you "dead".

Not necessarily. The reasons for someone wanting something dead are many and various, and many of those reasons would be nonexistent in a post-singularity world.

>Time conquers all. Do you honestly think singularity will save you from that?

Time certainly conquers all, but you can off-put it for awhile.
The singularity would definitely get rid of most major causes of death to minimum hundreds and maximum billions of years, though.

>> No.4675548

The shaving singularity is all that matters.
Ultimate smoothness shall be within reach of the human race

>> No.4675726

What's with this style of picking apart an argument sentence by sentence rather than responding to the entire argument as a whole? It reads as very arrogant, and there's a greater possibility of taking something out of context when you respond to one sentence at a time.

>> No.4675775


>You're tired and hence writing absolute vomit
>You're autistic

either one

>> No.4675788

Oh no this thread is back

>> No.4675793


And if he were to answer to your argument as a whole you would have complained that he didn't answer all your questions and lacked detail

>sums up sci

>> No.4675796
File: 64 KB, 420x500, 13363440461995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound really dumb, but what exactly is this supposed "singularity"

If what I think I remember it to be, isn't it like a point in technology where we can no longer go forward and we sort of hit an invisible roof of some sort?

>> No.4675801

It's where you get lost inside a black hole. Not your mother's of course...

>> No.4675808


It's the exact opposite, it's the point which technology and society changes to abruptly and so completely that a normal human brain cannot keep up with it.

The point about it is that what happens after that point is inherently outside our ability to predict.

As this thread shows, that doesn't stop people from trying.

>> No.4675812


lol no

Shit will progress so fast we can't keep up with it. Unless we merege with the machines. There's lots of uncertainty in that time. That's why it's called a singularity(a Black hole). Shit gets squirly

>> No.4675813

It's an imaginary event that will change everything. Think second coming of christ only for people that like technology.

>> No.4675842

I didn't make those earlier statements. I was just lurking.

>> No.4675851



Tell me one good reason why that will not happen in the 21st century?

>> No.4675885

*What* exactly do you expect to happen in the 21st century?

I expect lots of technological improvement (or maybe WWIII and nuclear winter, but let's hope it's the former). Cyborgs, AI, fusion, interstellar travel, human enhancement, genetic engineering, all that shit. But I can't think of *one* event which I would call "the singularity".

>> No.4676076

I hope it's also combined with environmental conservation, and social improvements as well.

>> No.4676116


The singularity is when AI processing supersedes human intelligence, constructs an AI that supersedes itself, and so on until the limit of intelligence is reached (if there is one).

>> No.4676131


I don't believe in slavery.

>> No.4676153

But why would an superintelligent AI want to keep improving itself? Why would it want to continue technological progress?

>> No.4676169

cause we built its robofather to

>> No.4676253

If said AI is curious, it will be looking for explanations for phenomena it observers. Better tech -> faster/more efficient way of getting said explanations.

>> No.4676269

Pretty much any goal can be advanced by having more knowledge and resources. But yeah, what
said. I just hope the first self-improving AI is given goals that don't automatically mean the end of our species.