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4672933 No.4672933 [Reply] [Original]

"Life" is an Information Storage Unit (ISU) which reproduces itself and then shares information with other versions of itself.

However, corruptions occur along the way as a result of the environment. We call these "mutations".

If mutations are occurring, that means that things in the ISU's surroundings is not allowing for proper reproduction. This can be the result of many different environmental factors, ranging from energy content, food sources, and the distance between ISUs. These corruptions are eventually compared and collected until all discrepancies are sorted out. It's a difficult process that can take millions of years in the worst of cases.

Location is one of the primary forms of corruption in ISU's. In some cases, the ISU's may forget forget a lot of the information stored by past versions of itself. This results in a Reverse Engineering process called "Predation", where the ISU adapts by learning old Information from it's predecessors, rather than the environment. By hunting these Predecessors, the new ISUs learn the movements of past ISUs. This dynamic allows for the Predators to manipulate and look over the Prey, while the Prey continues to adapt and learn about the environment.

Isn't "Life" fascinating?

>> No.4672967

What kinda information?

>> No.4673039

>This dynamic allows for the Predators to manipulate and look over the Prey

In the human context this is called capitalism.

>> No.4673048

All kinds. Information is information.

Humans generally consider themselves to be the highest form of ISU. But generally, the flow of information is "Upwards", where the Higher ISUs tend to control the Lower ISUs.

One of the more common examples of a Higher ISU is "Religion", however, it's not considered a form of "Life" by Humans. ISUs produced by the Human mind are generally referred to as "Qualia".

This mentality is completely absurd, however; The only beings capable of outmaneuvering ISUs are other "Religions" or even higher "ISUs" such as "Science". Humans can contribute to these Higher ISUs, but ultimately, they are controlled by them.

The most sophisticated ISU currently known is the "Internet", which has surpassed "Religion", "Nation", "Langauge", and "Science".

>> No.4673218

OP here.

Actually, yeah. That's an excellent example of an ISU.

>> No.4673291

OP i find your ideas cute

>> No.4673298

This has been one of the worst summaries of the principle of natural selection and evolution I have ever read.
Please, delete the thread.
Before someone well versed in biology is forced to read it and blows up.

>> No.4673364
File: 38 KB, 350x450, bacteria_cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than just destroying and absorbing other ISUs, there have been occasions where ISUs are incorporated into one other to form a higher form of life.

A prime example would be "Organic Cells."

The DNA and the Cell wall are two separate ISUs combined into a single entity. Neither structure is capable of overpowering the other, so as the Cell Wall absorbs the DNA, the DNA simply lives within the Cell Wall.

As the collective unit (The Cell) absorbs other Information, the Information goes through a 2 part process:
1) It is Processed by the Cell wall (determining whether it will let the Information through)
2) It is processed by the DNA.

As the DNA processes the Information, it changes its behavior. The Cell Wall then processes the DNA's Information.

This 2 part Process allows the Cell to control what Information the DNA Processes, and the DNA then controls the Cell's actions by Reprocessing that Information.

>> No.4673368
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Bring it, mother fucker.

>> No.4673388
File: 36 KB, 443x296, eukaryote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fascinating example of Organic ISU is within the Eukaryota domain.

Rather than just a Cell Wall and DNA, Eukaryotes have Cells within Cells, all processing and communicating Information back and forth. We refer to these as "Organelles".

Two notable Organelles in Eukaryotes are the Mitochondria and the Nucleus. Each Organelle has its own DNA, and each Organelle selects which Information it will Process.

Although the Nucleus is the primary structure, both it and the Mitochondria communicate, processing the information back and forth within the Eukaryote.

Though it's not as direct, this system allows the Cell to perform a variety of complex reactions and take on many different forms. Some scientists speculate that this is what allows for cell differentiation and multicellularity.

>> No.4673392

>Each Organelle has its own DNA
I should clarify, I'm referring particularly to the Mitochondria and the Nucleus.

>> No.4673400

yeah yeah OP how do i really apply it to make money>?

>> No.4673419

On a Higher level of ISU, Countries will often incorporate "States" or "Communities".

Communities are rather limited in what they can and can't do. The Country ultimately controls what Information the Communities will or won't Process, doing most of the work on a Federal Level.

In a Country such as the US, the reaction becomes a little bit more complex. While the Federal Government has control over the States, the States do the majority of the Processing while gradually reaching an overall consensus. Ultimately, it depends on the Information being Processed.

>> No.4673443

In Businesses, Corporations will often create their own divisions, or buy out Competitors to do it for them.

Pepsi-co is a primary example of this form of Behavior. Each company works under Pepsi-Co, acting in their own way. Pepsi-Co., however, ultimately dictates what course of action these companies will take.

Dr. Pepper is another example, however, they are not owned by Pepsi. They are an Independant company that works along side both Coca-Cola and Pepsi, while still remaining as its own distributor.

I'd go into more detail on what kind of Processing this is, but I'll have to save that for later. I have something to take care of.

>> No.4673460

is this a joke? It seems like you got a basic grasp of biology, then pulled a half-assed hypothesis out of half of your ass and tried to apply it to everything.

>> No.4673467

but there's no need to assume they're living units, yes they might be processes , but you're imposing your little theory